Men & women

Фото ню. "За" или "против"?
Хотелось бы обратиться к мужчинам с таким, по-моему, интересующим многих вопросом. Как вы считаете нормально ли просить у женщины, с которой вы познакомились в интернете, фото в бикини и голом виде, а также видео такого характера??? Будете ли вы впоследствии воспринимать серьезно женщину, которая покажет себя голой??? Возьмете ли вы в жены такую женщину???Лично я считаю, что женщина не должна оголять себя, а мужчина, который просит такие фото либо проверяет ее, либо настроен совсем не серьезно. Хотя, может быть, кто-то со мной не согласится. Поэтому хочется услышать более обьективное мнение по этому вопросу.
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У них цель получить удовольствие от солнца, а не показать кому-то грудь. Проблемы мужчин их не волнуют. Не нравится - отвернутся.
Добрый вечер Ольга ...Нельзя обвинять только мужчин ...Я познакомилась с одним Греком ..Мне понравилась его прямота ..Он без всяких намеков сказал ,что ищит на сайте ...Мойответ был краток ,что такие отнашения Меня не интересуют ..И задала вопрос много ли женщин ,которые принимают такие предлажения ..Ответ меня удивил ..Не только принемают ..Но и сами предлагают ..И таких достаточно много ..Вот так ..

Нормы обнаженности во многом зависят от локальной культуры(например общие бани в Германии норма) и степени развития ваших отношений. Где-то женщине лицо открыть это харам, а где-то гулять по центральным улица голым - это праздничный парад. В любом случае не делайте ничего что считаете не приемлемым для себя и несоотвествия ваших собственных норм. Вам с этим жить.


Ok here goes!!! My opinion about other men’s opinion then my opinion to round it off....
Bens opinion.... the best because it’s a man’s opinion thinking like a man. Ben has a history of speaking his mind and sometimes dwells on things he feels strongly about however you asked for a man’s view and this answers 100% right if you like Ben or not it’s irrelivent... personally I know he’s one of the good guys!!! But don’t always come over that way!!
Christian I like the guy and he has some valid points here, however the answer is thinking like a woman and telling you women what you want to hear. I’m not calling Christian has this may also be what he believes. 35 likes 0 dislikes is because it both politically correct and what a woman wants to hear with Christian well and truely sat on planet Venus (women from Venus men from mars reference)
Hugo from other posts you will see I’m not his biggest fan, however I understand women looking for lifelong commitment, but 3 years for internet dating ain’t actually that bad probably above average for internet relationship time scale! (Has long as the girl was of a mature & legal age!!! ) reference to his 18/28 age criteria -3 years he was with this girl!!!
Demitry.... fair comment!!
My view.... when a man or a women first messages each other it depends what the two peoples view is on nude pictures or bikinis...
in 2018 to some people anything goes... others will just block!!!
It depends where the conversation goes and how comfy you are with each other...
I’ve had relationships where I’ve seduced the woman, I’ve met a woman who’s seduced me from the first second we met!! life is interesting but not always black and white and don’t believe what you hear on internet or media... or in a forum!!
Sex is personal between the two people involved.... same with sexual pictures....
what I will say is if you did decide to send nude pictures never send with face and body parts has it could end up anywhere...
A penis, breasts or a vagina on there own can be anyone’s and won’t incriminate you or expose you to the world on the Internet
that’s if you do indeed decide to send them out... your choice it’s called free will!!!
Is a 37 year old woman a child or a grown up?? When her man asks for these pictures does she say no because she’s not comfortable with her body or deep down not comfortable with her man? But in denial? If she was in a sexy mood would she send? Some people send openly some send and regret later!!
Some women would if in the mood if the man had the skill or knowledge to get her in such a mood!! Im not judging..
I’m asking you to ask yourselfs this question!
Can she decide if to send nude pictures or does she need to deliberate with women??? in a woman’s chat?? she don’t know the answer? On July 17, 1986 , the world discovered that there was “no sex in the USSR” on TV now were in 2018 times have changed..... now teenagers are going to Kazantip with there mothers aprovel!!! Some people are blinkered others are not ...
Ukraine declears freedom is our religion and to some freedom includes sexual freedom..
in Ukraine women march for sex workers rights others are part of FEMAN women’s rights against female exploitation ... also consider Swinging.... Dogging.... BDSM...... and other none vanilla acts...
I’ve no idea how sexually advanced the men or women in here are or there knowledge in the bedroom and how that will playout in a marrage or a relationship....
only a fool would try and dictate the rules.... If there is a wrong or right about sending nude pictures or bikini pictures.....
get to know your partner don’t judge him or her
... and don’t talk about him to other women...
unless women in here are married there not your best friend there not here to get you a husband your here to find your own ....
like at nightclub you not look for a man for women you not know
you look for your own man!!! ....
and only a bigger fool would say a man who asks for bikini or nude pics is not a serious man.... that’s a assumption not a fact!!!!
this is a general overview....
would I ask for nude pictures or bikini pictures depends who I’m asking...
the situation... our dynamic.... the person... the level of chat... how much I know her...... if me and a women are looking at marriage and she can’t be open with me at some point what relationship have we got?
Do I want my woman to share my bed if I meet her YES do we cook for each other YES do we respect each other YES....
Has a rule I don’t send or ask for nude pictures!!!!
Have I sent before and has a woman asked me for this before the answer is YES every situation is different
sorry I couldn’t answer in Rose Tinted Spectacles 👓
I respect and hope I’ve not offended anyone has that’s not my intention with this reply... you asked for my view and you’ve got it!!!
I’m also upvoting the post because it’s a good debate along with Ricks I’ve enjoyed today also...

Вы правильно заметили, что мужчина и серьезный может попросить фото в бикини и "ню". Но... в зависимости от женщины, с которой он общается; от ситуации и длительности
общения. Когда у меня попросил такое фото русский мужчина на 4 день знакомства в интернете, после одного телефонного разговора и одной 10 - минутной встречи в реале, то, конечно, я отнеслась к этому очень негативно, так как подумала, что меня причислили к каким-то "не таким" девушкам. То есть не заслуживающим уважения. Поэтому я и оценила его поступок, как не серьезный. И отправила ему фото голой обезьяны. Но он даже юмора не понял или не хотел понять. И пропал. Разве это говорит о его серьезности намерений?! Думаю, нет.

Translation not always the best.
If I read you right this man had 1 x Phone Call ☎️ and 1 x 10 minute real meeting and then asked for explicit pictures?
If I read this correctly this man is dysfunctional with the conversation skill on same level has Paul Edmonton!!!!
The first 10 minutes of a meeting is the most important so you make the best impression
Or in this case not!
However I am open minded but even I am very much struggling with this situation. I think not a serious man!!
He’s not your man!!!!
Нет нет нет
(Incase the translation is bad)
If I was you I wouldn’t take this man serious either (that’s coming from a man)
In forum everyday we see SOME men and women are just weird!!! so don’t let this surprise you!
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