Men & women

Age difference and love
Hello everyoneHere it goes. I am a divorced man, I don't have children. I was married 14 years to my first girlfriend. I have a positive self-image. I have good plans for my future and I expect to marry a decent woman who would want to share her life with me.
I am looking for a much younger woman ( 18-28 ) than myself ( I am 48 years young ), but age is just a number as they say; so I am a bit flexible.
Why do I want to marry a (much) younger woman?
Because I want to have children, I want a woman who has no children of her own, I want a woman with plans for the future, I want a woman who has dreams and ideals and is romantic, I want a woman who doesn't believe all men are pigs, I want a woman who will see me as I am, a man looking for love, I want a woman who is innocent and a bit naive, not because I want to fool her but because I want to protect her from experiencing the ugly things in a romantic relationship. I want a woman who is a dreamer and who is cheerful and likes to spend time with me doing new and interesting things. I want a woman who wants to learn and discover the world. I want a woman who can feel amazed. I want a woman who is passionate about life and who leads an active lifestyle. I want a woman with a sense of adventure. I want a woman who thinks is possible to do something in order to change the world and make it a better place to live. I want a woman who is hungry for life. I want a woman who is appreciative and supportive.
I want to feel that she loves me. I want to feel that she wants to be with me. I want her to be happy and excited and thrilled and full of passion. I want to feel that she is enjoying her time with me. I want to feel alive and in love. I want to feel the magic of being human. I want to be having intense emotions.
Is this really too much to ask?
What am I offering in return?
I am a dedicated man, I am smart, attentive, patient, supportive, encouraging, challenging, loyal, respectful, loving, romantic, gentle, polite. I am a man of one woman and I have always been. I want to live with a woman for the rest of my life and I like to fight for the things and the people I care about, I like to make efforts every day to improve my life and the life of others. I am not a millionaire and I have a rich inner world in the spiritual and psychological sense. Almost every single girl that I have had the fortune to interact with, says that I am the ideal man, an angel (fallen one, I am sure), a saint or something along these lines. So why then I am still single?
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Chill out, Erik ))) Don't lose your cool. And no need to yell. Why did you get so emotional? At this point of your life you should have been wiser

Очень подходит поговорка " На воре и шапка горит" .
70 -28 = 42 - " час от часу не легче" . Где смайлик с выкатившимся на лоб глазами.
Тоже подумала про вора и шапку )))
А вообще - фантазеров много еще на просторах интернета. Мечтателей с богатым внутренним миром )))

Golly, goodness, gracious… I revise my opinion: we need two therapists for two guys here or a therapist AND a doctor.
Tranquilizers, anyone? A large dosage (horse injection, perhaps?) is required here
Is that the heat or the continental climate or is there something about the BeNeLux we need to know…?

It’s a long time since I replied to a post on the forum due to character assassination. Some subjects on here can be abit like dating suicide and Hugo you have most defiantly managed to “hit a nerve” wanting much younger women, banging on about money (as Mr Ben and Mr Edmonton know)💰 or serial dating are not good topics! You are very open and honest about your criteria but how many young women post in the forum? Your comments are to a more mature dating clientele... I respect you trying to stand your ground but the hole your digging is getting bigger and bigger and you will find most women don’t like your preferences and the men will try milk your opinions to score brownie points to suck up to the women. I’m not giving my opinion just pointing out the way things are on here! On here can be very political at times and however good your intentions may be this is one debate you cannot win!

British humour at its finest!
1) "character assasination"
2) "banging about money"
3) "a more mature dating clientélè (quote Hugo: "18-28 year old 'women' ")
4) brownie points to "suck up to the women"
Whatever it is that is troubling you, it is no little thing!

1. If private messages was has aggressive has some reply’s in the forum I think many people would be put off. 2. Self Explanatory 3. Fair play I’ll give you that one. I’m not being Hugo’s lawyer here. Even if his ligal aid app is successful 4. Hit a nerve? 5. Nothing is troubling me great dating site just missed some of the characters in here. So thought I’d say hi 👋


I appreciate your opinion.
I realize the debate will not be settled in my favor

Dave, you brighten anyone's day!
1) sorry - not sure what you mean
2) $ or €
(Marrying for money still and ALWAYS will be disgraceful and disgusting!)
3) cheers
4) nah - not my target (group)
5) welcome back
As the Irish say, "a cup o' tea, a pint o'beer and a good laugh are the best remedy for anything."
So thanks for the laugh

Nobody can decide for you your preferences. I’m not surprised the response you have got because the forum “is what it is”. I wish you luck in finding one special person. Eastern Europe is amazing and goals and achievements are always possible.

Thanks for the Welcome back and I’m glad I’ve made you laugh. However, sadly I’m removing the numbers in this reply. I hope this don’t make you problems has I know from this and previous posts how much you like your numbers 1 to 6. Hence I am very careful I don’t put numbers you maynot be able to count upto!! ;-)
Now , now Ben , what is it about you ??
Is this your normal character , or is there more to it ??
You could have used few lesser words , to make your point.
That is , IF YOU HAVE A POINT ...
It makes me wonder ...
I hope that will brighten your day ...
And what has the Benelux and climate to do with this ???
Is that what you believe , that I am losing my cool ??Well , here you make another assumption , that you cannot back with real facts.
Because YOU simply don't know me as a person ...
This is /was the same behaviour , that you have portrait here , when replying to Hugo's post.
Making assumptions and then stating them as facts , is a dangerous development.
Is everything in the "upper chamber" still working as it should ???
-- No need to yell ---- So my words came over LOUD & CLEAR , yes ??
qoute [ At this point of your life you should have been wiser ] unquote
Well , the same I can say for you ( but if it hasn't come through yet , I seriously doubt , that it ever will )
But at least , thank you for the credits -
I notice that you have avoided my question , as to why you have chosen an American man ....
Any chance that I will get an answer to that ???

When you're mature enough and can activate your senses, I'll gladly explain to you how overheating severely damages the brain…
(Too much sunshine, far too much excitement, too little anger management, etc.)
You seriously want to date a 28-year-old?!? And Hugo an 18-year-old?!? - according to your 'logics', my 'clientélè' would be MINUS 4! (i.e. born in 2022).
The two of you better take a few tranquilizers or 'Margaritas Intravenous' and join Paul on a trip far detached from reality…
PS: there's a certain Natalya who's currently seeking consolement, just in case you'd want female company. You can team up and become the 'Nut4' (or nuts forever, I'm sure the forum will gladly assist you with branding and manage the PR for you too

Эрик , что с Вами ? Что Вас задело ? Зачем Вы требуете от Светланы личную информацию, это не этично . У Вас в анкете данные в открытом доступе это все видят и делают выводы . Но никто не лезет в Вашу личную жизнь и не требует рассказывать о Ваших отношениях с женщинами. Будьте мужчиной и успокойтесь.

Nadya, just ignore it… it's only the heat and he's forgotten to take his medicine… that is all

Ben it’s really starting to worry me that I’m starting to think like you!! I worked out the maths too it don’t make good reading... I think what is actually more alarming than Eric dating a 28 year old is the fact he speaks no Russian!! Unless his target wife has a liking for Nazi war films or Cronicles of Hitler, I fail to see how they can have anything in common or share mutual interests. Without being disrespectful to Odessa (having been there) I think he needs to get himself down there has there are many young girls with old men texting there friends and drinking the man’s money looking fantastic and dressed fantastic late teens or early 20s with pot belly bold Americans in lates 60s or 70s and you can see zero chemistry also many with there friends has interpreters on a western wage paid by the stupid man! Who has no idea about love or the local economy! My dad was +20 years older than my mum but they spoke the same langugue so I’m not saying age matters (WITHIN REASON!!!!)... I also note that both Ben and myself speak Russian Ben most likely better than me however in England there are only 25,000 Russian speakers and you get more respect for making a effort with langugue and culture than just expecting to be a 70 year old German speaker looking for abit of “Slavic Candy” (apologies for the metafor)

There is a trend in Europe to raise maintenance costs to a fantasy while at the same time also raising the maintenance standards (security, technics, spare parts, etc).
The result is that especially manufacturers of buses "shun them off" to areas where people are happy to have a bus at all.
Apparently some elderlies think that this idea also works for dating and relationships:
unwanted on the local 'meat market', they offer themselves on other markets, totally overrating themselves, their own value, with insane expectations and dreamish fantasies about the one and only existing reality.
It mathmatically canNOT work (even if one knows only numbers 1-6, it would be possible to figure that one out!)
The analogy with the war films and nazi chronicles is hilarious mate!
I wonder what Hugo has to discuss - Teletubbies? Hello Kitty? Or is it still good old Micky Mouse…?

Ben feel free to correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t think “Hello Kitty” is so big in Russia 🇷🇺 I think if he was stoped at customs there’s a bigger chance if they asked him if he had anything to declare they would find Candy 🍭 sweets 🍬 chocolate 🍫 sex toys and the complete works of Маша и Медведь

With Hugo's profound knowledge of Russian culture, traditions and his deeply rooted grip on reality and his modest and absolutely realistic goals, of course he would carry Hello Kitty in his lugguage (as well as his upstairs).
I credit you with all the extras you've listed: I'm sure he'd have those instead of clothing! 😂😂😂

He can’t take clothes!! if there’s any spare room in that illustrious suitcase of his that would be reserved for Gary Glitter LPs & Shoulder pads, Jim’ll fix it badges, Ian and Mira’s greatest hits! & Rolf Harris cartoons drawings... if has he puts it age is just a number if he went the other way he would be looking for 68 to 78 year olds. Age is just a number... Alot of movie stars think the same however the oldest ones are always the ones with the most money. Myself I agree that age is just a number however I’ve dated the person not the age has opposed to looking for a age criteria. If I get a message I am interested in the person. However not looking for a mother or daughter figure!
Well , if I remember correctly , Svetlana made the choice , to post here information , about things in my profile.
She had already closed her profile , but she still wants to take part in the discussions here.
Well , you know how it works.Taking part in a discussion , is one thing.
Making it very personal , is another.
When you initiate , to get personal on someone ,do not expect , that you will be left of the hook..
Furthermore , Svetlana could have said already on the 1st time , no , I don't want to tell you about my personal life.Which was the answer that I would have expected.
But she wanted to tell me about it.So , I was really surprised that she did.That is why I said , thank you for your openess.
I'm absolutely not interested in her personal life.What she does and how she lives , is her own choice.
And I respect that.Just as I want others , to respect me , and what is written in MY PROFILE.
Grabbing a piece of text , and presenting it as the truth , well we all know what it's called : Fake News ...
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