
Men & women



Ladies..why do you hide that you actually have children?

Lately I have seen many profiles that say they have kids but also many many more that say they do not or leave it blank. This is LESS THAN HONEST and gives the impression that you don't have any children. Men that don't want kids see this and contact or try to begin contact and then all trust goes away. It seems the more kids they have the more they hide it. example is that a woman she 26 to 34 often days she has no kids ir leaves it empty only later to reveal after an email or 2 that she does have a child or 2 or 3.  Its dishonest..pure and simple. I AM PROUD TO BE A FATHER AND I FIND IT DISGRACEFUL TO NOT ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE A CHILD FOR THE PURPOSE OF TRYING TO HOOK A MAN or TRICK him...BECAUSE some of us don't care about kids or not then we just go on like the lie never happened to preserve the relationship. Why do you lie ladies? Be honest. Real men find honesty sexy and kids...well it eases our worry that you might want more.  The real purpose is that you have the misconception that men don't want a woman with a child. Trust me...You are wrong. We do for the most part want kids.  Don't lie about your age, or if you have children, or about those giant fake lips on your face.  This site used to have real people with a common goal. Now...look at the fake profiles and the fake answers..and all of this is for gifts and trips and to deceive is into falling in love that later you can say.."if You love me you'll love my kids!"  YOU ARE JUST OUTRIGHT LYING and I think the site should punish these women for LYING on the questionnaire.  Tell the truth. Its sexy. And for gods sale...stop poking out your already fake and enhanced lips. I swear it to you...MEN DON'T LIKE THE FAKE LIPS ...

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Reply to Andy on View the commented comment

Cool!But I am talking about many, many tattoos. And in Slavic culture a lot of tattoos related in minds with only one certain type of men, who have spent most of their lifes in a prison. And their tattoos used to look exactly like on the picture, that I uploaded (dirty blue ink, not very even lines, very simple image). It used to be like that before. So hardly you can find women with many tattoos. Or wearing sweatpants and flip flops outside..


Probably you can say to your acquaintance, that she is beautiful with or without enhanced lips, (I have such a feeling that it is true), nothing to be worry about. And if result the same - why to pay more? Hahahah )))) Probably she does not know about this yet.


slaviс media you can see some celebrities with enhanced lips. So it is an influence of TV propaganda. And women, especially young and without experience, they try to copy all that stuff. They see successful, rich and powerful women and trying to do the same in order to obtain their status. The same, like in America young women watching every step of Kim Kardashian, and dreaming to have one day "Brazilian buttlift".


For those, who do not know what this means: "A Brazilian butt lift (BBL) uses a person's own fat to enhance the size and shape of the buttocks. A plastic surgeon first performs liposuction to remove fat from other areas of the body (often the stomach, hips, and thighs), then injects that fat into the backside. Additional liposuction can be done around the butt to improve the appearance of lift and contour". Or some use silicone implants.


Very popular medical procedure in the USA, I should say. And in Slavic countries a very few people do this. So, the difference is only in fashion trends, as for me. To my mind it is strange to do put something under your buttocks skin, instead of exercising in a gym. But this is my point of view and I can see, that thousands of people have a different opinion.


Paul, 56 y.o.


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I cant stand people that lye or try to trick a man, I went through that crap on those damn pay per letter sites. Women should never lie about having or not having kids.


Elena, 57 y.o.


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Reply to Paul on View the commented comment

Люди вообще не должны лгать, не только на этом сайте. 


Natalia, 55 y.o.


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А вы думаете среди вас мужчин нет обманщиков?



Reply to Nadya on View the commented comment

The Kardashian women are popular among men of African decent.and color. If that makes someone feel better then whatever but I was raiased that a big heart also adds a beautiful appearance. God I wish we had more natural women and less enhanced. Its a shame. Look at Marilyn Monroe? Botox, lipo, face breasts? Doubt like natural and I for one an waiting for that one woman to come along and steal my heart because she will own it forverr



Reply to Natalia on View the commented comment

Again rather than point out the fake women here you attack the men? No one is perfect but i assure YOU I WANT ONE WOMAN AND ALWAYS HAVE HAD ONE. Can you tell me...why you must find fault when they fault rests solely on the female shoulders in this discussion? Could it be self consciousness?


Natalia, 52 y.o.


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Reply to Paul on View the commented comment

Женщина не написала что она не имеет детей. Женщина не написала что имеет. Мужчина подумал что она их не имеет, но там не написано : нет детей.
Женщина не права, мужчина невнимателен. Конфликт. Кто виноват? Мужчина хочет знать.
Ложь недопустима в отношениях. Мужчина должен быть более внимательным.
Это мое мнение.


Natalia, 52 y.o.


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Reply to Andy on View the commented comment

А если я не монро, я не имею право завоевать мужское сердце? Навсегда.



Reply to Natalia on View the commented comment

Тут лично у меня возникает вопрос))

Кто именно имеется ввиду - Норма Джина или образ, очень классный образ, результат тяжелой,

каждодневной работы, который, нельзя мочить)) иначе растечется и смоется.


Норма Джин и купающаяся она же, но уже в эпоху Монро





OOOoops )) fake lips detected on American TV  too))

Andy, would you like to write your opinion about enhanced lips on the NBC10 channel website too? 






Natalia, 52 y.o.


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Reply to Nadya on View the commented comment

А у меня не возник такой вопрос. Все хотят монро.



Reply to Olga on View the commented comment

As I stated before..I I DON'T LIE. BUT ANY PERSON THAT LIE ABOUT HAVING CHILDREN TO ME IS DISGUSTING AND GOD. Not me, will judge then. But if you look at the number of positive responses you will see that many sgrreed with my point of view. That could teach you and those that are fake and lie a lesson.. Good luck...but find someone else to pick on...because you won't find an easy target in me.



Reply to Natalya on View the commented comment

So you explained it and it makes sense. But her attack approach made no sense. I really thank you for your real way of explaining how it could have been perceived. Thank you dear woman and Merry Christmas soon.


Olga, 47 y.o.


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Reply to Andy on View the commented comment

seems our Andy want to fight  

leave liers to be , they play their own games we would never be able to understand , dont spend your time for negotive, life is woulderfull))))  



Reply to Natalia on View the commented comment

Т.е. все хотят нечто искусственно-красивое, что существует только на плёнке фотографа или режиссёра?



Reply to Nadya on View the commented comment

Я никогда не видела фотогрифии без макияжа, не такая уж и красавица, хотя, она мне очень нравится.



Reply to Natalia on View the commented comment

По-моему Мэрлин Монро - это как брэнд, очень удачный имидж. Он существует отдельно от самого человека. И этот имидж живет до сих пор и периодически женщины его на себя. Примеряют и потом опять смывают.  Без макияжа и прически я думаю ее бы мало кто узнал на улице. Может быть только мужья, да стилисты. =)))

Кстати она бывала и полненькой тоже.


Так вот поэтому у меня и вопрос )) Что именно подразумевает Энди, когда говорит, что хочет такую натуральную девушку, как Мэрлин Монро. 

Наверное тогда надо искать полненькую, с пышным бюстом, устраивать ее в киноиндустрию, чтобы была мотивация постоянно худеть. А лицо там же нарисуют, в киноиндустрии))




Reply to Nadya on View the commented comment

Кстати, по поводу пластических операций Монро.

Первое, что лично мне бросается в глаза - это отсутствие складок кожи над глазами.

На юношеских фотографиях у нее явновыраженное нависшее веко, которое позже абсолютно исчезает. Но вообще классно, что врачи настолько верны своему обязательству "не разглашать", что даже через 50 лет не всплыли никакие документальные доказательства. Всё на уровне слухов.



Reply to Nadya on View the commented comment

И целлюлит просматривается. Но я все равноо ее люблю, интересная она, в любом виде, женственная, но это для меня. 



Reply to Natalia on View the commented comment

That's a crazy reply. How can a man be more careful when he reads letters or sees pics with no children? Again....a trend I found here among some women to blame the men first not the lying women. Why or how can a man be more careful? Please. EXPLAIN THIS SCIENCE TO ME!??



Reply to Nadya on View the commented comment

So sorry I am not the expert on the news in your city. I do however see you post alot here about your life and its roses and perfectionism. We know the reality of your world is not so...if it was you would be more with your family and less expressing your perfect American life to the ladies here .Please trust me...your stories about cars and work and houses are all things the women here have heard before and maybe inam wrong but it seems like you rather enjoy boasting on this site. Try some humility. And my post was on this site about big lips but I can provide you a series of posts on fake lips too. You forgot that the Russian women dye their hair jet black, wear tight workout clothes and MUST have the work out glove as am accessory along with the perfect make up. Tell does a women workout for 2 hours and look so fake and perfec op..not more


Natalia, 52 y.o.


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Reply to Andy on View the commented comment

Во первых я употребила слово attention. Так что из за перевода может быть недопонимание.
Мужчина должен интересоваться не только фото женщины, но и ее жизнью. Это внимание, по моему. Если она имеет детей то ее жизнь проходит в другом ритме чем у одинокой.
Я не знаю способны ли вы понять меня.
Если я сумасшедшая то вероятно мы не можем найти общий язык.



Reply to Andy on View the commented comment

Oh, Andy, I am so sorry for you, something inside you really hurts. Take care.


Olga, 47 y.o.


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Reply to Nadya on View the commented comment

а может быть не раненый )))) может просто времени свободного много, а занятся нечем, вот и тролит потихоньку ))) 



Reply to Natalia on View the commented comment

Да, до сих пор люди пытаются понять ЧТО это было, и не могут.


А вот фотографии в ее последний год жизни, 36 лет ей тут...






Reply to Olga on View the commented comment

Ах, Ольга, ах не искушай! )) Таки помню-помню чем это закончилось в прошлый раз.

Даже косточек не осталось ))) Но тогда у нас была тяжелая артиллерия.

давно, кстати, Лены что-то не видно.. 


Olga, 47 y.o.


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Reply to Nadya on View the commented comment

да, Ленаааааа ...Аууууууууу, ты нам нужна, дорогая!!!!  

И правда, что там с нашей Леной, замуж что ли вышла за своего испанского учителя?!



Reply to Natalya on View the commented comment

Well said. Thx



Reply to Lyubov on View the commented comment

For some reason it seems some ladies here seem to think that I wrote that EVERY WOMAN HIDES HER CHILDREN OR LIES ABOUT HER I never said everyone. I pointed out that i have seen it lately. That's all. I don't know if its the translator or the person reading my words but you are flatly wrong that I said ALL OR MOST....



Reply to Natalia on View the commented comment

She 3and 4 year old little girls. Sorry...but that theory doesn't work here.

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