Men & women
Yes my dear, I do think I can buy love!???
This must be something that is coached or taught somewhere! I too have encountered the ridiculous notion that a man with some money to spare would pay literally thousands of $$$ just to travel and have sex with a woman from another country. Because we are here looking for something not found in our own countries YES, some women assume that we men just cannot find someone at home. It is simply not true. The values that make up our future partners lives are what I find attractive. Things like 1. Is she a good mother or family member? 2. Does she give something back to her own society, after all, she will be expected to be a productive member of a new society if she is actually married to one of us? 3. Is she compassionate and loyal? 4. Education 5. Beauty........notice the order of things and beauty near the bottom. Contrary to popular belief the comments like I have read in the past such as "he is looking for a nurse" or "he just wants a trophy wife" or "he is only after sex because he has some sexual deviance"......all completely not true but these statements help us fill in the blanks left in a woman's profile. All of those stereotypes are typical, easy to reach for with my ex wife and my son. She assumes that I spoil him with gifts and sweets to gain his it is not possible that my son actually enjoys his time with me because I take him to work with me or coach his football team, or I take time to play his favorite video game, or I just stop in at school and surprise him and take him to lunch early. The easy to reach for answers are the most lame yet in my country at least, they are the first ones brought up.Andy, good day! I am glad that you have such priorities for women! That's right! But do not think that women are self-serving and selling themselves. A man paints the action, not words, if virtual communication is difficult to understand, maybe some people think that the case can be seen as a male of his case! I wish you change your mind about our women exists and I wish you happiness and good wife!...
А он все никак не угомонится. Девочки, предлагаю вообще оставить эту тему без внимания. Пусть обсуждают финансовые вопросы непосредственно с понравившимися им барышнями или между собой. А то сейчас опять нам расскажут какие мы меркантильные. Только непонятно почему такой супер-пупер мен одинок и тоже ищет себе жену (и ищет ли вообще или просто развлекается). "Если ты такой умный, почему ты такой бедный (в данном случае морально)"
I think that , as usual, some people just do not take criticism, me included. Ladies, Did you read about the topic and really read my words. You will notice that I included both sex's and comments were not specific, except to to say that it is foolish of ANYONE to think ANYONE would travel and invest such hope and feelings and yes, love, to just have sex. I know many Russian and FSU men and women....I forgot to mention that. My own experience comes from seeing men (FSU men) invite a woman over, get drunk and insist the woman stay the night. And on those nights, I myself paid for a taxi to save the women from unwanted groping and come on's by the somewhat pig head, insistent men. Ladies, why be critical? Read the point of the email!!??? Be serious. Is it my fault that I am speaking from my own experience....and IT IS VAST! Where I live, there is a problem with paid marriages just for the sake of staying in the USA, or women getting married just to divorce after getting a green card. I DO NOT LIE OR STRETCH THE TRUTH. EXAMPLES SPEAK THE TRUTH. IN ALL CASE, MEN AND WOMEN MAKE MISTAKES, BUT TO HARSH OF MY OPINION IS TYPICAL.....DO YOU MISS THE CONCEPT.....????? IT IS MY OPINION.....MINE, SHARED WITH YOU ALL, NOT PRESSED UPON OR ASKED TO CHANGE YOUR OPINION, BUT THE COOL THING IS THAT MY OPINION, IS....UNIQUE...IT IS MY OPINION. As much as I value the female opinion, and even with the compliments, only one semi-kind comments. Seriously? It is typical to change or tell me my opinion is wrong, but sadly ladies, it's mine...not yours. I am open to other opinions. History of me, ex wife from FSU that I met in the USA that really got what she wanted then left, but if I used the stereotype, I would not look in the same place.............I do because I see the good in you wonderful, smart, loving, beautiful women. READ AGAIN what you responded too..........UNREAL, this is typical 100%,,,,,it is not your opinion, it's mine. I do not rave to change yours!! Be serious, read the definition of "opinion!"
While your idea is a good one, I consider myself an average man, with an average life seeking a wonderful an ABOVE average life. Why do I feel that not a single woman actually read the words and instead just picked thru the ones to correct, and whether any FSU women like it or not, look at the responses and read the words I wrote. UNREAL
While your idea is a good one, I consider myself an average man, with an average life seeking a wonderful an ABOVE average life. Why do I feel that not a single woman actually read the words and instead just picked thru the ones to correct, and whether any FSU women like it or not, look at the responses and read the words I wrote. UNREAL
No Andy. I'm tired from Russian man. But what i see? Foregion man began copy the behavior of Russian men. Sadness (Pechalka)
Sorry, Andy! My post was addressed to Mr. Neo, who said enough to insult the women here.
As for your situation. Every woman here has a history when men behaved with it is dishonorable. But we do not say the same here, that all men behave like (...). You're out of luck with this woman. But first in every situation there are two sides, and often to blame for the destruction of relations are from the both sides. And secondly, you are much more likely to meet a woman like you want. Just do not kid yourself. In your list of priorities is a little guile. From the start all mans love by the eyes, then included sexual desire (there is a certain chemistry), and only after that the man gives to women a chance to show the quality of the items 1 - 4. And do not say that this is not the case. I write what I see. A lot of men looking at my profile, said, "you're a good woman, but sorry, not my type". Why do not they give women a chance to shine from the first paragraph (a good mom, family-oriented)? That is the question.
My Dear Olga, to say we copy FSU is a joke. I am not an alcoholic, I pay my portion"large) of his future and pay so he can have a good like when I am not surprsing him at school for good marks or volunteer for trips or parent day.
Интересно получается...Мужчины ищут здесь женщин--славянок (красивых,ухоженных,нежных,заботливых,хозяйственных...),потому что им не нравятся местные--феминистки...Но от нас они требуют вдобавок ко всем нашим добродетелям еще полной самостоятельности и финансовой независимости...А не слишком ли большие запросы у вас,господа?
ну хотят они , и что теперь из за этого переживать ? мало ли кто чего хочет ...от не согласных с ними одно только нужно, пожелать им удачи и дорожку расстелить,дабы рядом не споткнулись и мимо побыстрее прошли )ну девы ,полно вам пытаться им мозги вправлять,голова ведь не кастрюля, уже поди взрослые мужиченки, сформировались -так пожелаем счастья и успехов в их безнадежном деле .их реально пожалеть нужно,поди трудно им будет найти то что ищут .
и меня еще мысль осенила _
дамы ведь тоже ищут устроенного , самостоятельного. умного, не старого, достаточно обеспеченного хорошего семьянина,но при этом хотим что бы он еще и обладал широтой славянской души - цветы охапками ,подарки по поводу и без , двери открывал,руку подавал ...в общем и мы(извиняюсь за обобщения) бы не отказались от гибрида славянин + иностранец) так что крамольного в том что и они мечтают ?пусть себе мечтают .
Да,это верно--все обоюдно...Сайты романтиков-мечтателей...Остается пожелать друг-другу чтобы эти мечты воплотились...как это не бонально
Ольга, да я вообще наказание господне тогда. Я славянка с чисто азиатским менталитетом.
Не понимают, глупые - полностью самостоятельной, состоятельной и финансово независимой женщине муж вообще на фиг не нужен. Лишняя обуза. Куда приятнее заводить красивые романы с красивыми и темпераментными любовниками )))
Fortunately for these men hunters, admin has been deleting all of my posts so have fun here..
Правильно,Ольга)))Зачем богатой,красивой,образованной славянке муж-иностранец )))Но,иностранные граждане надеются.)))Их мечта-красавица лет 20-30,свободно говорящая на его языке,имеющая деньги и работу.И которой не хватает для счастья только мужа-иностранца)))
Простите,Нео,в России есть пословица--*Мужчине спорить с женщиной--себя не уважать.*..А Вы по-моему очень увлеклись этим делом...
Вы подтвердили теорию о меркантильности. С счастью не все женщине думаю так.
Hi all. During the short time I've been on the site this is the third time this topic has come up and the outcome is about the same as previous threads. And I'm still surprised by the FSU women response, YOU GET OFFENDED ! If this is really the case I can really understand the FSU men not wanting anything to do with you women.
I'm European but I share the view with the Americans in this case. I've been corresponding with a woman for a while now and I'm not sure what to make of it. I ask here thousand things to get to know here to get some idea of who she is as person and not about how well she will perform in bed. So far she hasn't asked a single thing about me so what's the deal here?
Someone said "From the start all mans love by the eyes", true. We all do even women. I would even say that women do this more than men and the reason for this I simple. It's in our genes! The female looks for the strongest male to make sure that HER offspring will stand a chance for survivalel, it's just nature. I don't buy this argument, especial if you reached mid life. Sure if a woman or man is good looking it's a plus but the appearance is not static, it will change over time but the person won't and it's the person you will live with.
Anyway I'm still surprised about your response. Why not take the chance to tell us why you get offended or why you are so reluctant to speak about your emotions (I know it's not the perfect place to do it in public but it could stop a lot of misunderstandings), this type of response just add to the trophy wife myth. Is that what you want?
Yes it is. But why not try to address the issues than just complain? Tell us your mind instead and discuss this with us instead. Aren't you a bit interested in your future partner? Don't you want to know anything about him? So stop complaing and join the discussion instead.
Come on Olga, you are smarter than this. See my response to Tetjana, it goes for you to!
Hi. Sorry but I have to respond because dissegree with you on your first part, see my response to Andy. About "my type" you would definitely be on my "short list" if I where 5 to 10 years younger but I think the age difference is to great
But you said something else interesting "Why do not they give women a chance to shine" I would love to see you shine. I'm been waiting for the FSU women to start to "shine" but you only get offended, start to sulk or just quit when we try to get to know you. Why not try to address the issue and have a discussion about it? Don't you do that with your FSU men?
So pleas FSU women start to glow and shine, show us that there is real person behind the profiles and pictures, pleas
Kal, i'm tired explain easy things many times. its look like excuse.I dont undastand why i must excuse. i dont wont excuse.
I neednt it.
As for solidarity with Russian men? What do you now about them, Kal?