
I seek advice


Ralph, 47 y.o.

United Kingdom

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What's the average response rate?



Does anyone know the average response rate to messages sent to women on this website?  One of the American dating websites published some statistics and their average response rate was an unbelievable 36%!  My response rate is below 6% and I'm not sending messages blindly, but only to carefully selected interesting girls with whom I think I might find a common language.  Is it something wrong with me or do all men have similarly low response rates?



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Mariya, 38 y.o.


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Привет, Ральф.

Я думаю, что в ответах на свои сообщения ты ищешь не скорость, а качество. То, что тебе понравится, придется по Душе. Такой ответ - это начало хорошего общения и кто знает, может чего-то большего =)!!!
Поэтому наберись терпения, Ральф =)! Та, кто тебе должна ответить, ответит обязательно =)!

из России с любовью.


Nadezhda, 71 y.o.


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Девочки ,почему не отвечаете молодому и интересному парню?



Hello Ralph . Your profile have good photos and detailed filled , possible make some else's opinion of you . I think that the percentage of responses on the website here at anything.
Just sometimes do not match, the girls you are interested in for some reason they are not interested in you.
To answer your letter is a private matter of every girl, some prefer to ignore, some write a short polite refusal. I wish you good luck and some patience and you will definitely find a suitable person.


Natalya, 54 y.o.


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Hi, Ralph
In my opinion, its quite natural after seeing your requirements.
you're looking for a woman much younger than yourself and you dont want children.
...Your purpose.. erm.. is not obvious ))


Gigi, 69 y.o.


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Non ho una statistica esatta personalmente dal 90% di chi ho scritto, ho ricevuto una risposta -
Nei siti italiani la risposte sono a livelli molto bassi.
Qui sono stato incredibolmente e positivamente sorpreso da così tante e gentili risposte



Итальянские мачо рулят!!!      


Marina, 40 y.o.


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Reply to Sofya on View the commented comment

Согласна про итальянчиков)) молодцы ребята!! А я думаю они просто пишут женщинам, понравившимся им . Пишут и все, не задумываясь о статистике ответов, о других мужчинах итд. И девушки отвечают, все просто!😉 А если серьезно, то пусть Ralph reread his profile and slightly change his requirements😉


Mark, 46 y.o.

United Kingdom, Essex

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Ralph, To be honest, I don't want to come across as gods gift to women, and I mean this in the politest possible way.
Most women aren't interested in statistics or if I may say geeky hobbies, that may come across as showing off, they want fun interesting guys who are easy to talk to, who knows how to treat them with respect.
Unfortunately, because you come across as an intelligent guy, alarm bells may be ringing in a women's head that you aren't interesting enough or fun to be around,
And that only a certain type of women with the same intellect as you is going to be attracted to you, which may be the reason for a lack of responses in your mailbox.
Also you may also think about losing the facial hair as the majority of women don't like beards as it makes you look older and a bit scruffy.
I hope I have not offended you as this was not my intention.
I wish you the best of luck buddy
There is someone out there for you I'm sure, just don't give up.


Anna, 60 y.o.


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Reply to Marina on View the commented comment

"они просто пишут женщинам..." - это ключевая фраза))))))))))



Reply to Mark on View the commented comment

Come on! Nonsence! I looked through his profile once, he produces an impression of a very nice
Attractive guy! And I even like his charming beard but what a pity I am too old for him and. Have a kid already! Kisses to u both 😉


Ralph, 47 y.o.

United Kingdom

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Reply to Mark on View the commented comment

Thank you, Mark, for your sincere advice, I don't feel offended in any way, I don't know why you thought I would.


As Мария noticed (in the first comment), what counts is not quantity, but quality, and I completely agree with that.   I am not looking for thousands, I am looking for exactly one person.  It doesn't have to be neither a professor at the university, nor miss universum, it should simply be the RIGHT person. Спасибо, Мария!


The reason why I asked the question was because a few girls who had sent their first message to me and we continued the conversation, told me that I looked like a valuable person and stood out among the other men on this website.  At the same time huge majority of girls to whom I sent a message first, had different opinion.  I was simply surprised by such disparity.


Natalya, I'm looking for a much younger person, because I don't feel very well among people at my age or older, they are usually very serious, constantly talking about problems, they are not spontaneous.  I feel best among people who are around 22-25 years old.  Most of my friends are below 30.  Is it bad?




P.S. Losing my facial hair is not an option - for some reason my skin is extremely sensitive to shaving and I look terrible afterwards.




Some studies have also shown that the more intelligent/educated the person is the more he/she tends to write on the profile page and that may turn people off. Sometimes less is better.
Also not everyone can pick up cultural references.


Ekaterina, 57 y.o.


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Reply to Mark on View the commented comment

Oh I love beards for men, and chest hair))) And Ralph with a beard better than shaven face.


Natalya, 54 y.o.


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Reply to Ralph on View the commented comment

Oh dear, Ralph! It's not bad. But you are looking for a young Audrey Tautou (or Amelie Poulain, doesnt matter), who doesnt have children, doesnt want and would not want them ... How do you think, how many of these women are here? :0
PS Cancers never cease to amaze me !!))


Ralph, 47 y.o.

United Kingdom

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Reply to Natalya on View the commented comment

Natalya, I write to women who clearly state in their profile they don't want children or who are undecided.  There are quite a lot of them.  In spite of that every day I receive a few messages or winks from women who either already have children (majority) or want to have them and are looking for a "family oriented man".  It seems that nobody reads profiles before writing...

I am caring, I love playing with children and there was a time in my life I wanted to have my own, but I grew up and changed my mind.  Having children is not the only option in life.



Когда женщина понравится - отвечать будешь быстро. Мало того - будешь сидеть и ждать ее писем....Вера


Alisa, 47 y.o.


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Hello Rulph! As I know normal response rate for any dating site is 10%.


Ralph, 47 y.o.

United Kingdom

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Reply to Alisa on View the commented comment

Thank you, Alisa, this is what I was looking for.  It means that my 6% response rate is not much below the average.



Hi Ralph,

I think, the probability of answering is directy connected with the intelligence of women. It´s means, you have nothing to loose, if one ore more women didn´t answer you questions. Otherwise, they will notify you that you do not fit them.

I wish you good luck)))


Francis, 52 y.o.

United States

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It's probably pretty common and just human nature, Ralph! You should take it as a good sign actually! It means the women here are being reasonably honest and not leading you on or worse! Best of luck. For me I find the sheer number of people distracts everyone... So it's hard to get a real connection going!


Ralph, 75 y.o.

Spain, Las Palmas

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No mate all are the same.


Robert, 42 y.o.

United States

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I have noticed that it seems to be a 1 in 3 response rate so far for me. I have different requirements than you do but ultimately, you know what you want, and should always stick to your goals for a woman as well as anything else in life. You know who can and will be most likely to give you the chance to be that missing part of your life. Good luck, I hope you find the woman you are looking for.


Tatyana, 52 y.o.


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Reply to Nadezhda on View the commented comment

я бы ответила, но у него в анкете стоит что он против того что бы у пасии были дети, вот и все уже не пишем!


Tatyana, 52 y.o.


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Reply to Nadezhda on View the commented comment

я бы ответила, но у него в анкете стоит что он против того что бы у пасии были дети, вот и все уже не пишем!


Yana, 44 y.o.


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Reply to Tatyana on View the commented comment

я сейчас посмотрела требования-до 30 лет,без детей и желания когда либо их иметь.То есть,нужна женщина,которая детей иметь не собирается.


Yana, 44 y.o.


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Maybe because you take age,when people here planning to have children.There is very little number of child free here,so,women from 20 to 40 either have or planning to have children.So,better to change age and write to women closer to 40 and more,who decided firmly already do not have children,for example, out of problem with health.


Tatyana, 52 y.o.


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Reply to Nadezhda on View the commented comment

я бы ответила, но у него в анкете стоит что он против того что бы у пасии были дети, вот и все уже не пишем!


Steven, 48 y.o.

United Kingdom

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being honest with you Ralph, 22-25 its never going to happen , there lots of women upto say 37 years old and with children also that are beautiful women on here , i think what matters is the women inside and she try's the best to look after herself the best she can . if i was a women i would you only looking for a young girl . maybe you want to have a Rethink Ralph , just trying to be honest .


Ralph, 47 y.o.

United Kingdom

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Reply to Steven on View the commented comment

Tatyana, I write to women who clearly state in their profile that they don't want children or they are undecided, so it is definitely not the issue.


Steven.  Why do you say that 22-25 is never going to happen?  Recently I spent a few months with a 22-year old girl, so it has already happened.  That relationship did not survive for reasons completely unrelated to the age.

Most of my friends (both male and female) are 21-28 years old.  Do you want me to rethink our friendship because of their age?

I agree, my age doesn't look good on the screen, and that is what women on this website see first, but in real life young people do not care about my birth date.


Why do you think that it is a good idea for someone who doesn't want children to have them?  If I was gay and I was looking for a man, would you also say that I should rethink it and start looking for a woman?  


Katya, 42 y.o.


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Oh, Ralph. You really don't know Russia   For whom do you write on this site? Everyone has the right to looke for the person he wants. We all have the reason to look for exactly "this" person. The another way is that the Russian or for example Ucranian 22-year-old girl will get acquainted with a stranger 37 y.o. on this site just because of her financial issue. Maybe I am wrong, but you should think about the reasons why this girl needs a man like you - young and beautiful girl, who's going to live only for herself (or disingenuous that she doesn't want children). Now I see, people often idealize they situations and they wishes... it's very good to have your own perpose, I see you don't give up, but now you're only 37 y.o., you could change your wishes 1000 times, you're adult, you're able to choose. But the girl 20-25 y.o. who is looking for a man 15 years older than her, will not change her goals.. Sorry my terrible English

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