People, culture & society
Mechanisms of Government?
I can tell you about our system if you wish, Victor, but will take a while to write it all down. Briefly...In most countries, people serve the government. Most Americans cannot understand this concept. In the US, the government was created to serve the people and is accountable to the people for their actions. (Right now they are not being very accountable) We have different levels of government, beginning at local. The hierarchy is in this order; local, county, state (Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania) and then federal. Federal is the highest. Our constitution delegates power to the states. In recent years, the federal government has tried to seize power from the states, and that is not going well. Americans are given legal right to firearms to defend from (overthrow) the federal government if the feds overreach their power; this is happening now. Federal cannot use military against citizens, by law. Military cannot be used to police citizens. Currently our federal government is out of control and an embarrassment to all Americans. I don't think the rest of the world is too happy, either. Big election in November, will be a political bloodbath. Those in power will likely be removed; the President may be impeached and serious changes come to our country. We all hope...and so does the rest of the world. Ask questions if you wish, Victor; I will try to answer.
Lo expliqué mal... Económicamente.. Que función tiene un estado Federal?.
El estado de California o el estado de texas.. Siguen unas leyes que legislan desde la capital... Pero a su vez,legislan propias leyes que son legales en ese estado pero fuera de éldejan de tener poder.
Económicamente de que manera se financia o como recauda un estado Federal?.
Anything will hardly change for "the rest of the world"... as long as there is that apple of discord - natural resources. So some country will never leave "the rest of the world" in peace. (You personally cannot do anything about it. That's nearly a natural course of things).
But if the fraternal American people are happy we will be happy for them. I wish you positive changes at the elections!
Si,me interesa saber como tu país recauda impuestos y como después los reparte o distribuye por el país..
Mi país tiene sistema autonómico.. Cada región recauda para el estado.. Y desde la capital distribuye la parte que cree conveniente..
Nuestra autonomía nos permite velar por el propio idioma yy el bilingüismo.. Nuestra cultura y crear nuestras leyes. Y velar por nuestro sistema de Sanidad público.. Pero en tema fiscal no somos completamente independientes..
Creo que antes de una década seremos estado Federal monárquico, aunque avance el sistema de República..
Yo sinceramente apenas veo diferencia entre autonomía y federalismo...
For many years, the American press and media have attempted to deceive Americans into believing certain things about our government; this becomes more and more absurd each day. (Concepts that would benefit those in power.) Americans are able to discern the truth and roll their eyes at news organizations who promote that foolishness. News organizations that promote lies do not make money; they must be subsidized by other sources. We have a small percentage of our population that accepts whatever the government says; we call these sheep "Liberals". Our Liberals are what you used to call communists and socialists. As in the former Soviet Union, they believe government should control everything and everyone. They are devoid of logic and promote a false agenda, but are a minority. In the US, we believe everything government touches turns into "dirt". (I wish this were true in other countries.) This November, things will change and that will hopefully be better for the rest of the world. Unfortunately, regardless of what happens, many in the rest of the world will continue thinking what their government tell them. We have lived with freedom of information for too long to accept what our government says at face value. Not rocket science to figure it out! (No one even watches White House press briefings anymore; only journalists attend these meetings to be polite. Reporters all leave, rolling their eyes and shaking their heads.) Sometimes I laugh when I am told that Americans don't know anything because we are not there. If we were there, we would think as they think!
Y si tan mal estáis... Porqué no os alzais y mostrais al mundo vuestra verdad??.
Tus palabras muestran a un país que se deja someter y falta de ideas para cambiar..
¿ Que fue del espíritu de vuestroS padres fundadores?.
Recuerda este dicho: El pueblo no debe temer al gobernante.. Es el gobernante quien debe temer al pueblo.
¿La juventud americana porqué no se mueve y actúa?.
Уважаемые модераторы!
Поскольку тема к сексу уже относится весьма условно, но принимает интересное развитие, нельзя ли отделить ее часть, начиная с сообщения Дага от 21.07.2014 23:18, и открыть отдельную ветку с названием, например, Mechanisms of Government? Поместить ее пока в разделе "Он и Она", чтобы все могли принять участие в дискуссии (да и раздел снова оживет), потом со временем убрать в соответствующий раздел.
By Doug:
"For many years, the American press and media have attempted to deceive Americans into believing certain things about our government; this becomes more and more absurd each day. (Concepts that would benefit those in power.) Americans are able to discern the truth and roll their eyes at news organizations who promote that foolishness. News organizations that promote lies do not make money; they must be subsidized by other sources. We have a small percentage of our population that accepts whatever the government says; we call these sheep "Liberals". Our Liberals are what you used to call communists and socialists. As in the former Soviet Union, they believe government should control everything and everyone. They are devoid of logic and promote a false agenda, but are a minority. In the US, we believe everything government touches turns into "dirt". (I wish this were true in other countries.) This November, things will change and that will hopefully be better for the rest of the world. Unfortunately, regardless of what happens, many in the rest of the world will continue thinking what their government tell them. We have lived with freedom of information for too long to accept what our government says at face value. Not rocket science to figure it out! (No one even watches White House press briefings anymore; only journalists attend these meetings to be polite. Reporters all leave, rolling their eyes and shaking their heads.) Sometimes I laugh when I am told that Americans don't know anything because we are not there. If we were there, we would think as they think! "
Doug, who do you mean by "they" in your final sentence? Would you expand teh idea, please?
Tienes que descargar la Consitucion De Los Estados unidos y ver. Un estado federal es diferente de uno centralista por el tipo de competencias que estan reservadas en materia legislativa a cada regiòn federal Generalmente al estado central quedan materias de politica estera, la defensa y el contro sobre los estados federales
Un estado federal no tiene nada a que ver con la soverania del paìs. Generalmente los estados federales tienen mas a la soverania general del pìs que los otros centralista. La razòn de esto es simple: el ciutadano està mas acerca de las istituciones y la controla mucho mas!
The conflict in Eastern Europe has affected more than those who live there. We all have dear friends on both sides. Both have different perspectives. Both are understandable; however not all are justified and many harsh statements that are made. From comments I hear, the West may possibly have access to a wider variety of news sources. We like to think more sources helps with objectivity; we also believe this knowledge is open to all because of the Internet. Perhaps it is not.
Comments made about the US do not bother me and I am never offended. (I have thick skin from being friends with Tom.) We believe everyone has a right to their opinion, even if it is incorrect. (I can personally verify that most Americans do not eat live kittens in satanic least most Americans.) When friends on opposing sides make harsh statements about each other, I try to reconcile. Regardless of what any country is doing, I believe it is not the blame of their citizens; it is the government that makes policy. Friends, families, neighbors should not hate each other because of lies told by politicians, and plenty of lies are being told.
Sadly, events in the world directly affect all of us on this site who are just looking for love. Most of us here on this dating site seek fulfillment in finding our soul mates, giving love and receiving; this is a noble endeavor. This is how men and women were designed (Leave this alone, Tom!) We should make the most of it.
Some of us have been here a while honestly pursuing this goal. We all come bringing our gifts and our past, hoping someone will like us and accept us, regardless. Some carry emptiness, hurt and pain, seeking the one who will love them unconditionally; someone to work together to make a better life. This task is difficult, even if the world were at peace.
In the West, we have our own opinions regarding events in Eastern Europe. Should not shock anyone that our perspectives are different than many of yours; however, I do not neglect the goal of finding my soul mate because of what is going on in the world. I understand it is easy to be offended these days, but defending governments will affect your success here in finding the love of your life. You may accidently miss them, even while they are looking for you, if you are angered by things over which none of us have control.
This is an international site. Of course, world events should be open topic for discussion; however, Marina, our wise manager, is sensible to regulate the topic. I hope she does not mind me using my own country as an example. Hopefully some of you can draw conclusions that will give you better insight. I try to be careful with my words.
Americans believe in small government. We feel a large government encroaches on their citizens and restricts personal freedoms. In the US, our government uses a “divide and conquer” strategy to acquire more power, and they are not the only ones. Americans resist this; however, we also see this being used in other parts of the world, and with success. Leaders who can cause normal people to hate each other can use this to an advantage.
Americans freely admit our problems and that our government lies to us every day; huge lies; spectacular lies; we expect it. We not believe our politicians when they “Hello!” Most major US news networks have become extensions of our government’s lying. Despite this, Americans still search for the truth, discover it and rally to hold our government accountable. We try to be open about our problems because obscured they can never be fixed.
Many of our problems affect the rest of the world; some of us feel this responsibility. This is why freedom and speech and information is vital to our society. The truth is important to solving problems. In a previous post, I mentioned a major US election in November. Those currently in power will probably be removed, even they speak of this openly. We will see how well this system works. Hopefully, the world gets better for everyone.
The American people, as a body, see a need for truth as part of having peace. We face personal criticism every day because of our leaders, as if we are somehow personally responsible. We do what we can; however, if we can ignore the world’s daily misunderstandings of who we are, and still try to keep a pleasant attitude, while continuing to seek love here on this site, so can everyone else. Please think about it.
Some of my dear site friends stopped talking to me due to what we observe in the West. Certainly we have different perspectives; we have different information and from different sources. Even when I defend them, that is offensive and humiliating. They tell me I could not possibly understand any real truth because I do not live where they live. That is not a valid concept.
Helga, to answer your question, “They” are those who believe proximity to an event is directly proportional to accurate perception (I don’t have to be there to see what’s going on). Often a more realistic assessment is achieved through broader observation (meaning, if I were there, I would be affected by the same deception confusing everyone else). I have no personal need to convince anyone of any “facts” related to conflicts in the world. Everyone here has their reasons for their beliefs. Here at home, I make no apology for what we see from the West; however, not really necessary for anyone here to agree with my assessment. A pity for anyone to lose out on their ideal future with the person of their dreams because of this. This is a fantastic site. Bringing the outside conflict onto this site will harm your chances of finding that wonderful person who will love you forever. Regardless of what world leaders do, we can determine to be at peace here. Americans try to keep unnecessary government out of our lives; maybe it would work here, too. Just my thoughts. Hope I did not offend anyone; if so, please forgive.
Helga! Sweetheart! )) Did I answer your question!? (Next to last paragraph!)
Bueno Doug,ya he estudiado un poco el sistema Federal.. Incluso compare vuestro sistema con el Federal alemán y el propio sistema autonómico español.. Que a pesar de ser un país centralizado,cada autonomía tiene mucho más autogobierno que cualquier región de Alemania..
Le veo sólo una diferencia a mi sistema actual...cada región controlaria y distribuiria su propia riqueza.. Pero me estoy acordando de la ciudad de Detroit " no recuerdo a que estado pertenece"" Michigan?". Un estado centralizado o autonómico desplaza recursos y fondos para salvar la caída de un territorio " en España,la crisis dio a quiebra varias regiones y se envió dinero y recursos del resto del conjunto".. El estado al que pertenece Detroit,recibe ayudas federales y de otros estados?.
Aquí tenemos serías dudas si una Federación funcionaria en España.
Respeto a lo que ocurre en el este europeo... Cierto que desde aquí no vamos a arreglar el mundo y este lugar es para encontrar pareja... Y creo que quien me conozca ya sabe mi opinión... Sin preguntarme.
Cierto es que desde aquí no se lanzan misiles.. Pero hay un pueblo,llamado Ucrania que igual que Siria y Palestina se desangran.. Y no por callarnos o girar la cabeza... Se detendrá.
Дорогой Даг, спасибо большое за ответ. Да, я прочитала все.
Согласно вашему ответу, вы считаете, что нахождение в гуще событий совсем не означает четкого знания о том, что происходит, и что американцам со стороны (то есть с их континента) видно лучше. Вы сослались на то, что у вас есть особые источники информации. Не могли бы вы их указать, если это возможно? Нам тоже интересно.
Однако своей же фразой - "Я могу лично засвидетельствовать, что американцы не проводят сатанистских ритуалов с поеданием котят" - вы противоречите своей позиции. И я таки вам верю. Я полагаю, что вы все-таки более осведомлены о том, что происходит в США (кстати, от вас об американцах я узнала, наверно, намного больше, чем из книг и формального рабочего общения, спасибо)
Касательно проблем с правительством, очень вам сочувствуем. Мы понимаем, каково это... Искренне желаем улучшений.
Даг, по тексту целых три раза вы предупреждаете, что если говорить не то, что хочет услышать мужчина, то он, о ужас! "перестанет жениться". А вы знаете, мы не боимся. Мы ведь здесь не потому, что нам деваться некуда. Многие женщины могут абы какого мужчину и на месте найти. Только хочется ведь разумного и адекватного, и лучше быть одной, чем с абы каким. Опять же вы своим примером подтверждаете, что лучше искать долго, но тщательно, и ничего страшного с вами за время долгого поиска не случилось.
И кстати, мужчины здесь лучше, чем они вам изначально показались. 😉 У меня здесь есть ряд друзей, с которыми можно обсуждать самые проблемные темы, и эти мужчины остаются неизменно разумными, вежливыми и объективными. И оказывается, такие ситуации - хорошая проверка на адекватность.
Dear Doug, thank you very much for your answer, I have read everything
According to your message, you believe that presence in the thick of things does not mean knowing what is going on, and that Americans know better, as they see things from the side - from their continent. You referred to specific sources of information available to you. Could you please specify them, if possible? We are also curious.
However your phrase - I can personally verify that most Americans do not eat live kittens in satanic rituals - contradicts to your above statements. And I tend to believe what you say, since you have a closer perspective of what is going on in the USA (by the way, you alone greatly enhanced my knowledge of the USA in spite of all those books and formal communication at work. Thank you!)
We sympathize with you because of those problems with the government. We do know what it is like and we sincerely wish you improvements.
Doug, in your text you gave a three-time warning that if we do not say what pleases the man's ear he (what a pity!) will not fancy us. You know, we are not afraid. We are here not because we are hopeless. Many women have no problems with finding some man right where they are. But many just do not need "some man" and are in a search of an intelligent and sensible one. Again your own example confirms that there is nothing wrong with a long search and it's better to be thorough and selective.
And... I can personally say that guys here are better than you perhaps thought of them )) I do have some male friends on the site who are always sensible, polite and objective and with whom we can productively discuss even the most challenging topics. Moreover such situations are a good test helping to reveal if the guy is sane at all.
At the end of the post I almost said, "Tim, feel free to jump in any time!"
You are a good guy, Tim I hope your mailbox is full every day.
Thank you, Helga, for pointing out the misunderstanding. I will make another attempt.
Given the events in the world, common to hear harsh remarks everywhere in international circles. Reasons for these harsh remarks include; not all facts are known to all parties, even agreed upon facts are subject to interpretation, and then their are personal biases that affect objectivity. Clearly I have experienced this or you would not be reading my post.
In the US, we do not believe in our own government's propaganda. I wish this were true everywhere. Where do I get my information? Does not matter; firsthand undeniable information regarding, for example, names, ranks and backgrounds, number of vehicles, exact location, nomenclature, model and version, pictures and live video, would still be irrelevant. Some would still deny out of reflex. Information other than actual evidence would prevent a proper conclusion. If I explain this in any more detail, Marina won't post this answer. Winning is not the purpose of my post. (Dale Carnegie once said, "A man convinced against his will remains unconvinced.")
I simply encourage those, to whom this applies, to not judge your neighbor too harshly; time will reveal the whole. Do not hate or be unkind toward your neighbor because of conclusions you my have quickly drawn. The entire story may not be known; so use a little grace. If this does not apply to you, I guarantee it does apply to others. Otherwise, I would have posted regarding the world-wide hoax known as "Global Warming, which has now been renamed "Climate Change", since there has been no measurable increase in the earth's temperature in the past 15 years. The argument "everyone knows we are destroying the earth" is a laugh. More government propaganda! Don't forget it was our scientists who came up with this nonsense in the first place. Most of them have already repented for making up the data! Do not be angry with your neighbor; peace starts with us as individuals. If we get it right, our governments will be forced to follow.
Tim, you fully understand what I'm talking about! Am I being diplomatic enough!? A new perspective would be helpful and you could use the exposure! By the way, any of you girls who don't pick up on Tim from Casper, WY, you're missing a fantastic opportunity!!! This guy is a gem!!!