Men & women
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder......for me, from within'
In my youth, as a DJ, featured in Playboy even, I used my youth, the magazine, and my job as a DJ to my advantage, but something in me liked the popularity, but not the lifestyle...e.i.-alcohol, drugs, women, temptation...and then a miracle happened. I did Tae Kwon Do for 14 yrs, making me almost, ALMOST, SUPER close to being sterile. I had a vericocele repair using an artery valve from my leg and 11 months later, my most proud accomplishment came along, Sergei Evan, Sergei for my ex's mother(he had no boys), and Evan is a family name.
Some men like oral sex only, or some certain odd fetish, but since I can remember I have always thought "hey man, if you do THAT***** then you still have to kiss the girl. I am no GQ or close but I do have pride enough to not seek out a woman considerably younger than me. Try reading the letter on HEPC a friend sent and then attempt to ask me to be softer. attention, I want a family, not a maid, because I can cook better than most, and I clean when I am done, I coach my sons ball teams, take him to work and pay him $10 a day if he wants to go, but please, know that I personally don't know a desperate man here. Trust is hard to find and harder to give, maybe my flaw is I give too trust much too soon, but someone must begin, and if a person like the other, then why not? Age plays very little part, at least in my opinion. IF ONLY YOU COULD SEE MY GIRLFRIEND FEED HER 1 YR OLD GIRL BREAKFAST, TESTING TO MAKE SURE IT'S NOT TOO HOT, HOLDING, HUGGING AND PLAYING.....I WEAKENS MY HEART ENOUGH TO KNOW "THIS" IS THE TYPE OF WOMAN i WANT AS A WIFE. KIND WISHES LADIES, THERE'S ALWAYS A CRAZY GUY LIKE ME TO RANT AND RAVE ABOUT SOMETHING. READ THE HEPC LETTER, I NEED SOME CRITISIM. SINCERELY
Nothing personal, Andy.
Sorry, De Ja Vu.
Film "Analyzing this". Dialogue Billy Crystal and Robert De Niro:
- ... So why do you need a girlfriend?
- Since it can be something that can not be with my wife.
- And why you can not this with a wife?
- Hey! She kissed those lips my children! Are you crazy?
I would expect nothing less from you Olga. After reading all of your comments I see a tough lady. Either way, when someone stands their ground, it deserves respect. Kudo's on the movie quote.
I have one for you, from Dumb and Dumber---Jim Carey's character asks the woman that has his affection " do you think we could ever be together?" She says NO, he says "OK, maybe 1-10 chance?" She says NO, he says 1-1000?" She says NO, and finally he asks "what about 1-in one million?" She pauses and says "well, I don't know." And the ever hopeful Dumb character he plays says......"A-ha, so there is a chance!"
Hello, Andy, one good advice from tough woman like i'm. stop limp!!!
You know, first your topic shok me.
I sincerely sympathize to you. your ex- russian women made a terrible thing. You know, if in Russia anybody know, that sick venereal disease or terminal illness, dont say about it to partner & infected partner, so this person committed a criminal offense.
Your next post its only complaints and reflection. i think, Andy, you like words of consolation. but you neednt it.
Becouse you are happy man. i work just naw in big trading center. Do you know hat i'm hear every day on local radio: "Girl, boy seriously ill. parents havent money. need 200000euro, 100000euro or etc to a treatment abroad Russia, if you can help refer a humanitarian center....." Andy, you love your son, your son love you, your boy healthy, he has a good future. Many people only dream about it. you have it.
in one topic one girl from this site load photo. Andy, at photo was bright beauty young blond girl with smile for million. in wheelchair. in her friends on photo was in wheelchairs too, and they smiling too. You cant not imagine how hard being a person with disabilities in Russia. But she optimist, no whining, no reflect, she has a job, she's looking for a husband. she live for 100%.
So, Andy, just now you stay at one place & remember the past. For what? Andy, wake up, stop whining, stop limp, stop reflecting. Andy, hand over analyzes in the clinic and begin live at 100%. you have super reason for it - your son.
Hello Olga, as usual, you have a rough presentation but good intentions. However, I differ in opinions with you...reverse this situation and I am quite sure you would feel the strain I feel. I don't feel sorry for anyone but her...God judges all people, me included. You are right, it is criminal, this the cut in communication show she knows the severity of the offense! With bad kidneys, not being able to donate blood like before, having to admit I was exposed, this is with me forever, not whining like you said, BUT REALITY! For some reason you have a harsh presentation As Kal has noted on many occasions, ONLY i DO KNOW MANY Russian men, and in general, the younger they are...say pre 35, they seem to be just pigs...I know many. Have you noticed that every response you make shows a harder side of you, not a soft side at all. Contrary, breasts are great, but the beat under the breasts is what makes me fascinated! Why am I moping or whining by asking for opinions on this topic? STD's as you see, drew many comments. Are you at all soft or just jaded? Its sad, beautiful and as hard as the Siberian winter. And this Olga, is a typical Russian female response, it must be the mans fault, he must not show emotion or the end, I feel sorry for you, going through life so hard and rough makes you miss th real soft moments that count, the moments that help us in times of need and yes, weakness. Lighten up....God Bless
Good luck with debating instead of understanding!!! Amazing, you seem truly jaded and have very few kind words about much of anything. read your comments....reflect...and understand, although I doubt the hard shell you wear will allow serious, reflect
Andy, our friend Kal - brains-digger. For this man delve into people's souls - hobby.
He never answer for direct questions, he had not filled questionnaire completely & he loves to delve into other people's lives.
Andy, when one only asks & another only answer - this is a questioning at the police office.
Think about it in free time.
And your presentation??? Harsh, why Olga, you have beauty, age, brains, why so tough?
Because that's life, Andy.
i needn't public presentation on forum.
in this place people talk, aren't?
this is not a casting for the lead role in a Hollywood film, not interviewed for a position in a large corporation.
Sorry, I am in favor of equal sharing of information )
Hi Olga, I don't know how to say this to you.....So you know, I brought up STD's, money and sex and travel to FSU women for love, and chat with you occasionally. I wish I could cast in a hollywood film with some of these bizarre stories, on e consistent thing is that YOU do not have a soft side, even when complimented! And to say you are in favor of equal sharing would be true IF you shared stories that happens in a way that tended not to bash the person on the other end. Olga, you cannot be so jaded in real life? I don't believe it! LIGHTEN UP WOMAN, SERIOUSLY, IT IS BORING BECAUSE i KNOW YOUR RESPONSE WITH HARSH OR TART OR SOMEHOW ''''''JADED'''''. WHAT DOES MAKE YOU HAPPY, IF ANYTHING? I KKNOW I BORE YOU WITH MY BARE INTELLIGENCE, BUT WITH AGE COMES MATURITY, I HOPE? 32, i WISH SINCERELY YOU WERE SOFTER, BECAUSE I BET WE COULD HAVE GREAT CONVERSATION.