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How to make good photos for the Russian speaking woman
How to make good photos for the Russian speaking woman.The lighting of the photo is important. Avoid bright sunlight on your face. This causes you to squint your eyes and makes harsh shadows. I choose a location where there is indirect light. For example where sunlight is shining on a light colored surface for the source of light. Your eyes are the window of your soul. How can I see your soul if your eyes are mostly closed to avoid the sun?
The background is important. I choose a background that has an even pattern that won't distract from your face.
Bring the camera close to yourself or use a zoom setting on the camera so that YOU are the subject of the photo. Try to avoid a photo which as an interesting subject and you are very small in the photo.
Remember that you are communicating with the viewer through the camera. Be natural. The best photo that was taken of me, was taken with a telephoto lens when I was talking so someone and I did not know that the photo was being taken.
Choose a subject that invites the viewer to join you in doing something that you like to do. My friend, Svitlana had a photo on her profile. She is standing behind a delicious meal. She appears to be saying, "Come and have this meal with me."
I suggest that you refrain from trying to appear sexy. Sex in a photo is like garlic in a salad. A little bit will go a long way!
Information about photos.
Please avoid the photos where you have rotated the photo at an angle. In my opinion, it is not cute and only frustrates me. I don't want to have a sore neck from trying to see you at an angle.
I can tell you as a man, that I think about sex with my wife probably once every hour when we are apart! When I see a pretty woman, I notice her appearance and appreciate her, but I don't imagine sex with her. When it comes to pictures, I think that sex is like garlic in a salad. A little bit goes a long way. If you have 2 photos in your profile or 20 photos; I would suggest that the photos show you doing the things you like to do and have the photo invite the viewer to join you in whatever you are doing.
I suggest that if you are looking for a husband that you have ONE photo that is sexy in a very subtle way. My wife does this perfectly. Her photos are about where she is, what she is doing, something that is interesting and she has only sent me ONE sexy photo. In this photo she is lying on the bed in a train compartment. The only thing that is sexy is her beautiful eyes. I look at this photo and it says to me. "I want you, come to me!" I suggest that you post one mildly sexy photo in your profile. If the photos are openly sexy, the man seeing the photos will think that you want sex with any half way suitable man and as a man, I can say that I am not interested in a woman who is promiscuous.
If you have children, I suggest that 10% of the photos include your children in a family setting. Set up the photo so that the viewer can imagine himself included in the photo. If a man is not interested in including your young children in your new family, I suggest you find another man. If the man isn’t interested in your young children one of you will be unhappy in any marriage that follows. My wife has two sons. Our younger son is 19 and we are very close. Our older son is 29 and I am eager to have him included in family activities and I anticipate with pleasure, the idea of him joining us.
Я с вами дорогой Питер тему секса обсуждать не буду !!!! У вас есть молодая жена, вот с ней и обсуждайте !!!!
Интересно, а она знает , что вы сюда пишите !!!! Я бы такого мужа метлой бы прогнала. несчастная женщина, поверила вам. Или так гражданство нужно !????
хороший пост.всегда интересен мужской взгляд . Уважаемый Peter а сколько лет Вашей жене???
My wife is age 50. Sometimes she comments that she thinks that she is too old for me! I don't agree with her, but I understand the source of her opinion. She thinks of me as a "small boy"!
When I was age 14, I saw that my friends were becoming old (they were smoking cigarettes and pretending to be mature. My opinion was that they were like little girls playing games to wear their mother's clothes and my opinion was that they weren't maturing but only pretending to be mature!).
The defect that I see in adults is that they have lost the good qualities of the child.
My suggestion to you is to take care of your physical body, keep your heart/mind young, gain wisdom and to be careful that you don't trust too much.
I am on this site to help other people to be happy. I am a good friend of the owners of this site and I help them with marketing ideas, perfecting the English of their site and making suggestions of how to make the site easier to use. My wife knows that I post to the forum but she does not worry about this.If she asked me to stop posting to the forum, I would respect her wishes.
У вас хорошие помыслы. Но самое ужасное не то что не удобен сайт в использовании ( тут все хорошо). ужасно что есть многочисленный контингент мужского пола, который ну совсем не попадает в разряд женихов. А именно: сидят и морочат голову нам женатые мужчины, мужчины - секс туристы и просто пописари, мужчины которые вообще не собираются жениться. Вот почистить бы эти ряды... Но понимаю что это не реально. Это только мы женщины, зная таких мужчин должны жаловаться администрации сайта. Таким образом мужчины будут относиться более серьёзно. Но все дело в том, что такие мужчины в золотой галереи ... Я не вижу как с этим бороться. А такие моральные травмы наносят такие мужчины многим женщинам.
I would like to add some things about taking good photos. Please remember that I am a grumpy old great grandfather. What I say is my opinion and includes my prejudices. When I was a young man, women ignored me despite that I was strong and handsome. I now realize that what is attractive to the women that I like... is my mind and thoughts.
Please don't take a good photo and rotate the photo. I get a headache and my neck hurts from trying to see the photo!!
Please don't wear extreme high heels. I never see American women in extreme high heels. I say to the men, that it does not attract women to wear a coat with padded shoulders.
I suggest that you have one mildly sexy photo on your profile. Wait until after you have corresponded with a man and find him interesting to send him more sexy photos.
About breasts. I read the 50% of American women have plastic surgery. When I see an American woman with a full figure... I think... plastic and I lose interest to look at her. So I suggest that you don't wear clothes that push up your breasts as they then appear to be plastic!
Some women will be angry when they read what I say. To these women, I suggest that you look within yourself to understand why you are angry.