
Men & women



A real man

Hey...Hi...Hallo...Privet...just some questions building up inside my mind when i search among all the beautiful women inhere....
almost everyone looking for a real "man"...but what is a real man? that a guy bringing home his prey from the hunt? it

the man rules the agenda or is it the dude who step back and allows other from time to time decide where, what and when?...and did

i just disqualify myself as a real man, because i dont know what a real man is?...maybe women just know and it comes naturally to them, but as a man it can sometimes be confusing when to be a tough guy and "take" you hard on the kitchentable, and the next moment sit down and have a deep conversation about issues...if a real man is a guy behaving badly...a badass...or just a bully then
i just disqualified myself as a real man...cant do that...sorry girls.

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Reply to Tanya on View the commented comment

As I said, the courts used my case to help other men and stop some women using the system of the shelters as a place to hide. These places are full of women who have been beaten by bad men, but they are also used by bad women who make up stories just so they can enter the shelter to be protected from the police finding them when they have committed crimes. My wife told me she met women in there who had stolen and did drugs and were just using the shelter to hide from the police. And my children had to spend time with these criminals. This is not good!
This is what Russia has to look forward to when women get emancipated. Men no longer rule in the West. FACT: Since the United Nations was set up, one cause has taken up more time than any other - Women's Rights. More time than children's rights, disease control, famine relief and genocide.
I am all for women's rights. I think feminism has done fantastic things to help women. But it has gone too far here. EQUAL RIGHTS DOES NOT EXIST ANYMORE. The pendulum has swung too far and now women have more rights than men in the West. It is time for equal rights for all.



Reply to Glen on View the commented comment

Полностью с вами согласна . Равноправие - это золотая середина . Беда в том , что этой золотой середины труднее всего держаться . *Маятник* ,то и дело , норовит *раскачиваться* из крайности в крайность .))) Все же я повторюсь . Суд ,в отношениях между супругами, особенно , если это касается детей - это уже самое последнее , самый крайний выход . Есть *выходы* намного ближе и проще .Их нужно только вовремя увидеть . И использовать по назначению.)) А трудности в отношениях - они могут возникнуть в любом , даже самом удачном союзе . Идеальные ,*безоблачные* отношения , где все только улыбаются друг другу и поют дифирамбы - бывают только в сериалах и *женских* романах . А жизнь - есть жизнь . Зебра )))



Reply to Glen on View the commented comment

If she didn't suffer from your bad attitude , why to go to shelter? Would be interesting to listen to her. I regret.



Reply to Tanya on View the commented comment

Мда.. вот выбирают себе таких стервочек намного моложе как правило, а женщины хорошие скромные и по возрасту подходящие - за бортом. Ведь молоденькая которая идет за дедушку западного, как правило , девушка определенного склада, чтоб не сказать сорта. И благодаря таким они там становятся плохого мнения обо всей нашей нации. Но мужчины зачастую сами виноваты. Видел,что брал.



Reply to Tanya on View the commented comment

Было бы неплохо его жену послушать.



Reply to Larissa on View the commented comment

))))))))))))))) Опять вы о своем , *о женском*)))) Они были вообще-то ровесниками .))))Обоим по 35 лет . А моя подружка американская младше своего Игги на 17 лет .. В следующем году будет 10 лет , как вместе . Так-то )))..И подруга моя уехала в Штаты не замуж выходить . Поехала стажироваться после университета . Ей предложили остаться там работать . В общей сложности , она там живет уже 14 лет . Так что никакого расчета . Только её Величество Любовь )))) Давайте не будем обобщать всё-таки ?!!!



Reply to Gala on View the commented comment

Пишу по-русски! Браво!!Аплодисменты!



Reply to Tanya on View the commented comment

Извините Таня. Не соглашусь. Они все туда едут не замуж выходить... только в результате почему-то там все замуже оказываются.



Reply to Larissa on View the commented comment

I still think you do not understand. I will repeat again. I BROKE OFF THE RELATIONSHIP. Why should I live with someone I do not love. Does that mean I have a bad attitude. It is irrelevant for what reasons. But if you want to hear them I will tell you. But not here as it would not be fair to talk about it here. You can msg me if you want and you will soon change your mind and think me an angel!!!!
Now again I will say. She went to the shelter for one reason and one reason only. TO GET ME TO TAKE HER BACK. The lawyer suggested the idea. And it worked. She took the kids away from me for over two months and I spent most of that in tears upon the floor. I almost had a nervous breakdown. And you sympathize with her for this and think I am not telling the truth and I have a bad attitude. I think you are missing something. Do you have an axe to grind?
At the time, my wife admitted that is why she went to the shelter. Can you not see this? Why do you not grasp the concept of what happened? Every single person I knew, even my wife's friends could not believe what she had done. But then that is the job a lawyer isn't it. To get what their client wants.



Reply to Larissa on View the commented comment

Лариса , ну почему вы так категоричны ?! ))) Точно вам говорю : не все ! Другая моя подружка отстажировалась и благополучно вернулась домой . И вообще не любит *заграницу*)))
Моя семья могла бы без проблем эмигрировать в США еще в 1986 году . Нас , как только началась перестройка , нашли американские родственники и предлагали свою помощь в этом. Мой отец отказался .
Я по работе очень часто бывала за рубежом . Не в США , но практически во всей Европе побывала . Бывали моменты ,когда могла остаться . Поступали предложения выйти замуж от мужчин и из Германии , и Норвегии итд . Могла , но не осталась. Просто ,потому что никого из тех парней я НЕ ЛЮБИЛА . И еще был такой момент ...Я не знаю , как это назвать . Как-то получилось , что в Россию мы не заходили почти целый год ..Я на стену была готова карабкаться ... А пришли ... Я ходила по Питеру ... И почти физически наслаждалась каждым русским звуком . Вы не поверите )))до слёз умилялась даже мату ))) Вот такая вот ностальжи ))) А лет мне было тогда 22 от роду ))) Так что не все молодые девочки - стервочки , Лариса ))



Reply to Tanya on View the commented comment

Я и не говорю,что все. Но такие имеються. Много. Особенно сейчас и особенно у нас на Украине, где надо выживать. Не до романтики извиниите.



stand up fresh your fotos, please



Reply to Glen on View the commented comment

and where is she now?



Reply to Larissa on View the commented comment

Living quite happily on her own and the kids visit her when they please, about once a week. Why do you want to have her email and check my story?


Anastasiya, 47 y.o.


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Добрый вечер Рене . Вам не понятно значение слов - настоящий мужчина ? Для женщин , это мужчина который принесет мир и покой женщине .С этим мужчиной ей будет комфортно везде - в хижине , доме .И не важно сколько он зарабатывает .Настоящий мужчина вырастит достойных детей , не даст семью в обиду , не оставит в трудный момент .Нам нужен мужчина , которого можно любить не за его кошелек .Нужен мужчина надежный , понимающий , преданный .С уважением .Анастасия


Lyudmila, 56 y.o.


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Reply to Glen on View the commented comment

Your story is impressive. Because we are very surprised by your laws. I saw that you have the law to protect human rights. Our Ukrainian women still married can escape from the drunken men in the apartment only to friends. And while saving our children. After the divorce, they remain the most beloved and precious thing in life children. We have no shelter. We do not have a lawyer. Because, if I pay a lawyer vseravno can be on the streets without shelter. Therefore, our women after divorce try to take revenge. There's no time and no power. We are beginning to build a life from scratch. We're just working to buy an apartment for themselves. We learn to make a career. We try to be delicate and feminine. Stay cheerful, romantic and beautiful. We all still believe in true love. And we hope that there are real men who protect and preserve loyalty. Hope and faith are eternal. Therefore, all of us a strong faith and true love.


Svetlana, 48 y.o.


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Hi Rene! Don't worry about "real man"! Every woman has her own icon of "real man".Broadbrow (open minded) is the
best any way! Good luck!



Reply to Lyudmila on View the commented comment

It is a tragedy that women still suffer after divorce in Ukraine. I can only hope that one day you will all gain equal rights.



Reply to Glen on View the commented comment

Dear Glen, why too much irony and sarcasm? Firstly the man was telling everybody and in his profile the provoking story about his conflict with his ex -wife and he doesn't love her more and she decided to hide in a shelter with daughters from him. Then he is surprised and upset because any woman is interested in the result of all these. If my questions insult you, don't tell such awful stories. And where is a guarantee that your new wife will avoid the same fate , when your love ends? Nobody wants to suffer and run around shelters. Everybody needs a happy life.I only wanted to know what happened with your ex wife after all , if you have decided to publish your story. But you don't have to answer and i wish you to solve all your problems and to find a right lady for all you further life.



Reply to Glen on View the commented comment

And again your words: "As I said. I did nothing wrong. I never hurt or touched my wife ever. Never any violence. Remember, it was I who ended the relationship." And nothing more. And what about her fillings ? I only can suspect that demonstrated neglect to her .You first made supper her and she made suffer you in reply. That's why she run to a shelter. I advice you to hide this strange story if you want be successful in your seek .



Reply to Larissa on View the commented comment

I can understand why it is you do not comprehend my predicament and insist on saying I have a bad attitude. And seeing as you have bad mouthed me in this forum and have not accepted my invitation to talk in private I am forced to tell you more of my story in public. My story is difficult enough to believe for a Westerner, so as former Soviet women I think you may not comprehend what you are about to hear.

I never loved my wife. She was a Tibetan refugee CLOSE FRIEND of mine with a three year old son. Her husband had left her and I told her I would marry her and take her to Australia. As a friend I loved her enough to do that. I didn't think much of it at the time, I was only 27. It seemed the noble thing to do. She had no country and no family. So I made a deal with her. When she had her citizenship we would get a divorce. However she fell in love with me and when I tried to end the relationship and stick to the deal she cried and begged and I felt so sorry for her. so I agreed to stay with her until she got on her feet and adapted better to the country. It is hard to leave someone who cries and begs at your feet. Yes, I am too soft. All my friends say I am too soft hearted and would never get the strength to leave her.


To cut a long story short and after more failed attempts to leave, I gave up. I decided I could stay with this woman if I had to. I loved her enough, but I was not in love with her. There is of course a massive difference. So I said to myself, "What is it that will make my life more bearable in this relationship?" And I decided it would be children. So we had kids. And I adored my daughters beyond all possibility. I finally found out what it is to really love. And as my wife got post natal depression after the second child she decided that she wanted to go to work to meet people. The doctor said that this would be a good thing because we lived in the country away from the towns. I thought, yes, this is my chance to spend more time with my children, so I quit work and looked after them. I even home educated them. Until this day, I still do.

But several years later I decided I still couldn't bare it. I had to find my soul mate. I was getting older and running out of time. Women do not look at you when you are married.
So I split up with my wife. I managed to be strong and finally did it. I was free at last. I was so happy. We were sharing the kids even though she was extremely angry at me. I tried desperately to stay friends for the benefit of all of us, but she kept getting angry and stirring everyone against me. She even reported me to the police several times for made up reason. The police got sick of coming around and told me this sort of stuff happens all the times with marriage break ups.

So you know the rest. My deep love for my daughters, my weakness, was used against me. She got a lawyer and her advice, if she wanted me back, was to take off with the kids to the refuge until I accepted her back. Which I did after two months of hearing nothing from them.

I then had to stay with my wife(another ten years) until my eldest daughter approached 16 because at 16 the child can decide who it is they want to live with. And where the one daughter goes the other will usually follow. My eldest is almost 16 now. But I decided a few months ago that she was close enough and if my wife wanted to go to court it would be too late. They are too old now to be tricked into going to a refuge. My wife finally had no hold over me.

My daughters have decided to live with me now. They see their mother sometimes on the weekends. They now know the truth of what happened but still love her.

It may be hard to comprehend that a man could stay with a woman he does not love, just because he loves his children so much. But that is what I did. It was my choice and I made it. But I am scarred. Deeply.


Antonina, 66 y.o.


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Reply to Liliya on View the commented comment

Лилия, я полностью поддерживаю Вашу точку зрения. Мы в России вынуждены быть сильными,самодостаточными,образованными и т.д. В случае обстоятельств,мы можем рассчитывать только на себя. Но в любом случае мы остаемся женщинами.Женщина - это любовь,нежность забота,уют,поддержка. Мужчина - добытчик,защитник,любящий муж,заботливый отец. Любая женщина мечтает о таком спутнике жизни. Но это правила жизни. А как известно, в жизни есть как правила так и исключения. Дорогой,Rene, оставайтесь таким, какой Вы есть. Женщины на Западе когда-нибудь поймут,что они теряют и чего не получают. Вы обязательно найдете ту, которая будет для Вас ясным солнышком. Удачи!



Reply to Glen on View the commented comment

Glen... You should have followed your heart from a very beginning... You married her out of pity, she betrayed you and broke your deal once... I bet if you really wanted you could have divorced her... Pity is not the right feeling to stay with a person...

Now you just pay for your mistakes. I wish you luck... And I pity you



всем хорошего дня!
пройдите по ссылке - это про настоящего мужчину американца и русскую женщину



Reply to Irina on View the commented comment

HI Irina, Pity is exactly the reaction I did not want. That is why I was reluctant to tell my story in full. Yes, I agree, pity was why I married her, but love of my daughters is why I stayed so long with her. So I did follow my heart on one way. But my heart is also filled with compassion.



Reply to Glen on View the commented comment

Yes,it is correct.



Reply to Glen on View the commented comment

You do not worry,Glen.You was do all correctly. If your daughters are with you,all ok. It is very important.



Сегодня международный женский день!!!!! Ну, и где Вы, "real man" ?



Reply to Boris on View the commented comment

Ха!!!!!! Точно!!!! Русская женщина может осудить, если ты с ней не флиртуешь дольше, чем 5 минут после знакомства  ).....Да и европейские мужчины и США совсем не умеют флиртовать......пытаются, но это выглядит пошло....



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А у нас все наоборот......Я хочу чувствовать себя женщиной, а из меня тут делают мужика  (...... Босс - мужчина отпускает домой пьяного сотрудника -мужчину в то время, как беременных женщин заставляют разгружать фургон с бумагой для ксерокса.....Я каждый день вынуждена доказывать себе, что я - женщина!!!! Маникюр, прическа, косметика, каблуки. Потому, что есть фобия, что у меня вырастут усы и борода, если я буду делать или вести себя, как мужчина......

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