
Men & women




As a result of actual conversations, I have the question about the money of professions at different countries:

My proposed ranking is the Next table, per month

Grade A: income of USD$3,000-2,500

Grade B: income of USD$2,499-2,000

Grade C: income of USD$1,999-1,000

Grade C: income of USD$999-500

Grade D: income of USD500-100

I am an especialized Engineer in Grade A at Mexico in one of the most expensive cities.

I have been noticed that an income at top of grade D is usual at Moscow, again it could vary from type of profession and the place in the country, and in different countries.

What is the average wages in your locality and country?

How can we measure it?

I want to live there and my pension in US Dollars is excellent here and I feel at Moscow, it can be good.

My only concern is health treatment and how to care on it.

Someone special to me, will care of me when get more older 

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Reply to Paul on View the commented comment

taken from your profile:

How would you describe yourself?
I do love to drink Margaritas all night long! !!!!

If you had 10 million dollars to spare, what would you do with it?
I would buy a Ferrari 358 A house with a swimming pool.Travel first class everywhere.Give nothing to poor people.

Keep dreaming, Pal!!!

I am doing it right now, as to work hard with wisdom and share it with my closer friend.



Reply to Salvador on View the commented comment

Husky and Snoutzer (bad spelling) they get on ok? My house is different to yours mine a Victorian Double Fronted detached of Suffolk brick English period gate house for a English Manor....
Be interesting to see the Paul Palace!!!




Reply to Salvador on View the commented comment

Cool house Salvador!



Reply to David on View the commented comment

I Love that style, english style.

There are some old great schools here in Monterrey with that great architecture...

I love it !!!



Reply to Salvador on View the commented comment

This house in Russia or Mexico? I think your house is a candidate for me and my house 🏠 competition on this website!



Reply to Salvador on View the commented comment

The Main in life is what we share with others, what we feel for and remember for them anytime.

If a person is full of angry in his soul, untrust others and claims superiority over others, poor of him. May God Bless Him....



The big boys are comparing size of their mind palaces 
or just palaces 


Nadia, 44 y.o.

United States

All the user's posts

Reply to David on View the commented comment

40 thousands is the basic price for the construction, maybe includes some materials, but not all of them. Price for a cottage like this with a piece of land and etc somewhat around 200.000 USD now. It depends very much on the location, some locations are extremely expensive. And price will be much higher.



Reply to L on View the commented comment

Our Male and Female brains are wired since thousand years ago, it is in our biology and nobody can claim being different.

The capacity to provide, it is wired in our male brains. the male with more atributs, atracts females.

The females socialize between them as to support all against agresive male. It is also wired.
Besides material belongins, female then visualize about the mindset of the male ( as to not hit the female).



Reply to Nadia on View the commented comment

I’m a Land-Bank Speculator I buy BMV Real Estate 🏡 in USA 🇺🇸 you say foreclosures I think 🤔 in England we say Reposesions   off Bank before me spent £205,000 ($268,000) house 🏠 and £25,000 ($33,000)work = $301,000. I pay just £85,000 ($113,000) on buying my house after him I’d now not sell for under $650,000 a brand new sports centre $90,000,000 opened now very close I can see from house! I know this was mistake price on post but thank you  



Reply to Salvador on View the commented comment

The sky is blue and the water is wet .. I know right 



Reply to Paul on View the commented comment

Forensic Analysis Personality of Paul:

Hello, observing the quality of responses from our dear and esteemed Paul, I can conclude that this great man has suffered a disappointment in his marriage, when by law his material possessions have been taken away from him.

Each couple knows their problems perfectly, but I can see that our dearest Friend Paul, has an attitude problem with people in General, feels that everyone is looking for their money and property, because he does not want or can not see inside people due to the trauma he suffered due to this fact in his divorce.

So, Mr. Paul is dedicated to insulting and unrespect all people, equally, whether woman or man, he feels himself superior above all others, when in reality he is afraid of being stripped of his material things and mainly of the trust he once had towards people.

Hopefully our friend Paul, so admired on this site; You can find your ideal partner, your better half.


Good luck Paul! 

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