
Reply to Elena on View the commented comment

Елена, Ваши оскорбления в мой адрес я оставляю без внимания, потому что меня они не трогают. Отмечу только, что они не вяжутся с образом "профессионала с 30-летним стажем".
А вот ваши попытки манипулирования информацией прокомментирую. Факты и только факты, со ссылками:

"обсуждение началось с того, что мне пришлось прокомментировать ваши размышления о якобы отсутствии какой-либо причинно-следственной связи между применением вакцины Pfizer/BioNTech и установленными смертельными случаями в Норвегии, что НЕ соответствует действительности. Повторяю ещё раз, для неспециалистов: смертельные случаи применения вакцины зафиксированы строго в рамках временных протоколов, позволяющим сделать выводы о наличии такой взаимосвязи, согласно международным стандартам исследований."

Когда два события происходят последовательно во времени, это еще не означает, что первое событие послужило причиной последующего. Причинно-следственную связь надо доказать. При ее отсутствии, два события называются совпадением.

В частности, в Норвегии, случаи смерти пожилых людей расследованы и власти ПОКА НЕ НАШЛИ доказательств причинно-следственой связи, о чем опубликованы официальные заявления на сайтах норвержских регуляторов: The Norwegian Medicines Agency (ссылка на заявление - и Norwegian Institut of Public Health (cсылка на информацию

Чтобы избежать трактовок, вот полный текст на английском c первого сайте:

" The figures in the published report include the thirteen reports that have been assessed by the Norwegian Medicines Agency and the National Institute of Public Health. Several reports of suspected adverse reactions are received on a daily basis and are continuously assessed.
All reports of suspected adverse reactions with fatal outcome following vaccination are carefully assessed.

The large studies on Comirnaty (BioNTec/Pfizer) did not include patients with unstable or acute illness - and included few participants over 85 years of age. In Norway we are now vaccinating the elderly and people in nursing homes with serious underlying diseases, therefore it is expected that deaths close to the time vaccination may occur. In Norway, an average of 400 people die each week in nursing homes and long-term care facilities.

All deaths that occur within the first few days of vaccination are carefully assessed. We cannot rule out that adverse reactions to the vaccine occurring within the first days following vaccination (such as fever and nausea) may contribute to more serious course and fatal outcome in patients with severe underlying disease.

The Norwegian Medicines Agency and the National Institute of Public Health jointly assess all reports of suspected adverse reactions. Consequently, the Norwegian Institute of Public health has emphasized its advice regarding frail or terminally ill patients. An evaluation should be carried for each individual patient as to whether the benefits of vaccination outweigh the risks of eventual side effects. The reported cases have had no impact on the Norwegian vaccination strategy."

Медицинские эксперты по поводу сязи смертей в Норвегии с вакциной Пфайзер:
"Fatal incidents among these severely frail patients following vaccination do not imply a causal relationship between COVID-19 vaccination and death," explains Dr Sara Viksmoen Watle, Senior Physician at the NIPH.

Steinar Madsen, глава The Norwegian Medicines Agency, уточнил в интервью агентству Bloomberg: “Clearly, Covid-19 is far more dangerous to most patients than vaccination,” Steinar Madsen, said by phone on Monday, adding that a connection between the vaccine and the deaths is difficult to prove. “We are not alarmed.”

Доктор Anthonio Faucci, директор the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (главный эксперт по COVID19 в США, эксперт с мировым именем - прим.мое): "the deaths have to be put into context of the population that they occurred in -- a nursing home with extremely frail individuals... Fauci said that his understanding was that the deaths followed the booster dose of the vaccine when there are more non-specific symptoms, such as aches, fever and malaise. It is conceivable that when you have a very frail individual, such as many who are in nursing homes, that even that amount of stress to them could put them over the top," Fauci added.

Stephen Evans, professor of pharmacoepidemiology at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, said that so far there was "no evidence that any link between vaccination and death in these vulnerable patients is a causal one. Evans told the UK's Science Media Centre that when people who are at high risk of death get vaccinated, "there will be a certain number of coincidental deaths that occur shortly after vaccination. We do not yet know, but it would seem that the observed numbers of deaths is not notably above the numbers expected," he said, adding that there was "no need for anxiety, but complacency is equally mistaken."


