Children in a family with a foreign man

Women on the site that build a relationship BUT do not have permission from the father lf her children to move...BIG ISSUE
What can I say. No one can think of everything but it seems so odd to me that there are fathers that are not active in Russia or other countries but still they must be consulted...whichi agree is fair...but women. .....habe you not thought of this beford you registered? Two times encountered this and I would have paid an attorney but when the absent dad found out.....he wsmted money too. Anybody else have this cme up?
Its a very common problem in russia and unfortunatly we cant forsee such behaviour in advance (many years before divorcing). Sad but men sometimes have such a low selfesteem that take a ravange this way over their ex wives, they just enjoy this dependence making women begging! In your case try to deprive the father of his rights through court, offer him some money in case he will not witness against at court. If the farthee is deprived of his rights, the kid belongs only to a mother. but without knowing the details of your situation my advice can b useless
In Russia the right of the father and the mother are equal. And if a woman going on holiday in a country where the visa is not required, the woman can not ask the child's father. If a woman is going on holiday with the child to the country of the Schengen visa in the United States, Australia, even for short term needs permission of the father of the child, which must be certified by a notary public. And the same situation exists, if a woman with a child go to another country to live constantly. If a father refuses to give consent for the child's departure abroad, the matter is settled in court. The judge will give the child in the family, where the conditions for the child will be better. If you present evidence to the Court your good financial condition, evidence of reliability, the Court, coupled with the fact that the child is more tied to the mother, would rule in your favor. If the child is more than 14 years, the Court may take into account the views of the child. There are many women without children. You can select this option if you do not want to deal with the Court or do not have the opportunity to present evidence in court about your finances and reliability.

Наверное это большая проблема, когда дети становятся заложниками в отношениях между бывшими супругами.
Мне рассказывал один мужчина, что ему пришлось разорвать отношения с любимой женщиной , так как им не удалось решить проблему с отцом детей.
и еще один мужчина рассказывал, что женщина от него скрыла наличие детей , пожила с ним два месяца,а потом все же уехала, потому что не смогла пережить расставание с детьми.

in Russia, 90 percent of men love their children as they love their wife. unfortunately after the divorce is over and love for children. but then begins a revenge by the men. and instead of helping, they create some problems on the contrary. why is that? unknown. probably a feature of Russian men.

Its not a matter of money or finance....believe me just to get any visa to sponsor any woman or her child (ren these docx are required in grest great detail up to 15 ys past plus moneys and other thing....I agree it should be the same except in cases on deadbeat dads. These men dont contribute but somehow now see a need to use it to isolate or keep his ex under his thumb. for finding a woman with no can I expect my future bride to one day love my as her own if I will simply disallow myself to choose a woman with children. I want a completr family and look forwsrd to the addition of TWO OR 3 TO MAKE A FULL HOME... home full of love!

In Russia, mostly women appointed as a judge. They tend to take the side of the mothers. Provide documents about your income, about what have good housing, where the child will be comfortable. If you have a prestigious job or a good position, it is also + Documents that you are not involved in the criminal or administrative liability that you do not have a mental illness, and others. The more - the better.
The state duty for the trial court is about 9 euros. A lawyer is not needed if you have a lot of documents.
Good luck!

Sorry...thats a far distance from the 1500$ usd I was told. In the end....I accept a woman with a child as I hope she will accept mine. There is true love in this world...romance for sure. The last lovely woman I encountered and honestly fell deeply for had a missing, as in declared missing from mysterious circumstances reappear. The first time I met her by the black sea before he was found or freed somehow she ran to my arms. I have never had a woman both kiss me passionately and cry from joy at the same time until that moment. I remains a fond memory in ky heart forever...we spent many months together but I admit, when he waa discoveted alive in a hospital after missing and declared dead for almost 3 years.....although that kiss was the most sweet, and most passionate of any kiss of my life, I gracefully gave her the choice and bowed out of the relationship to give them space. They are happy now. We still chat solely as friends and we still inquire about the growth of our children from the previous marriages. One thing for sure.....I am not in love anymore but I do still in fact know how to be kissed now.
`Bye Now and take care

90% ?? Sorry...that number is grossly exaggerated! Women out number men 3 or 4 to 1..depending on which national statistic you read so they simply choose another. Sorry...experience tells me reality.

I live in Russia. and see it. in Russia even say that men need children, while he loves his mother

На что женщины только не идут ради иностранных женихов, и чтобы уехать, это делают глупые женщины.

Юлия, не рассказывайте мужчине сказки о любви русских мужчин к детям, я думаю, они в курсе русских мужчин. Как это, сначала любили, а потом, после развода, вдруг, перестали любить.

Thx for your comments. I am sure my way is NOT the only way or tue best way but I am SURE that the 90% of Russian men is a gross exaggeration of the real situation as you agreed. It seems the men in Russia have a great advantage over me...they can have one then ANOTHER amd ANOTHER. WHAT happened to two good people having a long life together? I think maybe Julia is just putting on a brave face not to criticise mother Russia and her men. As for I said I am sure my way is not the ONLY way. But having "a clear calendar" is best if one wants to make an appointment for the future....meaning its a good idea to already have permission for the child to leave the country. I learned a valuable may scare a woman away but I ask "can your child move freely with you" every time now. Thx for your responses.