People, culture & society
I need to contact a western ukranian woman
Hello, I need to contact a west ukranian woman to know well situation in this country. Western, because in eastern part of the country I know information is not free and true at all!Thank you
Hi Tommaso. In Lviv, everything is peaceful. People go to mass in the square, defending their interests. In the evening, all cars include Emergency light, and when traveling column machines that are sent to Kyiv - all signals, pedestrians waving hands and flags. Car crash on Yevromaydan all united as one, friendly, non-aggressive. People own cars get to Kyiv, taking with him all comers free of charge. With charitable contributions of people fed, even poor pensioner brought to the square cakes and hand out to people.
Stanno giá andando alcuni avvocati membri nostri lá. Una qui mi ha detto che stanno oscurando alcune tv private
No. It's not like you are telling, you are not living in a normal free country or have I post you my last report? let's read for be informed:
The cable operator has Triolan off the transmission channel Opposition ТВi in all big cities of Ukraine.
The transmission was removed during the TV marathon ТВі, dedicated to the protests in Kiev and other cities in favor of integration with Europe.
The preparation of ТВі turned to providers and cable operators with a request to keep the channel in networks or insert it, if it has not been sent before.
In your country there are some corrupted and criminals in the government and they plot information for robbering to ukranian people.
Situation is even harder in the last times. Whe are attentively monitoring that with our human rights organization.
Western countries does not make any propagande for Ukraine. This is what tells you your corrupted government with his medias!
Татьяна, этот пост закрыт от мужчин. Может откроем пост? Девы вы как?
Инесса! Дельное замечание, конечно хорошо бы открыть...
Согласна, если это тема всем интересна, можно открыть. А? Милые девочки?
Поддерживаю идею открыть пост "Ситуация в Украине". Там нет ничего военного - различные мнения многих участниц не зависимо от того, где кто проживает.
Tommaso,i heard already what information people had about USSR-they were very surprised,that existed social protection,in some way better,than in many countries now,they was thought in scols,it was total nightmare and didn`t undertand,why people here were very angry,when they visited Russia and congratulated with collapse of USSR.Because,if now mother can sit 3 years with her baby,and her chief MUST keep her job and pay this 3 years,it started in USSR.And were available kindergartens.But gouverment don`t give appartmments for free now,as before.So,Western media are very good in propaganda.
Tom, you're right - there are some problems concerning the TBi transmission in some parts of Ukraine but I watch it.
Si possono avere certe cose anche con la libertá e la democrazia! Basta votare bene e non votare per i ladri che avete!
Credo che tu abbia bisogno di qualche lezione d'educazione civica. Fá una cosa: fatti un viaggio ad esempio in Danimarca e impara.
In certi paesi i governanti stanno rubando troppo. Non siete a livello del Kazakistan ma con i contratti pubblici vi stanno rubando miliardi di dollari!
I am living on west Ukraine too, and what you likw ask?
Tommaso,it`s the same everywhere-one can watch all versions in Internet,but channels don`t show that.Of course we can see on Internet plausible version about events on 11 septembre(without terrorostic version),but hardly it was transmissed on TV.And what the programme in Denmark?Politic science-that`s interesting.
You told-stop voting for robbers,but Timoshenko,who western gouverments advice to set free,thief not less tham many others,in some aspects,even worth.
С вечера (6 дек.) уже не пустилив Киев автобусы с людьми со Львова...
Dovresti visitare la Danimarca per scoprire quello che il tuo paese purtroppo NON E'! Capito? Ho detto Danimarca, ma potrei dire anche Finlandia, Olanda e perfino la vicina Polonia.
Visitalo e vivi lì almeno due settimane, poi torni in Ucraina e cominci a capire qualcosa! Eh? fallo!
Dimmi di internet. Funziona come prima? Vedi le stesse TV? Leggi gli stessi giornali di prima? Mi interessa saperlo. Per caso la TV parla di terroristi per le persone che giustamente stanno manifestando?
Vivi in una cittá, Maryupol, degradata dall'inquinamento, una delle peggiori del mondo, una vera camera a gas dove i bambini si ammalano di continuo, con servizi per i cittadini inesistenti e vivibilitá orribile e continui a credere nella propaganda del regime di ladri incoscienti che ti sta governando?