Men & women
Request to repost a personal letter
I was asked to post this letter to the forum for each one of you ladies. This is a letter I wrote to one of your dear friends here on the site because I sensed she could use a kind word of encouragement. She requested I post this to the forum for you all. I have obviously changed a few details but if these words can be helpful to any of you, I am happy to do it:
You are each a very beautiful and unique woman. Please never make any apology for sending a wink or anything else to get the attention of one of us men. Any man should be grateful and feel privileged to receive any attention from you. I would like to share some things from my experiences here, if that may help you in any way.
I did not come here and immediately set the world on fire; I made many mistakes. To be honest, I did only one initial search and the ladies I discovered on that search were not the ones with whom I began corresponding. For the most part, I have written to girls who have contacted me, so do not be afraid to create a message you would like to convey to some man in an initial contact. (There is something special to a man when he is “discovered” by someone who notices him.)
Don’t be afraid to contact him first; the traditional role of women waiting to be contacted by the men is admirable, but not always practical. We men receive a lot of attention here and cannot always know to whom we should respond. Do not be afraid to contact him again if he does not notice the first time. (Ask him what is he waiting for!?) If he ignores your messages, this is no reflection on you, so never allow your self-esteem to be affected. Reject these thoughts! Hold your head up high! There are many fish in the sea. Have confidence in yourself and believe that he is the loser for not taking advantage of a great opportunity.
Please do not give up looking for a partner and never, never, ever lower your standards just to have someone. In my own life, I have discovered many things far more tragic than not being married. You deserve to be loved and respected. Each of you ladies is a prize; my only regret is that I can’t take you all home with me. You will be in my prayers to find that special someone who deserves you. May God richly bless you as you search...and thank you for taking an interest in me.
With warm regards,
Hola Doug,te pido disculpas por no hablar amenudo contigo,y no conocerte..Las mismas disculpas pido a algunas chicas.. Pero soy más de leeros que de escribir,pues el español,lo traducen mal..
Escribo para pedir calma entre Usted y Tomasso..ambos son de la misma edad,pero con personalidades distintas..
Aqui,nadie es Estúpido..Nadie.Todos,y todas,con los años vamos sufriendo y acumulando una cantidad de experiencias que moldean nuestras personalidades y de una manera u otra influyen en la manera de conocer una mujer,como tratarla y que buscamos en ella..
Doug,no eres estúpido..alguien te marcó en el pasado y tienes necesidad de creer que una mujer,verá en ti el respeto y lo que ofreces.Crees que Dios te recompensará,por actuar correctamente..y eso no es estúpido..Eso se llama en España ser fiel a sus ideas.. Es decir,si sé que ago lo correcto,¿Para qué cambiarlo?.
Tommaso, es un chico más realista,más idealista,busca tener siempre los pies en la tierra..
Tom no cree en dios pero sí en la voluntad humana y el espíritu que rige y ve los ideales de la gente y se siente atraido por aquellos y aquellas que los comparten con el...
Ambos,os mueve algo en común,que es la fé.. El deseo de encontrar personas afines a uno mismo..
Como ya dije..aqui tanto hombres como mujeres,ya estamos marcados por nuestras experiencias.. Asi, que es absurdo,e injusto,buscar defectos en la actitud de cada persona..Todos recorrimos un camino distinto..pero todos buscamos el mismo propósito..llegar a la meta..
Doug y Tommaso..idealistas y realistas..dejémonos de juzgarnos..Que ya lo juzgaran las mujeres por nosotros.
Posdata oug,deja el tema de besos,que en estes paises...como decirlo con tacto..solo entre hombres cuando son familia y aun asi..cuidado.
Tom,sabes que soy algo vago,me da pereza escribirtelo nuevamente,perdona.
Atentamente,el gallego.
))) Скорее почти скушали))) Но надеюсь что они у нас живучие)))