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The woman, for centuries, was supported by the father or husband, to whom she owed obedience. After all, she was not allowed to have education and was always considered incompetent and incapable. From the 1960s, the woman began to free herself from this submission, acquiring new status.
Today many women earn their own money, sometimes more than their husbands or friends, buy what they want, travel where they want, choose where to live and, best of all, do not have to return accounts of their spending to anyone.
Being an independent woman or an autonomous woman is not one. But there is confusion about it.
What, after all, is an autonomous woman?
In the first place, she looks with new eyes to the world, love, man, woman, without being bound by the standards of behavior that both limit as people.
She has the courage to be herself in its entirety, and does not renounce parts of her self trying to match what is expected of her. You feel free to express all aspects of your personality, even those that are masculine by our culture, such as strength, determination, daring.
In the love relationship, do not worry about submitting to social demands of what is accepted or not for a woman, such as: woman should not take an initiative, woman can not show that she likes sex, even with much desire woman can not sex At the first meeting, a woman needs a man on the side to be valued, etc.
Today, more and more women question an assumption in our culture that true happiness equals being involved with a man.
That's a good sign. Whether or not a man next door is just steps away from a basic life issue. However, they are still few as people who really seek autonomy.
It is evident that without financial independence there is no autonomy. But it is not enough. Totally independent without autonomy at any time. Many acquired, is a success, become brilliant and executives and yet, live dreaming of finding their great love with an illusion that only this way a life will make sense.
Today many women earn their own money, sometimes more than their husbands or friends, buy what they want, travel where they want, choose where to live and, best of all, do not have to return accounts of their spending to anyone.
Being an independent woman or an autonomous woman is not one. But there is confusion about it.
What, after all, is an autonomous woman?
In the first place, she looks with new eyes to the world, love, man, woman, without being bound by the standards of behavior that both limit as people.
She has the courage to be herself in its entirety, and does not renounce parts of her self trying to match what is expected of her. You feel free to express all aspects of your personality, even those that are masculine by our culture, such as strength, determination, daring.
In the love relationship, do not worry about submitting to social demands of what is accepted or not for a woman, such as: woman should not take an initiative, woman can not show that she likes sex, even with much desire woman can not sex At the first meeting, a woman needs a man on the side to be valued, etc.
Today, more and more women question an assumption in our culture that true happiness equals being involved with a man.
That's a good sign. Whether or not a man next door is just steps away from a basic life issue. However, they are still few as people who really seek autonomy.
It is evident that without financial independence there is no autonomy. But it is not enough. Totally independent without autonomy at any time. Many acquired, is a success, become brilliant and executives and yet, live dreaming of finding their great love with an illusion that only this way a life will make sense.