Men & women
Request to repost a personal letter
I was asked to post this letter to the forum for each one of you ladies. This is a letter I wrote to one of your dear friends here on the site because I sensed she could use a kind word of encouragement. She requested I post this to the forum for you all. I have obviously changed a few details but if these words can be helpful to any of you, I am happy to do it:
You are each a very beautiful and unique woman. Please never make any apology for sending a wink or anything else to get the attention of one of us men. Any man should be grateful and feel privileged to receive any attention from you. I would like to share some things from my experiences here, if that may help you in any way.
I did not come here and immediately set the world on fire; I made many mistakes. To be honest, I did only one initial search and the ladies I discovered on that search were not the ones with whom I began corresponding. For the most part, I have written to girls who have contacted me, so do not be afraid to create a message you would like to convey to some man in an initial contact. (There is something special to a man when he is “discovered” by someone who notices him.)
Don’t be afraid to contact him first; the traditional role of women waiting to be contacted by the men is admirable, but not always practical. We men receive a lot of attention here and cannot always know to whom we should respond. Do not be afraid to contact him again if he does not notice the first time. (Ask him what is he waiting for!?) If he ignores your messages, this is no reflection on you, so never allow your self-esteem to be affected. Reject these thoughts! Hold your head up high! There are many fish in the sea. Have confidence in yourself and believe that he is the loser for not taking advantage of a great opportunity.
Please do not give up looking for a partner and never, never, ever lower your standards just to have someone. In my own life, I have discovered many things far more tragic than not being married. You deserve to be loved and respected. Each of you ladies is a prize; my only regret is that I can’t take you all home with me. You will be in my prayers to find that special someone who deserves you. May God richly bless you as you search...and thank you for taking an interest in me.
With warm regards,
Yes, Ken! Welcome to the show!!! Let us know if we can do anything for you!
У меня иногда создается такое впечатление, что Том вездесущий
Таня! Так в планах Дедушки Мороза надеюсь нас всех девушек поздравить с Новым Годом? Но тогда вам нужно будет ко мне приехать в Прагу и где то меня ловить... ))
Doug! Теперь на нашем Шоу несколько мужчин!!! )) Интересно чем все этот закончится... ))
Cosa vuoi? Sei onnipresente anche tu se leggi e scrivi!
Дорогой Том! Мы с Dougom друзья так же как и с тобой (по крайней мере я так надеюсь) ))
Tu Natalia vuoi fare una famiglia allargata con un altro divorziato ragazzo padre con bambini sotto i 46, perchè hai un figlio minore in casa da allevare. Legittimo. Auguri e non criticare me che posso divertirmi in pace con una donna libera, eh? Tu non puoi! ))) Cambierai pannolini anche a figli non tuoi! ))) Se aspirassi a fare quello che vuoi fare tu, qui è pieno di donne nella tua situazione che su di me si butterebbero a pesce. Peccato che io non voglia! Ahahahahaah!!! Aiuto giá bambini africani. Ma non vivo con nessuno di loro. Guarda che qui è pieno di uomini che cercano babysitters-mogli facenti funzione di donne di casa! Ne trovi a vagonate di questi!
Таня! Нет, я не сердечный друг, я просто друг и как все мы тут находящиеся... ))
Девчата, а у нас на форуме уже есть свой сленг, заметили?
Зачем говорить грубо - не ври, или "брешет - не заикнётся"), намного красивее звучит - танцуем танго)))
Или вот назови кого предателем, что будет? Зато так мило - сердечный друг,,,)))
Wake up and smell the coffee, Tom! You don't live with anyone because no one will have you! Over 500 contacts and you are unable to complete a single deal!!? If you were in sales, you would be begging for crumbs while all the other salesmen would be eating steak, drinking wine and wondering what was wrong.
Tom, consider yourself lucky if Natalia even gives you the time of day. Just between you and me? I doubt she would! (Perhaps, she might let you wash her car, but make sure you get all the bugs off the front!) For one thing, if Natalia got stuck with you, Tom, she would be changing YOUR diapers in a few years. No girl is senseless enough to sign up for that kind of responsibility! Changing diapers for children is much more rewarding than changing diapers for chubby bald men!!! Also, being a single mother, Natalia already has a wonderful young man in her life. Have you stood in front of a mirror lately!? Yes, I know, very difficult to get close enough to see…probably hard to read the bathroom scale, too!
Clearly you have not seen Natalia’s profile photos! She has the most dazzling, deep, blue-green eyes and the face and figure of a goddess! A man can become captivated by those eyes, fall into them and simply vanish! Tom, there are no models in Italy to compare to this women! What in the world were you thinking, my friend!? She dances; she works out! She would kill you on the first night! She shows compassion to ignore you so you don’t have a heart attack or stroke!
You should know you hurt my feelings, Tom! Did you forget I was also a single mother? So I will also gladly change the diapers of someone else’s children and do it with a smile, because I am a man and not a sissy boy! I love feeding a hungry child and holding them when they cry; it’s a warm feeling. Don’t ever talk down to we mothers who our raised children, my friend! We are to be praised, isn’t that right girls!!? I see you have raised a couple of Chihuahua puppies; where is the accomplishment in that!? They take care of themselves!
Tom, one more thing. Your attitude toward diapers is disconcerting. The remarks about changing diapers and African children do not depict you as much of a gentlemen. Not too long ago, you also tried to convince us about the “dark side” of Mother Teresa, who also changed many thousands of diapers. Do you attend a knitting circle somewhere where they all gossip and talk nonsense!? Please show respect for and honor these remarkable women who picked up the flag and courageously accepted the responsibility of their families, under very difficult conditions, while irresponsible ex-husbands and boyfriends ignored their obligations. These negligent, phony men are who deserves all the criticism, mockery and rebuke. These women are everyday heroes!!! Stand up and salute, my friend!!!
От вас я ничего не хочу. Просто у вас на все комментарий и вы есть в каждом посте. Мне кажется это немного забавным)
Вы сейчас похожи на маленького, дикого, озлобленного зверька, забившегося в уголок и готовый покусать всех кто к нему только попытается приблизится. Я только могу догадываться, как вас "побила" жизнь.
Таня! Нет, я не имела в виду предателем... Но буду следовать дальше форумскому сленгу )) Главное не перепутать что когда имел в виду ))
)) Наташа!!!! Со смеху ну просто уже умираю... )) Практически в каждом посту такой юмор везде идет... )) Чувствуется что приближается самый чудесный праздник!
You are right. When disappears critical to yourself, one gets old))))
Doug, come al solito tu non capisci.
Io rispetto Natalia. Solo non è il tipo di donna per me. Lei va bene per un uomo che ha giá bambini in casa e cerca di formare una famiglia allargata! Ma che mi frega a me di una famiglia allargata?
Se permetti, alla mia etá non ho nessuna intenzione di prendermi in casa bambini piccoli di altri. Ho giá un figlio e i pannolini li ho puliti giá, ho giá dato in questo senso.
Giudico Natalia una donna simpatica e per bene e e auguro tutta la felicitá che si merita! Ma cosa c'entra il tuo discorso? Come al solito tu non ne indovini mai nemmeno una con i tuoi messaggi! Connetti il cervello prima di scrivere fesserie!
Tu sei come Doug! Non capisci proprio un cavolo e scrivi senza pensare! Vai bene con Doug! Speosatelo!
Ma come fai ad approvare? Giá l'apertura di questo argomento è un'enorme fesseria di Doug!
Allora, vorrei riassumere qui alcune cose, perchè qui molte persone hanno scritto un mare di stupidaggini, ad iniziare dall'autore dell'argomento, il quale ha scritto per conto di un'utente attiva e maggiorenne. Una cosa stupida e puerile!
Circa Natalia dico quello che penso
1) Natalia `una donna piacevole? Sí
2) Natalia è intelligente? Sí
3) Nataliá `un profilo che interessa a me come donna? NO!
4) Natalia interessa a me come amica? Sí, certamente.
Ora per favore, basta scrivere stupidaggini, con utenti che le approvano, eh? Altrimenti mi stanco e proseguite da soli! Io voglio comunicare con gente che usa il cervello, non con pecore!
Moderatore, qui qualcuno fá assurdi processi alle intenzioni e scrive assurditá! Intervieni!