
Men & women



Ukranian women...

This may cause a bit of a s*it storm but I can't let Ben have all the fun in here  


Getting serious, have I just been unlucky in who I've been talking to or are Ukranian women just strange. One of my best friends in the world is Russian, his wife is from Moscow, I've met her friends, I've got friends from Russia, Poland, Lithuania, Romania etc that I've met in travels that I still keep in touch, a couple that are coming to visit Vancouver later this year and will be staying with me and they aren't the first to do so...  if I couldn't interact with anybody from that general area I'd think it was me but I tend to get along really well with most people and most Slavs. I've met lots of Russian, Belarusian, and other various Eastern Euro countries on this site and we may not all be perfect matches but I still have had some great talks and liked many, and am getting to know some of them better so again why such a difference with Ukranian women?  I haven't met more than 1 Ukranian woman who is all the following sane, interesting and nice. I know don't judge an entire peoples by 30ish women, everybody is an individual and of course I know that but that is an epic streak of bad luck from one country wouldn't you say? I don't want to get into every specific case i'd be here a while but just to give you an idea, these are what happened in my last 4 ukranian interactions, all within the last couple days.


girl 1 has sent me 6 interests, every few days i'd get another one, I finally wrote her and introduced myself, said hi and made some small talk about her profile...and she read it and never responded. Okay if you're not feeling me, that's fine but you sent all the interests and all I said was hi and somehow that turned you off? 


girl 2, again sent me numerous interests, finally she sends me a why don't you respond message so I told her her profile contained no info so it's hard to take somebody seriously if they can't spend a minute to fill in their profile. So she said ask me anything you want and we'll talk I prefer talking. Okay, I asked her some simple intro questions, and all my questions are open ended to spur on conversation, I asked 4 questions, she replied with 3 words. How you close off the conversation that fast is beyond me and the one question didn't even warrant an answer. I asked if she's traveled much and if she has any favorite places and if she did what about them made them stand out to her, 1 question, answer, france.... Okay, I took that as didn't want to talk. Hounded for a week everyday by her after that... hi, hi, why aren't you responding, hi, hi, are you mad at me, do you want to whatsapp?...I just wrote you said absolutely nothing, I don't want to talk to myself and blocked her. She could speak english so this wasn't a language barrier, she just had nothing to say and that happens a lot, they just come in a terminate conversations and then ask where you went.


girl 3 her first message to me was hi what are you looking for. So I said and she replied with what she was looking for. She said is what I want sponsoring, some guy told me it was. I said kind of but you're an adult if you want that, you're allowed to go find that, nothing wrong that. Then she lost her mind, you men all want to come and stay for a little while and have fun with us and then you don't want to pay. Canadians and Americans all the time. I was like you may be right, I don't know I've never been to the Ukraine, it could be full of guys trying to do that but don't chew me out for it, I didn't do it. Then she wanted to defend how it wasn't sponsorship because she needs to live and a real man takes care of the woman in Ukraine. I was like say what you want, it's sponsoring and if you want to bitch about it, take it to someone else, I didn't bring it up and I could care less. She kept on getting angrier and more insulting, and then I came to my senses and blocked her. She dragged me into her crazy lol


girl 4  It started off okay, how are you single, cause of this and that, how about you, that's when it got weird, she explained how she was on some magical journey with the universe, and that she had to learn about herself. So I tuned out the crazy and focused on the learning about herself, and I said well it sounds like you did learn if you're open to looking for someone now...and she said it's a secret don't ask...I didn't but why bring up something you don't want somebody talking about?  Then she started talking about god giving us everything and blah blah blah, it was just scattered nonsense... she was either on drugs or needed to be.


and I've got way worse stories i just kept that to the most what's the deal, do you women find differences between yourselves and your Slav neighbours. Is it me, is it just bad luck. I mentioned this experience to one of my friends wives friend and her response was Ukranian women are fkd lol, she's Russian but I'm curious to hear what other guys are experiencing too, are you finding better communication with one countries women vs another. I know this comes off as a little offensive towards Ukranian women and I am sure there are lots of amazing women out there, I'm just saying, they're just sending me their worst representatives lol 





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Valentina, 48 y.o.


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Добрый день, Билл.
Это просто плохой опыт.
Но плохой опыт - это хороший урок.
На Украине есть хорошие Леди .
Ищите и Вы обязательно встретите.
Желаю Вам встретить свою любимую и быть счастливым .



Билли, я думаю Вам просто не повезло. У меня вообще не возникло ощущения, что в описанных Вами примерах реальные люди. Мне это напоминает скорее скамерство.
И точно так же я могу сказать, что все канадцы странные. Мне именно такие попадались. За одного чуть замуж не вышла. С той разницей, что упомянутые мной канадцы точно реальные - с одним полтора года встречалась, с другими и скайпы с видео были и персональная переписка, но вот реально странные.
И еще - если собеседница изначально неинтересна, отвечает односложно и диалог не складывается - зачем Вы продолжаете? Я бы не тратила время.
Вы написали про тех девушек-украинок, которые сами инициировали знакомство, а если Вы пишите понравившейся Вам украинке - все точно так?
P.S. А вообще - мы украинки нормальные, если реальные люди с реальными целями, соответствующими идеологии сайта знакомств.


Natalya, 48 y.o.


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Серьезно ? Вы предлаете начать обсуждение насколько адекватны те или иные люди основываясь на их национальности ? Лично у меня после прочтения вашего поста нет никаких сомнений почему несколько женщин вас так не устроили , то что касается вашего хорошего общения с представителями других восточноевропейских народов , возможно к этим парам не было таких ожиданий как от женщин с которыми хотелось бы построить личные отношения.



Reply to Hanna on View the commented comment

Thanks for the reply Hanna, you might be right there could be some scam people among those in the group, I can't say for certain one way or the other as I didn't engage long enough to get to the proof stage. As you could guess why would I, they were awful lol I'll admit my post was one I had thought about posting prior but the last straw was a very rude message I got, I didn't post about it but I just read it and thought, wtf is wrong her lol and then it turned into wtf is wrong with all the ones reaching out so a little bit of venting but genuine confusion as to the behaviors I keep running into.  As for why did I continue talking to these women, I didn't. The only one who dragged me in a little bit in my posted examples was the angry one and that was cause she asked me a question, then as she got angrier she kept the responses coming on her own, I wasn't engaging, I only replied the one more time when she kept at it to end it. With the monosyllabic girl, after the one word answer I didn't continue, I just assumed who talks like that if they want to continue talking so I just moved on and then she kept messaging back so I sent one last one saying why I would not continue. She was the absolute worst of that particular example, it's usually bad just not 1 word bad...but I do find this one a lot where women are willing to answer my questions but in a way that just nullfies any further talk, so I read it as they're not interested as I will do that in life when I want a conversation over. You give the person nothing to work with...but then they wonder why I didn't write back. It baffles me. Usually when somebody asks me a question, I'll answer their question and pose my own back trying to create some flow but I run into a lot of one sided talks, like they're doing me the favor of talking to me, or how it feels like when I'm conducting a job interview and they're reaching out to me so it's weird. I haven't engaged too many on my own, I don't have as much free time as I'd like to go thru profiles and reach out. By the time I've responded to a few of the women I'm getting to know on here and newer incoming messages I'm usually back on the go again. I've contacted maybe a couple at most, one was the other day and I wrote her a good intro message,  I thought it was good anyway, finished it by saying if you want to to get to know each other, reply. She sent me a hi it's nice to meet you, considering the message I sent her had some thought into it, it wasn't much of as response but she replied so I assumed that meant she'd like to try to talk so I sent one more follow up and she read it and no reply so now I assume no interest. Very limited experience that route but it followed suit so far but I will try to do more of reaching out to women who interest me. So far with other women, letting them contact me has been easy, saves me the search and I already know they're interested so let's see where it goes and it's led me to some interesting women so far, just not Ukranian ones yet. 



Reply to Natalya on View the commented comment

Seriously and I expected some vitriol instead of feedback so thank you for filling that quota   Logically of course it's silly to lump every woman by nationality as everybody is an individual but stereotypes develop over time for a reason and certain traits are more consistent within a group vs another. I just asked the question as my experience would be atypical as to how responses to me have been in real life and with other members. Like for example on sterotypes I have lots of Chinese friends, and some of them are the most affable outgoing guys I know but that doesn't mean the majority aren't stoic and I was more trying to find out if the communication issues were something others found to and this was just a normal Ukranian thing, men here and even women in other parts of Europe have all had their interactions with Ukranians so I wanted to hear what others were finding... and maybe they found that after some initial slow convos they'd open up, maybe it just takes a little time or that this wasn't the case at all and I really did just run into weird ones, it was an attempt to legitimately learn.



Удивительно что при таком негативном опыте Вы все еще здесь.  



Reply to Irina on View the commented comment

Hence why I posted. Wouldn't you be confused if that was your experience? Like you got along with men all over the world and then ran into say weird Greek men over and over, wouldn't you think okay, what is going on. 



Reply to Irina on View the commented comment

and that is only a partial experience, I am still having positive experiences with other women. I've also found in life, that it's more helpful to figure out why things are happening than to run from them.



Billy, if you want to create s…storms, you need to write more provocatively.
I can (or could name AT LEAST half a dozen 'women', i.e. creatures who would love you for it. - a hint: one of them is called "dragonfly" if you translate it. More DRAGON than fly anyway: a real stickinsect    

About your question: feel free to comfortably ignore those silly and immature messages from women who obviously don't know what they expect from a relationship anyway. The dumbest question EVER on a DATING website is "what are you looking for" - it is written loud and clear on EVERY profile. If people are too stupid for that, then stay away from them as far as from that millionaire creature for they will only produce stupid children.

Your experience just shows that you happened to be targeted by idiots. It doesn't say anything about Ukrainians at all. There are numerous very charming and altogether adorable ladies there too.


PS: I only created 2 posts that earned me the rampant blaze of a frustrated and intellectually overdemanded audience (to the extent that I even received uncalled pseudo therapeutical recommendations 😜 
If you want a more 'successful' reference: kindly turn to your compatriot - the guy with the Corvette…  



Reply to Billy on View the commented comment

Нет. Я спросила почему Вы находитесь здесь на этом сайте? Вы имеете очень негативный опыт. Возможно поискать женщину в другой стране?
P.S. Я не знаю о каком греческом мужчине Вы говорите. Я не имею опыт общения с греческими мужчинами.  


Natalya, 48 y.o.


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Reply to Billy on View the commented comment

Знаете , отношения мужчины и женщины строятся только на субъективных ощущениях , как и почему у вас не сложилось общение с этими женщинами , я предполагаю вы в глубине души можете сами догадываться . Очевидно только что вы на них очень обижены и понимая как вы сами выразились неразумность ваших умозаключений , все таки решили обсудить , правда ли что украинки вобщем странные и не очень приятные создания , естественно ожидая неприятия этой темы от самих украинок . Мне просто интересно , что вы ожидаете от ответов , если большинство вам напишет , что да , вы правы украинки в основном не очень адекватны , вы успокоитесь на свой счет и ляжете спать с улыбкой на губах ? )))


Tatyana, 42 y.o.


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I'm sure that after this post you will meet a good girl who will match your search criteria , and has care about conversation with you .



Reply to Irina on View the commented comment

The translators translation of your first message didn't do a very good job which is why I responded the way I did initially... but I touched upon why I'm on the website still with the 2nd response. I also mentioned in my initial message that I've got Russian friends, I've corresponded with numerous Russian Belarusian etc women and gotten along well so my negative issue thus far was only with one subsect of the overall and my post here is to find out what I can do to better that, that's it. If my entire experience wasn't good I would leave and I'm not locked into finding a woman here or in Eastern Europe, I'm dating regularly locally, I'm just opening up my options by expanding my search outside my city.



Reply to Tatyana on View the commented comment

It's hard to read sarcasm online so I can't tell if you're serious or facetious but I'm going to choose to believe it was genuine and thank you for the optimism Tatyana  



Reply to Ben on View the commented comment

haha I did my best to stir the pot but I thought I was walking a fine line with the moderator as it was painting such a broad stroke so I kept it fairly civil. Even still it's ruffled a few feathers...if a few of them could look past the strange comment it's rather harmless, I shared some weird experiences and basically wanted to know are others running into this, is this on me, can I do anything different but people get hung up on being called strange lol

Appreciate the feedback buddy! It's good to know it's not specifically them or me, just seemed to hit a hot streak for drawing wingnuts and dullards   I'll have to take the search into my own hands.

I can't stand the what are you looking for question either, I think it's a space filler, like they want to say something and it's the easiest way to open without having to put any thought into it.



Reply to Billy on View the commented comment

Удачи в поиске!  



Reply to Irina on View the commented comment

а мы то, все, что здесь делаем?
нам на другой планете искать? 



Reply to Billy on View the commented comment

ROTFWEL!!! She even negged you for that, Billy you have hit the jackpot!



Reply to Irina on View the commented comment

Dear Lord, let brains fall from the sky - with an extra portion on Novosibirsk…




Reply to Nata on View the commented comment

Если у человека проблема именно со славянками, то логично поискать женщину не славянского происхождения. Или нет?
P.S. Сомневаюсь, что у Вас проблемы с мужчинами всех стран этой планеты, чтобы искать инопланетянина.   



Reply to Irina on View the commented comment

and if somebody has been told twice that the premise of my having a problem with all Slavs  is false, it would be logical that she would stop pushing it, but here we are. For the 3rd time I have had some unique experiences with Ukranian women and I want that to change for the better but overall my experiences with Slav women have been very positive, here and in real life. 



Reply to Ben on View the commented comment

LMAO  I guess I can conclude it was sarcasm afterall lol





Reply to Billy on View the commented comment

You're trying to reason with the intellectual abyss here. Even if you wrote it 1000 times in bright pink ink, you'll henceforth be brandished as an anti-Slav and hater of Slavonic culture, food, Zhigulis, Kremlins, Putins, Dostoyevskij, and since you don't know the language, most especially Slavonic women, all of them, each and everyone of them: young or old, born or unborn, with or without karma…
How do you feel as the first official "Grand-patronisor of Slavonic Women"?  



Ничего удивительного, Билли. Чтобы найти золото - нужно перемыть тонны песка.



Reply to Irina on View the commented comment

Ирина ! Спасибо Вам за это сообщение !Я сейчас зашла удалить анкету потому , что мне надоели все эти поиски и переписки . И тут Ваше сообщение ! Возможно , для меня весьма своевременное  



Reply to Galina on View the commented comment

Галина, я думаю, Вам стоит остаться. Хотя бы ради форума. Ведь, возможно, тот, кто решил удалить анкету, устав от безнадежных поисков, прочитает Ваши сообщения и примет решение продолжить поиск  



Reply to Galina on View the commented comment

Галина, не опускайте руки, не уходите !



I think that your better meetings in the future. Just belive....


Svetlana, 60 y.o.


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Привет , Билл ! Я хочу Вам дать совет ... Чтоб не терять понапрасну времени , присмотритесь к девушкам этого сайта ,которые занимают активную позицию - открывают посты , пишут комментарии , стараются принять участие в дискуссиях , при этом демонстрируя желание помочь , поддержать , это активные и целеустремлённые люди и с ними всегда будет интересно общаться и жить ! Зачем Вы ищете молчаливых , пустых женщин , не имеющих культуры общения и зацикленных на материальных ценностях . Добиваться и стучаться нужно к тем , кто дарит радость и с кем легко и надёжно ! Удачи Вам !


Olga, 47 y.o.


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Reply to Svetlana on View the commented comment

Светлана, не все общительные, целеустремленные и серьезные женщины общаются на форуме   Форум не для поиска пары, а для общения. Также среди активных общительных форумчанок очень много замужних, ушедших из поиска и тех кто здесь только ради общения а не для поиска серьезных отношений  

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