
Reply to Irina on View the commented comment

I understand the situation in Minsk and been to Minsk many times and love Belarus.

Lukashenko is not popular and you cannot say things against him. For many years i was scared to go to Minsk and went there the first time only after meeting someone who was Belarusian first in a third country. But since going there first time ive seen change Visa longer more tourists and there is lots of American fast food and visitors there.. another airports being built and its the most clean capital in Europe. Yes in some small citys you have to get water from a well in ground and things are not perfect. But from what ive seen there is many happy people in minsk and generally its modern and livable. If Lukashenko would if locked down Belarus how many shops would if gone out of business? How much damage to a small economy? In Europe you think printing more money (Trillions is the answer) no its just corruption... ok so Belarus is last dictatorship in europe. Yet the only one with no lockdown and working off logic. You know what is said in America... the FED helps Wall Street not Main Street! In Belarus people can still work and streets are open... your Belarusian better to live you your feet than die on your knees his Lukashenko so wrong.. in england we have a man who locked down killed the economy and now opening back up before the coronavirus is gone this dint make any sence.. make a plan and stick to it si sorry but I prefur Lukashenko to the challenging man... if i was in Belarus he would get my vote.. change will only bring instability and lending and printing money.. Lukashenko balance is goid between russia and Europe .. only one who respected those who died in the war too. The parade went ahead even when it was cancelled in moscow..


