
Reply to Chris on View the commented comment

"He came here asking for advice on why he was being blocked frequently, and quickly it was discovered that yes, he does send messages that many women would find disturbing."

It was not discovered, it was insinuated, and the conversation took an unfortunate turn where Dustin was accused of being a sexual pervert for which I don't see any evidence. You escalated the discussion to a charachter assasination, provoking Dusitn to get defensive. To me, he appears a normal ingenuous guy.

"His posts point to a very low level of emotional maturity and very little ability to accept responsibility, nor does he show an ability to conform to what is socially acceptable."

His posts point nothing but being unexpirienced in comunicating over the Internet on the boards like this one. Are you a specialist and trained to diagnose people online?

"We have a term for this type of person in North America - "incel". His post history indicates he has no issue treating women as possessions, he just seeks a specific type. Men with fragile egos and low social integration are a very dangerous combination, which is amplified by his experience in the military. We've had several cases of such people killing innocent people in Canada, and I don't encourage that type of attitude whatsoever."

This is the bridge too far, from "kissing and hugging" to "killing people".

"If you want to support him, maybe you can privately guide him in the right direction. I sincerely hope you do."

Thanks for your unsolicited advise.


