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My ex is not an aggressive woman, she has a severe alcohol problem. I still speak with her because she is a good person that has some problems to deal with and obviously I could not help her. She is a good woman despite her problems. Since the children are grown there was no further reason for me to walk that path anymore. It does not mean I do not care for her, or am angry with her. I do not carry such feelings in my heart, they poison the soul. She is a person that needs help, I do not turn my back on anyone, and if she can draw strength from our friendship to better herself and her life, I will be that support for her. I may not be in love with her anymore but I do still love the person I know she can be.

As far as may daughter goes, she will be 20 in December. Been an honor student since first grade. Never any problems with the law. Does not drink or smoke, and is an A student in college. She was raised with much love and support, and I am incredibly proud of the young lady she has become. So yes, I love her no matter what happens. If she stumbles, or makes a mistake, as we all have in our youth, I will pick her up as I always do. Granted, this may not work with all children, but I know my daughter. I accomplish more with love with her than I ever would with anger and discipline. Maybe the key is taking the time to know your child and what will work with them. Erin would be far more devastated thinking I was disappointed in her than if I would yell and punish her. Once again, you must know what will reach your childs heart. I am a fortunate man in many regards.

Aggressive women? I do not know any. If they are aggressive, it is not with me. I try to treat everyone with calm and respect. It has been my experience that people react to my attitude, and most of the time it is easy to diffuse a situation with the right words and body language. I manage 4 office buildings, it is like having 2000 wives at times. Keeps things interesting, but it gives me perspective since it is mostly women I deal with. I listen to their concerns, and I make sure they know I do care about whatever is bothering them at the moment. It works. Maybe if more people spent more time listening instead of speaking, the world would be a better place.

I am quite capable of saying no. One must pick and choose their battles. I only speak for myself, life is about what you give and do for others, not about what you get. I give my life to being the best person I can everyday.

I am single because I do not look for the right woman, she is out there, we will find each other in time. I enjoy the conversations I have here and there on this website. I think all women are awesome, thank whatever god there is they exsist   I am not lonely nor do I need a woman in my house. My life is good, and I am thankful for it everyday. Someday she will walk into my life and I will know she is the one. Until then I enjoy what life has handed me. I am not wealthy, I drive 2005 Chevrolet truck. I live modest, my house is plain, but I love it and my truck.   It is all about what you give.

Last thing. You did not hurt my feelings. Like I said, I work with 2000 women, it would take much more than a response to a post to even scratch the surface.   I wish you good luck on your search


