Men & women
Domanda delle 100 candele
Secondo voi è meglio il ruolo della moglie o dell'amante?E' assodato che quasi tutti gli uomini sposati posseggono un'amante più o meno segreta!
In questo caso chi è più contenta? La moglie o l'amante?
Non ha continuato un bel nulla. Ha fatto come il barbagianni nella tua foto! )))))
Sì, sei la moglie, ma per lui sei noiosa e sei un peso. Lui ama l'amante segreta e non fà più l'amore con te. Che fai?
Partiamo dal concetto che la stragrande maggioranza degli uomini mentono alle donne. Fidatevi: è così! Soprattutto non credete a chi sostiene il contrario! Questi sono proprio i tipi dei quali non vi dovete fidare! I falsi moralisti!
Tommaso,i can distinguish false moraliste and who just don`t want to cheat))).Mostly question of betrayance raising when people HAVE to live together,when feelings gone away-if they have children and all such cases some couple live phisically in the same place,but have parallel lifes-it`s understandable,they don`t want upset children.But when couple on the highest point of relathioship only people with mental desease can cheat,i think.
Я сказала что у него не будет на это время , сил и желания тратить деньги )) чтобы иметь любовницу ))
Томассо!Мы не судьи и не палачи!И мы- тоже грешные люди,только каждый должен отвечать перед Богом за себя! И муж, и жена, и любовница убивают себя духовно: в их подсознании постоянно живут чувства вины,страх,неуверенность,покорность инстинктам,безволие и ложь,которые могут стать ступенькой к более ужасным поступкам.
I bambini non si sconvolgono con questo! Si sconvolgono con la violenza!
Да,это наша боль и она не очень понятна иностранцам. Власти постарались поменять нас с мужчинами ролями
Ma qui abbiamo stabilito che l'amante c'è già ed ha acquisito i suoi diritti! Li reclama! Che fare?
Том имеет противоположное мнение, чем большинство. Достаточно давно я с ним общаюсь. Я - не заинтересованное ни в ком лицо. Я не ищу мужа. Я не ищу любовника. Я не могу ответить на вопрос: "лучше муж или любовник". Но высокие моральные качества, ум, интеллект, доброта и высокообразованный - действительно я уверена Том не способен на ложь и подлость. За это его уважаю. И женщины - прекрасные и достойные, которые были рядом с ним - никто не был разочарован. Это то - что я знаю - больше ничего не могу сказать. Не в защиту - и не для спора. Только реальный факт. Другой человек - со своей жизненной позицией. Со его иным мнением. Это не значит - что кто-то лучше или хуже. Просто - он другой.
Anyone who says, "Trust me! I have all the correct answers" (or in your case, Tom; I know all the statistics), that is a person who has no real evidence or insight into the matter. They have only their opinion, which they relentlessly defend regardless of how erroneous.
The points you attempt to make, Tom, are supported by the opinions of a non-thinking person. In addition to “Trust me! I have all the answers”, I also see, “Statistics prove this” without citing any real statistics other than your own. Then there is the, “Everybody knows that is true” argument, which is just as silly. Any of these attempts to garner some sort of credibility in a court of law would be laughed right out of court. I’m surprised you haven’t used, “It must be true because my mother said so!” ))
One element emerges above all your blabbering, Tom, and that is the absence of logic. Intelligent people subjectively observe events, evaluate data and then draw reasonable conclusions. That process does not appear in your posts. Your original question has been repeatedly answered, over and over again, in almost every possible variation; however, you continue to repeat the question while insulting those with whose answer you disagree, while mocking sensible people with admirable ethical values that you yourself do not possess. With all the opinions, I see you making no intellectual progress in resolving the question you originally posed. You simply ignore good responses and revel in the fact you haven’t learned a thing.
I have observed in young children, deprived of love and proper nurturing in their childhoods, often became desperate for attention; so desperate they would accept negative attention acquired through poor behavior. I cannot begin to count the number of retorts and snippy comments you have posted here, Tom. Regardless of how many profound and wise answers smart people have given you, you keep repeating the same question as you happily run around the room laughing hysterically. Tom, no one here believes you are here for an answer of any type, but it does appear you are enjoying the attention. )
Anyone who claims children are not upset or damaged by the behavior of immoral parents who sleep with multiple partners, know nothing about psychology. Some only need to look within their own childhood to disprove that statement.
Please, not describe to me the high moral character of anyone whose morality changes contingent on their specific need; who does not believe in absolute right and wrong; who disparages loyalty and fidelity; who vilifies marriage; who mocks the principles of those who actually do have some ethics; who bitterly attacks those who espouse any virtue whatsoever; who harasses those who believe in something higher than themselves, while claiming everyone else is intolerant. I can only guess that perhaps you do not understand the meaning of the term “moral character”.
Many years ago, after my young wife began an affair with a co-worker, deserted our home and 18-month old child to move in with her boyfriend, I received a call from the boyfriend who wished to apologize for the grief he had caused. I listened and was not unkind. He did not want me to think badly of my wife because she was really a “good girl”…I had to repeat the question back to him in a different way so he could understand the ridiculous nature of his request:
“So what you are asking me is not think badly of my wife for sleeping with you behind my back, while living a lie at home, for deserting our child, for deserting our home and her husband, for orchestrating immense untruths simply because she wished to sleep with other men? I should not think badly of her because she is a good girl!?” There was a moment of silence and then he responded, “I guess you’re right…”
Sometimes we forget what the standard for goodness is, and that it does not include all kinds of behavior.
Tom, your question has been answered so many ways, in so many variations, I find it difficult to believe you keep repeating it. You need to accept that other people in this world have principles that are not negotiable. Tom. That's what makes them principles...
Usually, with age comes wisdom,,,,
the ears grows and the mouth shrinks….
Once, in ancient times, we,,,, the descendants from the apes before us,
got out of the caves with our sight raised towards the horizon.
Marking the beginning of the journey we are now living.
Ever since, mankind has lifted their heads and looked up,
not down, when deciding what moral values to follow.
Yes,, the weak among mankind failed at many crossroads,
but they were never allowed to set the standards for their heritage to follow.
In my opinion Tom,,,
you are often defending moral values as flat as the dollar bills you seem to worship also.
So much knowledge, and so little understanding
Our lives has only one irreplaceable value for each and every one of us,,,,,
the quality of the relationship with those we spend our lives together with.
If you were to wake up tomorrow morning,
as the last member of mankind, and graced with eternal life,
the only person left alive on the entire planet,
Suddenly you are the richest person ever,
the owner of the entire world as we know it.
But also the owner of a life not worth living,
sentenced to total emptiness for all eternality.
Would it really matter then Tom, if you lived in Omsk or in Tenerife?
PS! you would no longer need to worry about getting married either...... smiles
Tom, Tom, Tom! You leave Irina alone! She has 10x your brain power and speaks from many years of professional experience. If you listen to her advice, you may even find a girl here who will have you...someday. She's just trying to help you in a difficult situation where you clearly need it, and I bet she does not charge you a thing for this information. You need to stop insulting those who are smarter than you; that doesn’t serve you well at all.
When we need to know about boats; you are our absolute first choice as an expert. Your boats are magnificent. I am truly impressed with your ship designing skills and I honor you with all the respect you have earned regarding boats; however, we have all watched you awkwardly slosh around this forum with social skills that leave much to be desired, refusing all the generous offers to help you improve. Listen to some of these girls; they know what you need! If you knew what you needed, you would be doing better than you are. Let them help you, Tom. Women have an intuition that men cannot understand. Wise men listen and learn. 😉
Tom, you're talking foolish again. Look at this girl! If you had a chance to be married to her you should be getting down on your knees and thanking the heavens for her! What nut case would even think about another woman if he had her waiting at home!? Are you crazy!!? Tom, I think it's time for you to take your medication and put on your glasses. You can't seem to see a thing without them! This girl is stunner!!!
I’m surprised you haven’t used, “It must be true because my mother said so!” ))
Regardless of how many profound and wise answers smart people have given you, you keep repeating the same question as you happily run around the room laughing hysterically. Tom, no one here believes you are here for an answer of any type, but it does appear you are enjoying the attention. )
Это было смешно ))
Но все таки , мне кажется , что не нужно так серьезно реагировать на высказывания Tommaso
Он похож на камень брошенный в стоячую воду , создает движение
Это очень удачно , что на форуме есть и Том и Doug .
Как день и ночь )
Senti, veramente ora mi hai annoiato! Ho detto che l'amante è segreta e di bambini non ce ne sono! Anche i bambini tiri in ballo tu! Invece di scrivere idiozie, rispondi alle domande! Chi ha mai parlato di bambini?
Mamma mia! Un'altra fissata con dio, i giudizi e castighi! Io giuro, me ne vado da questo forum! E' pieno di gente bigotta che sinceramente a me fa solo venire il latte alle ginocchia!
Chiudo l'argomento: qui ci sono troppi fanatici moralisti e fondamentalisti, noiosi e bigotti baciapile con ancora concetti di peccati e castighi, capeggiati da Doug e da Svetlana. Non si può affrontare nulla di originale e divertente. Questo non è un salotto ma una chiesa di periferia! SALUTI!
У любовника только одно право. Это право на любовь,а все остальное-это обязанности по обслуживанию этой любви