Our happy couples and happy wishes
2015 was the year I met my wife in Ukraine. For some reason our story and pics were deleted. I’ll post again.
From the moment I first seen that beautiful smile online. That was it. I knew she had to be mine. Most men in North America wait 3-5 years to propose. Hey. Women over her in NA fake their best. But wow. The first week I hung out with my wife. I had to get her off the market for good and I did just that. So you all wonder if it’s possible to meet long on sites like this. Absolutely. Here’s the crazy thing. I remember in a message I sent to my wife if she ever read the posts in the our happy couples and wishes. I said to her before I leave this site. I’m going to write on this site. Who knew I was telling my wife that. Anyways. I hope everyone on here looking for love finds exactly what I did. We’ve been together for 11 years. She now lives in Canada with me. It’s forever.It was totally worth giving it a go. I won’t lie. Was it easy? Absolutely not. Especially when you write and write and not one reply. I’m not going to lie. I’m glad I didn’t get very many replies or I would have never met one of the most beautiful girls on this site at the time. All it takes sometimes is just one reply to set things going. One huge benefit you have is your from Spain which is just a hop, skip and jump away from Eastern Europe. Probably flights are more affordable. At the time I was living in Calgary Alberta. You don’t get much further away from Eastern Europe. Flights costed me 2000$ per flight before I moved to Atlantic Canada and then they were only averaging 1200$. Anyways. I wish you the best of luck and I hope you find someone wonderful on here.
Как мило, что вы до сих пор на связи и имеете возможность подбодрить и мативировать на поиск.
Честно удивленна, обычно женщины остаются на форуме и участвуют в диалогах.
Back in the day when I was single. I wanted to know all I could before going to Eastern Europe. Sure forums were great but there were so many men who would offer advice and they had not even met a girl abroad let alone even go overseas to meet who they were interested in or talked to. To me pictures are a good start and a description of what went down and what lead to your success is so much better. If anyone has any questions or wonders. I do my best to help as I have been around a time or two navigating this type dating. It’s not instant. That’s where most people get frustrated and give up. Some people are incredibly lucky to put little effort in and be talking to a few people but then don’t pull the trigger and go meet and see them. Then there’s men writing day in and day out with not a single reply yet willing to jump on a flight from just a single reply. I was in the second group. So seeing the same person in that position would have been much more motivating to see and hear from. To me it all came down to a numbers game. I kept plugging away till someone finally said hello. I spent a good six months on here before my wife said hello. Sure there were others here and there but I may not have been fast enough for their tastes. If I’m going to spend thousands of dollars to get a flight and live in a foreign country for a few months to get to know someone. I’m going to want to get to really know them online as well. I had talked to my wife from February to may before I told her I was buying a ticket to go and see her. Others before her were going great but one day they just ghosted. It sucked because when you put a lot of time and effort talking to someone and your just about to say. You know what. I feel we get along pretty good. How about I come and meet you. Boom. They just disappear with no word ever again even if you write wondering if they are ok and even asking if they met someone then you hope they have the best in luck in life. It’s definitely a learning experience but I wouldn’t trade it for anything else in the world. I’m glad I stuck around and kept putting myself out there cause I truly met my match. My main thing to say though is it’s not easy. It may take some people days, months or even a year or two to meet someone you truly connect with. But just because you meet a bunch of people online and they go nowhere doesn’t mean that it’s going to keep giving you zero results. Sticking out out is where sooner or later it’ll yield rewards.
Рада вашей удаче, вы выиграли счастливый билет в семейную жизнь. Желаю вашей семье, полной гармонии и взаимопонимания, а так же расширения, как и детишек, вы ещё оба молоды.
Надеюсь, ваши советы будут услышаны и кто то сможет так же найти свою любовь всей жизни.
Я же, уже из тех отчаявшихся, кто не особо верить в удачу международных отношений, это конечно в моем случае. У меня были встречи, но это не принесло желаемого результата. Возможно я сама по себе сложный компаньон, стоит это справедливо признать, я не считаю себя одинокой, я просто свободна.
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