
Men & women


Lina, 31 y.o.


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Any gentleman alive?

Dearest users,
Can't stand that battle inside my head anymore, so sharing the mind with all of you. I know, that the term "gentleman" is quite abstract, besides there's no need in riding horses on the roads and carrying swords on the streets anymore, but still I'm sure the term "gentleman" still has that hidden sense we all know and understand.

I can't say I'm all "experienceless", neither can say I've seen a lot. In our twenties life seems to be in it's middle, yet there's quite a lot still hidden in the future. Right?

However, in my twenties I seem to be disappointed in men. They say I'm smart and beautiful, but some of them don't even open the door for me. We, women are not 'disabled', but we do have some special needs (let me call it so). Is it that hard to show some attention to the lady which is charming for you?
I don't wanna think I'm that "unlucky" with men but neither I wanna think there's a sad tendency of disappearance all of real men, real gentlemen.
Thanks for your attention to this soulscream.
Would be quite pleasantly to read your thoughts on this topic.




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Reply to Lyudmila on View the commented comment

Aún eres muy joven...
Ya aprenderas..
Comprenderás la diferencia...
Todos soñamos con ser el caballero que proteja y mantiene la delicada chica... Pero la realidad es otra.. Todos queremos vernos reflejados en esa mujer que estará a nuestro lado



Reply to Victor on View the commented comment

Victor, you a little bit not correctly understood me. I meant that being the strong woman, small signs of care and respect from the man are pleasant to her. If all the time to be fragile, weak, and defenseless, it will be crushed at once by all burden of modern life. And so the woman wants to be "weak" near the man, only to allow it to look after themselves to show care that he would feel the strong and most significant person, a peculiar defender, knew that she on it in many respects is necessary and trusts. It is some kind of "game" to show weakness to show strength of the partner. I with you it completely agrees that in couple the man and the woman have to is equal to support each other at the difficult moments of their life, to be to each of them a strong support for each other.

Yes I am young, but I have still all ahead, and hope it there will be very good future! 


Oscar, 46 y.o.


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Reply to Victor on View the commented comment

Victor lo siento, pero no estoy de acuerdo en tus ultimos comentarios!

Esta pagina es rusa y por tanto los NO-RUSO tenemos que adaptarnos a ellos y no al reves

Tu, yo, Doug y muchos otros hombres, estamos a esta pagina a encontrar chicas eslavas por tanto vamos a encontrar muchas chicas que hablen ingles y algunas que hablan un poco aleman, español, frances o italiano!

Otra cosa es que mejoren el traductor para todos, no solo para el ingles!

Es más yo estoy aprendiendo ruso con varias chicas con las que hablo porque estoy convencido de que de esta pagina saldra mi proxima (y espero que definitiva) pareja a cambio ellas quieren aprender español y yo les ayudo! 

Victor i'm sorry but I disagree with your last commentaries!

This site is russian, so all NO-RUSSIAN we have to adapt to them not the other way

You, me, Doug and many other men, we are in this site to find an slavic women so we will find many women who will speak in english and only some of them will speak in german, spanish, french or italian!


It's different that they should improve the translator for everybody, not only english!

it's more I'm learning russian with some of the women i'm speaking with because i'm convinced that from this site will be my next (and i hope definitive) couple, in return they want to learn spanish and I help them!



Reply to Oscar on View the commented comment

Pero Oscar.. Tus planes de pareja o matrimonio..¿en qué país piensas residir?.
Si piensas instalarte en Rusia,tiene lógica que busques aprender y perfeccionar el ruso.. Pues tendrás que mantener relación con tu familia política,amistades,compañeros de trabajo... Etc.
No es cuestión de pensar en la web y traductor.. Hay que mostrar la realidad,que en España el Ruso,no se habla,que el inglés lo hablamos pocos y mal... Y eso deben saberlo.
En una relacion internacional ambos debemos espabilarnos con los idiomas... Pero es absurdo pensar que el inglés les será útil en España..



Reply to Lyudmila on View the commented comment

Pues... Tengo más años... Y no he encontrado mujeres que busquen ser débiles a los ojos de su pareja.. Las mujeres gallegas odian mostrarse débiles... Más bien el juego aquí es otro... "yo soy mujer y puedo hacerlo y tu eres hombre y no puedes".. Aquí la mujer incita,fuerza,presiona o como decimos "pincha",para que el hombre se vea forzado a superarse..
Pero pregunta a otros chicos,pero no creo que a muchas eslavas les interese aparentar debilidad,cuando es más divertido jugar al gato y el ratón..





You are right. Though a woman is not disabled she should be treated very well.  I man should always hold a door open for a woman for respect.  If a man cannot even do that do not waste time with him. It is not that bad here in Canada, men do hold the door open most of the time. Of course there are still some lazy men here as well!


Good luck finding a gentleman. All women deserve one.




Doug, 68 y.o.

United States

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Reply to Rich on View the commented comment

I agree! Canadians are very polite people.  


Jorge, 54 y.o.


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Privet Lina..aun eres una linda chica,joven,pero interesante, se ve en lo que escribes..que es lo una chica como tu desea encontrar en un hombre?..En lo general ,seria armar un rompecabezasde cada cosa que uno quiere..pero a mi me gusta disfrutar la vida dia a dia, el tener una charla que poco a poco, te sientas comodo con lo que hablas,escuchar,sin ser interrumpido por una llamada a cada momento por el movil, y ver  en sus ojos,su expresion y sacarle una hermosa sonrisa,es para mi lo mejor..lo mejor-un buen sentido del humor es primordial,para compartir los momentos agradables...cuando una persona es buena, se antoja llamarla para desearle desde un buen dia,invitarla a un cafe,o una comida,ayudarle  con su silla para sentarse,una flor como detalle,o unos globos,en fin ser un hombre caballeroso e que esa mujer note que realmente te gusta y te sientes feliz de conocerla....saludos desde mexico..  


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Niente male!   Molto giovane peró! Potrei presentarti mio nipote.



Reply to Chris on View the commented comment

Hombre sabio, es correcta tu recomendación.



Kleber, 45 y.o.


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Cara Lina.

É um prazer constatar que você confia nas pessoas deste fórum para expressar seus sentimentos. Pelo que vi em seu perfil, de fato você é extremamente inteligente e muito bonita. (Suas fotos são a maior prova da sua beleza...)
Do meu ponto de vista nunca se pode perceber nos primeiros contatos se o homem em que ela está interessada é mesmo um gentleman, por mais experiente e observadora que uma mulher possa ser.
Como outras características da mente, do coração e da alma, o cavalheirismo só pode ser confirmado como tal se for parte integrante dos hábitos e da personalidade de um homem, e não um algo que ele faz apenas para conquistar a mulher que o interessa(Assim como o que atrai os homens ocidentais para as mulheres eslavas são justamente os seus modos, sua mentalidade e personalidade, e por que também não dizer a beleza extraordinária....rsrsrs). Partindo deste princípio, só com o tempo você realmente irá perceber se o homem que lhe interessa realmente é um cavalheiro.

Quanto ao seu suposto azar, tenha calma. Existe uma expressão idiomática no português do Brasil que diz assim: O que é do homem o bicho não come. (O significado: Não se preocupe, o que é seu vai ser seu, apenas dê tempo ao tempo.) Por isso, não se apresse. Escolha bem para escolher uma vez só. Se os homens que conheceu até agora neste site não lhe deram uma oportunidade, é porque não eram as pessoas indicadas para você.

Quanto aos homens reais, eu sou um deles....rsrsrs. Mas, creio que já não estou mais dentro da faixa de idade que procura.
Mas, tenha paciência. Você achará o que procura.
Espero que este comentário possa aliviar seu coração.

Boa sorte!



Most people never imagine, for instance, the dilemmas and disappointments beauty brings to girls, especially when they are also highly intelligent and honorable. They have virtues that are much valued in society, so they end up being the object of unexpected and great hostility. They feel cornered and rarely find their way out, except by ruining some of their qualities.


Steven Richards

tell me more of yourself Lina


Helga, 44 y.o.

Russia, Other

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Reply to Steven Richards on View the commented comment

Дамы! Ну видите же, что культивирование подхода каблуков-декольте не то чтобы для вас благоприятно. При таком подходе, при видении женщины в таком ключе всегда побеждает молодость.


Gulshat, 50 y.o.


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Reply to Helga on View the commented comment

еще вспомнила у многих появляется мастопатия-кисты в грудях или вовсе рак последней стадии.


Erick, 42 y.o.


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Это правда, что есть еще "Рыцарь" в полном смысле этого слова ... и если это позор, что вы перешли с теми, кто не являются, но в мире есть все ... мое имя Эрик, я Перу ... 

Major Vimoto, 56 y.o.

United States

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Dear Ms. Lina,
It is quite interesting to read partly your experiences and partly your observation. Indeed you are right in both platforms of your point.
Most men have lost the real sense of being, lost the reason for engaging and at the same time lost focus even when it seems they knew what they are seeking for.
But still there are men who are indeed still a calculated gentlemen but they are few and very principled. Let me give you some real examples of a gentleman, "s gentleman can engage on online dating if and when he is convinced that he could find what he is looking for online and when he comes and find someone, once comfortable with that person then he deletes his profile and focus on building relationship with the lady" But this is not so with the opposite of other gentlemens they will come online to flait, to lie in other to manipulate, steal both material things and sex and they move on with another victim. This is unfortunately the sad reality.


And this is wrong reasons for online engagement is not only applicable with the men even most women are like that, I once mate a lady from and we seems to be having a constructive rapo within the right direction and as a Military Personnel with the US Army, focus and principle are one of our key ingredients, so I asked her if she is still keeping and using her and she said yes and she actually kept phone communication with others she mate before me. We mate in New York when she visited me and with my own computer she is busy chatting with men online and these are not friends or relatives. Within the one week she visited she never spent full 48 hours with me even though i was off-work for 4 days just to give her attention. She actually pushed me to now seek for love outside of the US, like they say our USA women have lost focus of social value, so we are now looking to Eastern Europe.

Generally to some extent am sure there are bad men everywhere and also there are bad women everywhere too. So cautious should be taken and with faith one will find what they are seeking for. God says ask and you shall receive and when you look at this context it lies on first knowing what you want before you can ask. And you shall receive once you've asked. So be patient, focused on all you want on a men without compromise and both God and the universe will answer you as you desires.

Thank you and remain blessed....
Major Vimoto


Alexandra, 46 y.o.


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I have the same problem, Lina. I don't know why.   

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