I seek advice
Lies about the past
My girl lied to me! I have been in a relationship with a wonderful woman I met on this site. But now after 1 year, I have discovered that she traveled to meet 2 other men on this site, in the previous 18 months. She told me that she had never met with a man from this site before, or skyped. Am I a fool to continue seeing this woman. Ladies, what do you think?
Джон, мы ждем ваши фото в разделе "Пары и поздравления" . Будьте счастливы
Да, как- то разозлил меня этот пост..Наверное потому что я понимаю что Джон не видит своей проблемы недоверия к женщинам и что если бы он остался со своей девушкой она была бы для него "плохой"в любом случае,даже просто за то что к 45 годам у нее была жизнь вообщем.Отношения людей начинаються когда они решают быть вместе и даже в этом случае не все выдерживают расстояния.John you have control issue!
John, умение прощать и быть терпеливым нам дано свыше, главное это не растерять по жизни, я рада за Вас, что наши советы Вам помогли и Вы на правильном пути. Желаю Вам счастливой и долгой жизни-любите свою женщину и она оплатит Вам тем же, вот в этом и есть суть славянской и русской женщины
Man. I understand you feel betrayed and you're right to feel this way. She did this before meeting you as I understood. The real issue would be if she still keeps communicating with those men or to others maybe. I think you're a mature man who knows what are you looking for. Is this situation too hard for you to forgive? If so then you shouldn't continue the relationship, you will just get hurted and you will hurt this woman. But if you can forgive her why don't you take the risk? Knowing a person on internet has even more risks. So do what you think is right. Good luck.
Я вообще не понимаю зачем интересоваться прошлым которое было до тебя. Возможно вы спросили ее об ее прошлых встречах когда вы еще не были близки и она ответила "нет" чтобы не вдаваться в подробности с малознакомым человеком. А потом было некстати сесть и исповедаться. В любом случае прошлое в прошлом, настоящее вы и она, а будущее зависит от вас.
Fernando ,
It is not a question of forgiving.He should not have asked these questions in the first place.
What he needs is a mentality change.
In one of his replies he says that : "she is a mature woman"
I ask myself if he is a mature man , when I see the behaviour that he is displaying.
Maybe he is thinking , hey I will register with this datingsite , and I am gonna grab me a woman from Russia or from a CIS country.
And that is that !! Wrong !
If he thinks like this , I am sure he will have some bad surprises.
I don`t say , that I know all about the people , the women and the traditions and culture of Russia and the E Europe.
But I have done my research and reading , about their life , their hopes , their culture and their outlook on the future.
I understand what good and decent behaviour , means to the people and moreover to these women.
I understand , that they seek for a man who is loyal , gentleman like and honest.
In their culture you need to be aware of what is considered , appropriate and normal behaviour.
They will Always try , to not embarass you or make you feel bad.
Even when you are causing a very uncomfortable situation.When you don`t understand this , you may only make things worse.
If you want to control them and their life , it is a recipe for failure.
But that also will happen with a relation with a Western woman.
I really hope that it will go well for them both.And that the relation did not suffer from this.
There is a time and a moment for everything as the saying goes.
Now is the time for him , to start to learn about her tradition and culture.
" большинство женщин, считающих себя мудрыми, точно так же ответило бы "...вкорее всего...
считать себя мудрой и быть таковой ---разные вещи
Как можно лгать ДЕЙСТВИТЕЛЬНО любимому человеку ?! с которым собираешься связать свою
судьбу ...рано или поздно он все равно узнает все...
не хочешь сказать правду , уйди от ответа...переведи в шутку вконце концов...
I expect this kind of nonsense answer from some of the women, they have some solidarity in their ranks but your comment is an example of the problem that exists among men of today. Dwindling are the men who valued real traits, like honesty and integrity and in vogue became this need to coddle everybody and be the nice guy instead of being a man who is willing to be unliked sometimes to stand up for what matters. You pay lip service to the idea of being a gentleman and speak of honesty but when you see somebody treated to dishonesty you don't wish for that man to act like a man, you wish that man to meekly accept it and blame him for it and turn on your brethren. This isn't the behavior of a gentleman or a real man.
This notion that a man cannot ask a woman about her past is silly and ridiculous. When you are at the point of making the choice to spend your life with somebody there is no discussion that should be off the table. If you cannot speak of everything honestly then that is a relationship that is not strong enough to survive lifes struggles as there will be bigger discussions than this one in a marriage to be sure. The truth is not all pasts are equal, and a man deserves the right to know what he is getting into, is he with a woman who has dated, loved, lost and looks to find it again, or is he with a former party girl who abused drugs for a decade and is now clean but battles her addiction, is he with a girl who has never been in love before and is not really sure what it takes to be in a long term relationship, is he with a girl who looks at life with a cavalier attitude and has had countless sexual partners and liasons, all these are relevant pieces of information in getting to know your partner. Now there are some men who are weak and pathetic and any life before them is a problem, those guys deserve to be alone before they inflict their mental issues on somebody else but there is nothing wrong with a man to wish to go into a life long commitment with his eyes wide open about his partner. Better to know before a commitment is made that there is an issue than to find out after. I would expect a woman to do the same, any time a woman gets serious with me I am asked about my financial background and there is no problems for me so it is an easy discussion but if somebody else had a bankruptcy for example that affects a potential womans life going forward and she deserves to ask and get the truth, she needs to know that info before she uproots her life. There are questions you have to be able to ask a partner. You say you don't know Russian and Eastern European women, well I am not an authority either but I have gotten to know some very well as we are friends here in Canada and they are incredibly strong women and direct women, it takes a hell of a lot more than a hard question to break them and they are not afraid to tell you how it is, so if they are not being up front, you have a reason to question. The only reason to hide something is shame, fear or disingenous motives...none of the 3 are good ways to enter a commitment. A real man asks the tough questions and is willing to face some tough answers. He doesn't hide from them!
I think a woman would be happiest to have a man she can be completely honest with and not have to hide herself from.
Марина, а как человек может быть ДЕЙСТВИТЕЛЬНО любимым в переписке или после пары первых встречь? По факту до действительно любимого нужно пройти определенный путь вместе , тогда уже и разговоры о другом говорится будут, а так каждому расказывать о прошлом , которое у всех у нас есть , да еще и пояснения давать и на 1000 вопросов отвечать - язык отвалится...
С уважением.
Ольга, вот и я не понимаю. Меня неоднократно мужчины обвиняли в холодности, сухости , даже жестокой называли. Я искренне не понимаю " какая может быть любовь , после общения в скайпе, не имея даже первой встречи". Некоторые хотели гарантий любви к 1 встрече. Без этой гарантии не хотели встречаться.
Недавно 1 мужчина сбросил мне письмо одной дамы как образец . У них не было ни одной встречи, общение в скайпе , на ФБ и в ВК.
в длинном письме, продублированном на 2 языках , в каждой строке "любовная любовь", и нежные поцелуи, папе,маме, детям, друзьям поименно и очень часто упоминалось о здоровье и поцелуях и приветах какому-то Джонни. я все забывала уточнить о ком шла речь. Недавно узнала, что это собака.
Честно сказать, я таки почувствовала себя бесчувственной и жестокосердной.
И лишь через какое-то время узнала, что этот мужчина отправил женщине 1200 долларов, и после она резко прекратила общение. Как говорит мужчина, то судя по ФБ она на эти деньги улетела в Италию к более "удачливому" МЧ.
Но, видимо, каждому свое, не могу говорить люблю пока не увижу, не пощупаю, не съем пуд соли.
язык не отвалится...не волнуйтесь...так что рассказывайте спокойно...
мужчина сделал предложение и (как я поняла ) девушка согласилась...разве это "каждый " ?
говорят есть любовь с первого взгляда...а тут еще переписка , встречи...но не это важно.
Лгать не нужно НИКОМУ...
Мы тут на сайте и надеемся встретить свое счастье...если ты кому-то отвечаешь , это уже
значит , что ты рассматриваешь его как возможного будущего мужа (иначе я не отвечаю , например )...зачем обманывать его ?!
лично я на "такие" вопросы отвечаю ---дорогой , мы встретились и я забыла все что было...
сейчас только я и ты--- как то так
просто мы привыкли что у нас ложь льется отовсюду...и нам кажется что ничего страшного
если мы обманываем...
нормальные люди в нормальных странах не понимают этого
Вы неправильно поняли , Марина, мужчина не вдавался в такие подробности и мы эту историю знаем только с одной стороны... а как эта женщина ответила и почему она так ответила и в какой период знакомства , мы не знаем.
Спасибо за совет, но спокойно рассказывать я свою подноготную не буду никому на начальных этапах, это слишком личное и даже интимное , чтобы выворачивать наизнанку, так же как и говорить НЕТ ни с кем не встречалась я не говорю и не буду - да встречалась, все остальное это охрана личных границ , в которые я пускаю только избранных людей.
ой, да ладно))))))))))))) иногда такую даже не лапшу, а макароны вешают, что диву даёшься)))
вооще-то в нормальных странах нормальные люди и не должны о прошлых любовях интересоваться, чай не 16-летние девочки и мальчики и не в монастырях жили. я бы в ответ на такой вопрос спросила: а давай дорогой твоих любовей да подружек посчитаем для начала,а уж потом я буду каяться, да головку пеплом посыпать.
я же в свою очередь отвечаю: были, не монашка, и что? пока я не замужем- я свободна, так же как и ты.
женщина ответила НЕПРАВДУ ...а как , почему и в какой период знакомства ---не важно .
Она потеряла доверие...и вряд ли у них теперь что-то получится .
А если и получится , то ненадолго...он все время будет сомневаться и подозревать ее .
Но каждый поступает , как он хочет
это для нас "ой ,да ладно"...а для них ---очень важно и серьезно
и не одна пара расспадается из-за этого...а потом наши девушки удивлены...
что такое...? почему прекратил общение ?
" ой, да ладно"- было в ответ на Ваш пост, что в нормальных странах люди не врут.могла бы написать вместо этого- да неужели?
но я не писала что в нормальных странах люди не врут...
они не понимают как можно врать и надеяться на продолжение отношений
поэтому они, обнаружив обман , уходят молча , ничего не обьяснив
ага, вот и я не понимаю, как можно врать и надеяться на продолжение отношений.. а ведь врут и обманывают, иначе бы не было столько постов об обманах нормальных мужчин из нормальных стран)) кстати наши страны тоже в этом отношении нормальные, всё как у всех))
ведь Ваш ответ "лично я на "такие" вопросы отвечаю ---дорогой , мы встретились и я забыла все что было...
сейчас только я и ты--- как то так"- это ведь тоже лукавство))))))))))))))))))))) Вы забыли, а ему знать охота)))так. что честненько рассказываем всё)
этак мы с Вами можем "беседовать" до безконечности...
никогда никому ничего не советую...каждый пусть решает сам...
просто озвучиваю свою позицию : ---ложь в глаза разрушает отношения
и я действительно стараюсь отшутиться и ничего не рассказываю...и у мужчин ни о чем не спрашиваю .
просто интересно...Вы встречались с кем-либо из "западных" мужчин...?
но это личное ,конечно..."не обижусь" если не ответите...
John just in secure men!He scary that the women could compare him to other foreign because he didnt care about men from her country. I have really good friend that is smart and educated and when she deсide she wants to be with foreign men, she was meeting with many of them, she said only meeting can help understand if they are right for each other but she not sleep with them!And finally she meet her husbend and they being together for 8 years and have a child, she was wise and choose for whole life.Her parents was very strict, her mother always pick her up,was often with her and etc.Men, please remember yes we very family oriented here,but its 21centure we have internet and travel abroad and we choosing too.And girls, people all the same anywhere in the world if you meet someone in your country and they will be very jealous type of men you would think twice,please do here because ones you get to his country you will get monitored 24/7 and his family, im sure will be awear of "bad" women coming,life will be hell,love will go away fast.
`P.S Of course everyone should be honest and talk about serios things right away,but not strip down your soul to the stranger you first meet on Skype and tell him about all people you ever meet before to make sure he is ok with it
неа, не встречалась)) только замужем была ))))))))))а что не похоже на ту, что может втречаться??
толко мне умные попадаются- не спрашивают, а и я не дура - не интересуюсь)))
замужем за иностранцем ?!
не похоже на ту , что уже встречалась...иначе думали бы о них по-другому
хорошего Вам дня
Марина, а как по другому о них думать надо и почему ? Я встречалась со многими , большой разницы не заметила , такие же люди , как и мы , возможно немного более открытые и улыбчевые , чем мы , но в целом такие же , и так же и плохие и хорошие, со своими недостатками и достоинствами ))) Может быть это вы их немного идеализируете?
Billy ,
O man , you break my heart .......
Seeking honesty and loyalty , is not something that you can gain , by organizing some " questioning hour ".
If you haven`t understood it , honesty should come from within.It must/will not come , because you asked so many questions.
And when they are , inapropriate questions , it may make you look like a blunt person , instead of the guy who wants to be a future husband.
I stand behind my words , and somehow , now you dislike me.Just like you stated in your reply.
But let us put the facts in the right order.
1 - he met the woman on the site.
2 - 8 months before they even knew each other she corresponded and met with several other men
3 -he is Skyping or video chatting/corresponding with her for 1 year
4 - they BOTH agree to have a meeting in her country
5 - he visits her 1 time and he realizes that she is the one
6 - he will not tell us for how long he stayed with her ( 1 week - 2 weeks - 28 days ??)
Then he sees a picture from her with another man on social media.
And now he starts to ask her questions.
Now I don`t know about you , but she felt that it was not important.
So , she told him , that she did not visit him.
But apparently , he was not satisfied with this answer , and he kept on asking , until she admitted that she had visited the man.
Now , she had given him honest answer , and what does he do ???
He comes here and shouting that she had lied to him.Now again , I don`t know about you.But would you tell a person , who you had met , ONLY 1 TIME in real life , everything about your past life ??
How about telling me some stories from your life then ??Here .....
Furthermore , we don`t know these 2 persons.So , coming here and to ask advice , is just ridiculous!
Now , still you observe him as a real man !!!
I ask myself , if he did tell her , that he was planning to do this!
If he did , then I would look at him , like a real man.
But my guess is , that he did not tell her.
If he was a real man , he would have told her , I am sorry to say , but you have lied to me.
And now I see no reason , why I should continue with you.You see honesty is too much important to me.
And I believe that sooner or later , our relation wil not be so strong.
I cannot tell , what age your female friends in Canada have.But I believe that it is oke , to ask a 18~30 year old , all about her past life.
Now she may give you some answers.But WHAT GUARANTE DO YOU HAVE , THAT SHE IS TELLING YOU THE TRUTH ??
You have no guarante at all.The fact , that you can ask her these questions , about her past life , well you just ask away.
If it will set your mind at ease.For all I know , she may be telling you lies , the whole time.
But that will be oke with you , because you was asking the questions like a real man would do.Right ???
And just as a matter of curiousity , are you on this site because you search for a woman from Russia or E Europe ?
Or do you want to settle for a woman in Canada ?
You say , there are questions , that you should be able to ask a partner.I do agree with that.
The point that I was trying to make is , that asking a woman to marry you , does not give you the right , to demand that she will tell you , all about her past life.
When you believe , that my words are incorrect , then I believe that you should think hard about this.
Like I have said , when the time is right and she feels good , she will tell you from herself , about her past life.
And I believe that is the only right way to go.
Eric... I respectfully disagree across the board.
Trust is something that is gained, piece by piece, second by second, minute by minute, day by day, question by question, deed by deed...it takes time and consistency in character to build trust and when somebody lies they can break that delicate trust. Now is trust going to be built off a 1 hr quiz, NO, but can it be broken by somebody whose own words cannot be trusted, absolutely. So please stop with the he should never ask any question nonsense because questions are how we get to know people, questions are how we get answers to things we need to know. There is nothing wrong with asking a question. If a question is inappropriate then you can choose not to answer it, I don't believe this question was inappropriate but if it was, do not answer it but when you lie you lower yourself.
Now to the reason why I said your post was an example of the problem with men today... it may make you look like a blunt person instead of a guy who wants to be a future husband...that right there says it all. There used to be a time when a man wasn't afraid of being a man. Oh my god, the poor girl, what if I ask a question she doesn't like, she may not want to be with me. What kind of weak fear based response is that??? a man does not live in fear... I know who I am as a person, I know I never mean to hurt anybody intentionally, I will never ask offensive questions, I will not cross any disrespectful lines in my eyes, so if I ask something it is because I wish to know the answer. If she has a problem with my question, I will respect her for telling me she has a problem with the question. I will not respect her for lying and if she wants to leave me for asking a question then I am glad to see her leave because she is not the right girl for me. If she can be broken by a question, she is too frail to handle lifes ups and downs and I do not need that in my life, nobody does. You need to start giving women some credit for being strong, they are stronger than us and they can handle a question. Stop coddling them, stop being afraid of your own shadow. Remember what it is to be man, own it. Women may not want a neanderthal man these days, but rest assured they still want a man, they'll get a dog if they want to be followed around. That is no disrespect to dogs, I love dogs . I also believe a woman who sees me asking her serious questions will understand that I am a serious potential suitor as I am taking the time to truly get to know her. She will not be taking it nearly as harshly as you seem to be taking it.
`I don't dislike you Eric, I disliked some of the things you had to say and I explained why but I don't think those things define you and I think there is probably a lot of things we would get along over, just in this instance we clash. I think your post at points embodied some of the traits I see men gravitating towards these day and I dislike the direction I see men going today. I think we as men are getting softer, lazier and more feminine and if a woman wants that, she is better off dating a woman, they are better at it than guys are. I also think loyalty amongst men is at an all time low. I disliked that aspect of your post as well.
As for putting your facts in the right order, I am not disputing those facts...but you missed in the facts where she lied to him, where does that fit?
it does not matter that she had a life before him, I never saw John say I hate that she ever dated anybody else, I never saw John get irate about that...If you can find it show me I must have missed it...please show me. You took the narrative that many of the women wanted to take and that is unfortunate and spoke to the loyalty issue I brought up. I understand why they stuck together I don't see why you are taking their narrative.
all I see him saying is I asked if she met anybody before me in person, she said no, I found out she lied....how does that make him the bad guy. It doesn't matter if he stayed 1 day or 900 days, I don't know why you raise that point at all? the point is they met, they have talked marriage, they were committed, that much he confirmed... he asked the question at some point, she chose to lie about it. You don't get to lie because its 1 day, or because its 900 days, the time frame is irrelevant, again it boils down to character...people will tell you everything you need to know about them if you just let them show you. I don't know why people want to paint John as the bad guy, how dare he ask the question that made her lie, the bastard lol...thats like it being my fault that you robbed a store because I got a promotion ahead of you, its my fault because if you got the promotion you wouldn't have robbed the store...no...you had a choice, you chose wrong, I did not make you do anything. Lets use the more extreme example of rape, is it the womans fault she got raped because she dressed sexy at the club, NO...Stop blaming the victim here. She didn't have to lie, she chose to. That doesn't make John the bad guy, that doesn't make John insecure, that makes John the guy who got lied to.
вот что я думаю об иностранных мужчинах :
Они ДРУГИЕ ...не такие ,как мы ...мы разные ,и думаем по разному .
То ,что нам кажется обычным ,безобидным и даже шуткой , --- может обидеть и
резко изменить его отношение к женщине...Я много общалась с иностранцами ( в основном англоговорящими )...
Они ничего не скажут
Они слушают ,наблюдают и делают выводы ...и, если что-то на их взгляд не так,
молча уходят .
Поэтому нужно быть внимательной ,постоянно следить за тем ЧТО ты говоришь и делаешь
Если он заподозрит , например,что женщина говорит неправду --- у нее сразу пропадает шанс...
они не понимают намеков и хитрости...и не переносят ложь .Если женщина уходит от ответа ,
больше не спрашивают
сами они не лгут и наивно верят всему , что говорит женщина...но до первого обмана...
потом невозможно вернуть доверие и отношения распадаются
Я, наверное , не русская женщина , а англоговорящий мужчина , Вы 100% описали меня и мое окружение , и мужчин и женщин , отечественных...