
Gentlemen's club



groom rellocation

Question to men: What Does a man might have to do if have the willing to immigrate and relocate to his fiancee homeland? Irrespective of the lady country.

Of course there are many difficult on immigration process, eligibility to have a job in a new land, language barriers and so.


I just put my mind in a lady mindset in order to think about it.


I want to hear from men, of course ladies comments are welcome.




Nadya, 48 y.o.


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A man might have a big willing to be near his woman.


Tatiana, 70 y.o.


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Я жду комментарии от мужчин.
Пожалуйста, мужчины, отвечайте!
I look forward to comments from men.
Please, man, answer!



I have setup business here with my great friend.

Now the next goal is to have business visa to stay at Russia, buy house and live on different countries as Ukraine and Mexico.

In my jubilation I will end really international business and combine pleasure with personal business.

Who said it is impossible? Difficult maybe, but never impossible.

Now I will be near of my great friends I love a lot.

Yes , you know you are included, but there is not yet the owner of my heart and soul.

Where are you?

I now learning deeply Russian thanks to my dearest Dasha.



why else would be more complicated or difficult if it was the man who left his country to join that of the woman he wants to share his life?
Be it emotionally, professionally or socially uprooted and integration are the same register, leave his family, his friends, his job is not easy for one as for the other.
It is a matter of a couple of choices that must be posed and maturely with all its parameters should be discussed together bearing in mind the implications and consequences that this entails.
I think it's one or the other who leaves his country to join that of her new boyfriend / girlfriend, it is primarily because the relationship they have developed is honest and sincere and that choice is in the direction of the man for whom the "stress" due to the change are least disruptive.
But you seem to finally be "stayed in the female mindset" all thy installed in Russia?
Can you explquer what you have done, what soont the steps you have done, what difficulties you have encountered?





Reply to Philippe on View the commented comment

Hi Eowyin:


Interesting reasoning:


First woman I almost engage:

At the end she made the decision to not migrate to my country as unknown and uncertainty, even her daughter entered the University and this familiar event is the most important in her life, then declined further communication. I was almost at the plane in order to travel to her and finally met.

Communication closed.



Second woman in the next future:

And what if I move? I work as a technologist in the subway and this job is universal in every subway. Also I have the education of commerce since my childhood as my mother helped my father to get more incomes and buy a great house. This education is well known by me and now I am starting commerce there.




I have a friend very dear by me, but I need to go with calm, we are talking to buy a house for me at Moscow and live at both countries, no matter I would engage with her or not.


I do not want to annihilate any relation with the women I have met, even at Moscow I met a very great person and I need to build a mature relationship with calm and wisdom.


I am learning seriously Russian and Ukrainian, I am developing my next future with the goal in 8 years to move to Slavonic Culture after my Jubilation, and spend my life by the side of a special woman I could meet. Nothing is written yet and I am open to know people without playing with their feelings.


With commerce I can rise kids and travel on the great culture I have known with my last personal trip to Moscow.


So am I brave enough to relocate ?



YES !!!


I am an inventor with patents worldwide, so combine business with my intelectual property are habilities I can handle as I am doing at my country.



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The first one is that you need someone who you can trust.


Even many men and women told me about to not do business with women.


Why? This mindset is strange for me, I trust her in every aspect as she trust me also. Here at Mexico we have changed to a equal genres has the right to live and work in the same conditions as Incomes, houses, rights !!!




Vera, 48 y.o.


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Reply to Salvador on View the commented comment

Уважаемый Сальвадор! А почему вы решили именно в Россию ехать? С учетом вашего возраста вам будет очень сложно найти работу. Плюс к этому у вас, как у иностранца будут огромные налоги на ваш будущий бизнес. Вам потребуется собрать огромное количество документов, чтобы легально зарегистрировать бизнес в России. Вы уверены, что именно в России вас устроит налоговое законодательство? Я живу в России всю свою жизнь, я родилась здесь. Могу вам сказать, что открыть здесь бизнес вам как иностранцу будет достаточно сложно. Вы почитайте законы, которые регламентируют возможности открытия бизнеса в России как иностранцу. Единственный для вас вариант, жениться на россиянке и на нее регистрировать бизнес. Опять таки в плане цен на жилье. Если вы решите покупать дом с землей в Москве или Московской области, то покупка будет не из дешевых. Где-то в провинцмм будет дешевле, но там и развивать бизнес будет сложнее



Reply to Vera on View the commented comment

Thanks Vera for your kind advice !!


Actually I am doing some type of trading between both countries, but at the end  I will need a Business Visa and start some ideas I have there. Of course my goal is to immigrate or live there in my jubilation stage, where I will have my fix salary until I died.


In the meantime with a great person I have there, I can explore and develop business. As I told to my new associate, never give up or have a negative perspective, look for the best of everything and try to accomplish the goal, it will take time, sweat, tears and even bleed , but at the end we will be succesful persons, ,,,,, never regreat from the past as you had tried to Do it !!!
