
Men & women



Women’s photos

I have read quite a few posts on here discussing men sending money to women. Many women seem to claim that they are in need of money and that the average Russian woman is not capable of financing her own meetings etc. Yet most of you ladies clearly show photos of yourselves in all kinds of exotic locations wearing designer clothes on holiday and looking like you are having a great time without your children! Makes things kind of difficult to figure out the true nature of a person!??!

If you want to meet a man why don’t you save money and instead of spending it on the Louis Vuitton bags and shoes spend it on travelling to meet the man of your dreams??!? Sometimes a genuine photo of you doing the washing up dressed in your pyjamas has much more credit than one of you underneath a palm tree or beside a lake looking glamorous!?

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Reply to Natalia on View the commented comment

Так личной жизнью я думаю подростки в фб делятся и люди, кому нужна публичность. В основном для рекламы используется, поздравлений друзей, групп по интересам. Назовусь я в ФБ Маша Ку-ку, например. Меня никто не узнает из друзей и сотрудников.



Reply to David on View the commented comment

And with those angel eyes whoa whoa set me on fire !



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Translation plays a huge part in international dating, so does many other factors. Neil is fun a laugh and I agree 100% gentlemen like his reply rate! I can’t keep my rate anywhere near his! I’ve only got mine up to 24% due to thank you to people. Dating is more complex than people know and quite often you don’t know till after you’ve met someone there agendas. I find in dating not good people not bad people but indifferent people. Maybe I want too many ticks in boxes??



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I also use this opertunity to reply to other lady Natalija has there’s no reply button now! If I have been blocked or other I’ve no idea! Firstly without having a private conversation (has in none forum) you never know what a person is like! On here it’s easy to give the banter without knowing the reasons for people’s opinions! In private chat it’s easy to get to know a real person. Having said that with work children and so on time is not always available... for example I missed a very important post to me the other week due to working 20 hour days and by time I went to reply it was closed for comments hence missed replying to Svetlana (Texas Housewife) and the lady from Sweden on a issue we was not finished with. So onto her two reply’s to me.. Nut (in English is slang term for Brain 🧠) quite often you will hear terms like (your doing my Nut in) gang..... a group of people most often Male but not always.... so if you put the two words together our meaning which in forum has been often used by me and Ben. Is a comment or reply to a post that’s so badly thought out that it’s so anoying it has its own rightful place in a box... abit like the corner in the school classroom where children are told to go when acting the fool....when me or Ben in past have put people in this group it’s only banter! And sarcastic responce to comments that could of just been better thought about before put in writen form in forum! Comments get you inducted like come party all night with drink and drugs aimed at desirable toxic free women who live a healthy life or middle age men looking for very young girls... has pointed out I may of misunderstood your responce and if so I will take back this comment. Translation is not too good and quite often we all can get meanings wrong due to a couple of bad translated words.. nice to know you also lone parent respect back!



Reply to Neil on View the commented comment

I myself don’t have enough hair to safely compare to musicians. I feel safer with wrestlers like Goldberg Big Show or Steve Austin.... if you looked at musicians my luck I’d probably get Chris Burney from bowling for soup! 🙄 😩🤣 I agree many angel eyes are here. Just let’s hope Love is all around us



Reply to David on View the commented comment

David,I don't think you should strive to be on the same level as people you don't know.Here is there is physics, and there is to champagne.These are very different people, but that's what they are interesting.Our great poet Pushkin wrote with grammatical errors, Beethoven was deaf and wrote music,and the great philosopher Socrates at the end of his life said - "I know that I know nothing".Each person is interesting for his individuality.Here is such a"box with ticks." 



Reply to Natalya on View the commented comment

Наталья, если честно, я не изменилась, просто фотографии разные, на одних выходишь лучше, на других хуже. 😊 )



Reply to David on View the commented comment

Вы хотите не многого — вы хотите самого важного! Мы все (женщины и мужчины) хотим чувствовать себя, в первую очередь, нужными, понятыми, единственными... Мы хотим, чтобы нас уважали и принимали такими, какие мы есть. И это хорошо. Плохо, когда кто-то при знакомстве многое скрывает о себе, говорит неправду или пытается быть не собой, чтобы привлечь к себе внимание.
А равнодушие или не слышание друг друга, согласна, притупляет и убивает первоначально возникшую симпатию или сложившееся хорошее впечатление о человеке. Поэтому мы и хотим все любви! В любви нет равнодушия!



Reply to Olga on View the commented comment

Оля, молодец. Хорошо сказала. Внимание, интерес, любовь и забота должны быть обоюдными в отношениях. Нам, женщинам не надо забывать об этом, особенно в эгоистичной европейской действительности.


Irina, 39 y.o.


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Возможно вы как мужчина и обращаете внимание только на женщин с дизайнерскими вещами. На простушек не смотрите.

Значит проблема в вас. Вы сами не знаете чего хотите. Или девушку в дизайнерских вещах или девушку в пижаме? 

И еще я думаю что мужчина должен быть джентльменом и в не зависимости от наряда девушек везти себя соответственно.



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Reply to Tatyana on View the commented comment

Можно и дешевле обойтись! Цитирую Сатью : ,, Парень, тебе ещё рано жениться, купи пупырчатую варежку в магазине стройматериалов и не заморачивайся ! Никто динамить не будет! Дёшево и сердито!’’


Joachim, 61 y.o.


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I love it!

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