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I believe in GOD, not a special GOD of a particular religion, but I know that there is ONE GOD. This human form of life, is indeed a gift from HIM and we have to accept the fact that we will look the way we are. But this human body, has to be maintained without fail, keeping it strong and fit, so that we can enjoy the various life experiences.
After all, we are all destined to have certain experiences in this life, in line with our previous karmas. Now when the experiences manifest in front of us, it is like a stimuli - which requires us to respond. And we respond in three ways - Our Body language (including facial expressions), our words and physical action. This response of us, to various situations that we experience in daily life will ultimately define who we are. It will automatically show to others who we are. What is there in our inner self.
You see,
when we squeeze a lemon, we get lemon juice
when we squeeze an orange, we get orange juice.
So the bottom line is, what is inside, is what comes out of anything. that it applies to all of us also.
When life and situations squeeze us (with various worldly tough grinding ) , what is inside us will also come out. Now the question is what we have cultivated within us. What will come out ?
Is it going to be compassion, empathy, love, calmness, Altruism, etc
Is it going to be Hatred, abuse, threats, frustrations, selfishness, greed, etc
In this place here, where we search for a soul mate, I feel that its worth spending time and taking time to understand and may be squeeze each other to find out what comes out of the other person before we decide and walk down the aisle again.
Now to find out about each other, I feel that we have to take the risk of opening up about us to strangers. Sometimes, we ourselves don't understand why we are doing certain things, so if we are to hide, what is the use, the other person might have misjudgment and will be disappointed with us. It will happen without fail as it is just a matter of time.
Because you know what is the most important pass time of GOD ? To bring out our propensities, how much ever we tried to hide. We have to change ourselves within us, if we don't have to be ashamed of caught with a bad character and propensity. When hear good stories, we automatically see, how a beautiful person who is the central character of that good story.
I end my point of view with this quote from the scriptures I love. It is about how GOD exposes our true self (Remember, The supersoul God, is always within us )
"Just like the sun, though hidden by clouds, will illuminate the cloud and all visible forms,
so HE (God who is inside each one of us) , though hidden by our materials qualities ( deception of various forms some of us adopt to make us look pleasing and good ), will reveal all those qualities ( what is actually inside us ) along with the living entities ( us ) who possess them "
So are we all going to strive to look inside and cultivate something that is pleasant for everyone, whenever it flows out of us ?
Thank you.
There are 4 Basic Qualities required
1. Merciful
2. Truthful
3. Cleanliness
4. Simplicity ( Austerity )
I think, once an individual can seriously practice this, and put effort in this direction, things are good to go.
>Скажите пожалуйста, Вы - являетесь представителем своей культуры/идиологии/философии/религии,
I think, I do represent all of them.
>I would prefer not to call Hinduism a religion, because unlike Abrahamic religions, we don't have any structure or hard and fast rule. If you go into any other religious text, I can draw parallel to one of our scriptures. Its all the same conclusion. Only difference, ours is not structured and no imposition.
My Ex was a Christian. She never converted, neither I made her change her name attaching my name, none of these things matter. if She wanted to do it, she could have.
>I have two children, and I don't know what my children follow tomorrow. I will accept it as it is, but will surely debate with them like this, on anything they bring about. If the above 4 basic qualities are not there, whatever anyone follow, is a waste and is only using religion as a cover.
>Some So called " Hindus" also find it difficult to talk to me, for I am well read.
>Most importantly, How much ever knowledge you try to acquire, if you are not able to recall them at the time of need, And not able to apply them in a practical manner, then what use is that knowledge. I have noted that I just have to keep my intentions straight, and I never have to come of out a meeting, regretting that I missed out points I could have presented there.
> this is something that is told in the scripture, and I feel as I progress with my practice of the 4 basic human requirements, I am getting better and better.
для понимания совместимости важна истина или нет?
Истина должна быть одинаковой для удачного поиска или нет?
Obviously, truth is indeed very much part of the 4 basic characters and so it is needed to find a compatible partner.
Если истина должна быть одинаковой, готовы ли Вы пересмотреть свои взгляды или это должен сделать другой (например ваша будущая жена)?
As I have already mentioned, I have learned about Bible ( Its time, I should reread it again ) and Quran also. My Emirati friends are not able to counter my understanding of what is written in Quran and what they are practicing. Whether needed or not, I will read, Torah ( Religious book of Judaism). I plan to read Guru Grandh & Buddhist philosophies, but they are derivatives of Sanatana Dharma and there is no much difference at all.
>I had been going to church when ever my Ex or her family goes, I have prayed on all days in Mosque during Ramadan Fasting, I don't have any inhibition or boundaries in my mind. I am following which says that if you are a seeker, all paths lead to him.
>So with knowledge on Hinduism, Bible and Quran, I have covered 65% of the population, another 15% being non religious, will take the tally upto 80%. Buddhism is another 6% and Sikhism .4%. I am not perfect in my knowledge, still as a good seeker, I learn things quite fast. So if she has something to say, I can listen to her for sure. But I cannot be tied down to believe that there is only one path and all others in different paths are doomed. Bring them to me, I always love to debate and seed them with other ways and make them think.
In terms of children's upbringing, I just need to be allowed to impart my knowledge to the kids, I mean in every sense, not just this what I am talking right now, it is just a small portion of me.
>I am good in engineering designs, I have in depth knowledge of accounts and finance, including trade finance, I am good in Project Planning, I consult as Subject matter expert SME, in process industry and I have done System architecture of GRC Software. I love to discuss politics, about leaders, about leadership. I would love to talk to them about all fields knowledge i know and my own life and allow them to question and analyze and tear me apart, and seek about life in their own way.
I want to have children, you remember the 6.33 - 6.47, I am just trying to make myself as one parent to be eligible to have a good soul, pick me up as his parent. So need a partner, who is just good natured and who is cheerful and strive towards maintaining the 4 basic qualities of human life.
> So, I am looking for someone, who will not consider all these as information over load and is not averse to discussions, be open to ideas that are not hurtful to any. I am open to all kind of learning, I expect the same from her. May be she can learn Bhagawat Gita and debate with me, why it is not factual or whatever its comes to her mind.
Скажите, а вот, например, я вижу в животных еду, а вы - форму жизни. Я с удовольствием запеку курицу в духовке, сварю борщ из говядины или съем свиную рульку, и меня не волнует вопрос кто передо мной и кем он был в прошлой жизни. А Вы, наверное, вегетарианец (индуизм предполагает) .
I am not a vegetarian. I eat everything and anything. No restrictions. I eat pork and beef also. I eat sushi which is raw fish.
If you look like that, you cannot eat even vegetarian, as they also has GOD in them. You cannot eat nothing. Because HE is in everything.
Think, you eat things, which itself is getting converted into the You. that too, into a lot of type cells within your body. Millions of cells are created and destroyed in your body every day. So you can think that there is continuous movement of matter ( Actually energy )
There is no problem in eating anything, just like a seed will hold the memory of what it has to grow into, every cells is injected with the memory of what it became part of. So when we take in a food, we first virtually delete its existing memory and converts it into " us ". So if the food what we eat is more complex, like anything that is closer to us in the evolution of the biological world, it takes more time to digest.
you can see this scientifically, whereby vegetables and fruit, takes less than 1 hour to digest, chicken takes 2 hours, Nuts take about 3 hours, while Beef & Pork will take more than 4 hours.
Скажите пожалуйста, а какое положение у женщины в индуизме?
The answer on how to live this life and achieve higher self can be explained in a simple manner. I feel that the following argument is valid.
>Flowers don't specifically produce their scent for others. They bloom, and their natural scent is dispersed and everyone around them feel the way it - Pleasant, etc.
>Earthworms nourishes the soil, as part of their own natural living.
>Plants also give our oxygen as part of their natural living process.
>Thus all living beings in their natural process of living their lives, Gives and (Then) take (Get) support from other living beings.
All the living beings except Humans concentrate on their natural propensity and don't change anything in them. Humans are given the faculty to think and act according to will.
I think if we can live in line with what are the real qualities of " human " , by ensuring that whatever we propogate from us through various means are useful for others, It will be how to live and be a higher self.
Do you agree ?
Let me Enlighten you with some major scriptural references.
The Devi Sukta hymn of Rigveda, a scripture of Hinduism, declares the feminine energy as the essence of the universe, the one who creates all matter and consciousness, the eternal and infinite, the metaphysical and empirical reality (Brahman), the soul (supreme self) of everything. The woman is celebrated as the most powerful and the empowering force in some Hindu Upanishads, Sastras and Puranas, particularly the Devi Upanishad, Devi Mahatmya and Devi-Bhagavata Purana
You know that we have 28 stars which are astrological attributed to each individuals as per Indian System. Mine is called " Arudra " or " Thiruvathira " star, which is the Star of Lord Siva, who is the Primodial Lord of the Universe. He has given Half of himself to his consort and is known as " Ardha Nareeshwara " Half woman form of Lord, whereby Lord declares that he is only complete with his female counterpart. He declared the " She " side is the "Shakthi" (Power ) side of HIM.
It is declared by HIM that whenever a wife of a person is chaste and is in Devotion to GOD, even if her husband is the worst person on earth, no one can win a fight over the husband and he will remain undefeated for she will be source of his power. Our scriptures have several stories in this regard including in " Siva Purana " ( One that says about Lord Siva and His Consort Sati / Parvathi ) which is one of the 18 collections of Hindu legends and religious instructions.
The upcoming " Nava Rathri '( Nine Nights ) is celebrated the woman deity form in her 9 forms, with various qualities. ( this year starts on 29 September, 2019 - 8 October, 2019.
For children, their priority of worship is in this order. 1st Worship your Mother. 2nd Worship your Father 3rd Worship your teachers 4th Worship GOD.
When children grow up - we are supposed to do the following.
1. Kills your father ( you were known as son of your father, so make a name, whereby later he is proudly known as your father. )
2. Don't give anything to your mother ( your mother brought you up, so without her asking, give whatever is necessary for your mother before she is made to ask for it )
3. Give everything to your wife ( She was brought up in a loving way by her family, so when you marry her, provide her all reasonable things as possible as she desires )
Men are not supposed to physically assault a woman even if she is behaving inappropriately. Unless she take up arm and be ready to fight. But I feel the Hinduism is better for woman, because Her form as the female deity is worshipped and there are temples only women are allowed to enter.
Ground Reality - Like every society, there are guys who don't treat woman properly. Sometimes women in the house are the enemy for the other women. But that is changing a lot. India is one place where you will find a lot of women entrepreneurs. There were a lot of bad practices which are eradicated in India and now people have started to understand and in even lower rungs of society, women are being treated better.
If I am supposed to be Iron man, I used to wonder what my mother would have been had she been an entrepreneur. She would have been a Platinum Woman. She was really "no nonsense " personified. She gave me the foundation of who I am today.
Cпасибо за ответ.
Скажите, а как жить женщине из другой религии в окружении людей, исповедующих индуизм? Например, она не знает правил индуизма или знает, но не хочет их соблюдать. Какое положение у женщины тогда?
Our family had been a concussion of different faiths, people from different states within India and different countries. So it was never a problem and I may not be able to explain this scenario at the other spectrum properly. If you are a smoker, you can think about how you have the pleasure for your senses while living with a strictly non smoking family. ( I don't know if this is example )
But generally, among Hindu community, there is a high tolerance level, with respect to others belief systems, because all paths lead to GOD. Hindus don't have a fear that if you participate in any other religious practices, you will go to hell or that if you abstain you will rot in hell. There will be enough and more square foot of personal space where you can just do whatever you want.
If you have a belief system, respect others belief system also. Participate in them, explore them and be a seeker. Certain ceremonies will require you dress in a certain fashion. Get along just like you will join your friends in a new game and follow those rules during the game. There could be dietery restrictive period of year like "Lent " before Easter and Ramadan. I fast totally without water for twice a month on the days called "Ekadasi" for about 36 hours. It has health benefits - whereby the Nobel Prize last year on Autophagy recommends fasting.
You might have heard that there are millions of Gods in Hindu religion. It is wrong, there is only ONE GOD, anything that you can describe and can be made into an idol is Demi God, even though they are called as God, while speaking. So, within a house, there could be someone who follow the female deity form " Devi ", while another person go to a temple of Lord Siva, While another person try to befriend, Lord Ganesha ( with elephant face), and yet another follow Lord Vishnu. So if you really put effort, you can find a Million Hindus who worship different forms / manifestation of GOD. As told in my last post, Devi herself is worshipped in 9 forms, from a motherly to most destructive in the coming nine days.
Now, I can only narrate my own personal experience in my family. My sister is nearly 10 years elder to me. She was married to a person whose family was strict vegetarian. So she used to be vegetarian in her home, but come to our place to eat non vegetarian. Now she has become vegetarian, she subtly tells me to be vegetarian, whereby I still eat Beef, Pork and also anything that comes to devour me. I enjoy cooking a spectrum of dishes, and don't mind having raw non vegetarian like Sushi, etc. Her daughter is currently studying in Copenhagen University, Denmark, who is a non vegetarian.
Beef could be a big NO, NO, for a large group of Hindus. When I go to those places, I am just contended with what is available there. I feel like eating, I get it and eat within my own home or my own room for that matter. If I find a partner who is vegetarian, may be she will never cook for me anything non vegetarian. May be, I will end up buying a tiny fridge for myself. . Nothing escapes me.
Now, when we have parties, there is always a Vegetarian corner, if muslim friends are attending, out of respect for them, we will avoid pork dishes, OR have a separate corner for Pork. ( There could be some houses, certain food preferences need to be your little secret with your partner )
I have to say that it will all depend on case to case basis, and on the mind set of that particular families. I think you can ask your partner about what is the scenario in his place and come to an arrangement with him early. You can ask him, if daily worship of the Gods are done and is it mandatory that all members have to attend or not. I feel that as long as you get along and don't scorn upon and show your displeasures in the open and have an intolerant mentality inside, any Hindu Household, would be of no issue for anyone from another faith.
This is my opinion
So you exhausted all your questions ???
I hope, I didn't startle you, with what I did with what was declined by admin.
Нет, я могу задавать много вопросов, в том числе уточняющие (по тем вопросам, которые я задала Вам в этом посте).
Однако, некоторые вопросы могут Вам не понравится. Вы озвучили свои мысли, ответили на вопросы так, как посчитали нужным ...
Did I show any irritation to any of your queries. I think NO.
So you can ask me anything, you would like to know.
If I feel irritated, it is not your problem. To ensure that my mind is not affected by anything, to train it that way and to see the lessons that is brought by your questions is my responsibility.
So if there is anything, Ask.
I get grilled and people try to shred me to pieces when I submit my Engineering designs and submit it to the client and I defend it. I also ask a lot of questions and exchange a lot of ideas with people who are willing to share. Most of the time, my thinking process is good, there are also times, I get to see a different point of view, which is better than me. So we need to be open and be a seeker and allow people to access you so that you can understand them.
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С наилучшими пожеланиями .