
Men & women



Age difference and love

Hello everyone

Here it goes. I am a divorced man, I don't have children. I was married 14 years to my first girlfriend. I have a positive self-image. I have good plans for my future and I expect to marry a decent woman who would want to share her life with me.

I am looking for a much younger woman ( 18-28 ) than myself ( I am 48 years young ), but age is just a number as they say; so I am a bit flexible.

Why do I want to marry a (much) younger woman?
Because I want to have children, I want a woman who has no children of her own, I want a woman with plans for the future, I want a woman who has dreams and ideals and is romantic, I want a woman who doesn't believe all men are pigs, I want a woman who will see me as I am, a man looking for love, I want a woman who is innocent and a bit naive, not because I want to fool her but because I want to protect her from experiencing the ugly things in a romantic relationship. I want a woman who is a dreamer and who is cheerful and likes to spend time with me doing new and interesting things. I want a woman who wants to learn and discover the world. I want a woman who can feel amazed. I want a woman who is passionate about life and who leads an active lifestyle. I want a woman with a sense of adventure. I want a woman who thinks is possible to do something in order to change the world and make it a better place to live. I want a woman who is hungry for life. I want a woman who is appreciative and supportive.

I want to feel that she loves me. I want to feel that she wants to be with me. I want her to be happy and excited and thrilled and full of passion. I want to feel that she is enjoying her time with me. I want to feel alive and in love. I want to feel the magic of being human. I want to be having intense emotions.

Is this really too much to ask?

What am I offering in return?

I am a dedicated man, I am smart, attentive, patient, supportive, encouraging, challenging, loyal, respectful, loving, romantic, gentle, polite. I am a man of one woman and I have always been. I want to live with a woman for the rest of my life and I like to fight for the things and the people I care about, I like to make efforts every day to improve my life and the life of others. I am not a millionaire and I have a rich inner world in the spiritual and psychological sense. Almost every single girl that I have had the fortune to interact with, says that I am the ideal man, an angel (fallen one, I am sure), a saint or something along these lines. So why then I am still single?  

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I love and respect all women.
I want to make one woman happy by sharing our life together in harmony.
A lot of people will disapprove of my life choices.
I think is difficult to find what I am searching for, however, I am convinced this is a noble quest and one in which I intend to succeed.
Peace be upon you all!  


Eric, 76 y.o.


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Reply to Hugo on View the commented comment

Hugo ,

Just for the record , I am and I was NOT JUDGING YOU !I'm simply trying to understand you , as a person.
Let's be honest , we are all human.And I will not Judge you , because I don't know you well enough , to make a balanced opinion about you , as a human being.

But these days on other forums or social media , everyone has his/ her answer and wisdom ready , to answer to certain topics.
Sometimes this can be oke , but other times , it raises questions about one's personal state of mind.

It is allright to be a dreamer , but in today's world , it may or can sound old fashioned.Today I marry you and 3 days later , we are divorced.

Welcome to the era of stupidness , egoism and self centered misconduct.We have lack of moral , respectful social interconnection and empathy for our fellow man.

Being a dreamer in such conditions will not get you very far.I'm not saying that you should not follow your dreams.If you understand what I'm saying.


If you can find the right traditional Slavic woman to become your partner , you can count yourself Lucky.
The only problem is to find her ....

Not sure if you have already been to E Europe or Russia.If not , then now is the time to go there ...



У него написано, что знание русского "3".
Видимо, уже есть большой опыт общения с русскоязычными, посмотрела фото, далеко не каждой сороколетней понравится, про моложе, молчу.
Я бы, и не ответила, если бы написал, если честно. 😊 ))


Olga, 48 y.o.


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Девущки от 18 до 28 лет тоже хотят интерсного парня и хорошего отца для своих будущих детей. Адекватная серьезная девушка с целями вряд ли будет искать будущего мужа, который старше ее папы. Она может выбрать ровестника или парня который старше ее максимум на 10 лет если она действительно думает о счастливой семьей и хорошем будущем для своих детей. нужно быть реалистом и в первую очередь задать себе вопрос "что я могу дать молодой девушке чтобы она выбрала меня а не парня 30 лет?"



Reply to Natalia on View the commented comment

Да , Наташа , находили . А потом разводились . Одна моя знакомая вышла замуж за мужчину гораздо старше неё . Получила гражданство и развелась с ним . Другая в 20 лет тоже вышла замуж за возрастного иностранца . Родила детей . Всё было прекрасно . Вчера я узнала , что она развелась с ним . Ей 40 , молодая женщина , а он уже не может исполнять свой " супружеский долг " , стал ревнив и раздражителен .



Hi all

Hugo – thank you for starting this thread, and thank you for sharing your dreams with us in such an honest way.

When you think of it, it is quite funny that we all see ourselves as clever experts, we must be, since we are writing in this forum, but at the same time most of us are singles, otherwise why would we be here  

This forum and thread have been very educational for me – it really shows, that when it comes to men, women and relationships, it is surely a small world, and not much different despite of cultural differences.

And Hugo – I don´t see you as a bad person, not at all.
You call yourself a dreamer – yes, you are and very honest, and your intensions are real – for you.
You are also naive, but I think you choose to be, rather than being a pessimist.

Hugo has every right to wish whatever he wishes – and every women in the world have a right to say “No thanks, I am not interested”

Frankly I am happy to see, that even the young women, that have not had the best opportunities in life, still knows what is best for them.

I mean they must know, because Hugo is still searching.

And yes, just as I am still searching, I know…..

That said, I have got letters from very young women, that I personally would consider to be my child and not partner, that are showing interest for my profile, and each time I think to myself, I really hope this is a scam otherwise it is just too sad.

You see Hugo, I am a dreamer too, I am dreaming of saving the whole world from whatever people needs to be saved from, and frankly I don´t know who of us are the biggest dreamer…



Reply to Hugo on View the commented comment

You obviously made a big bid for "kind understanding" and "support" for your "noble quest" which failed dismally. Just look at the number of people who approve of and disagree about what you wrote.
Are you serious about your claim that age "doesn't matter" and "is just a number"??
Wow, I'm impressed!
Then go dating someone who is 18 years OLDER than you!
When that happens, I'll take you seriously.
Until then all on your part remains hypocrisy, bigotry, fake and show - a wolf in a sheep's skin.
And the basis of my conclusion (yes 'judgement'): your own words, contradictions and mismatch of what you claim and intend to do. That has nothing to do with respect, but all to do with shameful lying, falsehood and pretense.
How can you, in all earnesty, speak of a "desirable goal" when it means the inevitable ruin, only because of your egomanic whim.
In Germany they have a joke about a former football player who coaches from time to time, preferably in Balkan nations. Now people say: "lock your daughters away, Lothar is coming!"

Do you want the modern version of "Hannibal ante portas" to change into "Hugo ante portas"?

Honestly, if I had an 18 year older, I would keep her darned safe from the likes of you, and we can only hope that people are sane enough to see through your farago of dishonesty and show.



Reply to Eric on View the commented comment

Of course Eric. I apologize if I implied you were judging me, that was not my intention.
I have been many times to countries in Eastern Europe and I can communicate in Russian language as well as Romanian. I am trying my best  
I wish you success too!



Reply to Christian on View the commented comment

Thank you, Christian, for sharing your thoughts.
I learned to become more tolerant as the years have passed and less judgemental.
This is a taboo topic and people feel entitled to voice their opinions without considering how will the person reading the comments feel, mostly those who write something negative.
You are right, we all want a life partner. I wish you will find your love and your happinness wherever she might be  


Olga, 48 y.o.


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Reply to Ben on View the commented comment

Вполне возможно что эта мечта является результатом психологической и эмоциональной незрелости. И это большая беда этого человека потому что он не осознает свой возраст, не готов "повзрослеть". Если это не шутка и не троллинг то это большая беда потому что мужчина не готов зрело рассматривать свою жизнь и будущее, а хочет немного поиграть в семью и отказывается понимать что разница в 30 лет это разница не только цифры в паспорте. Иначе прежде чем сказать миру "я так хочу" мужчина подумал бы как будут двигаться события в этой семье его мечты и какой будет жизнь через год, через 10 лет, какой будет его старость. я вижу в этом большую трагедию. 



Reply to Olga on View the commented comment

Оль, да, ничего не может дать. Парень тридцати лет, всегда будет в выиграшном положении, если девушка адекватная. И смотрим мужа, отца своим детям.



Reply to Galina on View the commented comment

Это моё мнение, брак, где большая разница в возрасте, построен исключительно на выгоде, это всегда было моим мнением, и практика показывает, что таки да.



Reply to Ben on View the commented comment

Ben, I'm taking my hat off! I am ready to subscribe to your every offer. This is already the secondyour post, which causes my such sincere admiration.



The president of France, Emmanuel Macron, is 40 years old, end he is married to Brigitte Macron who is 65 years old.

And I don´t see anyone blaming her, for marrying a man 25 years younger than her.

Life is a great adventure to be in, and I really don´t think we can judge that hard, love do happen despite of age difference.

I have a story from real live, that are ongoing right now, and I am not making it up, even that it could seem so.
I know a women here in Denmark, that I used to work with, she married a man 23 years older than her, when she was in her late twenties.
At that time they married out of love, no question about it at all.
They got 2 children and have had quite a good marriage as far as I know.
Now she is in her early forties, she is doing competition horse riding, so she exercises a lot, and she is very fit and active.
He has gotten into a stage of his live, where he would rather eat a donut, than making love to his wife, and I can see that she has started to show interest for other men. It would not surprise me, if she changed her husband with a younger model soon, it would be very easy for her.


This does not take away the feelings they have had for each other, and it does not take away the good years they have had.
I am sure that she now regrets her choice back then, but back then it seemed right for her, and I would never judge her or her husband for their choices.

It would be easy now, to say to her "I told you so" but really, would it be fair?

But Hugo, my honest opinion is that you are searching the wrong place.
The goodhearted young women you will find in not rich countries, are looking for stability the rest of their life as well as love, otherwise why should they leave their country, family and friends behind.
And I agree with the critics, that you are seriously risking ending up in a relationship that from the womens point of view is only proforma, and it will not at all be the relationship you are dreamning of.

And then there will be hundreds of people on this forum waiting to say "I told you so"....


Eric, 76 y.o.


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Reply to Hugo on View the commented comment

Hi ,

No offence.And apologee accepted.
So , then you have a big advantage , when you can speak Russian.
I can say : what is your name in Russian and a few other words.

And also : My name is .... (but still learning )- How are you ?

Good luck in your search


Eric, 76 y.o.


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Reply to Ben on View the commented comment

Well , in my country , there is a woman who is married to a much younger man.And he has a little bit of money also.

In fact she has had several male friends , in the past years , who were (very) much younger than her.

So , it is not uncommon that this can happen.Of course , I cannot say for how long this marriage will last.But until now it seems to be going well.

I'm sure there are more older women with younger men in my country.But she is a public figure...

So I believe that you need to re-think your point of vieuw


Vera, 51 y.o.


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Reply to Christian on View the commented comment

the difference is that in that case there are 2 mature individuals that know what they do. In topic starter's case some can view this like some grown-up individual is trying to take advantage of a young naive girl.


Eric, 76 y.o.


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Reply to Svetlana on View the commented comment

Svetlana ,

"could you please explain what exactly, besides your rich inner world, you can offer to a much younger girl? What have you accomplished in life, professionally and personally?"

It is exactly , this type of question , which is already setting the tone , in the beginning of a discussion.

And really , we all know ,how this discussion will end.It can go either of 2 ways.

If Hugo says : well I have not much money in my bank account and I live in a rented house.Then everybody will shout to the young(er) girl , you can find a better deal.

So , say thank you and run away!

But when Hugo has : a couple of millions on his bank account , has his own private jet , limousine and a big villa and some more houses in other countries , What would people say to this young girl ??

I bet that they would say something , that in the future would benefit , their own interests.

So , sure , they will tell the young girl to keep this man.While thinking , of what they can get out of it for themselves.


Oh , yes , people are people (as Depeche Mode did sing).
So , who is the real materialist here ??

Just out of curiousity , I see that you live in the US.Forgive me , if it will sound a little rude , but I will try to say this as respectful as can be.

Did your parents move over there and you were born there ?Or did you marry a somewhat rich American , who took you to his country ??

So , you did the math also , some time ago , yes!
I believe that it is up to the young girl , to make that decision.Instead of asking , what he can offer her.

The better question would be , to ask her : How do you feel , when you are with him ?Do you believe that you can spend your life , with this man ?

In many cases , we ( the ones with ALL the wisdom ), only see things in Black & White.This can also happen in a relation.
But in a relation , it is all about finding the middle of Black & White.

So , then , what do you get , when you mix Black & White ... ??
Right , so , the name of this book could have well been : 50 Shades of Mix Black & White

Many years ago , Paul Simon wrote this song : "50 ways to leave your lover"

I ask myself , if the author of the book : 50 Shades of Mix Black & White , took the number 50 , from that song ???

Ok , ok , I may be pushing it , just a little bit ...
But , it is not a bad thought , yes ??

I also have this record (it's a very catchy tune)

One day , I may be playing this record for my Slavic wife : 50 ways to leave your lover

And then I will explain to her , what this song is all about.

And then she will look at me , with a look from "50 Shades of Grey" ???????



Reply to Vera on View the commented comment

Hi Vera

Yes, I agree fully with you - and off course there really are no words strong enough to express the disgust when someone takes advantage of a situation for his or her personal pleasure.

Personally I don´t like it, when I get letters of interest from girls in their early twenties, my own nephews are older than this, so it just seems wrong to me.

But my point is not to cast a judgement on people we don´t know, topic starter could actually meet up with a mentally mature, intelligent, young women, that makes a conscious choice based on her own goals and dreams.
In Denmark we see many intelligent young women, that are very goal orientated, and who knows exactly what they want. They often makes very conscious choices, when they are planning the life they want to have. I know it sounds a bit "cold" and sadly it is...

And the opposite could also happen, and that is just sick if it does, but we don´t know  



Reply to Christian on View the commented comment

иногда мне кажется, что мужчины и женщины от 40- 70 лет, думают что имеют две жизни сразу..
Читаю слова мч от 45- 6..-хочу,желаю, уверен.,должна
или наоборот..
Женщина 49 -55 лет считает, что хорошая карьера ее возвысит и ее труды будут оценены по достоинству? большая ошибка
Может быть лучше думать и заботиться о детях, внуках и семье ..и надо жить в удовольствие
Для кого эти подвиги?
ради чего? -желание доказать себе и мужу- что я могу? и будет тогда жизнь вечная и обеспеченная.
Нам 50 лет или за 60...
надо думать по другому вектору



Reply to Eric on View the commented comment

I'm NOT talking about "your country" or "my country" or whatever country.

I have read Hugo's post, and I quote - WORD BY WORD: "Age is just a number" (and hence doesn't matter).
So far so good (and fair)
BUT Hugo's text continuous!
He, according to his own words (!) is looking for a girl "much younger" and he even specifies the age range: 18-28!
In other words, Hugo says:
it's OK when HE is old, because the girl should be young, and please forget that he is old (she will have health and life insurance to "help" her go about life, once this 'darling Hugo' is no more). But if she is old (or has her own child or children) this dear 'angel of a Hugo would run a mile.
It is precisely that kind of bigotry and falsehood that makes him a full phoney and a devil in disguise as his "dream" would be the 100% ruin, demise and misery of a "poor, sweet and naive girl".
I hope mental care in Luxembourg is available. I have a name for them to register, really!


Liudmila, 53 y.o.


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Reply to Tatyana on View the commented comment

иногда мне кажется, что мужчины и женщины от 40 70 лет, думают что имеют две жизни сразу..

Таки две, но не не сразу, а последовательно   . Часто так бывает, что мы стремимся к чему то, бегаем, суетимся, добиваемся и т.д...., а потом, как раз после 40 и старше приходит понимание, что жизнь одна... и тогда начинается совершенно другая жизнь   .



Reply to Natalia on View the commented comment

Вы правы , Наталья . Большая разница между супругами - сделка . Или отклонение от нормы .



Most people usually assume that things will go in a certain way when they think about the future. The truth is nobody can be certain of what will happen even tomorrow. We make plans for the future based on our desires and expectations. With very few exceptions, people don't think they will die at a young age. Same goes for health, the general assumption is that the younger the person, the healthier he/she will be. Sexual drive, the same assumption. The truth is that none of this is guaranteed. Parents bury their children, young husbands die leaving their families unprotected, young people gets sick, etc.

The notion that a person can steal someone's youth or life just by living with them is ridiculous. If that were the case then all of us stole the youth of our parents and a husband who gets a divorce from his wife can be accused of stealing her best years too.

I don't see myself causing any damage to a person who willingly decides to live with me her life, on the contrary, I will be giving her happiness.


I can see many people consider the extreme of 18 to 48 and immediately come up with a sentence, abuse, deceit, lunacy. I don't see it that way. I have many things to offer to any person who interacts with me whatever the age may be. I simply openly write the things that I believe in and I know quite well that most people disagree. I don't feel discouraged because I am certain of my own value and my own mental and emotional state. I lament however the offensive words that are definitively uncalled for. I conduct myself with respect and I think that this is the best policy.

I appreciate everyone's opinion even if don't agree with it.


Liudmila, 53 y.o.


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Reply to Galina on View the commented comment

Мой первый муж был старше меня на 20 лет. И я его искренне любила, надеюсь что и он меня  . Прожили 10 лет очень даже счастливо.... Общаемся до сегодня. Очень его уважаю, он мне как родной. Задумалась, что же это было, сделка или мы извращенцы   .



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Svetlana, 52 y.o.

United States

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Reply to Ben on View the commented comment

Ben, you made me laugh so hard  
I agree that some people would definitely benefit from therapy. Delusions can be so dangerous  


Svetlana, 52 y.o.

United States

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Reply to Eric on View the commented comment

Hi Eric! Thanks for your reply.
Just to clarify--I asked about PROFESSIONAL and PERSONAL achievments, which are not always equivalent to making a lot of money. Btw, Hugo mentioned already that "he was not a millioner, however, he had a rich inner world." I wonder, what exactly makes him think that his inner world is "rich."
E.g, maybe he founded a non-profit that has helped people in need, maybe he volunteers in a shelter for animals, cleans the World Ocean from plastic garbage, or has written a wonderful book, or build a school in a rural village in Sierra Leone. Something, huh?

To answer your question regarding my personal life:
No, I was not born in the US. I moved here a little over a year ago. My husband is an American, he is 5 years older than me. He is not rich at all, but he's very hard-working, handsome, open-minded, and respectful. We are on the same page, share the same values, and have the same outlook at the important aspects of life. I was looking for a partner, not a "sugar daddy."

I hope, your curiousity is satisfied.


Elena, 53 y.o.


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Hugo, be careful with your dreams because they can come true. And in one moment you can be a father of two kids. Without any support.

In our modern world, even ten years is a huge mental distance. Young people have completely different brains, and they live in a different rhythm. Can't you feel it?


Olga, 48 y.o.


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Reply to Hugo on View the commented comment

вот нет тут функции "передумала отвечать, удалить комментарий"   а зря, мне он часто нужен   доброго утра   

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