
I seek advice


Iliya, 42 y.o.


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The first real meeting

Hello, ladies


At point of curiosity mixed with some real emotions there is one question that bugging me last days. It is related to the first real meeting and which one is the most suitable way. I realize that there are many factors that should be consider in order to planning such event, but at other side when we starting evaluation of every factor it may appears that the real meeting is close to never. I can't hide that I met a special woman here and I promise to myself that I should meet her before trying to find someone else, but unfortunately our meeting was postponed due various reasons. She became unemployed at time when I was at work without a possibility to take a holiday, when I was on holiday she has started a work within trial period and it isn't possible yet to think about travelling. At other side we talking on Skype once a week because of 4-hours time difference, but we know how we looking   So, if you put yourself on the place which factors you consider as most important for a real meeting and when a lady is ready emotionally for such step? I'm trying to think about all details, but who knows - may be I miss something important. Thanks in advance!



Самый главный фактор для организации встречи - желание увидиться. При обоюдной симпатии тянуть нельзя. Болгария рядом с Россией. Сделайте даме сюрприз - забронируйте отель в ее городе на ближайшие праздники (можно выбрать 7 ноября),сообщите женщине о приезде. И если почувствуете радость от сообщения,приобретайте билет. Кстати,дамы когда-то очень любили розовое масло. ....


Natalia, 52 y.o.


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Reply to Elena on View the commented comment

Елена вы такая молодец! Подумали о 7 ноября. Я поддерживаю вашу идею. Лучше провести вместе несколько дней, но раньше, чем ждать отпуска.
Можно много узнать друг о друге за 3 дня. А какой это будет город? Всегда можно договориться.
4 часа разницы это не близко. Но возможно!
Илия, я надеюсь вы сможете сделать эту встречу незабываемой для женщины!



Reply to Natalia on View the commented comment

Наташенька,4 часа разницы- это не припятсвие для возможного счастья! -) В первую встречу пара-тройка дней очень удобно. Понравились друг другу - в следующий раз более длительное рандеву организовать можно. Из-за короткого свидания вместе желание вновь встретиться будет огромным. Если симпатии не будет, не придется тянуть время и жалеть о приезде. Все быстро пройдет



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Хотела бы уточнить (для Iliya), выходные в России 4-6 ноября. В Украине, насколько я знаю, 5-6 ноября.


Dag, 50 y.o.

United States

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Brother from Bulgaria, Everyone knows that the Balkans are awesome people. The Black Sea beaches are a magnet for the Northern Europeans like the Russians.... thrust me on that , I had been to Sunny Beach. ...Anyway, if you're serious, go to her as soon as possible. But if she is giving you excuses, then move on and forget her.




I think the best thing to do is to surprise her, just ask her about plans for the weekend and if she says she has nothing special to do, come and make a nice surprise. No need to come for a week, you can come for 2-3 days just to meet in person. Sometimes your expectations can be higher and you may be disappointed in reality, so it's better to meet in person as soon as possible. if you get her something special from Bulgaria, she will appreciate it, cause it will remind her about you when you leave. I think if there is a real emotional connection between people and you have a special chemistry, distance is not a big issue. A distance may take its toll if only one partner has feelings, but if both want it - it will work out. 



Dude, you live in Bulgaria - couldn't you fly to your lady on weekends, get to know her, and then coordinate an extend stay once your schedules allow it?
