Men & women
After a few letters, their messages seem to become shorter and less frequent
After several months here, I notice a pattern. Ladies I have met in Russia or Ukraine seem pleased to correspond; however, after a few letters, their messages seem to become shorter and less frequent. One unusual aspect, however. They encourage me to continue writing while they barely communicate at all.
Male logic tells me if she has no wish to write, she must not really be interested, so I move on. Certainly if she wished to continue, she would answer my letters and tell me about herself. Is there something I am not understanding? (Well, perhaps she doesn’t like me at all and is being polite!! Will not be the first time!) )))))
Years ago, I met a Ukrainian lawyer who had become a friend of my mother. She and I were friends for some time and wrote to each other often. Tanya spoke English quite well; however, she often became easily irritated over trivial issues. When I suggested there might be a misunderstanding, she became further perturbed claiming I was insulting her ability to understand English (which I had not).
I continued to write, realizing communication is often difficult even when both are present. Oddly, regardless of how irritated she became, she always ended her letters or conversations with a smile and a happy, “You may continue to write!” After a few months of this, I gave up and quit writing, thinking too much confusion to this relationship. My mother later told me Tanya had been very sad and hurt because she had really liked me. Huh!??? What!??? shock:
Apparently I failed to receive some memo. When I sense lack of interest, I do not keep trying to convince a girl to write. Women certainly have the right to ignore me (and often do) if they are not interested, and they have a right to be left alone. One thing seemed strange, however. The happy face and ”you may continue to write!” Could someone tell me why I should write when they do not seem interested? Please throw me a bone here! Thank you. (By-the-way, Tanya is now happily married to a doctor in Virginia and has twins.)
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"Those girls just want to come to America" - you know, from what I observe, men here sometimes do everything to choose a wrong woman, hence such situations and conclusions. Being arrogant and choosing a life partner like a doll in a shop is one of those ways as it merely deters worthy women with principles.
Yes, Helga, many of us cool westerners are here to be your friend! And site management, with the exception of one life-time member, does an excellent job of making sure you see more of the cool type!!! )))
I agree, Helga. I have personally found some really cool friends from the US and Western countries here as well. I'm glad they are here, but I'm actually here to socialize with you cool girls.
For me, I hope I all those wrong decisions made with wrong women are finished a long time ago. Nonetheless, I try to be careful because look at what an old man I am. This is my last chance!!!! ))) Those statements regarding women in other countries truly are arrogant and made by low-intelligence voters; I have discovered the finest, smartest, most mature and most lovable women in the world here; and Helga, you're one of them!!!! I would not consider an American woman after meeting you girls here. While opening your heart to anyone is always a risk, I'll take my chances here, any day. 😉
You are right there, Helga! The choice should not be made like choosing clothing at the shopping mall. It is necessary to really learn. Online correspondence is not life, just a possible step toward life.
Steve! Steve! Steve! God bless you my friend and welcome back! Hope all is well with you! You were really missed! You missed all the fun and games with our Italian brother, but you can go back and read the dialog. I was always very kind, but he wasn't so lucky with the girls; however, I think we're all still on with the pizza. I have been buried with work but I'm glad to celebrate your return! Have a very Happy Thanksgiving and please don't eat too much turkey!!!
Greets. I am back, at least for the moment.
How have you and everyone been? Was only a few weeks I think, that I was away.
Hope your Thanksgiving was great too.
Great that you're back! I have been pedaling as fast as I can but Tom keeps me on my toes. You know, Steve, no one wrote us to wish us a Happy you think it had anything to do with that Wal-Mart video???
Every one who saw that is still experiencing problems with their site or possibly went insane, I would guess. Scary stuff there...
I'll be here at least through the 28th of December, then may take a break again. Not certain at this time.
Lots going on here with my business...
Un dicho español: el que la sigue,la consigue.
Un gesto que la mujer española y del sur de Europa siempre quiere o desea es el que la " ronden","sentirse querida","ser buscada por ese chico que intenta atraerla,seducirla,convencerla de que el es el chico que busca".
A ti te preocupa la falta de interés que les notas..
Ponte en su lugar.
Tu lo verás como ser cortés con quién te escribe el de tratar y responder a todas.. Pero esa es una estrategia un poco picaflor... Te vale cualquiera para tratar.. Y ellas ven en eso,demasiada competencia para un chico que no se decide en buscar una amiga especial.
Consejo: centrate en la chica que te gusta. Haz que ella entienda que esta por encima de las demás... Pues existe otro dicho español: quien mucho abarca,poco aprieta... Y tu te distraes queriendo tratar a todas...
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