Men & women
For the woman
I've been on this only for a few days now but I noticed a few things that concerns me, from the perspective of a man who is looking for a possible life partner. You should bare in mind that there are a few perceptions, correct or incorrect about woman from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine in the west.
Let me start with the perceptions; after the end of communism the economic, social and political situation in these countries became very unstable and the future seemed uncertain.
1. Because of this uncertainty, woman who could, would use any means possible to get out of these countries, one relatively easy way would be to marry a foreigner. How else would you explain very beautiful girls marrying men 20 and even 30 years their senior?
2. Woman from these countries want to have a rich husband and they don't care what he looks like or what his personality is like, as long as he has money and preferably a lot of it.
3. They will have a child with you as soon as possible, then you wont leave her.
4. These women are generally speaking, deceitful, materialistic and greedy. So once you are married and have a child, her undying love for you will abruptly change into greedy demands for all kinds of material things, if you don't provide her with what she wants, you will not be a happy man, she will use the child against you.
Let me repeat, these are only perceptions, but it is out there and if you don't address them it will always remain in the back of any man's head that wishes to correspond with you.
A bit of advice which you may choose to use or not use,
Never ever write after only a few letters that you love him and your only heart desire is to meet him and be with him forever, he will run away faster that you can imagine. Love is a serious thing and given the perceptions above, this course of action will not advance your cause.
Don't ask him to send you money, ever. Don't tell him how hard life is and that you are struggling to put food on the table every day. It is not sexy. I know there is a perception that western men are stingy, some are, but most are just careful because of the perceptions stated above.
Then your photos, If you are half naked in your pictures in a very provocative pose, he will think that you are a an easy girl. A note on this, easy girls are nice to play with, but you never marry an easy girl. Too much make up is horrible. We want to see you as you are, maybe a little eye liner and a little lipstick but these blue and green eye shadow in excessive amounts makes any woman look funny. If you photoshop your pictures, it might be perceived as not being honest, so think carefully before you do that. A man is much more visual than woman, in other words, a man will look at the photo of a lady, decide if he likes what he sees or not, only then will he read the profile information, unfortunately the information is of a very general nature and he can not really access the personality of the woman. So he writes a letter. As you might be aware, men are not very much in touch with their emotional side, so the first letter might be something like " Hello saw your profile, your photo is beautiful blah blah blah..." Don't hold it against us, it is the way God made us. Have a heart, he will become more relaxed as time goes by.
I personally know a few men that got married to Russian woman and I must say, these women are beautiful, loyal, intelligent, hard working, excellent mothers and the best wives a man can hope for.
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Steve, I think what happened here is Jan bravely strutted out on thin ice and oops, suddenly a big noise like ice cracking! Now he’s he is trying to get back to shore! ))))
One big difference in Slavic women; they are polite, gracious and long-suffering, even when men say dumb things they wish they hadn’t. With an American woman, this would have had a serious fight and all the other girls would have jumped in! Here, some of the girls even thanked Jan for some of the “awkward” things he said, despite rolling their eyes all together! )) You should thank these girls; they gave you a free pass, but maybe not the next time.
Jan, I’ve talked with quite a few women here; no one has ever told me they love me yet...have I missed something? As far as “we men are not in touch with our emotional side” and “this is the way God made men, please overlook our flaws and act as though we are better than we are”; speak for yourself, Jan. God apparently didn’t make me that way, because I am very much in touch with my emotional self. I never accepted, “this is the way I am”; I learned to be different!
My father taught me whip the neighborhood bully; my mother taught me how women think, to be compassionate and that it was ok to be emotional. See, I can cry all I want because of what my father taught me; no one can really do anything about it! ))) Forget that manliness façade; learn to be who you should be. Son, relationships are hard work, and men usually want their partner to do it all! Wake up!
I suggest you not write an entire page advising the girls in lengthy, intimate detail on how they should be different, but then claim men can’t be different because “God made us this way?” Perhaps he made you that way, but there’s still time to “get in touch with your emotional self” and learn how women think so you can be a better partner. Still time for you to change! If you want to be the man you should be, start now! They teach classes on this stuff, you know!
Tom, you can't tell lies to Helga because she's way too smart! She will find you out in a heartbeat!
Helga, I don't know where he's getting his information. I don't believe for a second it's from "personal experience". Give him a few months and these girls will straighten him out! ))
Those girls are not even in the same class as you girls, Olga! They should be cleaning your house! Why do you think he is coming all the way from South Africa to Russia to find a woman!??
Steve, I don't know about you, but I'm flattered when the women get all dressed up, make their hair nice, a little makeup to highlight her beauty...I really like it!!! I have seen no questionable photos here. They wear tasteful clothing that accentuates their curves and reveals their inner personality. Some girls even wear a bikini so you know they have nothing to hide, but always in good taste! How it that for truth in advertising!? Think about it, Steve! They do this for us!!! ))) Thank you, ladies! I appreciate really your efforts!
Tom, don't worry! You will be able to come out of your time-out in the corner as soon as you promise to play nicely with the other children! I'm here waiting for you, buddy! ))
Alina, ever wonder if the stereotypes of Americans are true? Check this out: You may want to wash your eyes after you watch this video clip... )))
Да проблем нет с кожей.я выгляжу моложе лет на 7.Это генетика от отца.Просто зачем лишней раз провоцировать морщины.Краска это же химия в любом случае.
Ты не совсем права. Если генетически заложено что ты долго будешь стариться, что твоя кожа, по своей природе , будет долго оставаться упругой и будет мало морщин, то никакая косметика тебе не испортит кожу. Уверяю тебя. Пример я сама. У меня все бабушки и тетки долгожительницы, долго все старели лицом. Всегда были ухоженными, даже в те непростые времена. А есть такие женщины, у которых по природе своей очень рано становится кожа морщинистой.Ну ты еще вообще молодая и у тебя должна быть кожа просто прекрасной, но конечно есть исключения и в твоем возрасте. Так что нам с тобой повезло. А у меня была подруга (ее уже нет на этом свете), у нее кожа стала морщинистой очень рано (в 35 лет). Но она была очень красивой женщиной даже с морщинами.
У меня аллергия на косметику-глаза.Начинают чесаться краснеть.Какая бы она ни была гиппоаллергенной.То есть могу конечно недельку краситься ежедневно.Но не больше
я тоже каждый день укладку делаю.пока стоя спать не умею ))))))))))))))))))) и макияж люблю. я , конечно, и так выгляжу хорошо. природа не обидела, но хорошую косметику люблю.
))))) а я всегда завидую тем, у кого волосы вьются. у меня идеально ровные, но утром так идеально торчат.
Oh my God! This is terrible! I washed my eyes several times)))
I did not see such horror in Russia...
I think Jahno made the mistake of first presenting an opinion that was from his friends, colleagues and countrymen, but made it sound like it was his personal opinion. Obviously other posts have shown him to be different from the initial post on this forum!
Not like backpedaling on thin ice though!
I agree definitely. Although I have seen the suggestive photos as well and generally close the profile and move on at that point.
In general the girls dress very well, which is one of the things I like. I especially like that they can be stylish when casual!
Oh no, Doug. This is scary to me!
And also why I rarely if ever step foot in Walmart. OMG!!!
I understand completely. It is sad on so many levels!!!
Of course, this is extreme and beyond extreme. But I suppose all can see now why we are looking for Russian girls!
Вот нас женщин всегда в нас что то не устраивает )) И так всю сознательную жизнь )) Все говорим и думаем а вот бы у меня... ))
Steve is right! Now you know why we look for women here! I'm laughing so hard at your comment I almost fell out of my chair!!! But wait! There's more!!! Many clips of Wal-Mart people on YouTube! Good to watch if you think things are bad here!!! ))))))))
OMG Doug,nobody is perfect..but why these people should emphasize its disadvantages?looks sad the sight(video),I do not like to judge the outward appearance ,cause this can be a health issue sometimes..but..damn..evening I to go to the stadium to run !!!!!! )
Non solo russe. Ci sono anche ottime thai, cinesi, cambogiane e indonesiane, che io non scarto affatto. Forse le russe sono più vicine a noi come mentalità e cultura. Poi vivono in un frigorifero ed hanno più propensione a cambiare un po' il clima terribile che hanno ed un paesaggio univoco e monotono. La russa deve soprattutto sconfiggere la tristezza ed ha tanto desiderio di calore umano. Inoltre le russe sono più numerose degli uomini russi, i quali in genere non le trattano molto bene essendo più alleati della vodka che della donna. Per l'uomo russo, la donna deve stare soprattutto a casa a badare alle faccende domestiche, non la porta spesso con sè! Per questo motivo la donna russa è propensa ad avere un buon rapporto con l'uomo occidentale, ancora migliore con l'uomo latino, piuttosto che nordico o slavo. Il problema è un altro: la donna russa in genere è molto gelosa e possessiva e questo rende difficile il rapporto con tipi come me. Io amo condividere, ma odio la gelosia! Stia lontana da me la donna gelosa!
Doug, please be careful! I do not want to be the cause of your injury if you will fall out of the chair)))
Thanks, but I do not want to see more such videos. My poor eyes can not endure such a spectacle!!!))
Алина,не преувеличивай,что ты не видела в России такое...там и не такое увидишь..иногда хуже..везде есть такое..и везде есть красивые ухоженные женщины,Стив прав-это крайности..уверенна в Америке достаточно красивых женщин тоже,и в любой стране..другое дело что трудно сегодня найти настоящего, честного партнёра..вот это действительно сложно найти,как повезёт..
Я не преувеличиваю.ТАКОГО я не видела.Я не говорю,что в России живут только красотки. Но и такого непотребства я в магазинах не встречала. Во всяком случае в нашем городе,люди одеваются адекватно,вне зависимости от телосложения и от возраста. Я не разу не встречала толстую женщину,у которой параметры 90-60-90 и это только лицо,гуляющую в коротеньких шортах и в одном лифчике. Я,конечно, по всей России не каталась в поисках таких индивидуумов,но могу вас заверить,в тех городах где я была,я с такими людьми не встречалась.
А про партнера,я с вами соглашусь...
Does it not boggle the mind? I could not make it through the whole video without stopping, I cannot imagine what it must have been like for a first time viewer!! It is a marvel of engineering that the material of the clothing manages to hold together though!
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