Men & women

As a result of actual conversations, I have the question about the money of professions at different countries:My proposed ranking is the Next table, per month
Grade A: income of USD$3,000-2,500
Grade B: income of USD$2,499-2,000
Grade C: income of USD$1,999-1,000
Grade C: income of USD$999-500
Grade D: income of USD500-100
I am an especialized Engineer in Grade A at Mexico in one of the most expensive cities.
I have been noticed that an income at top of grade D is usual at Moscow, again it could vary from type of profession and the place in the country, and in different countries.
What is the average wages in your locality and country?
How can we measure it?
I want to live there and my pension in US Dollars is excellent here and I feel at Moscow, it can be good.
My only concern is health treatment and how to care on it.
Someone special to me, will care of me when get more older

I proposed it.
The idea is to contribute with your knowledge and ideas

Salvador I’ve said this many times in chat a Ukrainian Teacher can earn has little as $100 a month the bottom end of your lowest grade!!! My last date was a woman who managed a team of 13 accountants in the region of Ukraine near the polish border on $500 a month.... in most cases this covers Ukraine on your worldwide scale.... this is why my views are so strong on why A guy MUST provide food,accomadation,travel if man is serious

$ 100 for Moscow? That's funny. I don't take into account the working class and guest workers. The average salary in Moscow is $ 1,250. The average salary in the regions of Russia may indeed vary. For example, in my region it is $ 700-1000. It's funny that you think you need someone to take care of you. For example, I'd rather take care of my parents than about the strange man good luck in your search ladies.

Aksi your assessment I feel is very right I thought it was common knowledge that in Russia Moscow was both the most expensive city and the most highest paid city... common sense would tell you that pay in SPB will by better than most other city’s... I’d imagine Kazan and Samara to be less than Moscow and SPB but I’d imagine if you go further out towards Tomsk & Khabarovsk wages will drop further just my view

Thanks Aksi for your kind reply, it is very informative.
I am an Engineer at the subway and also I am a cofounder of 3 little enterprises here in My City.
At the time I traveled the first time to Moscow I proposed to my new friend to do business by trading, was reluctant at the beginning but after few days agreed to do it.
We have trade fur coats and she found a legal way to deliver to clients contacted by me in Monterrey. We use customers money and the final costs includes our profit + shipment. By law regulations, items leave Russia with no tax and also enters Mexico with no Tax ( She is soooo clever).
But it is a season business only, Now we are looking what and how to uses our joined skills as to find niches and setup a real enterprises at Russia and trading with my enterprises in Mexico.
Our interactions developed a trust, affection and care for both. we are straight and clear in our business, but the human touch approached us as best friends, I have received the offer to stay very close and in my Elder years, to be watched, cared. We want to have success ( check my posts about the Warning girls, they explained why and how have success).
Now with this information about wages, I have a better Idea about how Eastern Countries develops.
Thanks A lot.

In St. Petersburg, the salary is much lower than in Moscow. On average, 30%. You are right, Moscow is a truly highly paid city. And, unfortunately, all regions of Russia are donors for Moscow. For example, my region is famous for agriculture. All the money that we earn, we have to first send to Moscow, and after the government decides how much send back, we get our crumbs😊 ) people living in the regions are extremely unhappy with such budgets, but no one does anything, because Russian people are very tolerant and will endure until the next revolution happens. Sorrow. I got off topic, sorry😊

It is the same here, taxes goes to central federation and Mexico City receives more money in real proportion to other states, cost of life there is less expensive than Monterrey.
my city is full of industries.

Hello !!!
I have traveled there on winter -December- as to check if I can suit that climate.....
I like it !!!

mmm)) 4 месяца в году тепло. остальное время- холод, ветер, сырость, темнота с 15.00 по зимнему времени..а потом как у поэта "Ночь-фонарь-аптека"))

I am opening a LTD there !!!!
Trading Russia-Mexico,
Business VISA,
Enjoy your Culture and Architecture,
Learn Full Command of Russian Language,
Learn Russian Heritage,
Again, spend and enjoy the warm souls of Russian People,
Maybe I will end my life there and be buried on Russian soil, who knows?
Russian spouse?? Why not, but it must be a two party decision.

USD$40,000 price of new home I like, but it is big for only me )))))

Собор Василия Блаженного на Красной площади??!!за 40 000 евро?..
там точно холодно и страшно,везде могилы русский царей)) ,но зато какая честь!))
Вот это размах!! по нашему- по русски))
вот только аптека рядом нет).
Но есть другой вариант более теплый- рядом Кремль..может быть туда?..как то скромнее будет.
шутка конечно)
Привет! Чем севернее в Россию, тем больше предложений на рынке теплой одежды и шуб, Сальвадор . Думаю, что Вы уже самостоятельно промониторили своих потенциальных покупателей...)))
1. В Петербурге неквалифицированный труд оплачивается от 15000 руб-25000 руб. Примерно 250-450 $$. Это месячная оплата труда таких слоев населения, как работающие пенсионеры, молодежь без специального образования и студенты, трудовые мигранты из стран СНГ, а так же, например, средний и младший медицинский персонал в государственных медицинских учреждениях, пр. рабочие и служащие.
2. Следующая группа - это 30 000-50 000 руб. в месяц. Примерно 500-750 $$. Это и есть средняя заработная плата по Питеру, основная группа платежеспособного населения.
3. Заработная плата 50000-80000 руб. в месяц (800 - 1300 $$)- для специалистов востребованных профессий, например бухгалтер, профильный инженер, менеджер проекта, руководитель среднего и высшего звена, пр. Это хорошая зарплата для Петербурга.
4. Ну от 1500 $ и более -это уровень высокой заработной платы специалистов в некоторых частных фирмах, международных корпорациях и пр. аналогичных структурах. Это не составляет большой % в отношении 2 и 3 группы выше.
Относительно прилежащей к Санкт-Петербургу области, то показатель заработной платы заметно снижается почти вдвое, так же, как и размер социальных выплат населению. Хотя цены на товары в магазинах (и на лекарства, например), остаются почти такими же, как в городе.
О пенсии. Минимальная пенсия в России составляет 130 $, на эти деньги невозможно прожить, оплачивая коммунальные услуги (при условии, что уже есть жилье), питание и одежду, лекарства и лечение. Поэтому пенсионеры вынуждены зарабатывать дополнительно. Средняя пенсия- 250$ (официально 13 500 руб). Этого тоже мало, но если строго экономить, то можно выжить. Конечно о пляжном отдыхе, разъездах и путешествиях нужно забыть...
Статистика, Росстат: Число населения России - 146 млн человек. 83 млн - трудоспособное население. Официально работает - 53 млн человек. Число пенсионеров составляет около 47 млн человек. Таким образом, в России 6 работающих человек кормят 5 пенсионеров. Или по другому сказать: 6 работающих человек кормят 11 (включая себя самих + пенсионеров), но не включая свои семьи. Поэтому правительством страны рассматривается пенсионная реформа, когда выход на пенсию определяется в 65 и 63 года для мужчины и женщины.
Так что потенциальные заморские женихи должны реально понимать возможность русских невест нести расходы. Многие русские женщины стесняются об этом говорить.
А потенциальные бизнесмены, желающие организовать дорогой бизнес в городах и периферийных зонах России - реально оценивать покупательскую способность населения...

Hello again liudmilla, nice to see you again after 2 years me out of this site ( i am officially divorced, thanks god).
Your clear statements are of good help to me, my dear Daria and me are ready to setup a ltd firm and join it with my own firms, she has finished her master degree with red diploma and now I knew it is an excellence recognizement.
Out mutual skills will be a great chance to have success. We are a great team and the main is that our will, passion, task force always keep unchanged no matter the odds, as is what bond us. Now we are planning a trip for her birthday and we will rest and do our ltd planning, after we identified with sample of both countries the potential niches, start the operation of our ltd firm.
Thanks for your valuable information


Always love reading what you write it’s always well wrote and shows a man of great intelligence and wisdom! It also shows a man who likes a woman’s beauty!
And a very charming man
However this post about income in other country’s somewhat baffles me... and way off the mark my experience and knowledge relates to mainly England and Ukraine because this is where I hold conversation with many people
England wage
Partner in a doctors practice £104,000
Consulting Engineer £50,000 (English Salvador)
Survayer £46,000
Doctor £42,000
My Wage. £35,000
Teacher £26,000
Police £19,000
Cleaner. £14,000
Top Interior Designer £10000
Head of Accounts for big firm £6,000
Police £4,000
Doctor. £1,800
Teacher £1,000
Please also note that before maiden 2014
Ukrainians earned twice has much and life was easyer however since everyone’s wage has became half police has become 3 times bigger the new police less corruption because they can now feed there wife’s and children teachers teach for very little many girls have got to do things un-ethical feed there children... Salvador your a very clever man who has started off with nothing we all understand RIcks situation to be “extreme” if you met a Ukrainian Teacher would you still expect her to pay half after seeing your list and mine and I tell you my wage and you say your your Grade A?
In my opinion Kiev and Minsk are the two best city’s in Europe despite low pay... women traditional I can’t comment on Russia has I’ve never been there!!! Thanks for reading the reality that I’m told.... if my figures are out I ask others to correct me on this however I’ve traveled Eastern Europe and spoke to people so there qualified to some degree!
Ukraine girls if you meet them will look dress and have figure of a model... can wear heels all year round and in winter have a Nice fur.... flying into Kiev you could mistake it for a large American city many sky scrappers more often than not built illigaly from bribes or corruption the many rivers breathtaking also.... Take a 15p $0.20 Trolley bus 🚎 and see real Slavic beauty dressed and look perfect on a weekly wage we get in a hour..... by insisting on paying own costs each.... you will miss the innocent traditional girls who don’t have internet don’t speak English who dream of a prince Real Russia!!! Real Ukraine!!! Real Belarus!!!

Of course I will go to her homeland, invite for dinner and a pleasant conversation, just by chivalry I would not let her pay for anything.
I have not been so lucky to get with someone to the theater but what I have had are those great moments of real friendship. I always behave as a gentleman with good manners.

I have dreamed to dinner with a lady at Buddha bar, but they are resilent for that place. It is nice but really expensive

David Statement:
"Salvador your a very clever man who has started off with nothing"
Sal Statement:
My parents never finished elementary education but the way my grandparents educated them was wise.
Mom learned English at Laredo, Texas christian school and she made up to the 4th grade, but always loved school and english language. Both Mom and Dad started to work at a very young ages.
Mom gave me the basics of English and she entered in an American School here in Monterrey as to superate herself, always under criticizm and gossip. She finished the whole career and always asked about Spanish Grammar to us; then she took a spelling course at Laredo, Texas; I was 16 years old in those times. She spoke like or better as a New Yorker US native ( better than my US American Uncle and my cousins).
She thaught us and became an English teacher, did a lot of Avon and Mary Kay selling products those I remembered with joys - I was 4 and helped brother and me to sell them, the most valuable times in my life ))))) because we were very happy as our internal love and passion to accomplish it and commitment was untouchable -. HEY , THE WARNING GIRLS TALK A LOT ABOUT IT, CHECK MY POSTS!!!
We are ordinary persons, but always did everything with that force we have inside.
I just honor them with happiness and good memories, now I do the same at Russia ;

I like your finest humor with that personal touch !!!! Thanks !!!!
I really loved hermitage with the companionship of my friends - those young married persons- , then in My new house I installed Porcelanate floor tile in order to create that elegant atmosphere...
So nice and even I have had recurrent dreams of myself walking in the winter palace, I like to enjoy it via you tube, as in only one day, it is impossible to see. Also next day I went to Kunstkamera museum - I received the invitation to travel to Findland with my friend but my visa was for only 1 entry, then it was impossible for me to leave Russia-. I was amazed by the representative cultures of North American primitives - bad named as Indians, they were the first americans-.
I love your contry and culture and russian humor. ( I made them laught a lot with such finest ironic humor)

Never touched Buddha Bar not been to Arena... Caribbean Club best venue in town. cheap and good music and top cabaret there I missed Willy William there on there birthday one night because I was at the Armin Van Buuren Concert..
.. but again full of working girls and Turkish traders so not ideal pulled a few times there but everytime i didnt date because They was not normal traditional girls!!!!! So left there alone!! Music is Good opens till silly o Clock too
.. to get a Good girl Its hard because a foreign man in Kiev is seen as a sex tourist i once had a spare concert ticket and gave It away free to a girl just to not waste the ticket..... didnt want No money for It!!!
Told her go in enjoy yourself wasnt expecting to even be with her but ended up with the girl for 8 days till i went home was best concert ever ended up getting her gifts before i went from the heart also....
love Nice girls hate golddiggers!!!... Sadly long term She wasnt What i was looking for! But goes to prove That ukrainian girls know when a guy gives from the heart!!
But lifes hard too so Ricks Of this world do get walked all over.... Its sad but id like to think the girl didnt get the laptop and money Rick gave her fed her child and paid her rent!!
Rick can earn It again Maybe She cant!!!
Kiev £1 football £1 opera 15p metro £2 Uber and some world class resterants there too!!! O Pana’s in Shevchenko Park is class and build round a tree .. very iconic!!! Musafir Crimean Tartar world class and cheap and world famous because was started by Crimean displaced family and Number 1 on trip adviser....
chachapuri best Georgian resterant outside of Georgia....
Odessa fish restaurant is over rated and potentious but girls will try take you there....
The girls from the smaller towns a hour or more drive from Kiev are wife materiał and traditional... just my view
Been to hydropark thats a strange płace but seems people more your age go there Its like A Poor mans arena cross coney island but full of older ukrainians when i was there... many pubs and so on!!
But not my style... keep meaning to go further in to the gym part looks amazing
i always think your Arenas are for westerners to get rinced Of there money.... If i go Kiev ill Of normaly aranged to go to meet a girl exclusively before hand and be with her the whole Time... only end up going to explore If im by myself bored or a day or two till my flight home... im one Of the Good guys i like to think
Maybe abit too open and honest at times but looking for someone special!

Yes you are right.
Our Friend Rick, I think the forum only exacerbate his pain.
He must turn the page and continue his life;
there is a myriad of beautiful and lovely girls who deserve Rick.

никогда не сомневался в переселение Душа..точно ВЫ -князь Милославский) собственной персоной ))))

As mr. Rich rich man said, enjoy it...

HE is NOTHING compared to our much loved Mexican!!!

"oho God, Why I am so poor without any goal in life?? I felt misserable alone" <--- sarcastic reply