
Men & women



Ladies..why do you hide that you actually have children?

Lately I have seen many profiles that say they have kids but also many many more that say they do not or leave it blank. This is LESS THAN HONEST and gives the impression that you don't have any children. Men that don't want kids see this and contact or try to begin contact and then all trust goes away. It seems the more kids they have the more they hide it. example is that a woman she 26 to 34 often days she has no kids ir leaves it empty only later to reveal after an email or 2 that she does have a child or 2 or 3.  Its dishonest..pure and simple. I AM PROUD TO BE A FATHER AND I FIND IT DISGRACEFUL TO NOT ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE A CHILD FOR THE PURPOSE OF TRYING TO HOOK A MAN or TRICK him...BECAUSE some of us don't care about kids or not then we just go on like the lie never happened to preserve the relationship. Why do you lie ladies? Be honest. Real men find honesty sexy and kids...well it eases our worry that you might want more.  The real purpose is that you have the misconception that men don't want a woman with a child. Trust me...You are wrong. We do for the most part want kids.  Don't lie about your age, or if you have children, or about those giant fake lips on your face.  This site used to have real people with a common goal. Now...look at the fake profiles and the fake answers..and all of this is for gifts and trips and to deceive is into falling in love that later you can say.."if You love me you'll love my kids!"  YOU ARE JUST OUTRIGHT LYING and I think the site should punish these women for LYING on the questionnaire.  Tell the truth. Its sexy. And for gods sale...stop poking out your already fake and enhanced lips. I swear it to you...MEN DON'T LIKE THE FAKE LIPS ...

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Reply to Natalia on View the commented comment

Ok. For the 3rd time. Surely people lie here and surely men and women do it. My post was on my experience. I get the feeling that you are a person that will find a contrary point to almost anyone would say. I say "the sky is blue with a few clouds" and you likely say ''the sky is mostly gray, full of clouds and some blue is seen every few minutes." Some of us sit all day to point out exceptions to what others say. Sorry not me...I have a hard enough time thinking for myself not why others think or act in a different way. My point was what I NOTICED.I welcome anyone else to post what they notice too!



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Sorry but its not any man's fault that a woman would lie about her age or if she has children. That called being a selfish liar and in my humble opinion...denying that someone has a child is a son against nature and God and the child most of all.



Reply to Natalia on View the commented comment

Funny....I didn't say that. But you somehow thought it for me? Wow. You should do that for a minds I mean.



Reply to Nadya on View the commented comment

Yet again a person reading my thoughts. She was what we would call "full figured" and I love it. Beauty exists in all forms and shapes and colors. I wont post the pics of women from my past but i assure YOU they are tall or short, nice in weight or with a few extra pounds, petite or by boned and of many colors, races, and backgrounds. The heart makes the woman beautiful and not the silicon or the number of kids and has or her age. I rather love kids and I won't generally initiate a conversation with a woman of an age I seek without children. Love and want a family!!! That's my dream.



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No hurt at all. I find it odd that you are still on this site for finding a man when you found one. Maybe I am the only one that finds this odd..I dont know. Lastly I am not one to boast often about my life and so I find it also odd that you rather easily tell all that will read it how your life is roses and peaches. You are surely lucky but reminding all here of that is to me a little pretentious.



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"Everything you admire in another person belongs to you and the same goes for all that which you dislike".  If you know what I mean =))

God bless you Andy, God bless you..


Evgenia, 52 y.o.


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Reply to Andy on View the commented comment

Я не отрицаю вашу точку зрения, Andy. Возможно вам встретились женщины, которые намеренно скрывали информацию (детей). Но возможно ли, что женщина изначально не полностью заполнила анкету, а потом забыла об этом или не имела времени. Возможно в этом не было злого умысла, есть много людей, которые делают только половину дела.
Есть ещё одна сторона: в интернете много мошенников и женщин, и мужчин. А ещё есть всякие извращенцы. Я знаю женщин, которые опасаются показывать фото детей. У меня был контакт с мужчиной, который больше интересовался моей дочерью и тогда я удалила фото дочери из моей анкеты, но конечно, я никогда не скрывала, что у меня есть дочь. Я очень ей горжусь и люблю. Но в моей анкете не было ее фотографий. Это просто моё мнение.
Я хотела бы, чтобы вы прояснили свои слова о "проверках на ложь". То, что вы написали не служит хорошую службу, это похоже на вторжение, но вы должны подумать, что эти женщины пока вам ничего не должны, вы написали несколько писем друг другу и все. Этот не делает вас парой.

Например, женщина находится на работе, совещание у шефа .... и в этот момент звонит Andy. Женщина не может ответить. Andy делает вывод, она лгунья. А может женщина в магазине и ее английский не так хорош. Она стесняется говорит на людях. Есть много ситуаций, когда ваш звонок будет не ко времени. Но вы ещё не ее муж, почему вы предъявляете требования?

Не нужно обижаться, я хотела только обратить ваше внимание, что вы возможно немного торопитесь с выводами и все слишком близко принимаете к сердцу.
С Рождеством вас и вашего сына!



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Having just met someone surely doesn't mean I am married to them however I should have been more clear with you. If I didn't answer and immediate Viber message or call then an immediate bad reaction came from this person. She liked to contact to me at all hours...and with 7 hours time difference you can imagine it was abit tiring. At first I just thought she was needy but eventually I "returned" the favor of oddly timed phone calls and messages. To be clear...when a person wants to chat during their work hours but at a time when they might for example to home to a family DOESN'T message or call.WELL I THINK YOU CAN SEE A PATTERN. So on a bus ride work...messages...lunch...messages....suddenly time to be at home...She was all of the sudden so busy with home life although single, and with no children. Bottom line...she did have children and a husband and when I discovered it...I actually volunteered to dial back but remain a friend. I even offered her advice on a nice place to take her entire family(husband too) so I could show I was not just judging her on having a child. It was the lying..not the child. I am still surprised how some ladies here still(not you) make excuses for lies about lifestyles and home life. A spade is a spade as we say. And so it goes...I am far from perfect but I do openly tell whoever will listen how proud I am of my son. I feel bad for you that some pervert robbed you of showing some of your pride here. Merry Christmas to you too!!!


Larisa, 59 y.o.


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Reply to Andy on View the commented comment

Andy, Ваше желание любить и иметь семью очень здоровое. Только иногда это желание выглядит как оружие, а не как светлая мечта.  
Счастливого Рождества и исполнения желаний в Новом году.



Reply to Natalya on View the commented comment

Я обсолютно не согласна с тобой Наташа,это не правильно! Кому понравишся тот и с ребёнком возьмёт.И правильно Andy написал.


Natalya, 48 y.o.


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Очень страстная речь ))Конечно вы правы , но и мужчины и женщины очень разные . У нас говорят-" на каждый товар есть свой покупатель"- конечно это образное выражение  

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