



Fun time for the sane: WHO is this? :)))

Sitting alone in Luxembourg City,
plagued by illusion and self-pity,
he dreams of myths from Wonderland,
but fails to comprehend or understand
that times are different now
and thus wonders about why and how.

Huffy in his ways, defiant in his cause,
he sadly won't reflect or give himself a pause.
Almost 5 decades of age, he writes like a baby boy
of miracles, of pleasures, of angels and of joy.

He makes a bid for sympathy
and in all naïveté, fails to check reality.
May it rain brains from heaven above,
so that the poor boy comprehends love.

It would be good for him to see
that cradle-snatching is a no-go nowadays
and well-detached from reality.
Instead, alas, he mourns his days.



Whilst on the subject of Hugo I was thinking of producing a Carribian Villa tribute to the The Specials!!!! Hugo on vocals but Paul jumping in for the welfare state bit!!

A cover of Too Much Too Young

Slightly Re-Wrote

You've done too much
Much too young
Now you're “burdened” with a kid
When you could be having fun with me

Song meaning Hugo’s possible view on Victoria’s situation having a child and how he sees this situation I’ve changed married to burdened but in no way I’m saying a child’s a burden but some selfish men may see a child has such I had to remove married has Victoria is single with child and just in his age range

Next verse!!! Paul vocals in reference to Canada paying for his existence

Ain't he cute?
No he ain't      
He's just another burden
On the welfare state      


Back to Hugo lyrics

————But I'd really hate to have the same name as you ———. (this line in reference to sex without chance of marriage so keeping this in unless he married her till She was 28 in a fee months timr)

Now you're chained to the cooker
—-Making currant buns for tea——
Changed to ——borscht for me —- (currant buns too English more likely to be cooking Borscht)

All proceeds to Childline sponcered by D&Bs MI & AMS. English humor and banter!



a little too harsh))



Reply to L on View the commented comment

Maybe - a little. I (and many others) still consider cradle-snatching much worse  



Reply to Ben on View the commented comment

Ohh, don't even get me started  



Reply to L on View the commented comment

What… Are you looking for a 14-year-old boyfriend?



Ben и David, читаю Ваши диалоги и хочется спросить : " Ребята , вы что курите ?".  



Reply to Nadezhda on View the commented comment

Its very English satire humour... The use of humour, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues. Were not smoking anything but If we was I guess we would be much worse   ive already posted a few replys at the level of (Frankie Boyle) Sadly They didnt get past moderation manager!



Reply to David on View the commented comment

  Да, я поняла, что это юмор . и тоже решила пошутить ))) Но видимо шутка не удалась )



Why are you two so obsessed by this?



Reply to Chris on View the commented comment

Just bullying 



Reply to Chris on View the commented comment

Hi Chris. I cannot speak for Ben but can for myself. I bounced off some of the comments Ben Has made and ive already put this is English Humor.

Ive already asked in another post is age difference important?

If i was bullying about age difference would I admit to both my parents having a 20 year age gap and also put the difference of ages between the lovers in the novel from where I get my screenname??

... I also fully understand your from Canada same has our good friend Paul who openly boasts about how hes retired on a Canadian Government Benifit Handout which are most likely paid for with taxes YOU pay out your wages and when you fill your nice convertable car (like on your pictures) with fuel...

My son is 17 and has Aurtism. My mothers also 86 and Blind Incontinant with Dementure!!! so I am not here to Bully Disabled People or due to age prefference.

However Mr Edmontons retirement Margaritas in Canada may be a luxuary in parts of Eastern Europe I know girls who probably earn in a week what some of us earn in a hour or two!


But that dont make It right to boast youv got It so good when other have not!!!

My above referance aint a slur on slavic women Its factual from people i know in Eastern Europe.

Moving forward to age difference.... If someone is 48 and speeking a 18 year old (Hugo) or Eric 70 looking for 28 year old Thats there choice!!!!

Again, however Ben lives in a good area of England and if these prefurances was in England in a public forum It wouldnt be looked upon kindly.i can assure You ..

I used to live in a very English seaside town where a friend Of mines teenaged daughter was involved in sexual intercourse with a man younger than Hugo and a family member attacked this man and the man spent several weeks in hospital eating semi-solid foods and recoving from his nasty injurys. Which i would not wish on anyone (They was realy bad)

Im sure theres mothers in here who can forgive abit of satire humor and maybe Bens post is over the top but without getting personal you never know If Ben dont have a friend or family member whos been a victim of rape or other things bad.

Ben is a educated man who is not a bully either but Has strong views on this subject just like some mothers may have too like i say i cant speak for him however i reply including him Has You refur to „You two”

I know in Ukraine domestic abuse is in part accepted against women... i dont want to turn this humor post into a defence about bullying however If You have followed several post You will see Where Its leading on from...

Furthermore in past myself and others including women have been charictor assasinated by people acting like Wolves in packs and sometimes you have to let It slide!!!

The section is humor and the sub section is satire!!! If You think im obsest or a bully thats your opinion but im sure in our nice houses and cars we are all big enough to stand upto each other where others who have to read and look at our Western Arrogance at times are not!!!

I will summerise.... If old men dont use the forum to order teenagers..... or people on benifits dont gloat about Unlimited Margaritas which made the butt Of the joke he needs cocktails on a drip A.K.A. cocktail DBMI&AMS&Canada dry joke we can all get on just fine!!!!!!

You dont know me, I dont know you but you seem a smart young man learning Russian and from your profile one of the normal male minority in here in a forum of few men.

Im more than happy to respect You If You respect me!

Thank You for your comment which ive now adressed Dave



Reply to Olga on View the commented comment

Please read my reply to Chris It also covers this responce also

Regards Dave



Reply to Chris on View the commented comment

Far away from being "obsessed" - just a bit of live cabaret, courtesy of the NutGang (formerly known as "Nuts4ever" or the "Nuthouse Gang"), currently comprising of Mr.-Drumboy-P (Edminton)m Master-of-the-House-Hug0 (Luxembourg), the Fossile-MC E70 (NL), (they also operate as an independent duet known as the "18/28 duet"), the-Moth-Albino (Italy), Nutty-Natty (Russia), and the latest arrival: Expert-Soundmixer-Salsa-Salva (Mexico), with a very prospective current application pending from Ms-Mystic-Mysterious-Tanny (Russia).


Stay tuned for more news, posts, comments and updates. The next goof, stunt or 'word of wisdom' is sure to follow!


PS: the inability to understand sarcasm is a serious sign of brain tumour




Reply to David on View the commented comment

David I don't know why people with some problems bullying other people. Maybe it's kind of psychological protection?



Reply to Olga on View the commented comment

Bullying can come in many forms. With a computer you can block or ignore in real life or at home this often is not possible. To me forum is interesting at the cost of bad advertising has people focus in the bad when looking from the outside. Ive made my points I wont be adding much more to them! I joined here for a reason which is getting abit distorted. Maybe best If everyone spends there time on a more interesting topic Has theres some more worthy subjects with No replys which could be interesting debates



Reply to Olga on View the commented comment

"Bullying"… have you been browsing dictionaries for a new word to use?
The only PROTECTION this world needs, is from deranged creatures that engage in cradle-snatching. So much for "psychological problems".
Useful terms are:
- laughing stock (for making ridiculous demands or having over-the-top expectations)
- mockery
- sarcasm
- sense of humour
"Psychological problems" are best discussed with a therapist.
Good luck!



Reply to David on View the commented comment

I prefer not to waist time for people or subjects that are not interesting for me. Do the same, just ignore people, subjects or comments you don´t like David 


Eric, 76 y.o.


All the user's posts

Reply to Ben on View the commented comment

Ben ,

By now we ALL know , that you can't join a debate ,without becoming offensive ,disrespectful or personal.
Maybe you have never learned this , or it was not teached to you properly.

Hey Ben , maybe you think about me as a fossile , but at least I have made it to this age.I really wonder though , how YOU look at the women here , who are 60 years and older.

Do you see them as fossiles also ???

Now from YOUR WORDS , I take it , that YOU DON'T WANT TO LIVE , TO GET THIS OLD ....

So , I get it that YOU WOULD RATHER DIE YOUNG , YES !!!

Now , then think about your chances , to find a pretty woman here.No woman in her right mind , would want to start a relation , with a man who wants to die young ...

Furthermore Ben , have you set a timeline , for yourself , when to hit success.

I mean , find that special woman , go over to meet her 1 or 2 times.Find out if you 2 are compatible.

Then if so , plan for a wedding , and have a family ???

What is YOUR TIMELINE ??Going over twice , check if you 2 match , wedding etc , will at least take 2 years.
Then bring her to England.

You are aware that Brexit is coming and probably with no deal.So by then , bringing your woman to England will be according to British law.
Now it is still according to EU rules ...

It will also cost more by then !!

Have you also considered , that in 10 years , YOU will have the age that Hugo is now.Do you feel that time is on your side ?
Oh , no , you don't want to become a fossile .....

I wonder what age range women , you will seek by then ...

But maybe , YOU should not worry about that , because by then , you may already be dead ..... 

PS Sarcasm is another thing , than to be disrespectful , offensive and self-satisfied (like I said , maybe they didn't teach you properly or you were not paying attention at school)


Eric, 76 y.o.


All the user's posts

Reply to David on View the commented comment

David ,

Humour is a good thing.I can laugh about good jokes , even when they are about my person.
It is a different thing , however , when people get offensive and disrespectful , and then pretend that it is humour or sarcasm ...

Don't get me wrong , I fully understand that in a discussion , things can get a bit nasty.
I'm alright with that.

But making statements about a person , who you have never met let alone spoken to in real life , well what do you call that ???

Fake news ? , bashing , trashing ...

Unfortunately it seems to be the standard these days .



Reply to Olga on View the commented comment

I’m far more interested now in trying to cure the incurable hence I’m putting all my attention now into the HillBilly Rick and the Lazy Girl post been a while since we’ve had Dirty Laundry washed publicly on the forum. I’d give my left kidney if someone could find this girl has the lastest forum sacrificial lamb!! I’m bored with the craddle snatchers now... I’m not going to future justify myself. But wont focus further either. I feel the Ricks debate to be more interesting for me!!
