
Men & women






I want to comment a delicate topic about that would costs me to be rejected, banned or canceled:


I joined this site on almost end of 2014 and knew nice persons from this site, me always with a gentleman behavior and respect.


Then I de activated my account by the middle of 2015 as I never wanted to behave as a man who hides my reality ( in the process of divorce).


The by the beginning of this year, I found that the marital status includes the next:






*In the process of Divorce ( my actual state)

*In relationship



I know men can cheat ( it is a cliche that really happens every where in every time, with any genre), but there are few exceptions of men and women who really want to find their happiness and share the best days of our life with a sincere woman.


So the fact is that this changes have included women with the same conditions, who are separated or in the process of divorce. So, I think reciprocity is good for real and sincere persons who want to find their soul mate.


By my own travels, I am really in love of Slavic culture and cities, I will move to east Europe by my own benefit and my own initiative.


If I have offended someone, I just ask for understand my position. I really want to live there with my life partner, and please read the Status.



Comments and  blames, are all welcomed....






Вы сами прокоментируете ваш ответ без нашего участия, ответив на простой вопрос:" Сколько длится бракоразводный процесс в вашей стране,- больше двух лет? Именно в вашей стране, а не в вашем воображении? "
Заранее благодарю за чёткий, правдивый ответ без бла-бла-бла. 


Natalya, 52 y.o.


All the user's posts

Хочу задать вопрос ? Чего или кого ищет мужчина на сайте знакомств, если он не свободен? Если Вы хотите серьезных (а не любовных приключений) отношений, Вы должны быть свободны.



Reply to Irina on View the commented comment

If you have made your decision , please stop sending me personal communications..... (Тебе на память and your picture)


You never paid attention to the status, 



If in this site those status are not permited ; then I request to this site to delete all profiles under the same schemes..... I have no problems with it.....




Reply to Irina on View the commented comment

Do not follow me on any social network, you are banned from mi side....


I do not want to interact with you,,,,NEVER



Reply to Irina on View the commented comment

How sad has been for me to appear as the bad person in this situation.

It is the same attitude mother of children used against me and put everyone against me.

Have you ever felt the pain when children try to DIE by suicide?

I have cried remembering my last life. Surely you are not the woman I tried to conquer with such poems I wrote to you from my heart and inner world.

If I am guilty of being the bad, then everyone do my Judgment.

It is less than I have lived twice



Сальвадор, лично я никогда не стала бы поддерживать любовную переписку с человеком, процесс развода которого не завершен, дружеская переписка безопаснее для  женского сердца. Если Вы позиционируете себя как бизнесмен, любящий славянскую культуру, Вы можете жить в России самостоятельно, не вовлекая привязанность чувствительных женщин  и их надежды на совместное будущее .



Salvador, let me express my opinion.
I do not see anything criminal in your status.
A woman who is genuinely interested in You, and believe you can wait. And to say that people with what status should come on the website and what is not, is absurd.
It's just the inability to believe. Ladies interested in the status of men, they are confident that he will lead them down the aisle after the first meeting? All in the heart of man...
I often read the forum and see your comments Salvador.
You look like a gentleman.
sincere wishes to meet Your special woman.
With respect


Olga, 47 y.o.


All the user's posts

Все это было бы очень смешно если бы не было так печально. Стихи послать и красивые слов написать, конечно же, гораздо легче чем взять на себя ответсвенность за свою жизнь и за будущее женщины.Ждать развода больше двух лет это ужасно. 



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Here law protects children first, even if they are more than 18 years old )))


Soon will live with me and be more easy ...


and take them with me on travels to Russia.... with my dearest friends )))))))))


I always have received the warm souls of Slavic people from Ukraine, Russia, Uzbekistan and many more .... if possible, I want be buried there.....



In the meantime I will change my goals here as to not hurt persons.... I never intended that....


and sorry for the persons I have offended in the past....





Reply to Natasha on View the commented comment

thank you natasha )))

