
Men & women


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Quando rifiutate un contatto?

I refuse to go on with a woman when I understand she lies and I immediately truncate any relationship particularly at the beginning of any romance. I can easly discover a falsity because I know women too mutch. Quite no woman can cheat me telling me the false about she does.

And when a woman lies at the beginning of the relationship, you can imagine after!!

Recently I truncated with a woman who lied forever with me! She lied one year ago and recently recontacted, again a lot of lies, even more after meeting her!
I do not know but more then 50% of women here do not told me the truth. Always something to hide (hidden men generally).

I do not know why with me. I forgive all the rest, not lies!

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Reply to Doug on View the commented comment

Trustworthy, sincere, reliable are the right words. I believe that everybody wants to have relationships with the people of such qualities. So, everybody should cultivate these features himself / herself and then they can expect the same from others.
As for me, I don't stop relationship with the person who told me a lie once. I always give one more chance to people, but I let them know that I don't like this. Then people take into account my attitude towards the liars and don't try again to cheat me, or became very careful and even creative.
For example, all my students know that it is better to tell me that he or she is not ready today before the lesson starts than I'll catch someone when the lesson is underway. All my students know that if they work hard during the semester, they will have exellent marks automatically even if it is the whole group and I won't cheat them - so it will be. All these are my life principles or someone can call it 'morality'.


Nadezhda, 71 y.o.


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Reply to Tatiana on View the commented comment

Хорошая мысль ,однако..



Reply to Olga on View the commented comment

Или это будет просто умная особа, которая сумеет скрыть, что она его давно прогуглила)))



Reply to Inessa on View the commented comment

Я поддерживаю такую "мораль")
Если что-то случилось один раз, то не обязательно случится дважды.
Если что-то случилось дважды, то это будет повторяться всегда
Сказано не мной, но очень точно сказано.



Reply to Tommaso on View the commented comment

Думаю что напрасно у тебя сложилось мнение что русские лживые. Лгут вообще все нации. Но определить 50%, это ты совсем приписал число... Мне интересно вообще что ты имеешь в виду женскую ложь? Не всегда нужно говорить мужчине. Есть женские тайны. Но это не в интимных отношениях.


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Inessa on View the commented comment

Questo è ottimo. Basta insegnare Socrate



Reply to Tatiana on View the commented comment

Я уже предупредила дядю,что плохо шифруется...хотя и по манере общения было очевидно,что *парень не простой*


Doug, 68 y.o.

United States

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Reply to Tatiana on View the commented comment

Fool me once? Shame on you! Fool me twice? Shame on me!



Reply to Tommaso on View the commented comment

Tommaso, you didn't answer my direct question about the status of a woman who will probably live with you. Well, you chose a very convenient position indeed...
Unknown future, high demands is a doubtful pleasure...



Reply to Doug on View the commented comment

What was it?
Who's the fool?
To shame?


Doug, 68 y.o.

United States

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Reply to Tatiana on View the commented comment

Old proverb: If someone takes advantage and misuses me; they should be ashamed. If they do this twice; I should be ashamed.  


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Inessa on View the commented comment

Non capisco la traduzione. Io vivo da solo. Se invito una donna, trascorro con lei un po' di giorni per conoscerla. Ho una casa grande in Italia. Posso ospitarla col massimo della privacy per lei. E a Tenerife ho 2 appartamenti confinanti uno con l'altro. In uno dei due posso mettere lei! Stop



Reply to Doug on View the commented comment

Как в русской поговорке *Если мужчина обманул женщину один раз, он--подлец....Если 2 раза, значит она--дура*



Reply to Tommaso on View the commented comment

My English is OK, Tommaso. Everything is clear. You just don't want to answer. I don't ask you where the woman will stay when she comes to visit you for a personal meeting. I ask you about her status when she will live with you for a long time - a wife, a partner, a lover, a housekeeper. Unless you answer this question, all other discussions about a lie and the truth, fidelity and infidelity and so on are senseless. Personally I have a lot of doubts that you are going 'to keep a woman' (it's your phrase) for a long time. I have no questions any more. Thanks.


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Inessa on View the commented comment

Ho già risposto più volte a questa domanda ala quale ci sono risposte molto precise sul mio profilo. Non voglio nessuna noiosissima moglie e nessuna badante cameriera o babysitter! Voglio un'amante, un'amica e una compagna. Circa al tempo in cui vivrò con lei, dipende dall'amore tra di noi. Non ho la sfera di cristallo per saperlo prima. Poi non dipende solo da me, dipende anche da lei.
A Tenerife ho due appartamenti adiacenti. Uno lo dò a lei e lei diventa residente spagnola per legge (recente legge Rajoy per l'immigrazione in Spagna) ! Ora è chiaro?


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Inessa on View the commented comment

Ma devo veramente innamorarmi di lei e devo testarla bene, vive un po' prima con lei! Altrimenti non regalo un appartamento molto carino in una località favolosa alla prima che capita!


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Inessa on View the commented comment

Quali dubbi? Qui c'è solo uno che ci può perdere qualcosa e avere dubbi e sono io, non la donna! La donna non ha nulla da perdere con me!


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Doug on View the commented comment

Abusare di che o di chi? La signora russa che è venuta da me mi ha solo raccontato una bugia dopo essere tornata in Russia, ma è comunque un'ottima persona, anche una bellissima donna, una che farebbe la felicità di moltissimi uomini. Non ho nulla da dire di male di lei. Le auguro ogni bene.
In ogni caso non ho mai avuto impressioni negative da signore che ho ospitato in passato.



Reply to Tommaso on View the commented comment

The woman has no future with you... Sorry.


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Inessa on View the commented comment

Che donna? Rammento che sono stato 18 anni con una sola donna, senza mai aver avuto una relazione extra nel periodo in cui sono stato con lei. Io che non ho mai sposato nessuna ti assicuro che sono più fedele della maggioranza degli uomini che si sposano con qualcuna. Anche perchè quando sto con una non esco mai senza di lei, quindi che occasioni avrei per andare con altre? Poi, ti pare che se fossi un maniaco sessuale dichiarerei pubblicanmente tutte queste cose? Farei il moralista tutto casa e chiesa, standomene zitto, dicendo che voglio sposarmi, avere una famiglia e ingannerei tantissime russe sprovvedute, seducendole e poi abbandonandole quando non sarebbe più possibile mentire. Invece io dico prima che non mi sposo e ho gusti molto difficili. Una donna che mi contatta sa già che deve affrontare un tipo molto difficile, con idee di un certo tipo e che male sopporta certe cose. Mi sembra onestissimo, no? Posso assicurare che la ricerca del sesso è l'ultimo dei miei problemi. Per l'intimità sessuale a me serve prima quella mentale. Se non mi prendono di testa io col corpo non faccio proprio nulla!



Reply to Olga on View the commented comment

Оля! Поговорка четко показывает действительность )) Но мы иногда сознательно позволяем нас обманывать и поэтому не так обидно ну сами же знали что нас обманывают ))


Doug, 68 y.o.

United States

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Reply to Tommaso on View the commented comment

Tom, I think Inessa's question was "What does any girl losing by going with you?" Inquiring minds wish to know!!! I'm sure this question is valid because in 3 years and over 500 women (your words, not mine) no one has decide you were a "keeper". (That would one want a keep you, my friend.) Having contacted over 500 girls, why are none of them interested??? Everyone on the forum is dying to know the answer to this!!!


Anna, 60 y.o.


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Reply to Doug on View the commented comment

Уважаемый Даг! Если бы Том знал ответ на этот вопрос, он давно был бы счастлив с женщиной по своему выбору


Gulshat, 50 y.o.


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Reply to Doug on View the commented comment

какой прелестный рисунок..ха!



Reply to Inessa on View the commented comment

Инесса,вот я только понять не могу,почему мы верим словам этого человека?? А где те женщины и с сайта тоже,которые были в гостях в этом раю? Почему они молчат? Или там было так "хорошо",что вспоминать не хочется?? Хотелось бы услышать и их мнение, а уж потом делать выводы,кто обманщик.


Doug, 68 y.o.

United States

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Reply to Mila on View the commented comment

Mila, they are silent because they are taking lots of medication!  )))))



Reply to Mila on View the commented comment

Мила, если честно, мне не очень хочется знать мнение о Tommaso тех женщин, которые побывали у него в гостях. Они не пишут здесь свои впечатления, потому что между ними и Tommaso видимо существуют определенные договоренности. Если Вы заметили, он тоже плохо не отзывается об этих женщинах и дает минимум информации. Я думаю, что Tom ведет ИНТЕНСИВНЫЕ поиски. Он не сдается, пишет письма, приглашает дам, и пока одни женщины думают и размышляют, что и как, другие быстро собирают чемоданчики и едут. Вот у него ТАКИЕ поиски. Он имеет право на это. Tommaso откровенен и, если он утверждает, что 50% женщин здесь лгут, то наверно этот вывод он сделал после знакомства с женщинами уже на своей территории. Если честно, то в ходе общения с ним на форуме, хотя я не все читаю, он стал мне более понятен и даже многие его мысли и отношение к определенным вещам я разделяю полностью, но есть кардинально противоположные взгляды, реакция на определенные вещи и модель поведения. Я думаю, что не стоит его упрекать, в том, что он так долго ведет поиски, 500 контактов, 12 встреч и без результата, он знает, кого он ищет. Этот мужчина не каждой женщины и не каждая женщина для него. Единственно, что вызывает тревогу, это насколько долго он может быть с одной женщиной. В комментарии он ответил, что все зависит от обоих... Согласна, но слишком велики сомнения - он очень любит свободу...


Mila, frankly speaking, I do not really want to know the opinion of the women who visited Tommaso at his place. They won't write about their impressions here, because there are probably certain agreements between them and him. If you have noticed, Tommaso didn't say any bad word about those women and gives minimum information. I think Tom has been seeking very actively. He does not give up, writes letters, invites ladies, and while some women are thinking and hesitating, others pack their suitcases quickly and go. That is his search. He has the right to do it. Tommaso is rather sincere and if he says that 50% of women tell a lie here, probably he made this conclusion after the personal meetings with women in his territory. To be honest, due to his communication on the forum, although I don't read everything, he became much clearer to me, and even I can totaly agree with many of his thoughts and opinions about certain things, but there are some of his views, reactions to certain things and the model behavior sometimes which I don't share. I think that we should not blame him that he has been searching for so long, 500 contacts, 12 meetings without result. He knows who he is looking for. This man is not for every woman and not every woman is for him. The only thing that worries me is how long he can stay with one particular woman. In the comments he says that this depends on both ... I agree, but the doubts are big - he likes freedom very much ...


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Doug on View the commented comment

Spiacente Doug ma il numero di donne che ho conosciuto qui non dimostra proprio nulla, anzi questa è una garanzia in più per chi mi incontra. Se mi fossi comportato male lo si saprebbe. Ripeto: ho più da perdere io del 99% delle donne qui.


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Anna on View the commented comment

Esatto! Bravissima tu hai capito bene.


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Mila on View the commented comment

Una vive e lavora a Tenerife. Sei libera di credere o no. Sono libere di scrivere. Se non lo fanno significa che non hanno nulla da dire, oppure non vogliono favorirmi con altre nuove e sono gelose!
A me piacerebbe molto che scrivesse una che mi ha conosciuto personalmente ed è stata ospite mia.

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