
Men & women



What is it with all of rhe fake lips i have seen lately on this website and on women in Russia and the Ukraine?

People I have to say something....I just can't hold back another day.  I have seen more and more women with enhanced lips lately.  Ladies... ITS NOT ATTRACTIVE! YOU ARE ALREADY THE MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMEN IN THE WORLD...and the weird thing is that I know that medical care and technology there is not up to western standards. I have been in hospitals in both countries and those doctors have 7 to 10 years of schooling.  Our western specialists have 13 years under their belts before they TOUCH A SINGLE PATIENT.  Its unsafe and in case you didn't know, a full 35% of all meds and supplies used over there are counterfeit. You could be injecting all kinds of unknown stuff on your bodies and the alarming thing is that it's your lips. You can't cover them up when the job goes bad and trust will.  I am genuinely scared for a lot of you lovely beautiful charming women. Trust me when I tell you that western men already think you are absolutely a gift from heaven.  As a reminder.. Your lips that big is VERY unattractive.  Really unattractive and when you also throw in a super tiny waste from dieting too much and pushed up breasts it looks plain old fake.  

I have to be honest and say that even our western women do not look so artificial.  None have a tiny waste like that and fake lips and pushed up breasts. Please pick just one.  These pics of you in front of the mirror...stomach sucked in and lips poked out in super tight gym clothes is way too much. I am kinda sure that I speak for generally all men.  We love you when you look real and ample not enhanced and over dieted.  Best wishes fish face ladies. You have done too much. 



Hi Andy
could you please answer the questions
- "I have seen more and more women with enhanced lips lately" - what kind of age group?

- why western men already think that slavic women are a gift from heaven? (despite the fact that western women do not look so artificial)
if it is possible more in detail please

- what kind of pics You want to see? Maybe in a bathrobe and no makeup, maybe immediately after sleep?

-how much pics should be two or three or more the better?

- is it important for You written in the profile all "About Me" and other?

Your opinion is very valuable and thank You that you make us better. 


Olga, 47 y.o.


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Енди слишком высокого мнения о западной медицине и западных женщин. Вероятно он не читал статью американского пластического хирурга, который призывает ВСЕХ женщин задуматься о ботоксе и пластике после 25 лет.


Tatiana, 57 y.o.


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Anecdote to the topic:

A: Just look at that young person with the short hair and blue jeans. Is it a boy or a girl?

B: It's a girl. She's my daughter.

A: Oh, I'm sorry, sir. I didn't know that you were her father.

B: I'm not. I'm her mother.


Well, it must be true what they say....We can't afford to change human nature. (Eternal commitment to excellence and to business) I'm so sorry, but we can't. I just want to say has a real shot at finding the Lady that you deserves. The only exclusive the original. I wish you good luck, dear Andy.



Victoria, 52 y.o.


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Andy, Вы абсолютно правы.
Когда я впервые заглянула в Instagram , я увидела фото необычной, интересной девушки. А потом таких фото становилось всё больше и больше и больше. И, увы, все они, абсолютно все одинаковы, как клоны. Волосы, брови, губы и даже позы. Все одинаковы! Не могу назвать себя сторонником или противником пластической хирургии или альтернативных медицинских корректировок внешности. В силу возраста изучила все "за" и "против" лифтингов, термажей, "золотых нитей", ботокса и т.д. и могу сказать, что не готова ни к одному вмешательству. Старение - естественный процесс организма. К тому же сейчас возраст в тренде))) "Old is new black!" А относительно тюнинга моё мнение - категорическре нет. Будьте индивидуальны и полюбите себя!



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If you read an article about plastic surgery then I assume you are a person that believes in it?  I think in some cases it's great...but what do we say to the women that already look great? Or the young women that follow the example of others. Yes I have a high opinion of western medicine and there is no need to's pure fact. As far as western women I know 1 that has had any procedures done at all. Its all preference but I think if you look at the number that agree...and that disagree with my comment then you will understand. I appreciate your opinion 



Reply to Tatiana on View the commented comment

Thx for your feedback. I agree that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder and that God made us to be exactly what we are. If a person was to look at the women that have had their lips done then as far as I have seen they also have a really really tiny waste and the rest...well it all looks fake to. Its called dismorphia and it's a condition of a woman not thinking her body looks good enough. Well i am here to tell you that You all look good. We are all different in shape and size but we all have a heart....and that is what I am after.  Botox won't fix a selfish or shallow heart and that is a subject that these women could maybe examine too. Thx again  



Reply to Tatyana on View the commented comment

Hi. To answer your questions. The age group appears to be spread thru the mid to late 20's and early 30's.  

Slavic women are a bit taller...less over weight and appear to be less hormonally enhanced as western women. You ask why? Well it's in our food. The chicken is on antibiotics and hormones for growth. The milk that we consume is the same. Its proven that all of this is the cause of earlier puberty and if it does what it's meant to do when the animals we eat are growing...imagine what it does to us?


As far as your questions about what pics I like it's quite simple. Natural beauty with light make-up. And do I mind a woman with no I don't. I rather like it. A fair representation of you ladies is the way we will see you at home..with your hair down...relaxed and natural is OK with me. Ask that question and you will find most men like a women with light make-up And natural beauty.


Yes it is more important to me what is written in the ' about me" section. Any man that places a lot of importance on physical appearance will be the man that leaves for a younger verion of his current woman when she ages. Its again been proven. I don't like it and it's not me or any man I know to want an artificial version of a real woman 

I get the sensation from your questions that you tend to find fault in what a person says on every angle when they ask a question that you find different than yours. Its called an opinion and we all have one. Mine is mine..yours is yours 

The number of pics doesn't really matter to me as long as THEY SHOW WHAT I AM ACTUALLY GETTING.  THE REAL PERSON..not the one under a lot of make-up.


Anastasia, 40 y.o.


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agree with Andy and Nika,

natural beauty is more attractive than surgically killed individality.

today, it looks like pastic surgery is highly promoted as a tool to stay young and beautiful, but beauty is not about age or perfection, it's rather about imperfections that make us unique and confidence that amplifies the beauty within each and every one of us.

imo, Peter Lindberg did a great job capturing it for Pirelli.





Reply to Andy on View the commented comment

thanks for answers and same clarification of the age level,
that has not happened as a result - "to lump everyone together"
explain - often men are looking for women 20 years younger, that is quite young, who are in a period of experimentation, who thinks that the appearance can achieve a lot. It is their choice to think so. As well as your choice in the search for women.

about our food.... we know it, and even we contrive to eat natural and healthy food .... we are not so bad  
the question remains =====why western men already think that slavic women are a gift from heaven?

request for man - tell your opinion please - why you think that slavic women are a gift from heaven?
Thanks in advance to all



Reply to Tatyana on View the commented comment

Hi. My easy answer is and will always be natural beauty and a femininity that just pours out. Mothering, caring, daring, and the obvious....the way you take take of yourselves. Those are all things that seem to be just part of your DNA.  I hope that spreads some light on your curiosity.



Reply to Anastasia on View the commented comment

Agreed and you have nice lips already. My age has caught up to me. I got away with seeming 35 but recently really feel 41. Dare I ask....what age do I look? I like this question and await eagerly any feedback.  Thx for the pic. I HONESTLY don't know any women with lips done that way..NOT ONE 

I have a unique story actually that just happened to me about someone on this site. Profile says NO CHILDREN...

In real life 2 kids.  I sent a pic of myself that was really new. She sent one of herself and I am sorry to say my first reaction was: your lips!  I was shocked to see the picture. It didn't look natural at all. I was immediately deflated. Still I pushed and asked if it hurt her. At first she changed to subject and asked..."what about my lips?"  And my answer was.."they are red and plump!"   I didn't have the heart to say anything else after that.

Thx for your comment. Andy



I was unaware that the incidence of lip edema had reached epidemic proportions, and simply thought that Slavic women generally have fuller lips   


Olga, 47 y.o.


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Reply to Terrance on View the commented comment

это так и есть  


Olga, 47 y.o.


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Кстати, о пластике и внешности славянских женщин   не совсем в тему... Лет так 10-11 назад на паспортном контроле в аэропорту Стамбула таможеник долго и внимательно рассматривал мой паспорт, потом стал мне задавать вопросы сколько мне лет и сколько лет моим детям. не удовлетворившись стал спрашивать даты рождения моих детей и мою. потом попросил пройти в комнату и человек 5 рассматривали меня и мой паспорт задавая разные вопросы. я была удивлена потому что все было нормально и с паспортом и со мной   когда они объяснили мне причину задержания я бы рассмеялась если бы не было все так трагично. причина ваш реальный возраст не соответствует написанному в паспорте. я в шоке, спрашиваю как это. оказалось по их общему мнению мне максимум 22 года и мне не может быть столько лет сколько указано в паспорте и быть мамой двух детей. я бы поблагодарила их за комплимент если бы они не трепали мне нервы по этому поводу несколько часов и не заявили мне что мой загран паспорт поддельный. мне мои возмущения что в моем паспорте уже 3 их визы и 2 российские их уверенности не поколебал. ситуацию усугубляло то что на загран паспорте у меня были каштановые волосы и я была накрашена,а я сама была уже блондинкой и ехала без грамма косметики. я говорю просто волосы перекрасила. хотите сейчас макияж сделаю и буду лет на 5 старше выглядеть. не поверили. пытались уточнить делала ли я пластику лица. обиделись что я "вру" им   позвали девушку- сотрудницу которая под лупой рассматривала мое лицо. при всем этом я до сегодняшнего дня ни разу не делала ни пластику, ни татуаж, ни подтяжки, ни ботокс. так что если человеку почему то хочется верить что все вокруг натуральные а вот та сделала пластику то ты уже фиг докажешь что это не так  



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    Оль, у меня было ну почти так же в Египте.
В паспорте длинные волосы, а на момент поездки я подстриглась под 1 см и временная тату (хной) на пол шеи, плюс ждали вылет почти всю ночь, не спали и на таможне были сомнамбулами.
А про пластику - если будет эпидемия - введут отдельные поля для фото переделанных губ/ушей/груди и поп. 


Paul, 56 y.o.


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Women with enhanced lips look fake AND gross, stop doing it!! 



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Here is am example a Russian woman gave me




>>ards. I have been in hospitals in both countries and those doctors have 7 to 10 years of schooling.  Our western specialists have 13 years under their belts before they TOUCH A SINGLE PATIENT.


Yep, but their services so expensive, that people prefer to travel abroad, to have plastic surgery there. Brazil, Colombia - are the most popular destinations for these purposes. These countries are close to the and any type os surgery ther costs 5-7 times less, in the US. So between very high experience level of American specialists and low prices of overseas specialist Americans themselves often choose the second options.


Paul, 56 y.o.


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Yes ladies are pretty enough by nature they dont need any outside help. 


Paul, 56 y.o.


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Reply to Tatyana on View the commented comment

Yes Tatyana i would like to see what u look like after you get up from your sleep. Tatyana you would look beautiful no matter what time of day or night it is. And I dont care if you believe me or not, I know in my own heart you look good ALWAYS. 


Paul, 56 y.o.


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Reply to Andy on View the commented comment

Andy well said, you took the words right out of my mouth. Some of these ladies are so pretty i am scared to write them, coz they may ignore me=(. 


Paul, 56 y.o.


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Reply to Andy on View the commented comment

Women do not look better with lip enhancment however the young ladies getting it done feel differently.



Reply to Terrance on View the commented comment

Open your eyes. Trust they are out there. You have seen the the gym..right pants..short short but breasts pushed up...gloves and a camerma in one hand all with big lips and perfect make up. Wow...just worked out so hard their make up and hair and lips look perfect
