Children in a family with a foreign man

Men, why don't you want a woman with children?
Dear gentlemen!I want to ask you the question which probably many women here would like to ask. Why the most of you are looking for women without children?
Usually, Russian women after 30 (and also probably Ukrainian, Belorussian etc) have one or more children. Is it bad? If you meet a woman with child/children - you will get already complete family. Is not it what you would like to get finally? Women, already realized their mother's instinct are experienced for it. They already know how to care about the family. So, if you would like to have an own children - it would be much easier. And if you don't want to have own children - for woman maybe would enough to have only her children and she wouldn't ask you to have a baby together if you don't want. Then you can decide together if you want to have children or not.
I am sure that each woman wants to be a mother, this is nature. So, in my opinion, any young woman who hasn't children yet, would ask her partner to have a baby sooner or later.
I know some stories when women with children married alien men and moved to their countries. Russian children adapt very well abroad. They are smart and study easy a new language and find new friends there. And their mothers haven't time for missing, because they are busy already with completed family. Yes, it is not a secret that for Russian women is difficult to find a job abroad, so probably, your wife would sit at home and do house work, especially in the beginning. It might be boring to sit alone while husband is working. So, if your wife is not alone at home, care and contact with child, it is easier for her to adapt in your country.
Of course, man can't become a real father for grown child of his woman. But he can became the best friend for them. Grown child is almost complete person and it is interesting to communicate with him, it is fun. Each child has talants and it is interesting to open it. Good parents always try to help their child to open talants. (even if you have friendship with a child of your wife, you would be called a parent anyway!)
So, gentlemen, why don't you want women with children? Answer, please!
Wellcome to discussion!
Я знаю, что форум читают многие женщины, поэтому прошу меня не критиковать - я высказала мое личное мнение и предлагаю всем желающим высказать свои мнения, если есть желание.

Fernando, thank you very much for your story. It sounds positive, and you are still young man and were not scared to be like a father for not yours baby. Respect!
Fernando, hai 27 anni ed un uomo a 27 anni puó benissimo sopportare d'avere una ragazza con un bambino piccolo, ma a 56 no.
I greci non hanno piú nemmeno gli occhi per piangere e nemmeno piú i soldi per pagare la bolletta luce e gas. Non arrivano piú nemmeno a fine mese con quello che guadagnano ora.
Lascia perdere Grecia e greci, se vuoi un consiglio da amico! Stanno vendendo anche le idole per sopravvivere.
Per avere quelle cose non c'é nessun bisogno d'andare in Grecia, un paese in bancarotta.
Non dimostra nulla Fernando. Lui è giovanissimo e vive pure in un paese con tanti problemi
Aggiungo: vive in un posto che è esattamente l'opposto di dove stai tu. Da lui fa molto caldo ed è umido, ma caldo, caldo, credimi!

У мужчины в 56 лет есть деньги на няню. Если хочешь - я расскажу как сделать, чтобы дети женщины не мешали жить.
Am a man 56 years old holds money for babysitters. I can organize that children do not interfere with you and remain with her mother
Tom I really dont know if at 56 years old ill be able to, but one thing i know is: if the child is a part of the woman I love ill love the child like if it was mine, and of course i understand the differences between a man of my age and yours, a lot more of good and bad experiences for example, but im here looking for a woman to spend all my life and to love every part of her. Thanks for your point of view. Have a good day
Thanks for your positive words and I truly hope you can find a good man for you and your children, because every woman here deserves that and a lot more. Have a good day.
Tom. Saying im too young to know whats important in life is like saying youre too old to change and turn into a gentleman, theres not an absolute truth about how a person feels and thinks. Regarding my country i have to say im proud of being a mexican, we have many problems its true, but that doesnt change the way that if you love a woman and he comes with a child, why you couldnt love both? a child is a part of the woman too and a true man understands it. Have a nice day.

Какой вы умный и хороший парень! Удачи вам в поисках своей девушки!

Natasha.. ))вы считаете что 10 млн греков-ленивые?+1 млн иммигрантов?немцы платят за греков? вот когда научитесь не слушать и верить всякую чушь,которою вам говорят там на Украине по тв..вот тогда можно прокомментировать про ленивых греков..я рада что у вас там все трудолюбивые.. )) Греция-это лучший участок в Европе..со всех сторон..что тут непонятного? кто-то писал-они живут в Раю- это правда..

Lucia'll wait you summer in Greece..I will keep for you,a great chunk of cheese..
Noble words, Fernando. You are the type of man for which these ladies are looking and whom they deserve. You will make someone very happy and perhaps give a deserving child the opportunity of a lifetime. You are wise beyond your years and a gentleman; everyone, not only the girls, respects that. This comes from good training; your parents did an excellent job of raising you and teaching you what is important in life. Men like you make the world a better and more honest place, my friend, and we all respect you. I wish you the best in your search and especially at Christmas when perhaps you may find a special gift here on this site.

И с женской стороны тоже - если по-настоящему любишь мужчину, то любишь и всех его детей. И даже бывших жён, потому что они любили его. Но. это только если действительно Любовь.
Tom! You know, Fernando has excellent manners, is very polite and considerate of others. A thorough knowledge of proper protocol. I think this is because he was properly raised by top-quality parents who knew what is truly important in life. His parents must be very proud that he turned out so well. He has class, culture and never says anything to deliberately offend others. He is not socially awkward in any way. He is a pure gentleman. Tom, why can't you be more like Fernando! I can see the ladies lining up at his door to take a number and being more than happy to wait in line.
You know, my friend, I have been to Italy and Greece both. Everyone in my group had a wonderful time in Greece and had wonderful things to say, but no one said they wanted to go back to Italy. In Athens, everyone was very honest, kind and polite; very little crime where we were. In Italy, even little old ladies in the street try to cheat you out of your money, and no one had any clue how to drive! All these cheap little Fiats (in the US, we call these "beaters") and everyone with a set of keys wants to be Mario Andretti. Do they have a school somewhere in Italy where they teach manners? I'm just curious! Inquiring minds want to know! We know you have never attended there, but are you aware of any school in Italy where etiquette and courtesy are taught? Have you ever heard of any place like that???
???? Tu no has entendiido nada. Te conviene estudiar, chico
??? Ci vado tutti gli anni in Grecia, in barca. Conosco meglio di te la Grecia. E allora? Riesci ancora a pagare la bolletta tu? Moltissimi no, lí!
Atene è letteralmente alla canna del gas. Basta vedere solo le installazioni faraoniche delle Olimpiadi che fine hanno fatto! Sembrano le rovine dell'antica Grecia, ma di pochi anni fá! Ahahahahaha!!!
Quanto al Messico: difficile trovare un posto dove faccia piú caldo umido dello Yucatan. Passi la vita a farti docce lí! Questo per Fernando, che fa lo spiritoso, mentre altrove nel suo paese imperversano delinquenza e narcos con l'evidente complicitá di una polizia corrotta! Bel paese dove vivere!
Ahahahahahaha!!! Hanno solo gli occhi per piangere ora i greci! Sono falliti, sai che significa falliti? In bancarotta! Vendono anche le loro isole! Li ha fatti fallire la signora Merkel quando bastavano pochi soldi per quei non ridurre sul lastrico quei 4 pastori pieni di debiti. Lavorano? Ma lavorano cosa? Le capre!
Quando in Europa un paese va malissimo si dice: "Speriamo che non faccia la fine della Grecia"- Questo vi dice tutto.
Mai detto che sia stupido. Ho detto che a 27 anni puó benissimo prendersi una donna che ha giá un bambino, almeno non fá la fatica di farselo da solo. Se lo ritrova giá fatto da un altro! ))
Se mi permetti a 56 anni non voglio una donna con un bebè! Giá fatto alla tua etá! Non hai capito un fico secco del mio discorso.
Irina, thank you for your words Im just been honest about what i think on this question, I believe every woman deserves a man who loves her and everything about her, that includes past, present and of course future. Children arent a mistake theyre the best of life and you all women have to be proud and look for a man who deserves you and your kids. Good luck on your search, and have happy holidays!
Doug what can I say about your words, youre a gentleman and this way of thinking only comes from a good man. Im on this beautiful search of a true love, a woman to spend all my life till the end as many man here. I hope you can find youre special woman too because you deserve it as every member here. Have a happy holidays and good luck on your search my friend .

thank you Doug..but it is not necessary to prove anything to Tom )) he seems knows everything..he seems visited every part of the world..and nowhere did not find something positive..we must hope he can meet soon the right woman,so ,then maybe he calm down a bit..

Tom )Compared with other countries,Greece always been a peaceful country,which tries to maintain the rich history,and ancient monuments..and Tom..Not to worry,for now i am able to pay my bills..and i see that you are informed in you must know wery well,Greece has the least debt in comparison with other European countries..

Fernando.. you good boy..hope you can find soon a similarly good woman..she'll be lucky

Dear Doug! Thanks for protecting opinion of Fernando, I also agree with you that he is from that type of men whom we (women) need and whom we are looking here. But please, don't argue with Tom, it is unuseful. There are also many nice people in Italy. I went to Italy and I know very nice Italians. The training and good manners are not in depending on nationality, it depends on person. Tom in just a different man.

Ну я согласна что молодому мужчине нет проблемы жениться на девушке с ребенком. Он ее ребенка воспитает и еще родят общих детей. И конечно большая проблема когда партнеру, уже мягко говоря, не мало лет, взять женщину с маленьким ребенком. Это для него может быть проблемой. Да и в возрасте уже нужно спокойствие, свободное время для себя и для его женщины.