Men & women

Вам нравится, когда мужчина демонстрирует эмоции?
when is the right time a man should show the emotional side of his personality?We are all people, so emotions are part of our life. It depends on the person and type of emotions. If you could give examples would be helpful to answer. But I am a compassionate person. So if I will see pain in somebody's eyes I will try to support a person. But it's true for some it is hard to bear especially negative or sad emotions from the other person.

David, я буду отвечать по русски, чтобы девочки быстрее включались в обсуждение. Смотря какие эмоции и когда. Мне не нравится, когда мужчина излишне эмоционален, меня это напрягает. Тем более, если это отрицательные эмоции. Вообще мне импонируют спокойные и рассудительные джентельмены. Остальных с бесконечными восклицательными знаками и охами отправляем в сад. Но мне нравятся сдержанные романтики, деятельные, а не любители пустых фраз. Мужчины действия: цветы, приезд к даме сердца, оказание знаков внимания.

Во время встречи, не раньше, я думаю. Эмоции должны быть связаны с девушкой, показывать положительные эмоции, удовольствие от общения с ней, если девушка понравилась, если не понравилась- не показывать ничего, общаться сдержанно . Если будет она ломиться к вам ночью в комнату-не пускать.)) Пойти в театр или в кино , испытать эмоции вместе.

А что и так бывает? Девушка сама ломится в комнату к кавалеру?

Ой, ревновать только в меру.Гипертрофированные варианты нам не нужны.

which emotions are you talking about in particular? my stock answer is whenever it feels natural for him to do so...if you're feeling it share it, if she doesn't like it then she's probably not the right fit for you. I've never censored or held myself back and it's never led to a girl backing off....that said, I'm a pretty chill personality, prone to impulsiveness sure but not fits of anger nor am I a weepy softy so it may just be that what I bring to the table isn't offputting. I have had women who got overly clingy emotional too early and it sent me packing.

I love people who are emotionally intelligent. Who have minds and feelings connected to each other. It would be boring to live in a world that would be explained only by dry formulas. I need a rough, colorful, expressive and deep art world, similar to worried about the ocean, which is almost never calm. Emotions and feelings perform an essential communicative function.
I'm not even against negative emotions. But in everything balance is important.

Hi Billy it’s not a situation right now It more about situations in the past. I’m often seen has quite a strong person but when I have shown emotion the results for me have been negative. I’m often a rock for other people be it my kids or mother or anyone else but I’ve always found being tough I’ve had more respect. But I do have an emotional side especially when I watch an emotional movie 🎥 by myself where no one can see me.... but think there are many different examples of different situations of when or where. So I left the emotional situation or time up to the reader to explain when they thought the situation was an appropriate time for a man to show emotion.... Maybe a bit of a blank canvas where this question is involved. Open to input from the reader, forum member to add a situation where it is or not appropriate ? I think your answer covers the way my question was intended due to you explaining emotion too early is off putting... I’ve had also other situations where I’ve explained how someone’s reaction has made me feel so for me emotion in a communication sense has been possitive for me..

I think if emotion is shown it’s good that the other person within a relationship can explain how there partners emotional reaction makes them feel... if someone says something I feel is out of order, or there in the wrong, I’ll say I am not happy
But if I’m in the wrong, I will admit if I’m told carmly, and I will be first to say sorry.... but I think there is alway a time in a relationship to see someone cry and be there for them, and to bring people closer in a emotional and trust sense and opening up to who you are with

Not sure about the translation but I made the question so the reader can add there own examples and there reactions be it a made up situation or a experience they’ve had in the past

Olga maybe your situation refers more to the sexual emotion of making up by making love after an arguement which established couples tend to do?

Irina, similar to Billy you ask for examples but added your own example has the question was intended. So again thank you for your clear answer


Нам Давид об этом сам рассказывал, что был такой случай. Вернее он это выложил ,видимо на эмоциях, девушке, когда она его перед нами в неприглядных подробностях осветила.

I agree with you. But I also wouldn't like to cry in relationships often. I had an experience of a relationship in which there was a real storm of emotions, to no good it did not lead. It was a sick relationship, albeit a very emotional one.

А вы правы, David. Если мне нужны эмоции со стороны мужчины, значит в моей жизни мне не хватает любви. Ведь зачастую спор между мужчиной и женщиной говорит лишь о том, что им не хватает внимания друг от друга.
О как верно!
Когда у мужа трудоголические периоды (а это тяжело для меня - может работать и допоздна - я не могу уснуть без него, мне не хватает его внимания и присутствия в жизни) я всегда закатываю скандалы, не специально, конечно, ... но, наверное, это и для получения и для отдачи.
Есть люди, которые получают удовольствие от скандала, они не могут жить спокойно, без скандала для них теряются краски жизни. Поэтому они начинают изводить жену или подругу и если смогут добиться от неё ответной реакции, довести её, то это для них счастье и довольные тогда идут на примирение или секс. Считаю подобное проявление эмоций нездоровым. Если нужен выброс адреналина, то займись спортом, но не портить же этим жизнь другим.
Разве можно предугадать все ситуации , которые могут возникнуть в отношениях , что бы заранее знать где и как среагировать . Мне кажется что всегда нужно стараться правильно оценивать ситуацию , что конечно в отношениях , где главную роль играют эмоции , не так легко . Наверное потому мы все ищем правильного человека именно для нас , всем же не угодишь и не понравишся

People can have a hard time seeing their rock lose emotional composure, it makes them feel a little less secure but everybody needs an outlet, even us guys who usually keep it together while those around us crumble. Nobody is so strong that they can internalize it forever. My business is within the film industry, we make our money preying on peoples emotions so people having a moment during a movie is what keeps us going...keep doing it lol. My answer remains unchanged tho, if you feel it show it...I mean there has to be a little context and it depends on the company, if you're weeping during every tv commercial with somebody you just met reign it in, if you're declaring your love for someone you met after a first date, alright slow it down, you can't be an emotional basketcase, that'll send anybody sane running for the hills but with somebody who you're in a relationship with and there is a traumatic event, or you just find yourself in a situation where you have to vent off anger or what have you... if you can't express that with them and they take it negatively or look at you negatively that's probably a telling sign of the strength of that bond right. You have to have people around you that let you be you in your rock steady moments but also your highs and lows. You have to let people in at some point so why hide it, if you got some emotion to express, express it.

Thank you for your replys. All makes sense and consistent with your views.