Men & women

For the beautiful older woman debate
Age of WomanRead allot of debate about members requirements.
Hugo at 48 saying he would like to have children with a girl from 18 years! Eric's profile saying at 70 girls from 28 years.... Obviously this has not been popular, men looking for girls, daughters or grand-daughters age.
However I'm now looking at this from the point of women 35 plus.. or 40+ or 50+ how hard is it to find a good man who is looking for woman his own age in 2018
Will you compromise on requirements or not?
How far on compromise should you go to find a husband or not?
Thanks Dave
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Vera is right about her assumption, most men are looking for younger, 10 -15 years.
Or like me, even younger, 20 -30 years.
I have a couple of friends, close to my age, dating in Ukraine now.
With very beautiful, highly educated women, 15+ younger.
I always had, from my youth, a lot of beautiful women, to chose from.
When I was 40 years old, and started thinking about marrying, children, and family.
It was difficult for me, to find, a 25 - 30 year old, beautiful, intelligent woman, without children, in my hometown.
This was, at the beginning of Internet, in the years from 1995 - 2000.
No dating sites, at that time, like we have today. But I started to look, in other countries, also Eastern Europe.
From 97 to 99, I communicated by mail, with several young, mid twenties women, from St. Petersburg.
I travelled to meet with them, sometimes driving my own car, or by air. It was a great learning experience.
Later I drove farther, Moscow, Ryazan ++. Some women, I invited for vacations, or for living with me, for a couple of weeks or so.
Then I discovered Ukraine.
One smart entrepreneurial young woman, named Anna, posted photos and info, on the Internet, of the most beautiful women, at her university.
I invited, her friend Lena, she was 23, I was 45, for a weeks vacation, together with me, in the Norwegian mountains, springtime 2000.
We married a few weeks later, in Ukraine. Got twin sons, in 2003, and later divorced, in 2013.
Boys stayed with me in weekdays, and with her in weekends. She wanted, to continue her successful career.
When looking for a new wife, there was no doubt, it had to be Ukraine.
After 13 years of driving, to almost every region of Ukraine, I knew the country, like my own.
Took me one year, to find her, writing with hundreds of women, meeting with more than 30, living for a week or longer, together with 5.
More than 40.000 km / 25.000 miles, of driving, for dating inside Ukraine.
Lived together with Tanya, the woman I fell in love with, on and off, for almost a year in Ukraine, before we married, in January 2015.
Went on a family vacation, together with my sons and her daughter. She had her own business, and good economy.
Was difficult in the beginning, although she had a master degree, she knew almost no English.
I went bankrupt that year, after struggling for several years. So Tanya had to start working, almost the day she arrived here, without language.
Now she is 36, I am 63. She has built, a good business, after coming here. And has now received, her permanent residency permit.
For women like Vera, the situation has to be very difficult.
90% of men writing, will never travel. Half of the remaining, are travelling for sex only.
When visiting women, I sometimes sat reading, letters from western men, just unbelievable trash.
I understand very well, why a lot of women, give up, after a few months only.
It is difficult, even for a beautiful, slim young woman, to find a serious man in the west.
One mid-30 beauty, ok english, that I met with, had been on dating sites for 9 years, and had a few meetings, but without luck.
I have kept in touch, with those 5 other women, I met and lived together with in Ukraine.
All of them mid 30, beautiful, slim nice figure, highly educated and with good economy.
One had been searching for years, before I met, with her.
They all found a man, and got married, during 2015 - 16 -17, with men, close to their age, 5 - 10 older.
The one that married in 2015, is already divorced, and active here again.
You can find me and my wife, among happy couples here.
Sorry for all the commas, but it translates to Russian, much better, this way. So everyone, can read.

Повезло вашей молодой жене- без адаптации, сразу на работу. Большое желание жить в Норвегии?

I agree with most of what you say! However I have met woman who was older than me and we did the living together thing you mention
I upvoted this has its the best and most factual answer
For me the timing of your reply is perfect has I was saying to someone the risk of living together for a week or two in the environment you describe is minimal risk!
Like yourself I’ve found a simulated life holiday date the best way to learn a person and if there suitable to be wife in all areas.
Jan your reply I much appreciate

Кто знает, от какой безнадеги такая перспектива показалась ей спасением.. но для женихов-то это любовь, конеееечно, как иначе.

Как неймется мужчине . Уже не раз заходит с новых анкет рассказать об очередной молодой жене . Но , явно поиск продолжается. И еще услышим о браке 70 летнего на 25 летней . Тут главное процесс . Я видимо помудрела и спокойно отношусь к таким бракам. Женщины сами делают свой выбор. Ну нравится красивой , молодой, успешной бизнесвумен мужчина на 30 лет старше , никто же насильно не заставлял. Нашла же мужчину своей мечты. Прошла кастинг, получила. Доказала свою любовь и с первого дня вышла на работу. И видимо так как очень успешно вела бизнес в своей стране, то сама оплачивала встречи , поездки и адаптацию. Умница женщина . Всем бы мужчинам таких . Есть еще бескорыстная любовь. Занавес. Аплодисменты.
Наташа , извини пожалуйста, что к твоему камменту "прицепилась". Просто хотела увеличить степень восторга. И видимо некогда молодой жене написать свой счастливый пост . Бизнес , отнимает все время.
L & Natalja.... please explain what the problem is here???? ... in typical forum fashion the positives are ignored and the negatives come to the front!! The man was good enough to admit to bankruptcy and admit the woman went to work this is a unfortunate situation the man was married to his first Eastern European wife many years and if I read right had children to this woman and long marriage!!! If look at the mans pictures you will see Motorhomes in the snow and best interaction with children... the man provided the best but life can be unpredictable at times...
Also further note all his beautiful children’s pictures are DATED his story is water tight and the man has integrity and good looking for his age for sure! I hope I look as good when I’m his age also (with the greatest respect to Jan)
L ive said it before your a good looking woman but from allot of your replys I think has you get older (your nearly 40) when your looks start to fade your expectations will be unachievable in my view and any poor man you meet will never be able to do enough for you in my view this is just my opinion no offence
I for one could never afford to date you if I offered to take you to Great Wall of China I’m sure you’d expect to go to the moon!
I wish Jan and his family the best... good health and prosperity ignore what seems bitchy comments off the haters. You are better than such!
Тоже чуток не поняла, что делает мужчина на сайте, который счастлив в браке, с целью - серьёзные отношения. А Татьяна, жена крайняя, знает об этом?

Не успев адаптироваться ,выучить норвежский язык, женщина начала работать при муже в два раза старше нее.
Интересно, где можно работать без знания языка? Горничной, дворником? Информация к размышлению для желающих заключить неравный брак , предприниматели иногда банкротятся , и так невовремя. Или можно сказать, что он вовремя женился. Какое имеет значение как выглядит внешне человек ? Оценка внешности-это не по европейски.
Явообще не поняла ничего-он же вроде как женился на молодухе-а профиль не закрыт и че мы здесь ловим,еще одну претендентку с трапа на работу,особенно мне нравятся высказывания стареющих мачо о том ,что они выглядят на 20-30 лет моложе. Просто хочется посоветовать чаще смотреть на себя в зеркало и реально себя воспринимать себя с сединой и кучей морщин-но достойно,так как делают настоящие мужчины,а не набивать себе цену.. Потому как говорить можно ,что угодно-но вот только лицо и кожу не поменяешь! и какой идиот им внушает,что наши девки мечтают выйти замуж за пенсионеров, обьясните мне,девочки!!! Да большинство из них не от хорошей жизни это делают и не по своему желанию,я уверена!


Она и английского не знала хоть и магистр . Очень интересно на какой работе можно заработать на мужа и его детей в чужой стране. Может предыдущая жена - карьеристка хорошие алименты выплачивает ?

Тоже сейчас зашла на страницу к этому мужчине из любопытства. И для меня очень странно, что может женатый мужчина
делать до сих пор на сайте знакомств с открытой анкетой и 100% ответами. Еще и указано у него до сих пор какую девушку он ищет. У меня лично складывается впечатление, что в их браке нет никакой любви. Им просто выгодно быть вместе на данный момент.
Наташ, из рассказа следует что женщина не только не знала языка страны но и почти не знала английского. мне кажется что даже в отели не берут горничных которые не понимают ни слова из того что им говорят Однако, не смотря на всю вереницу молодых успешных жен и детей, на данный момент мужчина в поиске. печально

Трудоустройство через замужество-оригинальная бизнес-идея. Издержки со стороны девушки-поиграть в семью с господином.

I Apologise to Natalja and L.... being a parent of two boys I am protective when I see pictures of well groomed children! With man who grow own children. However I not also understand who 100% reply rate him saying he is still looking and why he in contact still with 5 other women? And where is women on his picture? And why is pictures with no women in last few years the girl works? Maybe weekend dad with pictures.. I now reserve my judgement... I also not understand when Ukraine is so vast and 1st class train is cheaper than car in Ukraine why he do so many miles... I hope he comes back to qualify his words or be another Inductee into the nutgang! The girl work first day? How does he qualify for fiancée visa criteria? I think any sensible woman should make sure man pay for dates to prove his worth I think maybe this is a crazy mine field maybe more than I thought... but I listen to your girls words has nothing adds up now.... does anyone know the wife?? He said he was in success story’s ... id like to see a further responce off Jan then with more information continue this debate I think it’s getting strange but interesting situation... where is Wife seems strange story now but I reserve judgement sorry for jumping to conclusions more information is needed

To visit the Great Wall of China? ... done already sorry, David!
To be honest, my next goal is to climb Mount Everest.. one day, one day..
What is the problem David?
I occasionally read, the forum here, a couple of times, in a year.
My profile has not been active, since summer 2014.
And of course, not updated, after meeting with Tanya.
I don't pay, so I can't read, or send mail.
You will find photos, of me and Tanya in "happy couples"
Posted in february 2017
Those five women, became like friends of me, that year.
We are usually, sending each other, new years greetings, and a short update, every year.
I show to Tanya, their messages, and my answers, along with the photos, we exchange.
My phone and laptops, are always open, but she trust me, and I trust her.
I paid for absolutely everything, with all women, I ever dated in my life.
I helped Tanya, to set up, her own business here, shortly after arriving.
She is used to, making her own money. Never felt comfortable, about asking me for support.
After one year, together with me, in Ukraine, her English was quite good. She is a quick learner.
And good enough, for having customers, that speaks English. Most Norwegians do.
But learning Norwegian, has been slow. Her daughter however, speaks it fluently now.
A car, will save you, a lot of time, if you are dating, multiple women, at the same time.
Do you know, how often, the trains are sold out, in summertime?
What I did, wouldn't have been, possible at all, for me, if I had to use trains.
Attaching a few photos, all of them, from a few weeks ago.
1. Tanya together with my boys, in Liseberg amusement park, Gothenburg, Sweden
Oh, how much, they have grown, since the photos, in my profile here.
2. Me and Tanya, north of Copenhagen, Denmark.
3 & 4. Tanya, and her daughter, north of Copenhagen, Denmark.

No problem Jan. I ask for you if you would be so kind to qualify your response which you have on two occasions now!
Your pictures are all beautiful, beautiful family!! and have class... if you follow forum you will know on many occasions it’s often guilty till proven otherwise
A couple of girls picked out the fact you could click and response was 100% which is good manners because you acknowledge all letters. Often profiles are closed but again you qualify your reasons
I didn’t know once profile is inactive if you get mail it says at 100% yet you can write in forum and not respond and stay at 100% I’m no expert but you have explained this now to me
Thanks for information about yours and Tanya’s pictures Posted in february 2017 I respect this and I hope so will the girls who also responded today to your answer who have been over critical
Those five women, sounds realistic and fact your wife is trusting helps a healthy relationship for you both.. you not use forum to self advertise but to talk about your wife in same way has respected member Svetlana would so you should also be gave same respect
Trust is important and the fact you got together here means you are very welcome in forum and must hold site in high regards
I also pay everything, with women, Ive dated in my life also . (With exception to one scammer)
If you helped Tanya and she’s independent I see no problem here either
I’ve met girls and Slavic girls always learn English fast which helps has I know some Russian
I am like you, met good and attractive intelligent girls and spent a week or two together on several occasions Ukraine Belarus or if Russian Georgia or holidays in turkey together
I only know English... Russian I’ve learnt but far too slow... English is easy language to learn for all
Your car I cannot do this. I have two children my youngest loves to travel has some aurtism and I always get two bedroomed apartment I have high sex drive and my son comes first so to know me and woman can cook for each other and how my woman is in bedroom and how she is with my son is most important to me. I also like to know what it’s like when out together. My aurtism strategy is different to other parents has I know my son don’t want to interact so I want to push his boundaries which has always worked for me. It’s controversial but the results are unbelievable even if he only will talk through me not direct .. I need time with each woman i prefer a long weekend.. A week... A fortnight.... I have spent 5 days in Belarus.... fortnight dates in Turkey Georgia Ukraine . A few hours date is a waste of time for me I not travel once in country I stay in a top tear city or capital!
Both your answers have quality and substance like I thought in first place... readers will see this and the integrity of your family... thank you for comming back and addressing my question fully
My family important to me also and will afford you respect back you gave me
Best regards Dave
1... my oldest son in middle 2. Youngest in Budapest
3...Youngest in Batumi alphabet tower
4.. Youngest at Potemkin steps Odessa
5.. me and my youngest in Manavgat
6.. youngest at Haidrains Libuary ruins Athens
7.. Acropolis Athens youngest
8... oldest in our city’s rugby team
9...oldest with a ring he bought his girlfriend
Best regards Dave

After getting a respectful further responce from Jan I note that his profile says 100% he has qualifyd this by saying he can’t respond to messages from when he met his wife... if anyone doubts this fact further to test if this is truth a simple message to Jan will prove this has if he don’t respond to you his reply rate will drop hence proof in itself... I apologise to everyone including Jan has I am not in position to judge anyone and my responses are my feelings at the times I responded. I’m man enough to know I am human and can’t get everything right neither am I a police detective

How close was I? I said if I said GWOC you would say the moon... Everest is about has near to the moon you can get without leaving planet earth!
However I’ve already got an agreement to meet a lady on here so can’t offer Everest date and if I did 1.. I understand from previous posts you not like to be test driven!! 2... even if you did agree you’d not conquer Everest with Jelly Legs you’d probably not conquer reaching bathroom in base camp either especialy at nearly 40 years! 😱😄 excuse my humour!

Well, it's clear to me now.. not your fault I'm playing out of your league.
P.S. climbing is my hobby - you'd better earn money for at least 1 climb, then go to the person for practicing your "humor".. ohh, sorry, that's out of your league again.
When I was active here, there was no response rate feature.
I almost never answered mail, except for those, I was communicating with.
Have no idea, how I got a 100% rating.
Kudos for taking care of your boys,,,,
I was the main caretaker, for my boys, from divorce, till this summer.
From now on, they will be living mostly with my ex-wife. They are starting, in a new school. In the town, where she lives.
Being very successful, in her career. She can now afford, to sell her small apartment, and buy a nice house.
But my boys, will still live with me, in the weekends
I have been thinking, also, about what your thread, was about,,, members requirements,,
Maybe, I will make a new thread
A little nostalgia, memories from the years, when Crimea belonged to Ukraine,,,
We used to go there, almost every summer, Sevastopol, Yalta, Alushta, Novy Sviet, Koktebel,,,,,,
Here is one series I made, from the trip, to my favourite Novy Sviet, in the summer 2011,,,,
including photos, of my boys and ex-wife...
Trips like this, you could never do, by train
A photo of my boys and Tanya, summer 2014 in Kiev,,,

Не всякий мужчина будет выставлять на всеобщее обозрение свою жену в купальнике. Мне всегда казалось, что нормальный мужчина свою женщину хочет, наоборот, прикрыть одеждой.

The way I read it is due to fact you can’t reply due to membership level you reply to all you can reply to which is 0% hence 100% if that makes sense at all?
Without my boys I think I’d not be has stable has I am. Im lucky to be able of been lone parent 13 years. I’m lucky there mother met a total moron of a man who make sure she had 0% input too so it’s been just me and my boys. House Business kids had allot of luck in life
I’d love to go to Crimea one day. I’m a huge fan of Kiev too been many times. A city that never gets the respect it deserves
In my city there’s no good women... in Eastern Europe there’s more good women than there’s men willing to be gentlemen I’m like you I’m a kind man but there’s only one of me! Just like there’s only one of you. I really feel for the girls because like you put it’s only 5% looking for wife’s and 10% total who actually want to meet girls. So it’s not easy for older girls! if a man is willing to treat a girl with respect and kindness he has choice and can be very selective . Some of the girls I’ve never replied to on here in England would be not single very long before they found a suitable man
I keep trying to get my single friends to join to try and help it’s a total joke how there’s young men come here complaining they can’t make contact with girls when any man who can show respect and hold a conversation can cherry 🍒 pick out the cream of available women

Olga please explain to me what do you expect the lady and children to wear on a beach? Maybe Burka for woman and kids with raincoats and balaclavas? If there’s going to be a cheap shot at Jan and his family at least make it one that don’t make you look stupid and jealous of a beautiful success story for Jan and his family!

Конечно, на пляже нормально ходить в купальнике. Но я не об этом. Я имела ввиду, то, что мужчина в основном старается не показывать свою женщину всем в таком виде. Я считаю, что это личное.

In England if a man has on dating profile pictures with no shirt it’s seen has vile however at swimming 🏊♂️ pools and beaches it’s acceptable. We also have bikini competitions here and some of the girls are quite proud of the fact they work hard to maintain an attractive body for themselves there husband or boyfriend and for good health. If Jans girlfriend didn’t have a good body and good looks Jan choose wouldn’t of been Tanya. At the time I’m sure Jans wife I’m sure would of had plenty of attention off the men. The 5% of us men that look for a wife are only interested in 5% of the women and often it’s the women with self confidence... The girls that put in the effort are the girls who keep the world looking for Slavic wife’s... I think it’s good that Jan is proud to show off his wife.... keeps the magic alive. Like Svetlana always talks about her husband with effection too... What makes me laugh about forum is people pile into Jan for open profile then next minute when he post pictures of his wife that make it clear he wouldn’t disrespect her people again moan about that too! No win situation...
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