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I believe in GOD, not a special GOD of a particular religion, but I know that there is ONE GOD. This human form of life, is indeed a gift from HIM and we have to accept the fact that we will look the way we are. But this human body, has to be maintained without fail, keeping it strong and fit, so that we can enjoy the various life experiences.
After all, we are all destined to have certain experiences in this life, in line with our previous karmas. Now when the experiences manifest in front of us, it is like a stimuli - which requires us to respond. And we respond in three ways - Our Body language (including facial expressions), our words and physical action. This response of us, to various situations that we experience in daily life will ultimately define who we are. It will automatically show to others who we are. What is there in our inner self.
You see,
when we squeeze a lemon, we get lemon juice
when we squeeze an orange, we get orange juice.
So the bottom line is, what is inside, is what comes out of anything. that it applies to all of us also.
When life and situations squeeze us (with various worldly tough grinding ) , what is inside us will also come out. Now the question is what we have cultivated within us. What will come out ?
Is it going to be compassion, empathy, love, calmness, Altruism, etc
Is it going to be Hatred, abuse, threats, frustrations, selfishness, greed, etc
In this place here, where we search for a soul mate, I feel that its worth spending time and taking time to understand and may be squeeze each other to find out what comes out of the other person before we decide and walk down the aisle again.
Now to find out about each other, I feel that we have to take the risk of opening up about us to strangers. Sometimes, we ourselves don't understand why we are doing certain things, so if we are to hide, what is the use, the other person might have misjudgment and will be disappointed with us. It will happen without fail as it is just a matter of time.
Because you know what is the most important pass time of GOD ? To bring out our propensities, how much ever we tried to hide. We have to change ourselves within us, if we don't have to be ashamed of caught with a bad character and propensity. When hear good stories, we automatically see, how a beautiful person who is the central character of that good story.
I end my point of view with this quote from the scriptures I love. It is about how GOD exposes our true self (Remember, The supersoul God, is always within us )
"Just like the sun, though hidden by clouds, will illuminate the cloud and all visible forms,
so HE (God who is inside each one of us) , though hidden by our materials qualities ( deception of various forms some of us adopt to make us look pleasing and good ), will reveal all those qualities ( what is actually inside us ) along with the living entities ( us ) who possess them "
So are we all going to strive to look inside and cultivate something that is pleasant for everyone, whenever it flows out of us ?
Thank you.
Very correct wise words were written.But man cannot be perfect.And most often we look at the appearance of a person, and only then at his inner world."There is a time for everything, and a time for every thing under heaven...a time to scatter stones, and a time to collect stones..."
I agree with you. We all look at how the person is presented for sure. What I was trying to point out was this, as told in the original matter - "In this place here, where we search for a soul mate, I feel that its worth spending time and taking time to understand and may be squeeze each other to find out what comes out of the other person before we decide and walk down the aisle again. "
And in my experience, which stone we will scatter and which stone we will collect will be directly depending upon once Karma.
Being Agnostic is excellent. Then you can be a seeker. But seek you must, to find out what is the truth, whether we find or not, we must seek.
There will be no prejudice for you, because your eyes will not be tinted by any particular teaching. Great thing. Will have a clear mind. For everyone, there will come a time, when we are introduced to Higher Being. At that, accept it.
My life is a great example and full of miracles. I vouch for it.
Я агностик, но из всех религий мне ближе всех неоплатоники, может быть потому что я люблю историю Древнего мира а философия неоплатоников создала потрясающий и идеальный пантеон; божества, мифы и символы всех народов соединились в этой системе, значение их истолковывалось аллегорическими объяснениями в духе учения поздних философов античности об идеях. Самая важная идея, лично для меня, что каждый человек должен принять себя и полюбить себя, таким какой он есть от природы и не комплексовать совершенно его тело или нет.
Ведь понятие красоты это лишь всего навязанные обществом каноны, а в разных древних социумах и представления об этом были разные. Это сейчас кино, телевидение и глянец формируют у людей усредненные понятия красоты, которые удобные для общества все возрастающего потребления.
Интересная у Вас философия жизни.
Вы пишите, что «отвечаем тремя способами - язык тела, слова и физические действия». А мысли? Мне кажется, первая реакция/ответ на какое-то событие - мысль или нет?
Вы пишите, что "чувствуете, что нужно взять на себя риск открыться незнакомцам». Это Ваша личная позиция или Вы призываете?
Вы пишите, что «Потому что вы знаете, что является самым важным пройти время Бога ? Чтобы выявить наши склонности, сколько бы мы ни пытались скрыть. Мы должны изменить себя внутри себя, если мы не должны стыдиться того, что пойманы с плохим характером и склонностью». Не совсем понятна взаимосвязь.
(перевод с помощью Яндекса)
All the media and commercials are giving cryptic words to increase the insecurity in maximum number of people. They don't know now the difference in Value and Price.
But the meaning of Love Yourself didn't mean Selfishness. I felt that it is to ensure that you do the right things, so that you feel always feel good and happy inside you. Now happiness is related to consumption.
Thank you for the comment.
Rajendra Siva Prasad
In my opinion, How we communicate to others are mainly by three ways
1. Body language (Facial expressions, hand gestures, etc)
2. Spoken words
3. Physical Action.
Thought is the process by which we decide, it is within us. We think about the pros and con. Our thoughts are not easily captured by other people.
- There is a situation ( Stimuli ) then you respond to it in the above three forms. Between this response and stimuli, there is a decision making, on how to respond. That shows who we are. Response is the physical manifestation of your thoughts and ultimate decision on how to respond. Response is the juice that follows out of you.
So I don't consider, Thought as a response to others.
Вы пишите, что "чувствуете, что нужно взять на себя риск открыться незнакомцам». Это Ваша личная позиция или Вы призываете?
This is my personal position and I feel that we need to do it with people with whom, we are trying if we are compatible or not. Looking for a serious and married relationship.
>I open up with those who talk to me. But I also use my discretion before I open up too much. I have had very interesting scenarios with different people. People are skeptical about things when I openly tell them. Ladies avoid me, because I write in length and bore them.
>With what I am disclosing about me, I know, I run the danger of being ridiculed or harassed. But, I feel that this life is about undergoing various experiences. And I am ready to face it. Because I am calm and have learned to be Equipoised in all dualities of life. Dualities like Fame & Infamy, Good & Bad, Hot & cold, Pride & Shame, Wealth & Poverty, etc.
>Here is where, keeping our inner self beautiful comes into play. The instances that we discloses, which can be used for ridicule against you will be minimized. Even if anyone takes it up, the opinion will atleast me divided.
>Now, if someone is giving me a hard time, I accept it and enjoy it and take it as another decision making challenge for me. Now best to respond to this situation. Response can be from keeping a golden silence to anything. There is always good in someone attacking us personally, in a public forum. If the person is doing it with an ill intention, he will be having an expectation on how I will respond. I have to respond in such a different and unexpected manner like I remain calm, I can virtually break him down with his own anger, hatred, frustration, jealousy, etc . But I have and still don't mind, taking up a fist fight, if the situation really warrants. I wont start it.
>Because we wont be in possession of something that is offered to us, when we don’t accept it. All those negative emotions remain with him, breaking that person down. Filling him with acid which will kill him slowly and steadily.
>If it is done with a good intention, and there is content in what the other person says, I accept it, If there is a mistake, I have to admit it. But I reserve the right to tell what there in my mind to others. I strenuously endeavor not to be a Hypocrite.
As I have mentioned, the Pass time of God is to expose us.
Lets say that I am talking about fighting corruption and giving fiery speeches on that. But, I engage in corruption myself. I go to great length and have very good and foolproof mechanism of collecting my bribes, ensuring that no one even know that I collect it.
>A day will come, when I will be exposed.
>The only way, whereby I can avoid that situation is to ensure that my original inner self is good. That I am really useful to people and never engage in corruption.
>> OR
I talk to people in public very nicely and politely. But to my own employees or to my wife, I am talk arrogantly. If I am getting exposed in public, with such a bad temperament which is not I am projecting outside, then it will be another embarrassing situation.
So Its hard, but is not impossible to " walk the talk ". No one is perfect, but we can strive.
Rajendra Siva Prasad
"Между этим ответом и раздражители, есть принятие решений, о том, как реагировать. Это показывает, кто мы есть" - Скажите, а что влияет на принятие решения?
Скажите пожалуйста, а как так получилось, что человек стал брать взятки?
Как так получилось, что человек стал плохо разговаривать с женой/другими людьми?
Какую Вы видите причину?
Below is my personal opinion. So if I am wrong in anything, you can just convey. Also your alternative point of view are also very welcome.
There are a lot of factors that affect it.
>First of all, what is your upbringing ? Upbringing in my meaning, doesn't mean what your parents taught you. But the sum total of what you have learned from all the interactions with others. ( Interactions from learning with own experience and also by seeing from others. So consider the sum total of all your senses - formal and informal - all sources) .
Around 7 years onwards, children would stand to do reasoning. and that faculty develops. What a person understand and get framed in their mind, will start to be used as a template, to be applied in the future.
>Now, if we are going to challenge our children at home with various decision making, debates and open discussions and allow them to know what you are doing, why you took the decision, be open to ask their opinions, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, have a calm face to all their queries, ideas and answers. we have to make them think, with more and more questions, their reasoning will develop.
>>like we know, practice makes prefect. When we expose our children to what we do and how we felt afterwards, and how it actually turned out to be later on, it will help them to have a longer vision into life. Like wise, this will help in developing decision making, on how to quickly respond.
Initially, we might be thinking too much, later on, for most of the scenarios, you will learn to remain calm, and solutions or answers will flow out of you without forced thinking.
But ultimately the strength of mind, to implement the righteous decision, overcoming our selfish interests has to be cultivated and grown. we need to understand that when we take the path of Mode of Goodness, it is going to be life of more challenges in our way. we might be ridiculed and humiliated as a stupid fellow, who doesn't know how to secure own interests. But I am telling you, it is really beautiful and satisfying.
Time is a huge factor. When karma grinds, it ensure that it does its job very nicely. Karma will grind everything into fine powder and allow to be remolded. Any one who doesn't have metal, will be left out as dirt of the purification process. If you have real metal, you will shine as a pure metal and remolded into a fine ornament, which everyone will appreciate. When you understand this, when you start to get life experience on this, then your decision making will include this longer vision and be very quick in the right direction.
TO LEARN TO DECIDE -> Learn to leave your ego, and make it a habit to apologize in public. I know it is hard, but do it. Learn to LOVE yourself ( not asking to be selfish). PROMISE to yourself, that you will never take such a DECISION and make a response to a sitaution that you have to apologize and be ridiculed in any manner.
if anyone feel that life is unjust to them, it is because they are not ready to stand in front of the mirror and see the naked truth about themselves. You need to be ready to watch your own life and figure out why certain things are happening to yourself.
DECISIONS will become better and better, day by day. If everyone says you are a loser - in terms of worldly material things, Be assured that you are in the right path.
I cannot answer this without including some spiritual thinking. May be you will never understand this also.
Both scenarios happen because of lack of PERSONAL integrity & / Or lack of FAITH in a higher being or the Karma Effect. If either of it was there, this situations would be avoided by the person.
Now, all scriptures of every religion says, GOD knows everything. If you truly have faith in your scripture, then knowing that what you are doing is known to HIM, will you do it ?
That happens because of ignorance about why are we having this human birth. The lack of knowledge that we have many births and which living form we will obtain in the future will be decided by our present karma (Actions ) in this birth. When you believe that you only live once, you tend to care less.
Google - Near Death Experiences & Real life Reincarnation stories
We are not understanding that we are in the process of evolution. we are to refine ourselves each day with our knowledge and thereby decision making, to attain a higher self. If we fail in that, we go down the path in evolution - in our subsequent lives.
We are all in a false ego that we are just our body and this mind, whereby we are very intelligent and can control everything. But we are not trying to understand how " Life plays against us " and we will be coming back here again and again to pay the price for it. Think, why someone is born rich and some in Africa without even proper food.
Спасибо за ответ .
Исходя из того, что Вы написали на принятие решения влияет:
1.Воспитание – как взаимодействие/обучение, приобретая собственный опыт, а также путем наблюдения.
2.Сила ума, чтобы осуществить праведное решение, преодолевая наши эгоистические интересы.
3.Карма (это ноша, которую он должен нести и отрабатывать в нынешней жизни, преодолевая и решая различные жизненные трудности).
Научиться решать - > научиться оставлять свое эго.
Я правильно Вас поняла?
Если да, то:
1.Скажите пожалуйста, когда Вы принимаете решение, чьи интересы Вы преследуете? Своего - Я? Группы людей?
2.Как сила ума определит праведное это решение или нет?
3.Если Вы хотите принять праведное решение для самого себя, как при этом научиться оставлять свое Эго?
4.Что Вы понимаете под словом Эго?
Вы всегда говорите «МЫ». У нас во время царской России, когда было дикое расслоение общества – высшие слои общества говорили – «МЫ», подразумевая себя/свое сословие/касту и свой народ/крепостных крестьян/рабов. Например, царь и народ, то есть какое-то количество людей, от лица которого вы выражаете мнение, принимаете решение за них и т.д. Вы принадлежите к какой-то касте?
For a small introduction, Read this. This is from Bhagawat Gita Chapter 6. This will give you an introduction into certain things that I write to you.
Бг 6.33 — Арджуна сказал: О Мадхусудана, практика йоги, которую Ты описал, кажется мне непосильной, ибо ум мой беспокоен и неустойчив.
Бг 6.34 — Ум неугомонен, неистов, упрям и очень силен, о Кришна, и, мне кажется, укротить его труднее, чем остановить ветер.
Бг 6.35 — Господь Шри Кришна сказал: О могучерукий сын Кунти, обуздать беспокойный ум, конечно же, чрезвычайно трудно. Однако это можно сделать с помощью определенной практики и отказа от мирских удовольствий.
Бг 6.36 — Для того, чей ум необуздан, самоосознание — непосильный труд. Но тот, кто покорил ум и идет к цели верным путем, непременно добьется успеха. Таково Мое мнение.
Бг 6.37 — Арджуна спросил: О Кришна, какова судьба неудачливого йога, который с верой шел путем духовного самопознания, но затем оставил его, прельстившись мирскими удовольствиями, и не достиг совершенства?
Бг 6.39 — Это сомнение мучит меня, о Кришна, поэтому я прошу Тебя рассеять его. Лишь Ты один можешь избавить меня от подобных сомнений.
Бг 6.40 — Верховный Господь сказал: О сын Притхи, йогу, вершащему благие дела, не грозит гибель ни в этой жизни, ни в следующей. О Мой друг, зло никогда не одолеет того, кто творит добро.
Бг 6.41 — Йог, не сумевший достичь совершенства, после смерти долгие годы наслаждается жизнью на планетах, где живут благочестивые существа, а затем рождается в семье праведников или богатых и знатных людей.
Бг 6.42 — Или [если йог сошел с духовного пути, пройдя бо́льшую его часть] он появляется на свет в семье людей, глубоко постигших духовную науку. Редко кому в этом мире выпадает такая удача.
Бг 6.43 — Тогда, о потомок Куру, в нем просыпается божественное сознание, которое он развил в предыдущих жизнях, и он снова начинает заниматься йогой, стремясь достичь совершенства.
Бг 6.44 — Благодаря этому божественному сознанию в нем само собой просыпается влечение к практике йоги. Такого йога, стремящегося к духовному знанию, не привлекают ведические обряды и ритуалы.
Бг 6.45 — Он усердно занимается практикой йоги и в конце концов, спустя множество жизней, полностью очищается от материальной скверны, обретает духовное совершенство и достигает высшей цели.
Бг 6.46 — Йог намного превосходит аскета, философа и человека, стремящегося к плодам своего труда. Поэтому, о Арджуна, невзирая ни на что, стань йогом.
Бг 6.47 — А из всех йогов тот, кто всегда погружен в мысли обо Мне, пребывающем в его сердце, и, исполненный непоколебимой веры, поклоняется и служит Мне с любовью, связан со Мной самыми тесными узами и достиг высшей ступени совершенства. Таково Мое мнение.
"Я не могу ответить на этот вопрос, не включив некоторые духовные мысли. Может быть, вы никогда не поймете и этого.
Оба сценария происходят из-за:
1.Отсутствия личной целостности и / или
2.Отсутствия веры в Высшее Существо или
3. Эффект кармы. Если бы любой из них был там, эта ситуация была бы избегнута человеком".
Скажите пожалуйста, каким образом достигается личная целостность?
Скажите пожалуйста, каким образом вера в Высшее Существо помогает избежать таких сценариев? Т.е предполагается наличие определенного контроля над нами(или может быть высшего существа, которое все видит и знает про нас) и страх перед ним за нарушение правил, является сдерживающим фактором? А кто не верит в Высшее Существо, значит может поступать как хочет, потому что не верит в наказание за отступление от правил?
Скажите пожалуйста, эффект кармы - это когда есть определенный «багаж из прошлой жизни», что является исходной точкой/входными данными в настоящую жизнь. Тогда, согласно карме, как прожить эту жизнь? Вы пишите - достичь высшего «Я» . Можете ли Вы описать способы достижения своего «Я».
I request that you use Google Translator which gives better translation than Yandex.
1.Воспитание – как взаимодействие/обучение, приобретая собственный опыт, а также путем наблюдения.
Correct. All sort of knowledge gained through the Six Senses - Here Mind is considered as the sixth sense. When you develop, you mind will start to feel things.
2. .Сила ума, чтобы осуществить праведное решение, преодолевая наши эгоистические интересы.
This develops from experience. If we are to watch ourselves and others - actions and the consequences of those actions. This is why children should not be kept away from adult discussions. They can use our discussions to develop their decision making skills.
It is our previous karma, which has been instrumental in us having the current human form. The basic nature we possess as of now, is also because of that. Now, we get situations based on our previous karmas. How we respond to the situation now, will decide what we will face in the future - in this life or subsequent.
4.Что Вы понимаете под словом Эго?
I need to answer this first. I have to correct the word to "False Ego"
False ego -> That I am the body. > I am the mind ( mind is only a sense, like any the other five senses if we don't control it, then it is dangerous. ) > I am powerful > I know everything. > I have immense money > I am important than others > I am intelligent > No one will ever find out > I am poor and not liked by others > I decide everything. the list is long.
True Knowledge is -> I am soul > I am part of God, like a mist size drop of Ocean is to the Ocean > I am here in this body because of my past karma > I have to take decisions NOW in this life, so that I can get a better life situation and ability to remember by previous births and ultimately get liberated from this cycle of taking living forms and go through the experiences.
1.Скажите пожалуйста, когда Вы принимаете решение, чьи интересы Вы преследуете? Своего - Я? Группы людей?
The answer to this, you need to understand very carefully and don't be confused. Ask till your doubts are cleared.
We should keep " I " in the mind, but it doesn't mean the selfishness as known in this material world. You have to understand it very well. As I told you, whatever the decision, we make on each stimuli that manifest as a situation in front of us, we are going to face the consequence of that response in the future. It transcends not just now or this birth, but coming ones also.
>So knowing that, keeping that interest of yourself in mind, take a decision. It will automatically gyrate you towards such decisions, which will include all those who are in a " Mode Of Goodness " and to an extend in " Mode of Passion " . we may not be able to include fully or sometimes even partially those in " Mode of Passion " and " Mode of Ignorance " . So our decisions should be based on " I " , when we take the decision based on our true and long term interest, then we will always take the right decision.
3.Если Вы хотите принять праведное решение для самого себя, как при этом научиться оставлять свое Эго?
Having the true knowledge will help you to hold on to your Integrity & Faith. It will automatically help you to leave your false EGO. The word Self Respect , is a flawed one. There is nothing like that. It needs to false beliefs and wrong responses from us.
>Text Book meaning for EGO - a person's sense of self-esteem or self-importance.
self esteem - to understand that we are soul and self importance - is to know that we have to keep our long term interest of achieving liberation.
2.Как сила ума определит праведное это решение или нет?
it again comes from the true knowledge. Learn that in every person's body - you (as soul ) and God ( as super soul ) resides, just like two birds nestled together.
>One ( our soul ) is the doer and ultimately enjoyer of all the fruits of our actions ( Responses to situation ) .
> Other ( Super soul ) is the witness and counsel who will reply to us in a very subtle manner, only if we are ready to totally surrender to HIM and listen to HIM, by acquiring the true knowledge.
>so with the true knowledge of the long term consequence of our Responses, and how things work, we learn to take proper decisions
>With true knowledge we develop our Integrity and
>with Faith, we access the Ultimate Knowledge base of this universe to guide us in our decision making.
>Вы всегда говорите «МЫ». У нас во время царской России, когда было дикое расслоение общества – высшие слои общества говорили – «МЫ», подразумевая себя/свое сословие/касту и свой народ/крепостных крестьян/рабов. Например, царь и народ, то есть какое-то количество людей, от лица которого вы выражаете мнение, принимаете решение за них и т.д. Вы принадлежите к какой-то касте?
>I always say " WE " because I know that everything and anything around me is factually having the same content and equal to each other. But there is difference in their form, because of their previous Karmas and because of the combination of the three modes of nature ( Mode of Goodness, Mode of Passion & Mode of Ignorance ) what is within them - As of the present point, we ( us ) are experiencing them ( the other person or object) .
> Know that every position can change. Within this life or subsequent. If I fall down from my position ( Take it in any sense ) or go in the wrong direction , then I can tomorrow be worse of many of the others.
>everyone will get at least one situation in their life, which If they think in a deeper manner, will help them to seek the true knowledge about life. So anyone, can become better than me, if they put effort. So, there is no difference between you, Yuliya and Me, Rajendra Siva Prasad and another person with X name or even the so called animal, bird or fish. We are all here due to our previous karma. Understanding that, how can I refrain from the word " WE " for we are all equals, and there is no difference.
If interested, let me copy and paste from the Scripture called " Srimad Bhagawatham " Main section ( Canto ) 5 , Chapter 12, Verse 8 onwards.
ШБ 5.12.8 — Все мы, обитатели этой планеты, суть живые существа, пребывающие в разных телах. Одни из нас способны перемещаться, другие — нет, но в любом случае каждый появляется на свет, какое-то время существует, а затем его тело уничтожается и обращается в землю. Так что все живые организмы — это просто земля, принявшая разные формы. Все эти тела, наделенные разнообразными качествами и способностями, возникают в результате различных преобразований земли, а затем, разрушаясь, вновь смешиваются с ней. Поэтому можно сказать, что существуют не сами тела, а лишь их названия. Иными словами, все мы — прах и в прах возвратимся. Любой, кто хорошо подумает, придет к такому же выводу.
ШБ 5.12.9 — Кто-то может сказать, что источником всего многообразия тел является сама планета Земля. Однако даже всю вселенную нельзя считать реально существующей, хоть и кажется, что она существует какое-то время. Вселенная возникла в результате соединения атомов, но сами атомы не вечны. Поэтому, хотя некоторые философы считают атом причиной возникновения вселенной, на самом деле это не так. Как можно думать, что весь этот мир со всем его многообразием возник только лишь благодаря соединению атомов?
ШБ 5.12.10 — Итак, в высшем смысле вселенной не существует, поэтому все, что можно встретить в ее пределах, в том числе различия между высоким и низким, худым и тучным, малым и большим, а также всевозможные причины и следствия, признаки жизни, вещества, — это не более чем плод воображения. Все это горшки, которые сделаны из одного и того же материала — земли, но носят разные названия. Хотя они различаются по своему назначению, свойствам, положению, сроку существования и характеру деятельности, знай, что каждый из них — всего лишь продукт механического творения материальной природы.
ШБ 5.12.11 — Так что же такое высшая истина? Высшая истина — это недвойственное знание, которого не может коснуться скверна материальных качеств. Это знание приводит человека к освобождению. Оно единственное в своем роде, недоступное воображению и всепроникающее.
Какую религию Вы исповедуете? Частью какой культуры является эта книга?
«Истинное знание - > я-душа > я-часть Бога, как туманная капля океана к океану > я здесь в этом теле из-за моей прошлой кармы > я должен принимать решения сейчас в этой жизни, чтобы я мог получить лучшую жизненную ситуацию и способность помнить предыдущие рождения и в конечном итоге освободиться от этого цикла принятия живых форм и пройти через опыт.
Я всегда говорю "мы", потому что знаю, что все и вся вокруг меня фактически имеют одинаковое содержание и равны друг другу. Но есть разница в их форме, из - за их предыдущих карм и из-за комбинации трех гун природы ( гуны благости, гуны страсти и гуны невежества), что находится внутри них-с настоящего момента мы ( мы ) переживаем их ( другого человека или объект)»
А если у Вас одна истина, а у меня другая? У меня другое содержание. Как быть с истиной?
"Я был здесь, в основном, каждые шесть месяцев, я найду с кем пообщаться и выяснить, насколько совместимы мы. К сожалению, за сумасшедшего, я, я не мог найти никого с большой глубины и драйва в их характере".
Скажите пожалуйста, Вы - являетесь представителем своей культуры/идиологии/философии/религии, для понимания совместимости важна истина или нет? Истина должна быть одинаковой для удачного поиска или нет? Если истина должна быть одинаковой, готовы ли Вы пересмотреть свои взгляды или это должен сделать другой (например ваша будущая жена)?
Спасибо за ответ 😊.
3. Эффект кармы.
Если бы любой из них был там, эта ситуация была бы избегнута человеком".
The third item is not part of it. Only the first two points are the answer.
Effect of previous Karmas are giving each of us the form we have now - human, animal, bird, aquatic, plants, etc. and it creates the situations in our life.
All present decisions of each individuals is fodder for the future situations and which form we take in next birth and where.
Скажите пожалуйста, каким образом достигается личная целостность?
Its a bit difficult to explain.
1. It starts automatically with the good effects of our past karma
2. Or a life changing incident, which shattered all our false pride
3. Or Generally through a natural progression since childhood.
>If you are able to watch, why things are happening to own life, be true to ourselves and compare with what we had in mind and what is happening, and gauge various events, you start to get an insight.
>And also do the same with others, without interfering with their activities, you will be convinced about one thing. How much ever smart might be your plan, if your intention is not good, LIFE WILL PLAY AGAINST YOU.
Скажите пожалуйста, ……………. А кто не верит в Высшее Существо, значит может поступать как хочет, потому что не верит в наказание за отступление от правил?
4 kind of people are truly supposed to follow GOD.
1. Those who are in distress
2. those who want to amass wealth
3. Inquisitive
4. searching for knowledge of the Absolute
There is a question, why you have the so called " Faith " . I don't see real faith in words and actions of people anywhere.
Now whether faith in GOD is there or not, if integrity is there, your karma will be better.
>When we talk about fear, I am 100% sure that it will not work. Even in the most regimental communist countries, with physical torture was a threat, at some point, people revolted and started rebellion. So what about a " Concept " called " GOD" , how that fear can help. It will not. the decline of Christian belief, is due to the imposition of " Fear Of GOD " and follow something, without allowing us to think, will not work for long.
> When we learn to LOVE God, because of the endless support HE gives us to tide over even the most difficult and impossible tasks, whenever our intention is good inside us, should be the way forward.
> Watch carefully, whether you Believe in God or not, Karma effect is better for you. When you LOVE God and have faith in HIM, then your thinking will become more and more better. That's all. When you learn about the true knowledge of life, you automatically train your mind to take better decisions. Faith will automatically accelerate the process.
> you show as if you are believer and do bad things, you think, you will be spared ???
> you are a non believer and you do good things, the goodness will never come for you, It will for sure !!!!
There is no difference.
I don't believe in fear of GOD. I believe
Скажите пожалуйста, эффект кармы ……….. Можете ли Вы описать способы достижения своего «Я»
You know that animals hunt, when they are really hungry only. Now you see a video of wild life, whereby a lion is catching a just born calf, but it stops and then when another lion comes to attack it, it protects its own prey from others and let it go. Why ? Its a lion, how can it have compassion towards its prey.
You read in the 6.33 - 6.47, how souls select their parents. similarly, other kind of souls also select their parents. I truly believe that we selected our parents. We get to choose our parents, whose nature is in line with us as souls at that point of time. If we closely watch our parents, their cousins, or generally our elders, we will get to see what is the best chance of how our life is going to head. Our basic nature and path could be similar, unless we do karma in this life, which will help us to deviate and make it go in a better manner.
I told you, we are all in the process of evolution. We all will invariably make mistakes. The first step is to learn to apologize to the other person, the moment you realize you made a mistake and that person was affected / Or you revert back to the people to whom you have given a wrong information.
Second, Learn to truly LOVE your parents - The order is Mother - Father - Teacher - GOD. If you don't know, how to handle your present family members, then how do you think that the new person who is coming to your life will be treated, once he become a family member for you. He / she will get the same treatment. It is just a matter of time.
Third, think about how your decision will affect others. What kind of people ( Mode of Goodness, Passion or Ignorance ) will be affected and in which way ( Positive or negative ). Know within you that, there is always a solution, whereby you will be able to include the People of Mode of Goodness fully, Mode of Passion to certain extend and feel free to reject the interest of people in a Mode of Ignorance.
Better is to avoid the third category of people. If it happens to be your parents, show respect, talk to them every time they do an abominable act, and try to change them. If outsider, please avoid at the maximum. because you need to live this life, as long as possible to face maximum amount of challenges, make good decisions and gain currency for the next innings. Pray that you remember this life, in the next consecutive lives so that you can start from there.
If you can watch all the Near Death Experiences ( people from all strata of life, all geographical positions), you will see that the first 4 experiences are almost similar to all
1. they see their body
2. they can clearly understand what all people there are talking and thinking. No entanglement, even if many people are around.
3. They get a quick review of their whole life. There is no one else to judge you, other than you, yourself, who will feel the right emotion and feel bad / good about whatever you have done.
4. the whole experience is etched in your memory, with clarity, no hallucinations or dream will offer.
From there it will start to change. From sucking into a tunnel ( This is also common, but I found out that there are variations in different people ) and see a light and feel the bliss. see earth, etc.
those who were being dragged by vicious creatures, dark images trying to drag them away, etc etc.
these are not doctrine. these are people having experiences in different calendar years. Kept quite due to the various religious belief system they were following.
I am sure, you will start to think in your own mind.
My religion doesn't matter. you don't have to change anything. Our scriptures say, For those who seek, all roads lead to HIM. Just keep moving and keep seeking. You don't have to believe in anything. Just be a seeker.
> Bottom line - whatever you do, the consequence will follow you. That is Karma effect.
I love to read non fiction. I read science to engineering to medicine to politics to philosophy. I have read these which is part of my upbringing, Bible ( Long way back ) and also Quran.
> the essence is the same. But I feel that anything that is doing an imposition, will fail.
- Anyway, as an answer to your Query - I follow what world knows as Hinduism - actually it is not a religion, it is a way of life. It doesn't have a single book. Like if you ask, who wrote Physics text book, we can say that it is by many people and all are different portions, similarly we have many scriptures. That is why it is easy for us to tolerate any other culture and tradition. for we will find something that is mentioned about them in our scriptures ( if you know them )
Actually, Hindus are the people who live beyond the River Sindhu as noted by foreigners in the early ages. The actually way of life is called "Sanatana Dharma ' Or Eternal Righteousness :
I have read many texts, I recommend that you can try out " Bhagawat Gita " which has only 18 chapters, which can fill in 35 or so pages in all. Use it to think deep. Where ever, anything is being told about Supreme Being, you can just imagine it as the GOD which you are more accomsted to. For trust me, there is only one GOD.
Don't think that Hinduism has a million Gods. All those who can be seen in a manifest form, are all Demi Gods only.
что находится внутри них-с настоящего момента мы ( мы ) переживаем их ( другого человека или объект)»
It is NOT from the moment we experience them.
I meet a human, at that moment, he is human, and his nature is in line with the three modes.
I meet a cat, at that moment, he is a cat, and his nature is there.
May be, I meet the human and cat again after 5 years.
Both were together, they died in an accident together.
Now when I meet them, the human is reborn as a dog 4 years and 9 months,
and cat is a 4 year old child.
Hope you understand it.
Good Question.
Whatever we see around us, consists of what Individual Elements. Each Element have distinct characteristics.
Now, as we go up the periodic table, the elements, become more stable. the number of orbitals ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc ) decreases and also the sub shells (s, p, d, f ) decreases. This ensures that the element is more stable.
as we know that elements with more number of empty shells / sub shells, interact with other elements to become molecules of different types, but they become more stable and lesser reactive.
We know that Helium, as a gas is very stable that it will not burn, and also light that it can go up easily.
But if we watch closely, we understand that all the elements from the Hydrogen, Helium to Radioactive Uranium to everything is a combination of Proton, Neutrons & Electrons. just difference in combination makes them, different elements which are completely different from each other. Now there is something called Higg's Boson, which is putting everything together and giving mass.
Similarly, all of us though having combination of the these three Modes ( Goodness, Passion and Ignorance ) are different from each other like the elements, but put together by God. Now as we become more and more stable, we tend to be more and more lighter and without lesser shells around us, like the elements, . We come to a position where by we have only one shell, all filled up, with just us ( Soul ) and GOD ( Supersoul ). When we reach that position, that is liberation OR the truth.
So we are all factually the same, but different in our form and characteristics. We are learning to come to know the fact that everything is the same, yet so different and we have to achieve and be the single shelled element 1s2 like Helium, Noble, at the lightest, extremely stable and non reactive.
Hope I could present my case very well.