
Men & women



A real man

Hey...Hi...Hallo...Privet...just some questions building up inside my mind when i search among all the beautiful women inhere....
almost everyone looking for a real "man"...but what is a real man? that a guy bringing home his prey from the hunt? it

the man rules the agenda or is it the dude who step back and allows other from time to time decide where, what and when?...and did

i just disqualify myself as a real man, because i dont know what a real man is?...maybe women just know and it comes naturally to them, but as a man it can sometimes be confusing when to be a tough guy and "take" you hard on the kitchentable, and the next moment sit down and have a deep conversation about issues...if a real man is a guy behaving badly...a badass...or just a bully then
i just disqualified myself as a real man...cant do that...sorry girls.

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Great question. A real man is in the eye of the beholder(that being the woman of course). In other words it is all subjective as I am sure you are aware. And doesn't it just drive you nuts!!!!!!!!!



hello everyone  
hmm... what is definition of manhood?
is it six-pack and biceps? umpteen hours spent in a gym? rash driving and drinking brawls? hair peeping out of an unbuttoned shirt? the definition of manhood is not the inches in man's pants, but actually the space between man's ears. how man thinks is how manly he is. the true test of his manhood, nobility and humanity is how he treats woman and also those who are weaker than him, each of them. so, if man doesn't treat them respectfully then he is only a half of man. that's it.



Hey too all the man,here on this web-site.
tell you what,a real man,is that is when a man,pay the bills.
ha ha we have year 2013,so also in my mind,not a real man here.



dear Rene, even a woman can bear to turn into medvezhonka.Menya pleasantly surprised by what you're wondering such questions. Woman needs man's strength, as the air ... a man who knows how to control his power, to turn it into soft and warm a real man!



A real man is the person, who can take responsibility and take care about a woman he loves. Yes, the thought about a prey from his hunt is right. And in your 53 you understand it very well. Don't pretend a silly and naive boy, please.



What is a real man? It's very simple - a real man should smell aftershave and shoe polish and be able to kick the woman's abuser downstairs...



Reply to Larissa on View the commented comment

Larissa...i don't pretend silly or naive, and i know my responsibility and i can take care...there is a very
thin line between naive and confusion in this least as i see not know everyting doesn't mean dumb or silly



Reply to Inessa on View the commented comment

Ups!!!!...then i am not a man...i got beard and therefore don't use aftershave...and allways walking around
in sneakers there don't require shoepolish...damn!!!...tommorow i will join women's libarations group ;-)



Для каждой женщины понятие "настоящий мужчина" имеет свою интерпритацию))) всё зависит от предпочтений, воспитания, традиций и внутреннего мира самой женщины...Для кого-то это принц на белом коне, а для кого-то громила с битой в руке...кому какой нравится))) но то что такой подвид как "настоящий мужчина" это раритет, то это неопровергаемый факт)))...


Nelli, 59 y.o.


All the user's posts

Dear Rene, I seem that you have a good sense of humor  but as for me "real man" is purely Russian concept, I think to apply these words to foreign man isn't correct because their life and mentality is different.



Reply to René on View the commented comment

If u understand it- just do it and you are a real man)))



Reply to Robert on View the commented comment

if u expect to find a Slavic girl who is going to pay her own bills living with u, u are on the wrong way. Slavic girls don't get emancipaited.



The concept of the "real man" is very hard to understand for people from West Europe and the USA. Why? Because that species, the real men are under pressure for a long time there. Natural behavior of boys at school is very often suppressed,adult men's flirting is always under the threat of possible prosecution for harrasment. So, no wonder, it is hard to understand. But Slavic women want that kind and respect only real men. You could read a lot of answers here, there are noticeably some differences concerning the characterization, but each and every woman here recognizes that real man when she meets him, no matter how different they think about him. If you ask how do I know, the answer is: I am a Slavic man..))))



Reply to Nelli on View the commented comment

Let's stop using this argument about the mentality, people are the same all over the world, we have the same basic feelings and everything else. Lately it has become very modern to write off to the "difference of mentality" someone's rudeness, stinginess,stupidity, arrogance, indifference etc, at that from both sides.
So "real man" is a real man everywhere, the man who will never betray, who treat the woman like an equal partner, who can make us happy every minute of our wonderful life together.



Reply to Larissa on View the commented comment

I think this is why Rene is coming from. Western women and Slavic women are so different when it comes to emancipation and women's rights. How many times have we heard men complain that one of the reasons they are here is because women in the West now have to a great extent been changed for better or for worse by feminism. It is hard for a man in the West now to be a traditional gentleman.
To even open a door for some women in the West is considered a sexist thing to do. A woman will often reply, "What do I look like a cripple? I have two arms, I can do it myself!"
I reply to this. "Yes, but I also open the door for little children, old people, fit muscle me and cripples. Not just women." I believe in equality. But feminism in the West has gone too far. Men now have few rights when it comes to anything a woman wants to accuse them of. Women are always believed before a man. A woman can cry rape or abuse and the man is left guilty forever in people's eyes even if the man is found innocent.

Slavic women are to a greater extent more traditional and this allows us to be gentlemen again. And I believe we like to be gentlemen. We miss being noble. We like to be there for a woman. We like to think we are needed even if we are not. It is that glorious dance of man and woman that I think we all miss in the West.



Real man is able really to love woman...and want to be loved...
Woman is the most important for a real man



René, 53 лет Denmark, Koge
René! Я думаю, чтобы понять, что такое настоящий мужчина для русской женщины, надо сначала понять , что такое настоящая русская женщина.))) Практически все женщины на этом сайте не только красивые и интересные, но еще и самостоятельные. Эти женщины без моральной и материальной помощи бывшего мужа вырастили детей, дают им образование, заботятся о детях и родителях на протяжении всей жизни, имеют хорошее образование, реализовали себя в профессии. Эти женщины умеют содержать дом в порядке, умеют заботиться о своем мужчине. Они сильные. Такие женщины ищут настоящего мужчину, который сможет дать не только любовь, но и уважение, сможет показать женщине, что и она достойна заботы, ласки и внимания. В нашей жизни исчезла романтика. Мужчины! дарите русской женщине цветы, зажгите свечи при свидании и одарите любящей улыбкой, дайте ей возможность почувствовать тепло и заботу.))) Вы увидите, что русская женщина умеет оценить это, будет заботиться о Вас и быть с Вами рядом в счастье и горе. Если Вы женитесь на русской женщине, в Ваш дом придет любовь, уют, счастье и забота . Удачи!!!!



First of all i wanna thank you all for your input...whatever it's a matter of mentality, east of west i'm sure i can use a lot of
your answers...even if Gala says no i'm sure that Nelli has a point...and Gala is right too...we are all human beings but there is a
big difference in the way we a brought up and i do believe that we are a product of our inviorment...we are all and women...
east or west, and i would rather treat all equal whatever they are from here or there, but if i should tell what i have learned from
this is that a real man is a real man if he allow the woman to be a real woman...does that make any sense????



why you decided, what the real man the hooligan?
the real man - the clever and well-mannered person



Reply to Glen on View the commented comment

Бедные , бедные западные мужчины )) Вам пора уже бороться за свои мужские права в этом мире ,может быть ?!! Я серьезно , кстати ...)) Или просто женитесь на славянской девушке/женщине - и никакой головной боли ))



Reply to Liliya on View the commented comment

Замечательно сказано, Лилия!!!



I completely agree with the opinion of the Glen. I understand that all the women have a different idea about it, but his opinion is very close to my opinion. It seems to me he knew a Russian woman)))



Reply to Tanya on View the commented comment

I did fight for my rights. After I split with my ex wife, her lawyer advised her to steal the children and run away and hide in a women's refuge. The lawyer said that this would make me take her back because I love my daughters so much. This all happened on my youngest daughter's 5th birthday. I remember sitting there all night waiting on the sofa with all her presents for her to come home. Even the police could not get my daughters back for me. They told me she is protected by law and no one can touch them in this refuge. These refuges are for beaten women who need protection from violent men, not for women like my wife who just needed somewhere to hide from the law. The police said she was abusing the system. So I had to go to the courts and fight for my rights to see my daughters.
For months I knew nothing of their safety. I ended up getting a private detective to track them down. We then planned to snatch them back. But that night, the day before my second court hearing I think my ex wife panicked and rang me. She said that if I took her back she would come home. I took her back because I wanted my daughters with me.

My case was used for thousands of other men around the country as a test case in the high courts to give men more rights and more access to their children.



Reply to Glen on View the commented comment

Да уж.. нет места шуткам.. Хуже некуда , когда дети становятся заложниками войн между родителями . Очень грустно .(((((((( Почему-то мне кажется , что ваши девочки любят вас обоих - и папу , и маму .. В таких случаях , на мой взгляд , лучше обращаться за помощью к семейному психологу , не в суд .. Если не получается сохранить семью , то необходимо приложить все усилия , через что-то даже переступить в себе , но наладить , если не дружеские , то цивилизованные отношения между собой . Ради детей . Их интересы , прежде всего , должны быть поставлены во главу угла . И только потом , ваши . Любая война - это потери и травмы . Вы оба с вашей супругой - взрослые люди . Уверена , что каждый умеет держать удар . А дети ???? Как они это всё переносят ? Психологические травмы - они имеют свойство не заживать годами ..И очень основательно мешать в дальнейшей жизни . Борьба за права мужчин , либо женщин , тут вообще не к месту . Прежде всего , дети ....

Хотя я не знаю всей вашей истории . Могу ошибаться , конечно .



Reply to Glen on View the commented comment

Так смешно (и грустно в тоже время). Я очень много читала о подобных случаях в прессе и видела много фильмов на эту тему. И всегда удивлялась: почему отцы моих детей не судятся со мной за право быть с детьми. Всегда приходилось их уговаривать уделить хотя бы 5 минут внимания детям в год!!! Но и этого мои дети не имели. (О том, что не было материальной помощи даже повторять не буду). Это еще раз о разных менталитетах (а также законодательствах).



Reply to Tanya on View the commented comment

Agreed. Children always come first. That is why I took my wife back to stop all the stress on everyone. I didn't fight in the courts for men's rights, I fought for my right and my kids rights for us to be together. It just happened that my case was so rare that it became something for others to learn from.
Anyway, it is all okay now as my girls are old enough to chose who they want to be with, and after I split with my wife, both of them have chosen to live with me.



Reply to Tanya on View the commented comment

Вот вам эллюстрация насколько женщина защищена в Австралии. Адвокат ей посоветовал сбежать в убежище с детьми. И даже полиция не имеет права забрать детей. Не знаю что у них там произошло, но от хороших мужей в убежище с детьми не сбегают. Значит были причины. Сначала обидит женщину ,а потом за права свои борется. У меня подружка в Австралии. Там это для мужчины сильный антипиар, если его жена бросила.



Reply to Larissa on View the commented comment

Согласна . От хорошей жизни не бегают по убежищам . Но каждый случай индивидуален . Только счастливые семьи счастливы одинаково . У несчастливых - несчастье разное . И в данном случае , я думаю , что если бы человек был неправ , он бы на весь мир об этом не рассказывал . Причем , сразу , в своей анкете . Потом.. момент манипуляции детьми среди женщин на Западе ( не только иммигранток ) действительно , имеет место быть . Именно ,потому что законом защищены со всех сторон . Тут важно сохранить объективность . Моя подруга ,живущая в США уже достаточно долго (сама также замужем за американцем ) рассказывала о своей соседке (родом из Белоруссии) , что та специально провоцировала супруга-американца на скандалы . Приехала , родила ,вид на жительство получила . Мужа не любила , это было видно всем сразу, кроме самого мужа . Он пылинки с нее сдувал в прямом смысле .Девушка это не оценила . Да и изначально не собиралась ценить .Короче , тоже помотала ему нервы своими побегами . Хотя все соседи видели , что девушка просто пытается избавиться ,удобным для нее образом , от надоевшего мужа и обеспечить свое будущее в США за его счет . Только он почему-то не стал *права* свои отстаивать . Начал ,вполне по-русски , *заливать горе*. Хотя сама Иринка говорила , что с удоволствием за него *подписалась* бы ,и все соседи также . И таких случаев , на самом деле , немало . Обидно , что по таким стервам ,в итоге, начинают о нас ,всех славянках, судить одинаково .



Reply to Svetlana on View the commented comment

Это точно )))) Та же самая ситуация . Но я даже рада , что у моего экс-супруга оказалась такая короткая память по отношению к своему сыну )) Лучше жить без какой-либо помощи , самостоятельно , СПОКОЙНО (!!!) ,чем тратить свою жизнь на походы по судам ,на всю эту нервотрепку .ИМХО )))



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My children were only five and six years old at the time they were taken to the shelter. They told me they had no choice in the matter. They did not even know where they were going. They said they begged and begged to talk to me, but the women in the shelter are advised not to let the children contact their fathers under any circumstances. it is terrible. My children said they cried for days because they missed me.
As I said. I did nothing wrong. I never hurt or touched my wife ever. Never any violence. Remember, it was I who ended the relationship. But it was the evil lawyer who advised my wife that if she wants me to take her back, the best way is to take my kids away from me. It is like blackmail!!! Of course I am going to ask her to come back. They made me and my kids suffer for all that time. You see, my wife told the lawyer how I could not live without my daughters and they used that love against me. That is just nasty. And now I have paid my dues. I stayed with her for ten more years until my kids were old enough to make their own minds up legally in the courts. It is karma.

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