
I seek advice


Ryan, 48 y.o.


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Are pictures more important than the essence of a person's character?

Hi everyone just want to ask both the woman and men here I was told recently that my pictures were crap didn't show my real intention only a fun party guy that isn't really looking for a serious relationship with a eastern European woman which I 💯 am. I feel I need to hire a professional profile photographer to do some photo shoots . I know for a fact that I am a pretty good Catch but because of something like a photo I am judged before I get a chance to make a good impression

. I look forward to any advice brutal or not thanks everyone


Larisa, 56 y.o.


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Correctly you prompted. Women are very cautious about Dating. All women on this site want family, love, relationships. It is difficult to go to another country and change your life. Therefore, they are looking for reliable, strong and responsible partners. The first time there is an adaptation and support of the husband is necessary. Women try to notice every little thing. Therefore, they are alarmed by your photo. She's afraid that instead of helping, you'll be spending time at parties.



I don’t think you have to hire a private photographer nothing wrong with how you look. it’s the fact your photos are in pubs & clubs. You look like your a great friend to the guys who know you. But women will question is this a serious man who wants a wife back in Australia... woman needs to trust and be sure has Australia long way from her family and friends you need to be her everything.... if I was you play to your advantages by getting beautiful beach pictures without a drink and in clothes... nothing wrong with how you look so it’s just the places the pictures are taken



Доброго времени суток. Судя по фото я бы сказала, что вы веселый человек любите быть в компании. Женщины будут обращать на вас внимание, но я хочу вам посоветовать - пишите письма первым даме, которая вам понравилась. Женщины любят внимание и заинтересованность со стороны мужчины. Если этот коммент читают мужчины, хочу сказать - будьте решительно! Женщины любят не слова, а действия. Успехов вам и любви.



Hallo) I don't quite understand about your work .. I'm talking about a career .. The word "разнорабочий" (odd-jobber?) is indicated .. how realistically can this be combined with international relationships and care about 2-3 people as minimum (if woman has a child)?.. Good dancing in the photo  Your friends from clubs, how old are them? they are younger you?  I am not sure about change pictures. In reality you will be you, with your lifestyle..if you are happy so.. Living in someone else's skin is very difficult, almost is not possible I think.. Better try to find a woman on the one wave with you, as you are.. 



Нормальные фото. Человек полон сил и энергии. Я бы добавила фото, где вы в рабочей одежде, в спортивной одежде.


Olga, 48 y.o.


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Раян, а что же ты фильтры так выставил , что и не написать совет в личку ))) Это маркетинг такой здесь , да? 



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Odd Jobber = minor house repairs .... tap leak. ..... hole in roof....... small repairs. .... new door lock ........

Our friend is one Of the Good guys

My opinion pictures more suited to a party girl than traditional wife who will relocate ..... looks like a advert for a romantic Australian part road trip for girl who likes travel and adventure.... wife will have concerns but man is possitive man.... Nice to have him in forum



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it seems yes .. Because can be a big conflict in the end .. A woman will say about need to pay for language courses, for.. I dont know.. - child dentist right now, will ask to be at home with family for to do home affairs, or just spend family time, visit school for talk with other parents about situation X and so on. But in the response - forgive me, I do not earn so much, I cant because I dont know and I am not interested, but I can teach you to dance a break -dance .. it all looks like parallel worlds.. 



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I agree the man is not a Big earner but his location is perfect....

Serious consideration Has got to be taken to his ability to pass stringent migration rules Of Australia which i have No idea about... langugue is english weather is Good.... schools are the best in The World very Good country to bring up children and very safe country sun beaches Koala bears Kangaroos. Wiggle world!!! Crazy childrens entertainments the guy looks Good country even better.... to get relationship with this man like gold IF HE IS Genuine!!! Great location for first Of womans children but not for sex or empty dreams... the guy paid to join so has some interest like part Of profile Good friend help people and help poor....
My view If genuine would be dont take him for a fool becouse a life in Australią is quality long term goal my view



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Probably the country is beautiful, but for me He is not understandable . He must to be the Head of the Family, but not as a "means of emigration" ( it seems to me you see his only like that, sorry..). This is just my opinion, on request .. The questionnaire, set of the pictures are not a reason for humor. Humor is not relevant here. Otherwise there will be complete misunderstanding.. I just advise him to understand real capabilities and desires. And live for happiness, not for problems. Only this  



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His personality his not unusual for this country.... hes only 41 years old.... rough diamond needing a polish.... i agree you are too strong woman for him but many single women here and theres someone for everyone. I dont feel hes a means for emirgration... theres a happy sole here If that can be made into a husband Maybe possible too



Unfortunately 95% of women pay only attention to outside aspects and not the inside. Content of person don't matter for them, it is surprising but being a guy in gold don't pay while if you are brad pitt bis but rotten inside they will like him. this is why it can lead them in the wrong direction because guys like you have apparently very serious intentions. cheers



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I won't go into personal experiences however im far from Brad Pitt.... I've dated very good looking intelligent Slavic woman... A Slavic woman will sometimes test your stupidity but she will respect you more if your a man and stand upto her in a none threatening way. Has a man you need to control the situation and make her believe you can offer a future together



Ryan, I think the most important that you like these pictures and want to show others. You show yourself, your interests, your character. When I want to send message to any man firstly I learn information in his profile, answers for questions and expect all pictures. All this helps me to begin conversation, to gotcha if this person interesting for me or no. So I think the real, casual pictures of you and your life are very useful for women because tell about you. Professional pictures are not so interesting because they are artificial. The most of my pictures I took myself and I don't want to hide my nature, my character, pain in my soul because all this is me. I don't want to lie and show myself better or another than I am in reality. If any woman will interest and like you she need to see a real person, real Ryan, not false picture what then will make her disappointed in you.

