
Gentlemen's club


Sean, 35 y.o.


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Introducing Your's truly

Warm greetings, Gentlemen, and also the ladies in this subtopic.

I want to take the opportunity to mingle here a little bit. I would start my introducing myself, and then ask a few questions.
[Warning : long post- you might get bored and bitter while reading this. So if you feel that I have been talking too much, or any negative emotion (towards me), I am sorry for your experience. I still wish to present myself in a clear way, Gentleman to Gentleman. Should this offend anyone, then please, you are probably interpreting this in a wrong way.]


I am a male of the Human species, 26 year old, almost 27 in a few days. I am ethnically Indian, but I grew up in England and India, and I studied, live and work in Germany.

The reason I am here

I am opening a can of worms here.

=> First a little bit of how I got here. During my studies, I decided to learn the Russian language at least for reading, so that I could read mathematical monographs from Russia. At that time, I noticed that Russian life's outlook is slightly different than the western one. That raised my curiosity.

Later, I have my own company now, and the second owner of the company is from Croatia. We operate business in various countries in Europe, including Ukraine. So I was able to experience the Slavic culture first hand, albeit for a very short time. I am aware, that the Ukrainian culture probably does not represent the entire spectrum of Slavic culture, but it's been a good experience.

This is why I got interested in Russian / Slavic people, finally leading me here.

=> the reasons I'm not charmed in Germany : (Disclaimer : this section is my own *personal* experience, and does not represent Germany as a whole) You see, so far, I have had been the designated Nerd. Some ladies who knew me even affectionately gave me the nickname "Sheldon" from Big Bang Theory - others who didn't know me, gave me the name "Rajesh"  . As the designated nerd, I was never reciprocated, in fact scolded on my advances. Fast forward a few years, and now I have my own Company, multinational B2B business, money and status. And lo - all the ladies, who so far were never interested in me, suddenly are dying to see me.

I am not charmed.

I do not plan to play the role of a provider to a woman who so far didn't care. I am aware, that the elderly generation will eat me alive for saying this. But regardless of the mother or the grandmother advising the woman to settle down with a provider, and the man to strive to become a provider - I am still not charmed. I first want to be loved, for my mind, my brain, my body, and my way of life. Then I can bring in the bank and birth in it.

Besides that, as an Indian immigrant, romantic life in Germany is crappy. Either people think you are a software nerd (I am not. I am a aerospace nerd   ) or you are a rapist or you are a terrorist.

Even funnier is that the men accept me as the leader of a group, but women start shouting "We don't need a leader, we definitely don't need a male leader, and even if we do, we don't need an immigrant male leader". This really happened.

As for being a rapist, I, well, don't wanna make a comment.

As for being a terrorist : I fell in love with an Italian, she was okey with me, then suddenly she **suddenly remembered** (ähm, ahem, ahem) that she was married to a Pakistani who was using her to stay in Europe to avoid terrorist charges in his country.

Yes, all these reactions are pretty entertaining to me, but this is not sustainable in a relationship.

=> Reasons I am not signing up for an Indian dating site : Chicks of India that I came across so far are too conservative, and by that I mean in terms of outlook to life, and ability to take risks in life. I am a scientist and a businessman - so certain amount of risk taking and dealing with resulting hardship is part of my life. But Indian and west European chicks alike don't appreciate this. Not to mention that you have to deal with their elders, and their expectations .... I am not interested in marrying the closed minded family of a less, but closed minded chick.

So, so far I'm pretty dry.

What I am looking for here :


Long term relationship, that can withstand the stresses arising from my kind of work. By that I don't mean that I am going to put the woman aside, and ignore her for my work. I want a woman to stick to me and travel with me all around the world. However working and travelling all around the world means sometimes it will be less than a 7 star vacation, and that will create considerable physical and mental stress (trust me).

I want to have a long term relationship with a woman who isn't just looking for a provider, or isn't agreeing to settle down for me 'cause she's an adult now and "have different demands", who doesn't disqualify me as a romantic partner just because of my nerdiness, and isn't interested in me "because so far she's been interested in other kind of men and now experience taught her to like people like me" - no thanks, not charmed.

I am looking for a woman who is in the same wavelength with me, in terms of that she's hungry for passion as much as I am. Someone who didn't waste her youth lurking around in the shadows, but hopefully achieved something in life, so that the upcoming midlife crisis will not be an issue for her.

I want a woman who realizes life is short, so there should be a lot of romance, and memories worth making.

That is pretty much all what I care. Religion, hair color, etc irrelevant.

If that is possible, then down the road, marriage and children are thinkable.

Now, shipmates, here's my question to you :

* What is your experience on this site so far? Is this a site where it is possible to meet a diverse array of ladies to find out who resonates with me? Or is this a site full of people who wishes to get married to a rich provider?
* Does anyone know, how do I search for the lady's preference(s)? Not mine, but hers? That is, is there a way, to search for ladies whose desired age matches mine, desired "ethnicity" matches mine, and filter the rest? Or do I have to check them one by one?

Besides that, I thank you for reading this and have a nice weekend Madams and Sirs !


Olga, 48 y.o.


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Для начала, я думаю, надо заполнить анкету. После прочтения ваших предпочтений о партнере я не думаю что кто-то будет воспринимать вас серьезно



Hello Sean, I welcome you in this site and I can say , this site is really valuable and real.

Regarding your formation I can say you are a successful man who has achieved the necessary steps to not worry about finance. Of course there are so many interest from anthropological perspective.

Men look for pretty faces, well proportioned bodies ( hair, face, what we the men looks, you know what I mean) as we want those characteristics in order to reproduce our descendants with better qualities.

Of course women wants attractive men with proportioned body ( women, you know what I mean) and of course a provider to secure the descendants with success.

From anthropological and traditional marriages,I remember when I was 23 and a family tried to me be engaged with an even a child of 14 y.o. blue eyed and very attractive girl, not realizing it was forbidden by law!!!

Now in these times when women also has grown from a machist and puritane culture from the past, now we the men ( not all, every one has their own preference) are looking for a life partner who will understand and tune up with our perspective of life. This new revolution of internet and mass communication approach persons.


I think in my opinion and experience , that you must setup a profile closer to your personality with a clear description of yourself, what aspirations you have in life and what you are seeking in a woman. The psychological test is excellent for this approach, I really recommend to women and men to fill it up, ASAP ( AS SOON AS POSSIBLE)

Among myriads of women in the world, you can seek what you need.

Let me say, slavic culture and way of life is closer with our hispanic values as family, traditions and goals. I have witnessed in my two travels to Russia ( and I have traveled some countries ).

The only request I have asked for we the men, is to add in the parameters of search the ethnicity preferences of the women. It would save time and effort when approaching women as to not receive letters from women with kind declinations for correspondence.

In my personal experience, you can find sincere persons who are looking for the same goals.

We the men, need to travel first to your prospects homeland ( avoid women who tell you that need help as money for the tickets to your homeland ).

After some visits we can check if our prospects are a match, and of course, do not play with their feelings, they are real persons who deserves our respect.

Go aheas Sean, try first with your profile and setup what you are looking ( a family , women with/without children, etc).

I do not like to read men profiles, ( as communication letters between the same gender is not possible). You can investigate in the forum and ask for guidance, better from women.

With my best regards,




I do not like to read other men profiles, but you need to be specific on what type of women you are looking and narrow it accordingly with your real preference.

Also what is in your mind and what you are looking.

Ask for advice and add more pictures of yourself  
