
Men & women


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Two questions

First: how mutch time do you accept to wait in a virtual relationship here before to meet a profile in the reality?
Second: do you accept in this period one has virtual contacts and relationship with other members here, or you want to be the only?

I think theese are very interesting questions to discover your personality.

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you missed the women?



I do not want to lose a lot of time in the virtual world. I should meet soon with a man and solve with him all in place. Not immediately, of course, may take a couple of meetings, but in reality. And I prefer to concentrate on one man, I can not waste my time on for a few men. If I choose one man, I will only talk seriously with him and try to meet with only one.



Ну женщины меня думаю поддержат. Так кто здесь может иметь только одного мужчину? Пока идет переписка, то как можно остановится на ком то одном? Это по ходу событий одни естественным путем сами отсеиваются, а те кто действительно заинтересован в вас продолжают писать и живо интересуются вашей личностью. Не возможно сразу определить своего человека. Это вообще можно будет понять после и не одной встречи. Думаю не стоит обижаться на другого человека потому что он пишет еще кому то. В реальной жизни не сразу возможно понять что это ваш человек. Нужно время.



1) 1-1,5 months is enough, then real meeting is a must.
2) Before meeting it is perfectly acceptable to communicate with many women/men. Afterwards, if attraction is mutual and commitments have been made, I do not tolerate any other contacts.



I try to be honest with your partner. I do not take seriously the correspondence, but wait ...................


Vera, 61 y.o.


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Ирина, я с Вами согласна.. с первых разговоров по интернету, без реальных встреч.. требовать от партнера прекращения общения с другими, это наверно все таки глупо.. только реальные встречи, реальное общение дает возможность узнать, подходите ли вы друг другу и возникают реальные чувства.. а писать, все мастера, все мы писатели иногда ))).. только в реальной жизни человек оказывается другой

Irina, I agree with you .. From the first conversation on the internet, with no real encounters .. to require the cessation of partner communication with others, it's probably all the same stupid .. Only real meetings, real communication makes it possible to find out if you qualify to each other and there are real feelings .. and write, all masters, all of us writers sometimes))) .. Only in real life is another a person


Marina, 58 y.o.

United States

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I do not see any reason to carry on a long correspondence and chat on Skype. If people feel interest in each other - they must meet. Только реальная встреча даст понять хорошо вам вместе или нет. If you will be happy - your communication will move to a new level
Of course everyone wants to be the only ones! As long as we choose - virtual contact can be many. One can not demand loyalty if you are not together. But when the relationship becomes serious - there is no sense to in empty correspondence

Я не вижу смысла вести длительную переписку и общение в скайпе. Если люди чувствуют интерес друг к другу - нужно встречаться. Только при реальной встрече можно понять подходите вы друг другу или нет. Если будет хорошо вместе - тогда и общение в скайпе перейдет на другой уровень.
Конечно все хотят быть единственными! Пока мы выбираем - виртуальных контактов может быть много. Нельзя требовать верности если вы не вместе. Но когда отношения становятся серьезными - нет смысла вести пустую переписку


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Maria on View the commented comment

Right and if the first is not for you, what do you do? Are you very easy in choosing a man? Do you think the first is the right one? And the second? And the third?
I tell you all start from the same line since meeting. In the meeting I stop all and I concentrate myself to know woman I meet, but I tell you probabilities this woman is full ok for me are not more then 10%. Why I tell you that? Because I'm a responsable man and know myself. Someone more easy but then? What's happensa? I tell you: yo put software on my computer and I do not like your software. So I uninstall! It's seams recently happened to you! So, take care! We all are unique, but to form a real couple now it's not easy!
Ok, you meet a man, you like him, suddenly you make sex with him after two or three days or less because you do not want to wait more or study more him! Are you convinced to solve your love problems in this way? NOOOOOO!!! Illusions!!


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Irina on View the commented comment

Lo dico anche a te: fino al momento dell'incontro per me qui siete tutte uguali e partite tutte dalla stessa linea. Io non giudico una persona su internet. Questo è un mezzo per vedere se una potrebbe in teoria essere compatibile con me, ma il bello viene dopo. La convivenza è tutt'altra cosa. Potrei anche incontrarne 20 di voi prima di trovare quella giusta! Non faccio collezioni di donne, le incontro, le conosco! Obiezioni dame?


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Svetlana on View the commented comment

Before a meeting? This is fool! I can mid attraction only after, not before! Do you know how many women attract me here in this site whatching profiles? Almost 20! If you meet me and I find I'm for you and you for me, I stop all! Not before!



Sure , every woman wants to be only the one for her friend (man) here. Nobody wants to compete . I would prefer to meet immediately if i see a partner is right for me and doesn't play games with me -why to delay?


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Vera on View the commented comment

Esatto. Io posso essere attratto da Maria, ma non so nulla di lei e non è assolutamente scritto da nessuna parte che incontrandola io mi innamori di lei o lei di me! Infatti ne ho incontrate tante e mi piaceva veramente solo una, ma io non piacevo a lei! E allora? Mi precludo le altre? Il mondo è pieno di donne, anche belle e intelligenti, così come è pieno di uomini validi! Maria vuole essere l'unica per colui che incontra? Ok, ma bisogna vedere come va reciprocamente! Intanto recentemente le è andata male ed è ancora qui! Vuole incontrare ad esempio me? Si accomodi, può anche piacermi, ma non le garantisco nulla, nè ora, nè dopo! La donna che incontro è come un software per computer. Devo fare prima un try&buy, far girare il software e vedere come gira sulla mia CPU. I casi sono vari: il software può provocare un crash, essere lento, non fare quello che io richiedo, addirittura avere un virus oppure non essere aggiornabile. Se tutto va bene posso anche tenere il software installato ed essere felice! Se tutto va male, devo poterlo disinstallare senza lasciare strascichi!



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In fact things are not so simple , and sex can not solve all the problems that may arise in the communication between a man and a woman. Sex only pleasant application if there is a mutual attraction, relationship-building . It's a hard way , and you need to choose carefully, but without meeting in real life, it's impossible to understand the truth about man. And of course there may be errors , but that does not mean that you can find a replacement immediately , if something did not work the first time. I do not consider myself a frivolous person. And I'm not ready to go to the extreme measure of desperation . I will accept defeat, but do not dwell on it. I consider myself to be a self-sufficient woman. No illusions just a sober outlook on life. But the feelings of my life playing a major role. If I do not feel sexual attraction to a man I will never continue to communicate with him. To me it is important that the man with whom I will build a relationship had sexual attractiveness to me.



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Tom, had you read my text attentively, you would have noticed that I wrote AFTER meeting.
Though, I realize that you've been distracted by numerous responses from highly attractive ladies. It happens  



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Tom please tell everyone here that I am only as an example for you)))))


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Maria on View the commented comment

You wrong. You begin phisically with sex, try to let sex like a natural consequence of other different things: coulture, habits, sensitivity etc!
If I should begin with sex, i could have made sex with 10 of 11 women I met till now. Right? No!


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Svetlana on View the commented comment

Ok excuse me, baby!


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Maria on View the commented comment

Tu ti lasci subito trasportare da istinti primordiali. Dovresti almemo all'inizio agire più razionalmente nella visione e conoscenza dell'uomo. Ti può anche castrare psicologicamente una donna che ti salta addosso subito quando le piaci! Lo so, tu non hai problemi perchè sei fatta così, ma non tutti accettano sitazioni del genere in vista di un rapporto serio e duraturo! Un conto è divertirsi con il sesso e tutt'altro formare una coppia per vivere con una donna! Basta saperlo prima, però, magari uno si adatta allo status di stallone e si premunisce per offrire le migliori prestazioni. E' noto che gli intellettuali sono migliori a letto, se preparati all'evenienza!



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Tom I did not mean that the relationship should start with sex. But it is important in a relationship between a man and a woman! And if, when they meet and realize that they feel a mutual attraction to each other, it naturally occurs between them. What is incomprehensible and wrong? Explain it to me! If there is no attraction of course will nothing happen and they will be friends or disperse. all is simple))))Do not complicate everything so Tom)))))


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Maria on View the commented comment

Ok, Maria is an exemple! No sex with me!  )))) No sex, we are english!  )))


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Non voglio rovinarti la piazza! Con me ti bruci!  ))))



Предпочитаю общаться с одним мужчиной до определенного момента.Иначе можно запутаться,наделать ошибок.Однако список "избранных"сохраняю.



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Tom, are you saying that you did not have sex with the women who came to you??? it is not interesting to you?


Steven, 55 y.o.

United States

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For me, I think there comes a point before the meeting, where it becomes clear that there is a commitment and then it is necessary to belong to only one. Of course, living in the US, a trip to Russia or Ukraine is not as simple an endeavor as for someone in Germany or England, etc. So I need to know that there is a serious potential before the meeting. I cannot commit the time and expense to fly back and forth to Europe every time I meet someone I might like. So, the communication is very important in creating a relationship, with all available tools: e-mail, Skype, telephone, postal mail, cards, gifts, etc. A long distance relationship is real if the two people involved want it to be and are committed to each other. Of course at that point the plans for a meeting are well underway if not already completed once.
As for communicating with other, I think once a commitment is made between the two, there should be then the only ones communicating seriously, of course.



Если бы я встретила нормального мужчину, я бы сразу удалила анкету. Потому что у меня бы появились другие интересы, а не общение на форуме. На данный период просто общаюсь от скуки



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Так я тоже об этом! Я сама не могу быстро определить моего мужчину. Я серьезно к этому отношусь и поэтому каждый мужчина меня не интересует. Я могу просто пообщаться перепиской, но не более. Но если уже зацепил, то конечно нужно только в реальной жизни видеться , чувствовать друг друга, а потом уже ясно точно будет.



Давайте все же не будем лукавить! Пока человек еще совсем не старый, пока у него есть влечение к противоположному полу, то все без исключения всегда думают о том как будет в постели с этим человеком. Но это не значит что нужно обязательно прыгать в постель с еще мало знакомому человеку. По большей части это касается женщин, так как мы более серьезней к этому относимся.
Но не будем врать что мы не хотим получить секс с этим человеком.Просто если люди решили уже встретиться затягивать с этим нет смысла, если конечно тебе этот человек не противен как сексуальный партнер.
По поводу переписки с несколькими мужчинами. Но это может продолжаться пока мы не определимся на конкретном одном человеке. Но когда уже он определен, то ведь начинаешь думать только об одном этом человеке, а остальные уже становятся не интересныыми и не нужными для общения.


Doug, 68 y.o.

United States

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Hi Tom; I believe it is possible to love and deeply care about someone in 3 or 4 weeks online. But is it really possible to know her without spending more time? How much time? If you have fallen in love, whatever she needs; we should be understanding and patient. With all the evil in the world, it is prudent for girls to be very careful. I like sex as much as any guy (maybe more!  ), but have learned sex can ruin a great relationship (especially if she is with someone else). For me, sex should be the icing on the cake of a special relationship that has been cemented in other ways. Maybe she respects you more for that; maybe she doesn’t want to be respected like that. I’m sure most of you believe I’m old school and ridiculous; that is my opinion. I will just have to suffer through…


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Maria on View the commented comment

Scusa Maria ma io non sono qui per avere rapporti sessuali con donne russe che vivono a 3000 km! Ne ho avuti alcuni, ma non certamente con tutte Se io non provo nulla per una, nemmeno ci riesco! Per me l'innamoramento non inizia col sesso. Io sono un intellettuale e se tu non mi susciti qualcosa in tal senso, puoi anche essere una bomba sexi, ma nemmeno ti sfioro! Non prendermi per un maniaco sessuale! Sono un uomo che cerca una donna per un rapporto stabile, serio! E' necessario anche il sesso, ma non ho nessun problema in quel senso. Non ho l'ansia da prestazione e non ho paura di perdere colpi od occasioni.
Diciamo che con tutte ho fatto amicizia e con pochissime anche sesso. Una di Mosca l'anno scorso mi è saltata praticamente addosso quasi subito. Peccato che poi mi ha confessato d'essere sposata e con un marito malato a casa. Bene questo fatto mi ha fatto sparire ogni libido nei suoi confronti! Un'altra di Rostov Sul Don parlava solo di sesso e pretendeva che la baciassi ogni 5 minuti. Quasi parlava solo russo, ma lei si esprimeva in natura!  )) Una vita con lei per me sarebbe stata impossibile. Con tutte siamo rimasti amici e non ho mai litigato con nessuna

Un'altra, moldava, bellissima e intelligente, un'artista, ballerina classica e insegnante di ballo aveva la mania dello shopping e non ho nemmeno iniziato con lei perchè si ficcava nei centri commerciali e tentava di prosciugarmi la carta di credito, un'altra del Kazakistan, simpatica e intelligente dichiarava 43 anni e me aveva 58, una di Mosca che viveva prima a Dubai e poi a Venezia ho scoperto che voleva solo sposarsi e sistemarsi e così via!

Maria sono tutte esperienze utili, per me e per loro. Basta comportarsi in modo civile, educato ed essere rispettosi dei diritti della persona umana. Se devo rispettare una donna non devo invitarla per far sesso con lei! Devo invitarla per conoscerla! Se poi lei ritiene che il sesso con me sia una cosa fondamentale, se ci riesco, posso anche accontentarla, ovvio! Ma per riuscirci mi deve piacere molto, altrimenti l'uomo non è sempre pronto al rapporto come la donna! Mi spiego?
Maria, il sesso è come il dolce. Si mangia alla fine. Gli antipasti sono altri!
Con me può anche succedere tutto in fretta, così come tardi o mai!


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Caro Doiug, sono d'accordo sulla seconda parte ma non sulla prima.
Non si può amare nessuno online. Quello non è amore, ma autosuggestione!

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