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South Africa

Can I please ask for the lady's to tell me what they think about South Africa. How they think it is in my country and what do they think happen here.Are they scared of South Africa.I think that there are some miss perseptions about my country and that people are afraid to come or live here.




Действительно, о жизни в Южной Африке практически ничего не известно: уклад жизни, менталитет, климат, законы....в конце концов, кулинарные предпочтения местного населения. В школе мы проходили географию, поэтому географически знакомо месторасположение страны. Но думаю, если появится интерес, то всегда под рукой есть интернет. Там можно почерпнуть много полезной информации.
Indeed, about life in South Africa, virtually nothing is known: way of life, mentality, climate, laws....finally culinary preferences of the local population. In school we were geography, so geographically familiar with the location of the country. But I think, if you are interested in, always at hand is the Internet. There you can learn a lot of useful information.



Yes, you are right to ask about it. As for me, I am a bit scared of your country although I know many things about its history. South Africa is just too far for you Russia, right?


Tommaso, 66 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Non devono avere paura se sono con un sudafricano.


Lyudmila, 67 y.o.


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Reply to Tommaso on View the commented comment

I remember lectures of those years in my Institute: thriving capitalism, the regime of apartheid (racial discrimination of black population). After the fall of apartheid, the parties came to power, representing the interests of black people, and there were signs of racism relation to the white...
Now, in our time: for the exploration of the UN, South Africa ranks first in the world by the number of rapes per capita. For 1 year there occurs 500 000 rapes. Also, South Africa is one of the first places in the world by the number of rapes and sexual assaults for of minors. For 1 year, there were about 70 000 rapes, but guardianship authorities believe that the number of unreported cases can be 10 times more. These figures are terrible! Also, South Africa leads the world in the level of street crime. The average life expectancy of 50 years. The majority of the population infected with HIV and AIDS. High unemployment is 40 percent and migration: the white population leaving the country, the black population is increasing due to the inflow from neighbouring areas.

Fact is, don't need to be afraid of? What In this country the situation with protection of human rights, if the white population was less than 20% ??? With all of this, South Africa is the most developed country on the African continent...

Andre, You can confirm or deny what's in Your country to live safely?
Я помню лекции тех лет по политподготовке в моём институте: процветающий капитализм и режим апартеида - расовой дискриминации негроидного населения. После падения апартеида, к власти пришли партии, представляющие интересы чернокожего населения, и появились признаки расизма уже по отношению к белым...
Теперь в наше время: по исследованию ООН, ЮАР занимает первое место в мире по количеству изнасилований на душу населения. За 1 год там происходит 500 000 изнасилований. Так же, ЮАР находится на одном из первых мест в мире по количеству изнасилований и сексуальных посягательств на несовершеннолетних, то есть детей. За 1 год было зарегистрировано около 70 000 изнасилований, но органы опеки и попечительства считают, что количество незарегистрированных случаев может быть в 10 раз больше. Эти цифры просто ужасны! При этом, ЮАР лидирует в мире по уровню уличной преступности. Средняя продолжительность жизни — 50 лет. Большинство населения заражены ВИЧ и СПИД. Высокий уровень безработицы 40% и миграция: белое население покидает страну, чернокожее население увеличивается за счёт притока из соседних территорий.
Том, Вы говорите не нужно бояться? Как в этой стране обстоят дела с защитой прав человека, если белого населения там менее 20% ??? При всём этом ЮАР считается самой развитой страной на африканском континенте...
Андре, Вы можете подтвердить или опровергнуть то, что в Вашей стране безопасно жить?



Reply to Olga on View the commented comment

Hi Olga may I ask why you are afraid? That’s why i started this forum I’d like to know what the perception is there about South Africa and why please



Reply to Andre on View the commented comment

Hi, Andre ! I agree with Lyudmila. The info she wrote here is well known in Russia and the same question she is asking I d like to ask you.
As for me I remember to have heard a broadcast on radio. A journalit married with a British man, living in South Africa told about their life there. She didn t tell many bad things, that s true. Climat, nature, friends - this all is ok. But she confirmed too, the criminality is a big problem : she has to drive her kids to school and back. To let them to get there alone can be very dangerous.
I understand, you are "inside" of the situation as it is your country and perhaps Lyudmila and me are considering it in not correct way. I personaly would like to know your opinion. Good evening.



Reply to Olga on View the commented comment

Hi Olga Yes it can be especially in some areas but not everywhere. My daughter is 15 and she walks 4klm i thinks it is about 8 miles from school back home every day I drop her of in the mornings on my way to work but after school she walks back home without any problem a lot of kids walk or ride bicycle to school and back every day. Its more where you live that is the deciding factor. Maybe there in Russia there are some areas that it’s not save too i don’t know? If you go towards the squatter camps and certain areas in mid Johannesburg yes then i agree its not save. I don’t know how the crime are there where you guys live i think all over the world are crime, robbery's, murder and such things here its more in the news for sensation but i don’t think that there is a country that’s spared that most holiday destinations are more patrolled by police all over the world so it looks saver but i think crime are everywhere. Hope that helped and answered your question but pls feel free and ask and I will answer them for you. Me and everyone here don’t want the world to be scared to come and visit our country.



Reply to Lyudmila on View the commented comment

Ok let’s start on the apartheid we gave it the name “apartheid” that was a big mistake the same thing are going on is lots of country’s Australia with the Aborigine that are in the driest and desolate areas there, USA the Indians that was stuck in reservations, there are hundreds of such samples even in today’s live it still happen and then I don’t talk about Africa I am talking about first nation countries. And yes there are some against the white people now too but it’s used by the black people as a gemmy to get the votes of the others but the middle class blacks are starting to see threw it and they don’t belief that the apartheid are still the cause of everything incorrect in the country The HIV in the country is because the lifestyle and culture of the black people here and that is the problem in most of Africa. They don’t belief in condoms, birth control and they belief in multiple sex partners. But with current teachings it is starting to bear fruit and they are starting to use it especially the middle class blacks. In the squatter camps it is still a problem because it’s against their beliefs because it’s a white man’s invention so the witchdoctors and traditional healers are against that. They are a very superstitious race believing in the “sjangoma” , “tokkelossie” and so forth. That is why Africa as a continent has the most HIV cases in the world. Remember Africa is a 3rd world continent and we South Africa are the main developed and advanced part of the continent and we get flooded by people from all over Africa with their beliefs and customs so it’s a battle to change their old traditional beliefs for western beliefs. The High Employment is because of all the unschooled immigrants flooding into South Africa for a better life mostly, but the government are constantly busy with work creation programs and upgrading their life and beliefs. But we are slowly but surely getting there 


Lyudmila, 67 y.o.


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Reply to Andre on View the commented comment

Thank you, Andre.
What is a 'squatter camps'?
I think That the issue of HIV and AIDS is not only the use of condoms, But, for the most part because of the absence medicine for the poorest sectors of the population South Africa. In the traditions hygiene black population and there is no education. This is the consequences of apartheid, isn't it? On the other hand, as a tiny белокожее The population could protect themselves and live safely - only laws strict isolation , Prohibited mixed marriages and many other, What was the name of apartheid or racial discrimination, because was exceptional and the maximum separation of people according to the color of their skin. It seems to me, That the comparison with the German experience Indians in America and aboriginal Australia, That you operate, is not entirely consistent with the regime in South Africa. Well. Now, The situation has changed, Is a reverse process of emigration превуалирования white and black. Sooner or later white will not be able to continue to keep the situation safe for its life areas, It is because their will remain very low. They will be forced to obey laws for blacks. I am not saying that this is bad, it is not. But this is a natural by development of the society. In any country there are undiluted peace and crime. However, they are prosecuted criminal The law of the state and the punishment for the crimes committed. Involved in these public bodies, funding their state. People are free to travel by day and by night, Do not fear to walk in any area a large town or walk to the beach in the evening and at night. I understand that statistics ratio of registered and unregistered Crimes in the Republic of South Africa 1 : 10 , or 30 murders to 100 people shows, That the system of penalties and the fight against crime in virtually does not work. Or why is this? That is affected people do not turn on their rights, Because it does not believe in the punishment of the guilty? I do not understand: why 9 people from 10 do not call for help? For example, your daughter or i can To go to the beach at night or dinner in the restaurant in the evening and enjoy the draw span ? Go to urban transport watch suburb or the museums, theaters, concerts? Sorry, may be my questions and thoughts seem out of your silly and cute ...



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Scuatter Camps is the name that its called here it’s the same as in Brasilia the slumps .It is where the people from the rural areas and illegal immigrants from neighbouring countries come and put up a shack of corrugated iron or anything they can lay their hands on. Nope I disagree about the medicine there are in all rural villages and squatter camps clinics where there are nurses and doctors where they can get free medicine more serious cases are revered to the state hospitals where they are treated free too. It is the same with schools the problem is and I am stacking my head out now from 1994 when the new government came in power there was promises made to the people to get them elected and from then not much of the promises was kept and the people are getting tired for the lies so they start protesting that in my eye are very good BUT it don’t stay just as protesting they destroy and burn down everything their path because it was promised them they will get everything and they don’t want to pay for it they want it free so at the end they destroy more that the government can rebuild taking in account that they need to look after their own pockets first. You must remember and please don’t take me incorrectly on this because its being proven all over Africa time and time again. We are in a situation where we have 9 different races in one country with no tolerance towards each other. The only main thing keeping them together so far is the white people that they stand together against. And unfortuanly the people in power are more concernd with themselves as against criminals the moment they start tightening the law they will lose the vote that kept them there in the first place. It was always easy to give the apartheid the blame for everything that are bad and incorrect in the country they are still trying that but a lot of the black people are starting to see that it is not a lot of them that are working with me and that has improved themselves directly state that apartheid cannot be the reason after 20 years for faults still existing especially when things come out like the state president that upgraded his personal home not the presidents home for $ 18 544 800.00 with state money and then tell the people there is no money to build more houses or create jobs . Yes things are not moonshine and roses in our country, but we have hopes for our country and we knew things will get better and well. The government has changed its views of “chasing the whites into the sea “and has started to realise that we need to work together otherwise South Africa will go the same road as Zimbabwe. More and more blacks are walking across to so called white political party’s because they want changes for the better and not for a few selected rich and the main ruling party the ANC are splitting up more and more into factions so their power are getting more divided each year so soon a true combine peoples party that have all factions of South Africa in it will take rule and then things will be for all South Africans. I know that I have said things here that most of the western or first world country’s will not understand because they went through this hundreds of years ago. And everyone are on the same level so to speak. But to really understand the situation you need to be here and talk and interact with the people to truly know what I am talking about. Hope it helps and dint make you more confused



Reply to Andre on View the commented comment

Hi, Andre. Of course, they are some places in Russia that aren t safe, but as for my town, I wouldn t say, they are some special areas inside of Petersburg that are dangerous. The criminality among the immigrants from the ex US is a problem of course. As for the immigration in your country, from what part of the continent do you get the most people? From the black or Arab ones?



Reply to Olga on View the commented comment

Black mostly we get some from Thailand ,China and India but mostly are from Africa the black population



Dear Andre.

After Mandela’s death especially and mutual racist tendencies that are aggravated in connection with it I consider a life and even simply travel to South Africa almost impossible. Although this country itself seems interesting and beautiful and of course people there can be very good, it is now in the list of countries (including Iran, for example) where I would not like to visit.

I can not consider living in the country where the president’s consciousness and traditions are on the level of the Stone Age.

“///Jacob Zuma is a polygamist who has been married six times and in 2012 the Daily Telegraph estimated Zuma to have 20 children. In June 2012, activists, including some from the ANC itself, complained about the amount the state paid to support Zuma's wives, especially in the context of the country's widespread poverty. In 2009/10 Zuma received a budget of £1.2m for "spousal support", almost twice the amount paid during the terms in office of Thabo Mbeki and Kgalema Motlanthe, leading for suggestions that only Zuma's first wife should receive state support.


///Zuma, who at the time headed the National AIDS Council, admitted that he had not used a condom when having sex with the woman who now accuses him of rape, despite knowing that she was HIV-positive. He stated in court that he took a shower afterwards to "cut the risk of contracting HIV". This statement was condemned by the judge, health experts, and AIDS activists”.

Situation in South Africa has deep historical roots, I understand it, but it is difficult to imagine a woman, especially if she has a child, who would agree to move to this country. Although there is no ideal and safe place on the Earth now, some countries are especially difficult in this regard. For example, it is also difficult to imagine a woman who would agree to move to uch parts of Russia as Chechen republic or Dagestan.

Unfortunately, politic of apartheid did its black deed not only in South Africa but in other countries results of it are at least under a little more control.


Albina, 41 y.o.


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Привет Андрэ я бы хотела знать о городе Йоханнесбург.И как насчёт мужчин)))



very sad that most of you are involved in canned and trophy hunting in SA, you promote this bloody business and invite foreigners to kill lions, elephants and other magnificent animals just for trophy, this is really shameful.



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Just for your Invormation canned hunting are illegal, so it is not standard hunting practice, for normal hunting you need to search your pray in the bush and if it is like lion you easily can become the pray. And even for trophy the meats are used for cat or dog food if it is a meat eater that was hunted. Normally nothing is ever wasted



Reply to Albina on View the commented comment

Hi There anytime just ask what you would like to know



Reply to Andre on View the commented comment

and eating a lion meat is a normal practice for you? well you must be ashamed of yourself.



Reply to Polina on View the commented comment

HEHEHEHEHEHE Wonder where you come to that idea that i eat Lion meat?????? Wonder who must be ashamed?



Reply to Andre on View the commented comment

may be not exactly you , but as you said that meat of lion is never wasted after it was killed, you obviously don't consider trophy hunting as an unethical and a cruel act, and your people involved in this business as well



In my opinion I'm scared of getting sick, insects and other infections, but it is interesting for me to visit some of the places as I love the sea and marine life 



Reply to Polina on View the commented comment

Dear Polina

Every body is entitled to their opinion and I respect yours. I would however like to correct you a little. The organized hunting business in South Africa is a huge contributor to conservation. Without this industry, i promise you the black people would have wiped out all signs of animal life. 

When you do not know anything about a subject, it is better not to talk so strongly about it.

You are welcome to contact me personally if you would like to discuss.



Dave, 54 y.o.


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I would like to jump in and say, as I am towards the end of my first visit to South Africa (here for a few weeks for work) I must admit it is a very lovely country. Honestly, I can't really talk about the safety as I have been taken around by work associates and friends, but I have found everyone I have met to be very friendly, and to be honest, it is a much more economical place than where I live in Canada. The food too is absolutely phenomenal! I do plan on coming back, and to any of the ladies here, I would say it is definitely a place that I would recommend for a visit to see and enjoy for yourself.
