
Men & women



Women’s photos

I have read quite a few posts on here discussing men sending money to women. Many women seem to claim that they are in need of money and that the average Russian woman is not capable of financing her own meetings etc. Yet most of you ladies clearly show photos of yourselves in all kinds of exotic locations wearing designer clothes on holiday and looking like you are having a great time without your children! Makes things kind of difficult to figure out the true nature of a person!??!

If you want to meet a man why don’t you save money and instead of spending it on the Louis Vuitton bags and shoes spend it on travelling to meet the man of your dreams??!? Sometimes a genuine photo of you doing the washing up dressed in your pyjamas has much more credit than one of you underneath a palm tree or beside a lake looking glamorous!?

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Нейл, Вы уверены, что louis Vuitton не подделка? И, что море с пальмами всего-то дешёвый курорт. Лучше поинтересуйтесь размером оплаты труда в стране от куда Ваша дама. А ещё лучше потратьте свои деньги, если они у Вас есть , на свою поездку в город к даме или на встречу с ней в нейтральной стране.



Dear Neil . Simply in Russia and in many other CIS countries it is accepted that the man paid for the woman



И ещё Вы предлагаете дамам фотографироваться в пижамах?! Я часто вижу селфи мужчин на фоне унитаза 😄😄😄😄😄 Ну это уж совсем не комильфо. Да, часто женщины любят " пустить пыль в глаза", выдать желаемое за действительное. Будьте снисходительнее к женским слабостям.


Stephan, 61 y.o.


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Hi Neil,
I totally agree with you. many photos to the United Arab Emirate. United States of America. I could not afford it. it remains a dream. I divorced and it costs dear. alimony for children etc. the court said to give 1/3 of my salair. life in europe is very taxed. and live alone is a luxury that is expensive. if I would be rich. I would not be on a dating site. because rich men do not have difficulty finding shoes at their feet. even in their respective countries.


Stephan, 61 y.o.


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Reply to Lyudmila on View the commented comment

You say that women often like "follies",
It's easy to love the follies with the money of others.
could you do the same for a man ???



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Если вам дорого в Европе, то нам тем более, не секрет какие доходы у нас и у вас "в общем".



Reply to Svetlana on View the commented comment

Разница в доходах - лишь один из пунктов .


Art, 79 y.o.

United States

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Oh, I agree with that so much. IT is true that some women are truly poor. Those never have glamorous photos in glamorous locales. When I see the sentence that they won't pay for themselves, it is such female presumptiousness too think they are superior to the man and should be catered to. In true love, both lovers strain to be with one another. Neither lover wants the other to do all the effort. Rather, the woman is as eager to help the man as is assumed in reverse.

Not all woman do that, of course. It seems as you said that many of them are just showing their materialism, and their greed. So,, the line about not being prepared to pay for themselves in my opinion is a red flag for selfishness and self-centeredness.



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Стефан, я не сильна в английском языке, видимо перевод плох. Я сказала, что часто женщины любят "пустить пыль в глаза". Это значит, хотят своими фото с "брендовые" сумками, платьями, обувью произвести самое сильное впечатление на мужчину. Это всего лишь женская позиция. Есть материально обеспеченные мужчины, которые встречаются с женщинами на дорогих курортах. Может от туда и фотографии. Ну и что? Может это ваша проблема, что вы выбираете знакомства с женщинами из экономически неблагополучных стран?! А потом обвиняете их в том, что они не могут себе позволить "в путешествиях по миру искать мужчину своей мечты".



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Галина, за пределами МКАДа это основной и самый большой пункт к сожалению.


Stephan, 61 y.o.


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Reply to Lyudmila on View the commented comment

Why do you say I did not say ???
I did not make any derogatory remarks. No report on the women of the east. I am pissed. before speaking too fast. Come see my profile. I went to several places in Russia and Ukraine. I have been to Moscow. but I do not have photos. I like these countries and these women. for several reasons. but private. Are you the kind of woman who likes to hurt in words? before knowing the person (the man). you know many people like me who want to leave everything. and live in Ukraine or Russia. if I meet the right person? tell me? because I am ready to live anywhere. For live the true love.



Reply to Lyudmila on View the commented comment

I can understand that women want to look glamorous if they feel it will help them find a date but I think most of us guys will tell you that a woman could make your heart jump just by a certain look in the most mundane circumstances. I once was sitting on a train, waiting in a station and I looked out of the window to see a woman standing on the platform obviously waiting for the next train, as I looked at her an she looked back, she was carrying a bag over her shoulder with a teddy bear sticking out the top of it, she raised the bear to her chest and waved its paw at me and giving me the sweetest smile I have ever seen. I was absolutely beguiled but before I could do anything the train had already started to pull away. I never saw this woman again even after trying to be at the same place and time for weeks afterwards, but I will never forget her. This woman was dressed quite simply in jeans, boots and a jumper, not glamourous at all, but there was just something about her smile and her eyes that called to me. When I imagine what it would be like to be with a beautiful woman I love, I imagine many different scenarios where even washing the car together or cooking together could be fun and I imagine what it would be like to look into her eyes at any moment or listen to the sound of her voice. You see exotic travels and fine possessions do not make a woman more appealing. If anything it can make a woman seem less trustworthy if she pretends to be something she isn’t and it’s sad because it could create a barrier to the beginning of a relationship.



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Я тоже пришла к такому выводу . Мужчин привлекает естественность , хорошее настроение , доброта и женственность . Яркая косметика , дорогая одежда , красивые , отретушированные фото с правильной позой - это всё хорошо . Но ... Мужчины не дураки . Косметику женщина смоет , вещи выйдут из моды , время безжалостно к телу . И только душа останется . Умный мужчина это понимает .



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Нет, Стефан, это трудности перевода! Я не говорила лично о Ваших интересах, но мне больно слышать упрёки в сторону женщин из бывших стран СНГ в их материальной несостоятельности. Большая часть женщин НЕ ИМЕЕТ материальной возможности "путешествовать в поисках мужчины своей мечты" как призывает Нейл из Великобритании .



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The problem is lyudmilla that this creates an instant and understandable mistrust at the beginning. If I found a woman that appeals to me I am a gentleman and would quite happily fund a meeting if the lady is in a less fortunate financial position, the problem is that what am I to believe if I see the profile of a woman who appears to be in several different countries and wearing fantastic clothes always alone without her children and then would she say that she cannot travel to meet because she is on a poor wage! Surely if a woman truly wanted to find her life partner then it would be in her interest to be honest from the start. It would not bother me if she didn’t have a penny providing that she was honest about her life and her interest in me, but I could never start a relationship based upon a lie.
There are profiles of women on here who look like they are professional escorts with incredibly glamorous Photos, thus they are either very wealthy indeed or more likely completely fake haha I would not touch them with a barge pole!



Reply to Galina on View the commented comment

Thanks Galina, you have confirmed what I was thinking , I had a feeling that this may be how things are. It is similar here I was always brought up to be respectful to women and if for example you went for a meal together then the man would pay the bill. Things are changing and men are taking the attitude that in the beginning of a relationship especially given that this is international relationships sending money to someone you have never met leaves men open to being abused and I start to wonder if some of the ladies on here do not really want to find their life partner but are more looking for a free ride. I hope that I would be able to sort the wheat from the chaff as I think you Russian ladies have such a beauty not just outside but inside as well, there is something so special about you ladies that is ....indescribable.


Marina, 47 y.o.


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Neil, а Вы лично хотите красивую, ухоженную, умную женщину, или домохозяйку всегда в пижаме и у плиты? Вы интересовались сколько стоит женщине выглядеть ухоженной? Самое необходимое - прическа, маникюр, педикюр? Да, мы зарабатываем и на красоту, и на отдых. Но, мой бог, почему я должна платить за визу и дорогу к мужчине? Да, у нас так не принято. Если мужчина приглашает на ужин - платит он (по умолчанию), если мужчина приглашает на отдых, то тоже платит он. И именно поэтому русские женщины такие красивые, умные, милые. ))) И не надо говорить мне о мошенницах, поверьте, мужчин - мошенников тоже достаточно.



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I am not here to criticise Lyudmilla! I am simply saying that too much glamour can be counter productive to starting an honest relationship, it makes it difficult to know if one is seeing a genuine woman searching for a genuine man or a scammer in search of wealth!



Нейл, совсем скоро мне предстоит командировка в Великобританию. Я буду там несколько месяцев. Но мне даже представить противно, что я стану тратить свое время на мужчину у которого элементарно нет желания оплатить мой ужин или проезд. Можете считать это издержками воспитания)))



Reply to Galina on View the commented comment

You are so right Gallina! Beauty is in all the presence of a woman, the way she acts, the way she moves, talks, her eyes the way she looks at you, the way she laughs or smiles ...even the way she behaves when she is annoyed, the way she sleeps , there is so much!



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Travelling across different countries and travel dating are two different things. Paying the bills is the male privilege - generations of dating etiquette and gender roles. With no difference in response by income level, I am bothered if men expect me to help pay.



Reply to Lyudmila on View the commented comment

Lyudmila I was simply saying that sometimes a more everyday humble photo can be a window into a persons life and help a potential suitor connect with’s just a little common sense really or do they not teach that in Voronezh? I mean how much can you learn about someone from a photo of them in a bikini model pose on a beach or by a lake or in a bar on holiday! They may look attractive, well dressed or sexy but it gives no insight to their soul.



If a girl from Ukraine or Russian is working for a local company in Ukraine the weekly wage maybe between £20 and £125 Belarus around £50 and Russia about £100 a week international company’s and good jobs pay more Ukraine teachers earn £20 a week without private lessons... often family members take girls to nice beaches or there selfies from within a date.. I took a most beautiful girl to Athens and we had pictures together but she took pictures alone also... I’ve no problem with this if the girl is true to me and true to herself.. if a date don’t work out the girl will often use on profile but will not speak about the man she’s met... the girls earn little and it’s unrealistic for men to expect the girls to pay also its right that the man should pay for date in Eastern Europe when I say man should pay this is only for Entertainment Food apartment travel and gift for woman if it comes from mans heart... a girl buying gifts for her family should come from her unless in a established relationship when it comes from both has a couple! Allot of the classy pictures are from professional photography which is normal... and Eastern Europe girls love to dress up and photos this very normal...


Łukasz, 44 y.o.


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Super że ktoś to też widzi U nas w Polsce mamy ubaw z takich laleczek hahaha


Marina, 60 y.o.


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Reply to Neil on View the commented comment

У меня были фотографии самые простые, негламурные, это вообще не про меня. Но мне почти никто не писал. Вернее писали с вопросом :сколько денег я привезу с собой и сколько выложу денег в начале брака (приданное)  моей душой никто не интересовался. Мой муж был единственным кто не интересовался моими деньгами. Но жить хотел у меня 


Regina, 44 y.o.


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Девушки, а может есть смысл прислушаться , хотя бы с точки зрения оформления анкеты ?
Ведь это - мнения мужчин . А , как известного , мы и они - смотрят на вещи по разному



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Neil, выбирайте скромно одетых женщин, на фоне города , в котором живут . И если у женщины двое несовершеннолетних детей, большая вероятность, что она не ездит по миру к мужчинам на встречи . Вы можете выбрать скромную женщину и приехать в Россию, познакомиться.



Hi, Neil.If you condemn glamorous photos of women,why do not you in pajamas and an apron in your photo?The answer is obvious - at the first acquaintance you want to look attractive.If men want to look attractive, why should women wear pajamas or aprons?Getting to know a man in pajamas isn't very nice.Don't you think?


Liudmila, 53 y.o.


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Reply to Marina on View the commented comment

И именно поэтому русские женщины такие красивые, умные, милые.  Потому что за них везде и всюду платят мужчины?   



Reply to Marina on View the commented comment

Марина . Давайте будем честны . Да , у нас мужчина платит за женщину . А потом выставляет ей счёт . Ну , Вы сами понимаете , в чём . Не зря у нас есть поговорка "кто девушку ужинает тот её и танцует" ( кто за девушку платит , тот её ...) .
Чтоб женщину не " танцевали " "не те мужчины " , для первой встречи с мужчиной она должна быть независима финансово от него . Нет денег - встречайтесь на территории женщины .

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