
Men & women


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Vorrei condividere un'esperienza e chiedere un vostro parere

After a failed meeting the last year, I found again this woman on the site and finally we decided to meet really!
I pay the airfare for her and I host in my villa . I like this woman and she also claims to be very attracted to me. We decide to have a full love relationship and pass peacefully together 15 days very well in all aspects. I present it to my friends in Italy . She says she loved me and I begin to feel something serious for her. I make beautiful gifts and she thanks me, saying I'm her generous man and loyal

Then it comes the day of our separation and of his departure for Russia . Arrived in Russia practically she disappears for a week saying to go to relatives . Back in his hometown ,I ask her if she wants to write an article together with me on the site announcing that we got together . She says yes , that will do it , but in fact it disappears again for two days and not even answer the phone .

My personal conclusion: this woman has another man, or on the site , or in Russia.
What do you think ?

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Tom, You astonish me. Is 15 days enough to make a decision?
She probably also like you - chooses.



это бесплатный отпуск!



Том! Ты меня честно просто удивляешь... Ну как за 15 дней вашего тесного контакта она может принять решение так сразу ... Не торопи ее, пусть подумает, все взвесит. Я понимаю что тебе тяжело сейчас, но терпи и жди что дальше будет.
Это не значит что у нее есть еще мужчина. Просто у нее есть видимо проблемы и она их решает , все взвешивает. Терпение и еще раз терпение.



Such confessions... Well, is she still here, on the site? Or did she disappear completely?
If she's still on the site but does not contact you, then she probably doesn't feel anything to you, sorry. She told you that she loved you because she didn't want to hurt you.
If she disappeared from here too, she might had had another man before she came to you. But she wasn't sure and decided to give you a chance. Obviously, it didn't work out... At least, for her. Sorry, Tom, it happens often.



Tommaso!Вы мне очень симпатичны своей искренностью и открытостью.Вы дающий(give).Поэтому просто дама воспользовалась возможностью отдохнуть,тем более Вы приглашаете к себе.Почему нет.Из этой ситуации сделайте вывод,меньше эмоций.больше чувств.И потом,так мало времени,ведь невозможно узнать человека и за год.А потом,мы не знаем мнения этой дамы,ее взгляда на эту ситуацию.Может быть Ваше поведение ее чем- то смутило?



Вы знаете, Том, это не простое время, после 2 недельной встречи, она может просто осознавать, что происходит в ее жизни, нужно терпение и понимание. Но и вариант, что у нее есть другой мужчина или, все таки она вас не выбрала , тоже может быть.
You know, Tom, this is a difficult time, after a 2-week meeting, she can just step is deciding what is happening in her life, you need patience and understanding. But the option that she has another man or, yet she did not choose you, too, can be.



Ну , ё-маё, Вы же опыт жизненный имеете большой, это ВЫ сейчас правду рассказываете??? Или шутите???


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Anna on View the commented comment

La conosco su internet da due anni, ma per me quella donna nasconde qualcosa.


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Tetjana on View the commented comment

Temo che tu abbia veramente indovinato!!! E non solo la vacanza!


Gulshat, 50 y.o.


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значит у нее другие планы/забыть и дальше двигаться


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Anna on View the commented comment

15 giorni sempre e solo con lei 24 ore al giorno dedicato sempre e solo a lei? Prova tu con qualcuno a farlo se ci riesci! Di solito la gente lavora!


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Anna on View the commented comment

Temo proprio che Tetijana abbia indovinato.



1. Зачем думать о женщине , которая не подумала о тебе!
2. Кроме ушей , у тебя есть ещё и большие глаза!
3. Подними бокал вина , что Бог ,в которого ты не веришь. уберёг тебя от ошибки!



Tom, you shouldn't think bad about that woman. Never think badly about someone you love. I ma sure che is a good woman if you trusted her. She couldn't find another man so soon.
I don't understand for how long time she doesn't contanct you. Maybe she has some problems with her relatives or with her health and ashamed to tell you about it or busy too much. I hope she'll contact you soon and let you know what is happening for now. Don't worry.


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Irina on View the commented comment

15 giorni sono tantissimi 24 ore al giorno. Voi non siete abituate ad un uomo dedicato


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Svetlana on View the commented comment

Non ha fatto male a me, ora non esageriamo. Solo s'è tirata indietro sul piú bello e per me nasconde qualcosa. E' ancora qui, ma non interviene piú.


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Lina on View the commented comment

T'assicuro che 15 giorni dedicati solo a una persona non sono pochi. Poi la conosco da due anni in modo virtuale e su whatsapp passavamo le giornate in comunicazione a scambiarci foto etc. Pazienza, amen!


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Yuliya on View the commented comment

A me piacciono le situazioni chiare. Mi bastano 5 giorni, non 15 per capire.


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Gulshat on View the commented comment

Esatto. Proprio cos¡. Non mi piacciono le situazioni confuse e i misteri. Anche la prima volta che la invitai saltarono fuori misteri all'ultimo.


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Svetlana on View the commented comment

Per favore non tirare fuori nessun Dio, che non credo che esista. Mi salvo da solo. Sicuro, evidentemente ha un'altra relazione, anche se lei aveva negato. Troppi misteri e un comportamento strano.


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Svetlana on View the commented comment

Di sicuro è come dici tu, cara Svetlana! Non ci sono altre spiegazioni.


Marina, 58 y.o.

United States

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Tom, if a woman loves - it will not disappear for a few days without explanation. The more that you have previously had a long correspondence. I agree with Tetjana: she just had a good time. Why do you want to know if she has another man? What difference does it make?


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Marina on View the commented comment

Per me ha sempre avuto un altro, anche prima di venire. Avrá deciso di venire dopo aver litigato con lui. Anche la prima volta che doveva venire s'è comportata così stranamente. Amen, dimentichiamo! Per me si tratta di un altro che è su questo sito, probabilmente russo.


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Marina on View the commented comment

O russo o italiano anche lui! Ha foto dell'Italia sul suo profilo.


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Marina on View the commented comment

Le ho fatto foto bellissime in Italia, molto piú belle di quelle che ha pubblicato qui, ma non le pubblica! Significa che ha un altro qui!


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Marina on View the commented comment

Un'altra amica del Kazakistan pubblicó le foto fatte da me, dopo avermi chiesto se poteva, ma lei no! Questo significa che si nasconde da qualcuno!


Yana, 44 y.o.


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I think,it can be many explanations,no necessary another man,maybe she thinks about your future seriously and need to have time to make decision.



Reply to Tommaso on View the commented comment

Sometimes men just do as your woman. Many like clear and unambiguous situation, but unfortunately, we all too often try to unravel the mysteries. Relax, if yours will not go away and everything will be explained. If not, so it is best for you.  
Иногда мужчины так же поступают, как ваша женщина. Многим нравятся понятные и однозначные ситуации, но к сожалению, мы все очень часто пытаемся разгадать загадки. Расслабьтесь, если ваше, никуда не денется и все выяснится. Если нет, так оно и лучше для вас.



Reply to Tommaso on View the commented comment

Ну если ты уверен что хорошо ее успел узнать, значит я делаю вывод, как не печально. Она поехала к тебе просто развлечься,побывать на Канарских островах (наверное сама не может себе позволить это), тебе морочила голову и не собиралась с тобой связывать жизнь. Значит: начинай ее забывать и переключайся на какую то другую женщину. Время зря не трать.
Это печально, что еще сказать. Но как ты умудряешься ,такой умный мужчина и все на одни и те же грабли наступать? У тебя талант в этом...


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Yana on View the commented comment

This is very strange. She had one year

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