
Reply to Svetlana on View the commented comment

Hi Svetlana ,

Thank you for your positive comments on my part.
Well , back then , in the years of the Cold War , I believe 1948 ~ 1989 , when the USSR broke apart , we in the West would no better , that the USSR was stretching until the East German border - as they called it the Iron Curtain.

And , yes , there were Russian soldiers stationed in Poland in the 70's and until the USSR ended.

Even so in E Germany.Remember the song from the German rock band the Scorpions : " follow the Mosquad , down to Gorky Park - listening to the wind of change "

Believe me , ALL the border checks , at the Iron Curtain and the Polish border were dictated by Moscow.

And , yes , I am also aware that there are people who ask for maoney , but they are with this criminal gang.

I know that , in my country they are /were also active.

You don't have to believe me , but in Poland , when I was there , in 1977 and later , there were people who did not had it so good.

For whatever reason ....

And , yes , I know/ knew what the system was doing for the people.I have seen that there was that drive that EVERYONE WOULD HAVE A JOB.

So , unemployment was very are.Medical treatment and education was free.

But , there was a (big) difference , in people's life , when they were a member of the Communist Party or not.

Trust me on this.I was friends with people on both sides of this dividing line.Because I was an outsider , no one had to be afraid of me.

I am sure that you know the phrase : " the walls have ears "

Yes , I was speaking with a whispering voice , inside the house , when it was about a sensitive topic.

The adults would send the children to another room , or to go play outside.
Or the adults would move to another room , to continue the conversation.

It was so bad , that children were not allowed to play , with the children from the neighbours.

Because the neighbours were a member of the CP , and these people were not.
And you would not know , if they were spying on you , for the CP.

Yes , you wouldn't know , who was a friend or foe ...

I as an outsider , have seen both sides of the coin.And of course , I was not talking politics with members of the CP.

Only if they were really good , good friends.

But I agree with most of what you said.And yes , I will go back to Ukraine , because it gives me that feeling , that I am home ....


