
Children in a family with a foreign man



Men, why don't you want a woman with children?

Dear gentlemen!
I want to ask you the question which probably many women here would like to ask. Why the most of you are looking for women without children?
Usually, Russian women after 30 (and also probably Ukrainian, Belorussian etc) have one or more children. Is it bad? If you meet a woman with child/children - you will get already complete family. Is not it what you would like to get finally? Women, already realized their mother's instinct are experienced for it. They already know how to care about the family. So, if you would like to have an own children - it would be much easier. And if you don't want to have own children - for woman maybe would enough to have only her children and she wouldn't ask you to have a baby together if you don't want. Then you can decide together if you want to have children or not.

I am sure that each woman wants to be a mother, this is nature. So, in my opinion, any young woman who hasn't children yet, would ask her partner to have a baby sooner or later.

I know some stories when women with children married alien men and moved to their countries. Russian children adapt very well abroad. They are smart and study easy a new language and find new friends there. And their mothers haven't time for missing, because they are busy already with completed family. Yes, it is not a secret that for Russian women is difficult to find a job abroad, so probably, your wife would sit at home and do house work, especially in the beginning. It might be boring to sit alone while husband is working. So, if your wife is not alone at home, care and contact with child, it is easier for her to adapt in your country.
Of course, man can't become a real father for grown child of his woman. But he can became the best friend for them. Grown child is almost complete person and it is interesting to communicate with him, it is fun. Each child has talants and it is interesting to open it. Good parents always try to help their child to open talants. (even if you have friendship with a child of your wife, you would be called a parent anyway!)

So, gentlemen, why don't you want women with children? Answer, please!
Wellcome to discussion!

Я знаю, что форум читают многие женщины, поэтому прошу меня не критиковать - я высказала мое личное мнение и предлагаю всем желающим высказать свои мнения, если есть желание.

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Reply to Fernando on View the commented comment

Вас хорошо воспитали родители! Спасибо за поздравления. И вас поздравляю с наступающими праздниками!


Doug, 68 y.o.

United States

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Reply to Julia on View the commented comment

I'm sure there are, Julia. I am simply recalling my experiences. Actually, the world's worst drivers are in Boston, but they all drive BMW, Mercedes, Lexus, etc.  


Fernando, 38 y.o.


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Reply to Elena on View the commented comment

Absolutely right, you can do this just if you understand the priorities in life and loving is the most important thing. Have a nice day!


Fernando, 38 y.o.


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Reply to Tommaso on View the commented comment

Tom, Are we talking about understanding or knowledge? Because theyre different concepts, I really understand whats important in life and my knowledge says youre older than me but youre the one who dont understands. Have a good day my friend


Fernando, 38 y.o.


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Reply to Lucia on View the commented comment

Thank you very much for your good wishes, hoping the same for you  .


Fernando, 38 y.o.


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Reply to Irina on View the commented comment

Thanks again for all your kind words and feelings. Have a nice week and weekend  , Hugs!



Reply to Fernando on View the commented comment

Жаль что у меня дочери замужем...Хотела бы иметь такого хорошего и умного зятя )) Удачи, мой мальчик!


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Fernando on View the commented comment

Depende. No entendí a tu conceptos y en lo que cres!


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Fernando on View the commented comment

A palabras todos son buenos. Te aconsejo de creer solo en eso!


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Lucia on View the commented comment

I greci non arrivano per lo piú a fine mese e stanno vendendo anche le isole. Tutte le installazioni dell'Atene olimpica sono abbandonate al degrado e sono giá tutte andate in rovina e l'intera cittá di Atene è ormai degradata! Le case tutte incrostate perchè non hanno nemmeno i soldi per la manutenzione ordinaria! Sporco in giro! Ma di che Grecia stai parlando tu? Con quali paesi la stai paragonando? Con la Somalia? Mi viene da ridere, ragazzi, giuro! Ma qui c'è gente che sta vaneggiando! Ma che cosa scrivete?


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Julia on View the commented comment

Tu sei una che ascolta solo le parole vacue su internet, parole che non dimostrano nulla di nulla, parole vane, parole parole parole.
Inoltre: se sei stata in Italia dovresti sapere che gli italiani non esistono come popolo! Italiani di dove? Vedi che scrivi sciocchezze come quell'altra dalla Grecia?


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Irina on View the commented comment

E chi lo contesta? Lui a 27 anni lo puó anche fare, se accetta di trovarsene uno giá fatto da un altro! Vedi che tu scrivi senza aver capito nulla pure tu?
Ti pare che lo faccio io a 56 anni con un bambino piccolo? Credi che il buon samaritano Doug lo farebbe? Non ho mai letto tante idiozie come quelle che avete scritto su questo thread!


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Irina on View the commented comment

Altra sciocchezza: lo conosci tu per scrivere questo? Sei quantomeno avventata!


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Irina on View the commented comment

Son capace anch'io di fare il mieloso, bavoso come Fernando riempiendo tutte di complimenti! Qualsiasi (...) è in grado di fare questo!


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Lucia on View the commented comment

I greci sono un popolo di buoni a nulla. Si sono fatti prestare miliardi di euro per fare olimpiadi faraoniche. A momenti non riescono nemmeno a finire i lavori se non li aiutano altri, poi fanno le olimpiadi, perdono un mare di soldi e dopo lasciano andare in malora tutte le installazioni fatte! Infine non pagano i debiti e praticamente falliscono! Questi sono i greci!
Se andate ora ad Atene, vedete solo il degrado, l'abbandono, la corrosione di tutto quel poco che hanno. Vendono anche le isole a chi le vuole comprare, vendono i gioielli di famiglia! Ma per favore!


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Lucia on View the commented comment

Son capaci solo di pascolar pecore, fare il formaggio e ballare il sirtaki. Mio fratello a 13 anni morí praticamente ammazzato in un ospedale greco per incompetenza dei medici greci! Non fatevi mai curare lí': sono inaffidabili!



Reply to Irina on View the commented comment

Для Ирины(Сургут)
Кстати, да. Полностью правы.И в моём возрасте НЕ ХОТЯТ уже растить мелких детей даже дамы, не говорю ужеш про мущинов 



Лично меня мужчины которым 40 и за--- не были в браке и не имеют детей--уже настораживают,и в анкете указывают,что ПРОТИВ детей.Возомнили себя пупами Земли.Лично мне,гораздо интереснее мужчина,который уже имел опыт личной жизни.



Reply to Tommaso on View the commented comment

 )) Вы похоже меня не поняли. Молодому мужчине вполне можно жениться на девушке с ребенком. А более зрелому мужчине это совсем лишнее. Теперь поняли? ))



Reply to Tommaso on View the commented comment

Почему безрассудно? )) Я бы определенно хотела такого умного зятя )) НО, увы, уже есть ...



Reply to Tommaso on View the commented comment

 )) Том, вы определенно ревнуете к мальчику )) Ну так я жду уже давно от вас комплименты )) Где же они? )) Покажите себя еще с этой стороны )) Я еще не слышала от вас комплименты... )) Вы у нас самый умный, самый красивый, самый энергичный и самый, самый...



Reply to Tommaso on View the commented comment

Tom, non ho intenzione da discutere con te. Dico il mio opinione, e solo il mio opinione. Posso ripetere - mi piace gli italiani, e anche altri. Non capisco perche dici le parole brutte... hmmm, non buone parole dell'Italia. "Italiani di dove?" - cosa significa questa frase? che, ci sono - siciliani, milanese, napolitani, sardi... etc. hai questo in mente? Si, conosco che italiani non piaciono chiamare loro "italiani" e preferiscono usare le nome delle paese dove sono nati.
Non sono stata in Grecia e non posso fare qualche comenti di questo. Sono stata in Italia e conosco la situazione li chiaro.
Tutto di questo è unàaltra tema. Parliamo delle donne con bambini e cosa gli uomini pensano di questo. Per favore, non cambi la tema. Se vuoi, puoi creare un'altra tema per discutere degli stranieri differente o solo dei italiani e cosa le donne russe pensano di loro e loro paese.



Reply to Irina on View the commented comment

А Вы поменяйте прическу)) Правда, не факт, что новая заслужит такое же количество комплиментов, как эта))



Reply to Tommaso on View the commented comment

i fell sorry for your an explanation which thou hate Greece..and generally any country..



Reply to Arina on View the commented comment

Видишь в основном в зрелом возрасте уже дети взрослые и уже хочется самим пожить для себя. А маленькие дети все же требуют много внимания. И потом с ними путешествовать совсем не так здорово как самим... Но детей мы все любим и уже как получается. А что если я полюблю мужчину и у него есть еще не взрослый ребенок? И что я против ребенка его буду? Конечно нет. Буду адаптироваться и все делать для нашей мирной жизни.



Reply to Tommaso on View the commented comment

ok Tom..I do not want to continue this discussion..From the moment that you characterize an entire population like:weaklings and dirty, people who sense to continue this discussion..good luck..and thank you for your comments..


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Irina on View the commented comment

Ok scusami, un bacione


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Irina on View the commented comment

Figurati se sono geloso di un ragazzo! Non mi piace la sua aria da primo della classe, tutto qui.
Comunque se vuole sposare una con figli, si accomodi. Alla sua etá e come messicano dello Yucatan puó anche procedere. Conosco bene quei posti. Largo all'atzeca. Per questa volta non lo sacrifichiamo e tagliamo la testa a un pollo!  )))


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Lucia on View the commented comment

Not any country! For example not in Holland or Danmark, Germany and in many places of Italy, France and Spain. I do not hate Grece. I only say greeks generally are good for nothing, not all but most of them, yes. Turquish, for exemple, are a lot more efficient people and care a lot more their country!


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Lucia on View the commented comment

Intera no: la maggioranza ed è quello che conta in un paese. Non ho sostenuto che tutti i greci sono lazzaroni. Ma in maggioranza sono buoni a nulla, indolenti! Per chiamarli non basta una mano e una parola! Occorre gridare e usare un fischietto! Sono peggio dei nostri siciliani o calabresi. Se invece li inviti a mangiare o bere, allora si coprono di gloria!
In generale hanno un paese male organnizzato e che funziona veramente male. Di gran lunga peggiore del peggior paese europeo.

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